Sherry Sun 8ffae47921 mxm_wifiex: update to mxm5x17283 release
1. WCSWREL-191: Fixed the error when loading module param from user config for SD8801
2. WCSWREL-186: Fixed the issue of mlanutl failing on kernel higher than L5.15
3. Fixed low throughput issue for WPA3 SAE
4. Added driver change for WLAN throughput improvement on 8997 SoC
5. Updated README to recommend not to use WEP/TKIP for all chipsets
6. WCSWREL-180: Fix P2P test fail on kernel higher than L5.12
7. WCSWREL-156: kernel_write/kernel_read not allowed by drivers for L5.10 kernel GKI buildou
8. Alternative for pm_qos_add_request/pm_qos_remove_request

Signed-off-by: Sherry Sun <>
Approved-by: Tian Yang <>
2021-10-12 12:16:50 +08:00

4382 lines
135 KiB

/** @file mlan_main.h
* @brief This file defines the private and adapter data
* structures and declares global function prototypes used
* in MLAN module.
* Copyright 2008-2021 NXP
* This software file (the File) is distributed by NXP
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2, June 1991
* (the License). You may use, redistribute and/or modify the File in
* accordance with the terms and conditions of the License, a copy of which
* is available by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
* 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA or on the
* worldwide web at
* ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. The License provides additional details about
* this warranty disclaimer.
Change log:
10/13/2008: initial version
#ifndef _MLAN_MAIN_H_
#define _MLAN_MAIN_H_
extern t_void (*print_callback)(t_pvoid pmoal_handle, t_u32 level,
char *pformat, IN...);
extern mlan_status (*get_sys_time_callback)(t_void *pmoal_handle, t_u32 *psec,
t_u32 *pusec);
extern t_u32 mlan_drvdbg;
#define PRINTM_MINFO(msg...) \
do { \
if ((mlan_drvdbg & MINFO) && (print_callback)) \
print_callback(MNULL, MINFO, msg); \
} while (0)
#define PRINTM_MWARN(msg...) \
do { \
if ((mlan_drvdbg & MWARN) && (print_callback)) \
print_callback(MNULL, MWARN, msg); \
} while (0)
#define PRINTM_MENTRY(msg...) \
do { \
if ((mlan_drvdbg & MENTRY) && (print_callback)) \
print_callback(MNULL, MENTRY, msg); \
} while (0)
#define PRINTM_GET_SYS_TIME(level, psec, pusec) \
do { \
if ((level & mlan_drvdbg) && (get_sys_time_callback)) \
get_sys_time_callback(MNULL, psec, pusec); \
} while (0)
/** Hexdump for level-2 debugging */
#define HEXDUMP(x, y, z) \
do { \
if ((mlan_drvdbg & (MHEX_DUMP | MINFO)) && (print_callback)) \
print_callback(MNULL, MHEX_DUMP | MINFO, x, y, z); \
} while (0)
#define PRINTM_MINFO(msg...) \
do { \
} while (0)
#define PRINTM_MWARN(msg...) \
do { \
} while (0)
#define PRINTM_MENTRY(msg...) \
do { \
} while (0)
#define PRINTM_GET_SYS_TIME(level, psec, pusec) \
do { \
if ((level & mlan_drvdbg) && (get_sys_time_callback) && \
(level != MINFO) && (level != MWARN)) \
get_sys_time_callback(MNULL, psec, pusec); \
} while (0)
/** Hexdump for debugging */
#define HEXDUMP(x, y, z) \
do { \
} while (0)
#endif /* DEBUG_LEVEL2 */
#define PRINTM_MFW_D(msg...) \
do { \
if ((mlan_drvdbg & MFW_D) && (print_callback)) \
print_callback(MNULL, MFW_D, msg); \
} while (0)
#define PRINTM_MCMD_D(msg...) \
do { \
if ((mlan_drvdbg & MCMD_D) && (print_callback)) \
print_callback(MNULL, MCMD_D, msg); \
} while (0)
#define PRINTM_MDAT_D(msg...) \
do { \
if ((mlan_drvdbg & MDAT_D) && (print_callback)) \
print_callback(MNULL, MDAT_D, msg); \
} while (0)
#define PRINTM_MIF_D(msg...) \
do { \
if ((mlan_drvdbg & MIF_D) && (print_callback)) \
print_callback(MNULL, MIF_D, msg); \
} while (0)
#define PRINTM_MIOCTL(msg...) \
do { \
if ((mlan_drvdbg & MIOCTL) && (print_callback)) \
print_callback(MNULL, MIOCTL, msg); \
} while (0)
#define PRINTM_MINTR(msg...) \
do { \
if ((mlan_drvdbg & MINTR) && (print_callback)) \
print_callback(MNULL, MINTR, msg); \
} while (0)
#define PRINTM_MEVENT(msg...) \
do { \
if ((mlan_drvdbg & MEVENT) && (print_callback)) \
print_callback(MNULL, MEVENT, msg); \
} while (0)
#define PRINTM_MCMND(msg...) \
do { \
if ((mlan_drvdbg & MCMND) && (print_callback)) \
print_callback(MNULL, MCMND, msg); \
} while (0)
#define PRINTM_MDATA(msg...) \
do { \
if ((mlan_drvdbg & MDATA) && (print_callback)) \
print_callback(MNULL, MDATA, msg); \
} while (0)
#define PRINTM_MERROR(msg...) \
do { \
if ((mlan_drvdbg & MERROR) && (print_callback)) \
print_callback(MNULL, MERROR, msg); \
} while (0)
#define PRINTM_MFATAL(msg...) \
do { \
if ((mlan_drvdbg & MFATAL) && (print_callback)) \
print_callback(MNULL, MFATAL, msg); \
} while (0)
#define PRINTM_MMSG(msg...) \
do { \
if ((mlan_drvdbg & MMSG) && (print_callback)) \
print_callback(MNULL, MMSG, msg); \
} while (0)
#define PRINTM(level, msg...) PRINTM_##level((char *)msg)
/** Log debug message */
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define PRINTM_NETINTF(level, pmpriv) \
do { \
if ((mlan_drvdbg & level) && pmpriv && \
pmpriv->adapter->callbacks.moal_print_netintf) \
pmpriv->adapter->callbacks.moal_print_netintf( \
pmpriv->adapter->pmoal_handle, \
pmpriv->bss_index, level); \
} while (0)
#endif /* __GNUC__ */
/** Max hex dump data length */
#define MAX_DATA_DUMP_LEN 64
/** Debug hexdump for level-1 debugging */
#define DBG_HEXDUMP(level, x, y, z) \
do { \
if ((mlan_drvdbg & level) && print_callback) \
print_callback(MNULL, MHEX_DUMP | level, x, y, z); \
} while (0)
#else /* DEBUG_LEVEL1 */
#define PRINTM(level, msg...) \
do { \
} while (0)
#define PRINTM_NETINTF(level, pmpriv) \
do { \
} while (0)
/** Debug hexdump for level-1 debugging */
#define DBG_HEXDUMP(level, x, y, z) \
do { \
} while (0)
/** Hexdump for debugging */
#define HEXDUMP(x, y, z) \
do { \
} while (0)
#define PRINTM_GET_SYS_TIME(level, psec, pusec) \
do { \
} while (0)
#endif /* DEBUG_LEVEL1 */
/* Reason Code 3: STA is leaving (or has left) IBSS or ESS */
/** Log entry point for debugging */
#define ENTER() \
do { \
PRINTM(MENTRY, "Enter: %s\n", __func__); \
} while (0)
/** Log exit point for debugging */
#define LEAVE() \
do { \
PRINTM(MENTRY, "Leave: %s\n", __func__); \
} while (0)
/** Find minimum */
#ifndef MIN
#define MIN(a, b) ((a) < (b) ? (a) : (b))
/** Find maximum */
#ifndef MAX
#define MAX(a, b) ((a) > (b) ? (a) : (b))
#ifdef memset
#undef memset
/** Memset routine */
#define memset(adapter, s, c, len) \
(adapter->callbacks.moal_memset(adapter->pmoal_handle, s, c, len))
#ifdef memmove
#undef memmove
/** Memmove routine */
#define memmove(adapter, dest, src, len) \
(adapter->callbacks.moal_memmove(adapter->pmoal_handle, dest, src, len))
#ifdef memcpy
#undef memcpy
/** Memcpy routine */
#define memcpy(adapter, to, from, len) \
(adapter->callbacks.moal_memcpy(adapter->pmoal_handle, to, from, len))
/* memcpy_ext rountine */
#define memcpy_ext(adapter, to, from, len, size) \
(adapter->callbacks.moal_memcpy_ext(adapter->pmoal_handle, to, from, \
len, size))
#ifdef memcmp
#undef memcmp
/** Memcmp routine */
#define memcmp(adapter, s1, s2, len) \
(adapter->callbacks.moal_memcmp(adapter->pmoal_handle, s1, s2, len))
/** Find number of elements */
#define NELEMENTS(x) (sizeof(x) / sizeof(x[0]))
/** SWAP: swap t_u8 */
#define SWAP_U8(a, b) \
{ \
t_u8 t; \
t = a; \
a = b; \
b = t; \
/** SWAP: swap t_u8 */
#define SWAP_U16(a, b) \
{ \
t_u16 t; \
t = a; \
a = b; \
b = t; \
/** 16 bits byte swap */
#define swap_byte_16(x) \
((t_u16)((((t_u16)(x)&0x00ffU) << 8) | (((t_u16)(x)&0xff00U) >> 8)))
/** 32 bits byte swap */
#define swap_byte_32(x) \
((t_u32)((((t_u32)(x)&0x000000ffUL) << 24) | \
(((t_u32)(x)&0x0000ff00UL) << 8) | \
(((t_u32)(x)&0x00ff0000UL) >> 8) | \
(((t_u32)(x)&0xff000000UL) >> 24)))
/** 64 bits byte swap */
#define swap_byte_64(x) \
((t_u64)((t_u64)(((t_u64)(x)&0x00000000000000ffULL) << 56) | \
(t_u64)(((t_u64)(x)&0x000000000000ff00ULL) << 40) | \
(t_u64)(((t_u64)(x)&0x0000000000ff0000ULL) << 24) | \
(t_u64)(((t_u64)(x)&0x00000000ff000000ULL) << 8) | \
(t_u64)(((t_u64)(x)&0x000000ff00000000ULL) >> 8) | \
(t_u64)(((t_u64)(x)&0x0000ff0000000000ULL) >> 24) | \
(t_u64)(((t_u64)(x)&0x00ff000000000000ULL) >> 40) | \
(t_u64)(((t_u64)(x)&0xff00000000000000ULL) >> 56)))
/** Convert ulong n/w to host */
#define mlan_ntohl(x) x
/** Convert host ulong to n/w */
#define mlan_htonl(x) x
/** Convert n/w to host */
#define mlan_ntohs(x) x
/** Convert host to n/w */
#define mlan_htons(x) x
/** Convert from 16 bit little endian format to CPU format */
#define wlan_le16_to_cpu(x) swap_byte_16(x)
/** Convert from 32 bit little endian format to CPU format */
#define wlan_le32_to_cpu(x) swap_byte_32(x)
/** Convert from 64 bit little endian format to CPU format */
#define wlan_le64_to_cpu(x) swap_byte_64(x)
/** Convert to 16 bit little endian format from CPU format */
#define wlan_cpu_to_le16(x) swap_byte_16(x)
/** Convert to 32 bit little endian format from CPU format */
#define wlan_cpu_to_le32(x) swap_byte_32(x)
/** Convert to 64 bit little endian format from CPU format */
#define wlan_cpu_to_le64(x) swap_byte_64(x)
/** Convert TxPD to little endian format from CPU format */
#define endian_convert_TxPD(x) \
{ \
(x)->tx_pkt_length = wlan_cpu_to_le16((x)->tx_pkt_length); \
(x)->tx_pkt_offset = wlan_cpu_to_le16((x)->tx_pkt_offset); \
(x)->tx_pkt_type = wlan_cpu_to_le16((x)->tx_pkt_type); \
(x)->tx_control = wlan_cpu_to_le32((x)->tx_control); \
(x)->tx_control_1 = wlan_cpu_to_le32((x)->tx_control_1); \
/** Convert RxPD from little endian format to CPU format */
#define endian_convert_RxPD(x) \
{ \
(x)->rx_pkt_length = wlan_le16_to_cpu((x)->rx_pkt_length); \
(x)->rx_pkt_offset = wlan_le16_to_cpu((x)->rx_pkt_offset); \
(x)->rx_pkt_type = wlan_le16_to_cpu((x)->rx_pkt_type); \
(x)->seq_num = wlan_le16_to_cpu((x)->seq_num); \
(x)->rx_info = wlan_le32_to_cpu((x)->rx_info);
/** Convert ulong n/w to host */
#define mlan_ntohl(x) swap_byte_32(x)
/** Convert host ulong to n/w */
#define mlan_htonl(x) swap_byte_32(x)
/** Convert n/w to host */
#define mlan_ntohs(x) swap_byte_16(x)
/** Convert host to n/w */
#define mlan_htons(x) swap_byte_16(x)
/** Do nothing */
#define wlan_le16_to_cpu(x) x
/** Do nothing */
#define wlan_le32_to_cpu(x) x
/** Do nothing */
#define wlan_le64_to_cpu(x) x
/** Do nothing */
#define wlan_cpu_to_le16(x) x
/** Do nothing */
#define wlan_cpu_to_le32(x) x
/** Do nothing */
#define wlan_cpu_to_le64(x) x
/** Convert TxPD to little endian format from CPU format */
#define endian_convert_TxPD(x) \
do { \
} while (0)
/** Convert RxPD from little endian format to CPU format */
#define endian_convert_RxPD(x) \
do { \
} while (0)
/** Global moal_assert_callback */
extern t_void (*assert_callback)(t_void *pmoal_handle, t_u32 cond);
/** Assertion */
#define MASSERT(cond) \
do { \
if (!(cond)) { \
PRINTM(MFATAL, "ASSERT: %s: %i\n", __func__, \
__LINE__); \
if (assert_callback) { \
assert_callback(MNULL, (t_ptr)(cond)); \
} else { \
do { \
} while (1); \
} \
} \
} while (0)
/** Maximum event buffer size */
#define MAX_EVENT_SIZE (3 * 1024)
/** Maximum buffer size for ARP filter */
#endif /* STA_SUPPORT */
/** 60 seconds */
#define MRVDRV_TIMER_60S 60000
/** 10 seconds */
#define MRVDRV_TIMER_10S 10000
/** 5 seconds */
#define MRVDRV_TIMER_5S 5000
/** 3 seconds */
#define MRVDRV_TIMER_3S 3000
/** 1 second */
#define MRVDRV_TIMER_1S 1000
/** Maximum size of multicast list */
/** Maximum size of channel */
/** Maximum length of SSID */
/** WEP list macros & data structures */
/** Size of key buffer in bytes */
/** Maximum length of WPA key */
/** Default listen interval */
/** Maximum number of region codes */
/** Maximum number of CFP codes for BG */
/** Maximum number of CFP codes for A */
/** high rx pending packets */
#define HIGH_RX_PENDING 1000
/** low rx pending packets */
#define LOW_RX_PENDING 800
/** Default region code */
/** Default country code */
/** Japan country code */
#define COUNTRY_CODE_JP_40 0x40
/** Japan special country code */
/** Default factor for calculating beacon average */
/** Default factor for calculating data average */
/** The first valid channel for use */
/** Default Ad-Hoc channel */
/** Default Ad-Hoc channel A */
/** Number of WEP keys */
#define MRVL_NUM_WEP_KEY (4)
/** Default multiple DTIM */
/** Default beacon missing timeout */
/** Maximum buffer space for beacons retrieved from scan responses */
/** Default buffer space for beacons retrieved from scan responses */
* @brief Buffer pad space for newly allocated beacons/probe responses
* Beacons are typically 6 bytes longer than an equivalent probe response.
* For each scan response stored, allocate an extra byte pad at the end to
* allow easy expansion to store a beacon in the same memory a probe response
* previously contained
/** Scan time specified in the channel TLV
* for each channel for passive scans
/** Scan time specified in the channel TLV
* for each channel for active scans
/** Scan time specified in the channel TLV
* for each channel for specific scans
* Max total scan time in milliseconds
* The total scan time should be less than scan command timeout value (20s)
/** Offset for GTK as it has version to skip past for GTK */
/** If OUI is not found */
/** If OUI is found */
/** Is cmd_resp, event or data packet received? */
#define IS_CARD_RX_RCVD(adapter) \
(adapter->cmd_resp_received || adapter->event_received || \
#ifdef USB
/** Type length */
#define MLAN_TYPE_LEN 4
/** Type Command */
/** Type VDLL */
/** Type Data */
/** Type Event */
#endif /* USB */
/** Type command */
#define MLAN_TYPE_CMD 1
/** Type data */
#define MLAN_TYPE_DATA 0
/** Type event */
/** Type vdll */
#define MLAN_TYPE_VDLL 4
#ifdef SDIO
/** Type single port aggr data */
/** OFFSET of 512 block number */
/** OFFSET of SDIO Header */
/** sdio max rx size for cmd53, 255 * 256, reserve 1 block for DMA alignment */
#define SDIO_CMD53_MAX_SIZE 65280
/** Maximum numbfer of registers to read for multiple port */
#if defined(SD8887) || defined(SD8997) || defined(SD8977) || \
defined(SD8987) || defined(SD9098) || defined(SD9097) || \
defined(SD8978) || defined(SD9177)
#define MAX_MP_REGS 196
/* upto 0xB7 */
#define MAX_MP_REGS 184
/** Maximum port */
#define MAX_PORT 32
/** Maximum port 16 */
#define MAX_PORT_16 (16)
/** max MP REGS */
#define MAX_MP_REGS_MAX (196)
/** Multi port TX aggregation buffer size */
#define SDIO_MP_TX_AGGR_DEF_BUF_SIZE (65280) /* 64K - 256 */
/** Multi port RX aggregation buffer size */
#define SDIO_MP_RX_AGGR_DEF_BUF_SIZE (65280) /* 64K - 256 */
#endif /* SDIO */
/** Minimum BA threshold */
/** High threshold at which to start drop packets */
#define RX_HIGH_THRESHOLD 1024
/** Low threshold to allow Rx BA */
#define RX_LOW_THRESHOLD 128
#define MFG_CMD_TX_ANT 0x1004
#define MFG_CMD_RX_ANT 0x1005
#define MFG_CMD_TX_CONT 0x1009
#define MFG_CMD_RF_CHAN 0x100A
#define MFG_CMD_CLR_RX_ERR 0x1010
#define MFG_CMD_TX_FRAME 0x1021
#define MFG_CMD_RF_BAND_AG 0x1034
#define MFG_CMD_RF_CHANNELBW 0x1044
#define MFG_CMD_RADIO_MODE_CFG 0x1211
/** Debug command number */
#define DBG_CMD_NUM 10
/** Info for debug purpose */
typedef struct _wlan_dbg {
/** Number of host to card command failures */
t_u32 num_cmd_host_to_card_failure;
/** Number of host to card sleep confirm failures */
t_u32 num_cmd_sleep_cfm_host_to_card_failure;
/** Number of host to card Tx failures */
t_u32 num_tx_host_to_card_failure;
/** Number of card to host command/event failures */
t_u32 num_cmdevt_card_to_host_failure;
/** Number of card to host Rx failures */
t_u32 num_rx_card_to_host_failure;
/** Number of interrupt read failures */
t_u32 num_int_read_failure;
/** Last interrupt status */
t_u32 last_int_status;
/** Number of allocate buffer failure */
t_u32 num_alloc_buffer_failure;
/** Number of pkt dropped */
t_u32 num_pkt_dropped;
/** Number of deauthentication events */
t_u32 num_event_deauth;
/** Number of disassosiation events */
t_u32 num_event_disassoc;
/** Number of link lost events */
t_u32 num_event_link_lost;
/** Number of deauthentication commands */
t_u32 num_cmd_deauth;
/** Number of association comamnd successes */
t_u32 num_cmd_assoc_success;
/** Number of association command failures */
t_u32 num_cmd_assoc_failure;
/** Number of consecutive association command failures */
t_u32 num_cons_assoc_failure;
/** Timeout command ID */
t_u16 timeout_cmd_id;
/** Timeout command action */
t_u16 timeout_cmd_act;
/** List of last command IDs */
t_u16 last_cmd_id[DBG_CMD_NUM];
/** List of last command actions */
t_u16 last_cmd_act[DBG_CMD_NUM];
/** Last command index */
t_u16 last_cmd_index;
/** List of last command response IDs */
t_u16 last_cmd_resp_id[DBG_CMD_NUM];
/** Last command response index */
t_u16 last_cmd_resp_index;
/** List of last events */
t_u16 last_event[DBG_CMD_NUM];
/** Last event index */
t_u16 last_event_index;
/** Number of no free command node */
t_u16 num_no_cmd_node;
} wlan_dbg;
/** Hardware status codes */
typedef enum _WLAN_HARDWARE_STATUS {
/** WLAN_802_11_POWER_MODE */
typedef enum _WLAN_802_11_POWER_MODE {
/** tx param */
typedef struct _mlan_tx_param {
/** next packet length */
t_u32 next_pkt_len;
} mlan_tx_param;
/** PS_STATE */
typedef enum _PS_STATE {
/** Minimum flush timer for win size of 1 is 50 ms */
/** Minimum flush timer for win size of 1 is 15 ms */
#define MIN_FLUSH_TIMER_15_MS 15
/** Tx BA stream table */
typedef struct _TxBAStreamTbl TxBAStreamTbl;
/** Add BA parameter data structure */
typedef struct {
/** Window size for initiator */
t_u32 tx_win_size;
/** Window size for receiver */
t_u32 rx_win_size;
/** Block ack timeout */
t_u32 timeout;
/** amsdu support for ADDBA request */
t_u8 tx_amsdu;
/** amsdu support for ADDBA response */
t_u8 rx_amsdu;
} add_ba_param_t;
/** Tx aggregation data structure */
typedef struct _txAggr_t {
/** AMPDU user */
t_u8 ampdu_user;
/** AMPDU AP */
t_u8 ampdu_ap;
/** AMSDU */
t_u8 amsdu;
} tx_aggr_t;
/** del ba threshold */
/** BA stream status */
typedef enum _baStatus_e {
} baStatus_e;
/** RA list table */
typedef struct _raListTbl raListTbl, *praListTbl;
/** RA list table */
struct _raListTbl {
/** Pointer to previous node */
raListTbl *pprev;
/** Pointer to next node */
raListTbl *pnext;
/** Buffer list head */
mlan_list_head buf_head;
/** RA list buffer */
/** total packets in RA list */
t_u16 total_pkts;
/** packets received */
t_u16 packet_count;
/** packet count threshold to setup BA */
t_u8 ba_packet_threshold;
/** is 11n enabled */
t_u8 is_11n_enabled;
/** max amsdu size */
t_u16 max_amsdu;
/** BA stream status */
baStatus_e ba_status;
/** del ba count */
t_u8 del_ba_count;
/** amsdu in ampdu flag */
t_u8 amsdu_in_ampdu;
/** tdls flag */
t_u8 is_tdls_link;
/** tx_pause flag */
t_u8 tx_pause;
/** TID table */
typedef struct _tidTbl {
/** RA list head */
mlan_list_head ra_list;
/** Current RA list */
raListTbl *ra_list_curr;
} tid_tbl_t;
/** Highest priority setting for a packet (uses voice AC) */
/** Highest priority TID */
#define HIGH_PRIO_TID 7
/** Lowest priority TID */
#define LOW_PRIO_TID 0
/** No packet priority (< lowest) */
#define NO_PKT_PRIO_TID -1
/** Max driver packet delay in msec */
#define WMM_DRV_DELAY_MAX 510
/** Struct of WMM DESC */
typedef struct _wmm_desc {
/** TID table */
tid_tbl_t tid_tbl_ptr[MAX_NUM_TID];
/** Packets out */
t_u32 packets_out[MAX_NUM_TID];
/** Packets queued */
t_u32 pkts_queued[MAX_NUM_TID];
/** Packets paused */
t_u32 pkts_paused[MAX_NUM_TID];
/** Spin lock to protect ra_list */
t_void *ra_list_spinlock;
/** AC status */
WmmAcStatus_t ac_status[MAX_AC_QUEUES];
/** AC downgraded values */
mlan_wmm_ac_e ac_down_graded_vals[MAX_AC_QUEUES];
/** Max driver packet delay sent to the firmware for expiry eval */
t_u32 drv_pkt_delay_max;
/** WMM queue priority table */
t_u8 queue_priority[MAX_AC_QUEUES];
/** User priority packet transmission control */
t_u32 user_pri_pkt_tx_ctrl[WMM_HIGHEST_PRIORITY + 1]; /* UP: 0 to 7 */
/** Number of transmit packets queued */
mlan_scalar tx_pkts_queued;
/** Tracks highest priority with a packet queued */
mlan_scalar highest_queued_prio;
} wmm_desc_t;
/** Security structure */
typedef struct _wlan_802_11_security_t {
/** WPA enabled flag */
t_u8 wpa_enabled;
/** E-Supplicant enabled flag */
t_u8 ewpa_enabled;
/** WPA2 enabled flag */
t_u8 wpa2_enabled;
/** WAPI enabled flag */
t_u8 wapi_enabled;
/** WAPI key on flag */
t_u8 wapi_key_on;
/** WEP status */
WLAN_802_11_WEP_STATUS wep_status;
/** Authentication mode */
t_u32 authentication_mode;
/** Encryption mode */
t_u32 encryption_mode;
/** Hotspot OSEN enabled */
t_u8 osen_enabled;
} wlan_802_11_security_t;
/** Current Basic Service Set State Structure */
typedef struct {
/** BSS descriptor */
BSSDescriptor_t bss_descriptor;
/** WMM enable? */
t_u8 wmm_enabled;
/** Uapsd enable?*/
t_u8 wmm_uapsd_enabled;
/** Band */
t_u8 band;
/** Number of rates supported */
t_u32 num_of_rates;
/** Supported rates*/
t_u8 data_rates[WLAN_SUPPORTED_RATES];
/** Host MLME flag*/
t_u8 host_mlme;
mlan_802_11_mac_addr prev_bssid;
t_u8 use_mfp;
} current_bss_params_t;
/** Sleep_params */
typedef struct _sleep_params_t {
/** Sleep parameter error */
t_u16 sp_error;
/** Sleep parameter offset */
t_u16 sp_offset;
/** Sleep parameter stable time */
t_u16 sp_stable_time;
/** Sleep parameter calibration control */
t_u8 sp_cal_control;
/** Sleep parameter external sleep clock */
t_u8 sp_ext_sleep_clk;
/** Sleep parameter reserved */
t_u16 sp_reserved;
} sleep_params_t;
/** Sleep_period */
typedef struct sleep_period_t {
/** Sleep period */
t_u16 period;
/** Reserved */
t_u16 reserved;
} sleep_period_t;
/** mrvl_wep_key_t */
typedef struct _mrvl_wep_key_t {
/** Length */
t_u32 length;
/** WEP key index */
t_u32 key_index;
/** WEP key length */
t_u32 key_length;
/** WEP keys */
t_u8 key_material[MRVL_KEY_BUFFER_SIZE_IN_BYTE];
} mrvl_wep_key_t;
/** Maximum number of region channel */
/** Region-band mapping table */
typedef struct _region_chan_t {
/** TRUE if this entry is valid */
t_u8 valid;
/** Region code for US, Japan ... */
t_u8 region;
/** Band B/G/A, used for BAND_CONFIG cmd */
t_u8 band;
/** Actual No. of elements in the array below */
t_u8 num_cfp;
/** chan-freq-txpower mapping table */
chan_freq_power_t *pcfp;
} region_chan_t;
/** State of 11d */
typedef enum _state_11d_t {
DISABLE_11D = 0,
ENABLE_11D = 1,
} state_11d_t;
/** Domain regulatory information */
typedef struct _wlan_802_11d_domain_reg {
/** Country Code */
t_u8 country_code[COUNTRY_CODE_LEN];
/** band that channels in sub_band belong to */
t_u8 band;
/** No. of subband in below */
t_u8 no_of_sub_band;
/** Subband data to send/last sent */
IEEEtypes_SubbandSet_t sub_band[MRVDRV_MAX_SUBBAND_802_11D];
} wlan_802_11d_domain_reg_t;
/** Data for state machine */
typedef struct _wlan_802_11d_state {
/** True for enabling 11D */
state_11d_t enable_11d;
/** True for user enabling 11D */
state_11d_t user_enable_11d;
} wlan_802_11d_state_t;
/** 802.11h State information kept in the 'mlan_private' driver structure */
typedef struct {
/** Indicate 11h is enabled from host */
t_bool is_11h_host;
/** Indicates whether 11h is enabled in the driver */
t_bool is_11h_enabled;
/** Indicates whether 11h is active in the firmware */
t_bool is_11h_active;
/** Master device using automatic channel select */
t_bool adhoc_auto_sel_chan;
/** Set when driver receives a STOP TX event from fw */
t_bool tx_disabled;
/** Channel that ChanSwAnn was received for, non-zero = active */
t_u8 dfs_slave_csa_chan;
/** Expiry for above variable, seconds in system time */
t_u32 dfs_slave_csa_expire_at_sec;
} wlan_11h_interface_state_t;
#if defined(UAP_SUPPORT)
/** UAP get info callback state kept in the 'mlan_private' driver structure */
typedef struct {
/** UAP internal callback after wlan_uap_get_channel */
/** (parameter is really pointer to mlan_private) */
mlan_status (*get_chan_callback)(t_void *);
/** current ioctl_req (to be completed in callback) */
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req_curr;
/** band config from MrvlIEtypes_channel_band_t */
Band_Config_t bandcfg;
/** channel from MrvlIEtypes_channel_band_t */
t_u8 channel;
/** beacon period (in msec) from MrvlIEtypes_beacon_period_t */
t_u16 beacon_period;
/** dtim period (no unit) from MrvlIEtypes_dtim_period_t */
t_u8 dtim_period;
} wlan_uap_get_info_cb_t;
/** Data structure for WPS information */
typedef struct {
/** WPS IE */
IEEEtypes_VendorSpecific_t wps_ie;
/** Session enable flag */
t_u8 session_enable;
} wps_t;
/** mlan_operations data structure */
typedef struct _mlan_operations {
/** cmd init handler */
mlan_status (*init_cmd)(t_void *priv, t_u8 first_bss);
/** ioctl handler */
mlan_status (*ioctl)(t_void *adapter, pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
/** cmd handler */
mlan_status (*prepare_cmd)(t_void *priv, t_u16 cmd_no, t_u16 cmd_action,
t_u32 cmd_oid, t_void *pioctl_buf,
t_void *pdata_buf, t_void *pcmd_buf);
/** cmdresp handler */
mlan_status (*process_cmdresp)(t_void *priv, t_u16 cmdresp_no,
t_void *pcmd_buf, t_void *pioctl);
/** rx handler */
mlan_status (*process_rx_packet)(t_void *adapter, pmlan_buffer pmbuf);
/** event handler */
mlan_status (*process_event)(t_void *priv);
/** txpd handler */
t_void *(*process_txpd)(t_void *priv, pmlan_buffer pmbuf);
/** BSS role */
mlan_bss_role bss_role;
} mlan_operations, *pmlan_operations;
/** Private structure for MLAN */
typedef struct _mlan_private {
/** Pointer to mlan_adapter */
struct _mlan_adapter *adapter;
/** BSS index */
t_u8 bss_index;
/** BSS type */
t_u8 bss_type;
/** BSS role */
t_u8 bss_role;
/** BSS virtual flag */
t_u8 bss_virtual;
/** BSS Priority */
t_u8 bss_priority;
/** BSS number */
t_u8 bss_num;
/** Frame type */
t_u8 frame_type;
/** MAC address information */
t_u8 curr_addr[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
/** Media connection status */
t_bool media_connected;
/** Current packet filter */
t_u32 curr_pkt_filter;
/** Infrastructure mode */
t_u32 bss_mode;
/** Tx packet control */
t_u32 pkt_tx_ctrl;
/** Tx power level */
t_s16 tx_power_level;
/** Maximum Tx power level */
t_s8 max_tx_power_level;
/** Minimum Tx power level */
t_s8 min_tx_power_level;
/** Tx rate */
t_u8 tx_rate;
t_u8 tx_rate_info;
/*HE tx tone mode and DCM info*/
t_u8 ext_tx_rate_info;
/*HE rx tone mode and DCM info*/
t_u8 rxpd_rx_info;
/** rxpd_htinfo */
t_u8 rxpd_rate_info;
/** max amsdu size */
t_u16 max_amsdu;
/** amsdu disable flag */
t_u8 amsdu_disable;
/** 802.11n Device Capabilities for 2.4GHz */
t_u32 usr_dot_11n_dev_cap_bg;
/** 802.11n Device Capabilities for 5GHz */
t_u32 usr_dot_11n_dev_cap_a;
/** MIMO abstraction of MCSs supported by device */
t_u8 usr_dev_mcs_support;
/** UAP 11n flag */
t_u8 is_11n_enabled;
#endif /* UAP_SUPPORT */
/** UAP 11ac flag */
t_u8 is_11ac_enabled;
/** UAP 11ax flag */
t_u8 is_11ax_enabled;
/** tx vht_info */
t_u8 tx_vhtinfo;
/** rxpd_vhtinfo */
t_u8 rxpd_vhtinfo;
/** 802.11ac Device Capabilities for 2.4GHz */
t_u32 usr_dot_11ac_dev_cap_bg;
/** 802.11ac Device Capabilities for 5GHz */
t_u32 usr_dot_11ac_dev_cap_a;
/** MIMO abstraction of MCSs supported by device */
t_u32 usr_dot_11ac_mcs_support;
/** user dot 11ac_BW */
t_u8 usr_dot_11ac_bw;
/** user dot 11ac_opermode_BW */
t_u8 usr_dot_11ac_opermode_bw;
/** user dot 11ac_opermode_nss */
t_u8 usr_dot_11ac_opermode_nss;
/** length of hw he capability */
t_u8 user_hecap_len;
/** user configured 802.11ax HE capability */
t_u8 user_he_cap[54];
/** length of hw he capability */
t_u8 user_2g_hecap_len;
/** user configured 802.11ax HE capability */
t_u8 user_2g_he_cap[54];
/** dropped pkts */
t_u32 num_drop_pkts;
/** packet forward control */
t_u8 pkt_fwd;
/** TX beamforming capability */
t_u32 tx_bf_cap;
/** Rx PD rate */
t_u8 rxpd_rate;
/** Bitmap rates */
t_u16 bitmap_rates[MAX_BITMAP_RATES_SIZE];
/** Data rate */
t_u32 data_rate;
/** Automatic data rate flag */
t_u8 is_data_rate_auto;
/** Factor for calculating beacon average */
t_u16 bcn_avg_factor;
/** Factor for calculating data average */
t_u16 data_avg_factor;
/** SNR */
t_s8 snr;
/** Noise Floor */
t_s8 nf;
/** Last data RSSI */
t_s16 data_rssi_last;
/** Last data Noise Floor */
t_s16 data_nf_last;
/** Average data RSSI */
t_s16 data_rssi_avg;
/** Averag data Noise Floor */
t_s16 data_nf_avg;
/** Last beacon RSSI */
t_s16 bcn_rssi_last;
/** Last beacon Noise Floor */
t_s16 bcn_nf_last;
/** Average beacon RSSI */
t_s16 bcn_rssi_avg;
/** Average beacon Noise Floor */
t_s16 bcn_nf_avg;
/** Attempted BSS descriptor */
BSSDescriptor_t *pattempted_bss_desc;
/** GTK rekey data*/
mlan_ds_misc_gtk_rekey_data gtk_rekey;
/** Current SSID/BSSID related parameters*/
current_bss_params_t curr_bss_params;
/** current channel flags */
t_u32 curr_chan_flags;
/** User selected bands */
t_u16 config_bands;
/** Beacon period */
t_u16 beacon_period;
/** Listen interval */
t_u16 listen_interval;
/** ATIM window */
t_u16 atim_window;
/** AdHoc channel */
t_u8 adhoc_channel;
/** AdHoc link sensed flag */
t_u8 adhoc_is_link_sensed;
/** AdHoc operating state */
t_u8 adhoc_state;
#if defined(STA_SUPPORT)
/** AdHoc operating state backup */
t_u8 adhoc_state_prev;
/** AdHoc previous ssid used for Start */
mlan_802_11_ssid adhoc_last_start_ssid;
/** FSM variable for 11d support */
wlan_802_11d_state_t state_11d;
/** FSM variable for 11h support */
wlan_11h_interface_state_t intf_state_11h;
/** Whether UAP interface has started */
t_bool uap_bss_started;
/** Whether UAP interface start from hostapd */
t_bool uap_host_based;
/**UAP operating channel*/
t_u8 uap_channel;
/** state variable for UAP Get Info callback */
wlan_uap_get_info_cb_t uap_state_chan_cb;
#endif /* UAP_SUPPORT */
/** Security related */
/** Encryption parameter */
wlan_802_11_security_t sec_info;
/** WEP keys */
mrvl_wep_key_t wep_key[MRVL_NUM_WEP_KEY];
/** Current WEP key index */
t_u16 wep_key_curr_index;
/** EWPA query 0: disable, 1: enable */
t_u8 ewpa_query;
/** Encryption Key*/
t_u8 wpa_ie[256];
/** WPA IE length */
t_u8 wpa_ie_len;
/** GTK set flag */
t_u8 wpa_is_gtk_set;
/** AES key material */
mlan_ds_encrypt_key aes_key;
#if defined(STA_SUPPORT)
/* Mgmt Frame Protection config */
mlan_ds_misc_pmfcfg pmfcfg;
/** WAPI IE */
t_u8 wapi_ie[256];
/** WAPI IE length */
t_u8 wapi_ie_len;
/** OSEN IE */
t_u8 osen_ie[256];
/** OSEN IE length */
t_u8 osen_ie_len;
/** Pointer to the station table */
mlan_list_head sta_list;
/** tdls pending queue */
mlan_list_head tdls_pending_txq;
t_u16 tdls_idle_time;
/** MGMT IE */
custom_ie mgmt_ie[MAX_MGMT_IE_INDEX];
/** mgmt frame passthru mask */
t_u32 mgmt_frame_passthru_mask;
/** WMM required */
t_u8 wmm_required;
/** WMM enabled */
t_u8 wmm_enabled;
/** WMM qos info */
t_u8 wmm_qosinfo;
/** saved WMM qos info */
t_u8 saved_wmm_qosinfo;
/**host tdls uapsd support*/
t_u8 host_tdls_uapsd_support;
/**host tdls channel switch support*/
t_u8 host_tdls_cs_support;
/**supported channel IE len*/
t_u8 chan_supp_len;
/**save channel support IE*/
t_u8 chan_supp[MAX_IE_SIZE];
/**supported regulatory classl IE len*/
t_u8 supp_regulatory_class_len;
/**save support channel regulatory class IE*/
t_u8 supp_regulatory_class[MAX_IE_SIZE];
/**tdls cs off channel*/
t_u8 tdls_cs_channel;
/** WMM related variable*/
wmm_desc_t wmm;
/** Pointer to the Transmit BA stream table*/
mlan_list_head tx_ba_stream_tbl_ptr;
/** Pointer to the priorities for AMSDU/AMPDU table*/
tx_aggr_t aggr_prio_tbl[MAX_NUM_TID];
/** Pointer to the priorities for AMSDU/AMPDU table*/
t_u8 addba_reject[MAX_NUM_TID];
/** Pointer to the priorities for AMSDU/AMPDU table*/
t_u8 ibss_ampdu[MAX_NUM_TID];
/** Pointer to the priorities for AMSDU/AMPDU table*/
t_u8 ibss_addba_reject[MAX_NUM_TID];
/** Struct to store ADDBA parameters */
add_ba_param_t add_ba_param;
/** user rx_win_size */
t_u32 user_rxwinsize;
/** last rx_seq */
t_u16 rx_seq[MAX_NUM_TID];
/** Pointer to the Receive Reordering table*/
mlan_list_head rx_reorder_tbl_ptr;
/** Lock for Rx packets */
t_void *rx_pkt_lock;
/** Buffer to store the association response for application retrieval
t_u8 assoc_rsp_buf[MRVDRV_ASSOC_RSP_BUF_SIZE];
/** Length of the data stored in assoc_rsp_buf */
t_u32 assoc_rsp_size;
/** Generic IEEE IEs passed from the application to be inserted into the
* association request to firmware
t_u8 gen_ie_buf[MRVDRV_GENIE_BUF_SIZE];
/** Length of the data stored in gen_ie_buf */
t_u8 gen_ie_buf_len;
/** disconnect reason code*/
t_u16 disconnect_reason_code;
t_u8 *pcurr_bcn_buf;
t_u32 curr_bcn_size;
t_void *curr_bcn_buf_lock;
/** WPS */
wps_t wps;
#endif /* STA_SUPPORT */
/** function table */
mlan_operations ops;
/** tx pause flag */
t_u8 tx_pause;
/** Port Control mode */
t_u8 port_ctrl_mode;
/** Port open flag */
t_u8 port_open;
/** Port open flag state at time of association attempt */
t_u8 prior_port_status;
/** Bypass TX queue */
mlan_list_head bypass_txq;
/** IP address operation */
t_u32 op_code;
/** IP address */
t_u8 ip_addr[IPADDR_LEN];
t_u32 hotspot_cfg;
ExtCap_t ext_cap;
ExtCap_t def_ext_cap;
/** interface header len */
t_u8 intf_hr_len;
#ifdef USB
/** USB data port */
t_u32 port;
/** Control TX AMPDU on infra link */
t_u8 txaggrctrl;
t_void *psapriv;
/** rx per packet info */
t_u8 rx_pkt_info;
/** received amsdu count*/
t_u32 amsdu_rx_cnt;
/** received msdu count in amsdu*/
t_u32 msdu_in_rx_amsdu_cnt;
/** tx amsdu count*/
t_u32 amsdu_tx_cnt;
/** tx msdu count in amsdu*/
t_u32 msdu_in_tx_amsdu_cnt;
} mlan_private, *pmlan_private;
typedef struct _assoc_logger {
/** vendor specific */
t_u8 oui[3];
t_s32 rssi;
t_u32 channel;
} assoc_logger_data;
/** Tx BA stream table */
struct _TxBAStreamTbl {
/** TxBAStreamTbl previous node */
TxBAStreamTbl *pprev;
/** TxBAStreamTbl next node */
TxBAStreamTbl *pnext;
/** TID */
int tid;
/** RA */
/** BA stream status */
baStatus_e ba_status;
t_u8 amsdu;
/** RX reorder table */
typedef struct _RxReorderTbl RxReorderTbl;
typedef struct {
/** Timer for flushing */
t_void *timer;
/** Timer set flag */
t_u8 timer_is_set;
/** RxReorderTbl ptr */
RxReorderTbl *ptr;
/** Priv pointer */
mlan_private *priv;
} reorder_tmr_cnxt_t;
/** RX reorder table */
struct _RxReorderTbl {
/** RxReorderTbl previous node */
RxReorderTbl *pprev;
/** RxReorderTbl next node */
RxReorderTbl *pnext;
/** TID */
int tid;
/** TA */
/** Start window */
int start_win;
/** last_seq */
int last_seq;
/** Window size */
int win_size;
/** Pointer to pointer to RxReorderTbl */
t_void **rx_reorder_ptr;
/** Timer context */
reorder_tmr_cnxt_t timer_context;
/** BA stream status */
baStatus_e ba_status;
t_u8 amsdu;
/** no packet drop flag for rx_reorder_tbl */
t_u8 force_no_drop;
/** flag for check start win */
t_u8 check_start_win;
/** pkt receive after BA setup */
t_u8 pkt_count;
/** flush data flag */
t_u8 flush_data;
/** BSS priority node */
typedef struct _mlan_bssprio_node mlan_bssprio_node;
/** BSS priority node */
struct _mlan_bssprio_node {
/** Pointer to previous node */
mlan_bssprio_node *pprev;
/** Pointer to next node */
mlan_bssprio_node *pnext;
/** Pointer to priv */
pmlan_private priv;
/** BSS priority table */
typedef struct _mlan_bssprio_tbl mlan_bssprio_tbl;
/** BSS priority table */
struct _mlan_bssprio_tbl {
/** BSS priority list head */
mlan_list_head bssprio_head;
/** Current priority node */
mlan_bssprio_node *bssprio_cur;
/** cmd_ctrl_node */
typedef struct _cmd_ctrl_node cmd_ctrl_node;
/** _cmd_ctrl_node */
struct _cmd_ctrl_node {
/** Pointer to previous node */
cmd_ctrl_node *pprev;
/** Pointer to next node */
cmd_ctrl_node *pnext;
/** Pointer to priv */
pmlan_private priv;
/** Command number */
t_u32 cmd_no;
/** Command flag */
t_u32 cmd_flag;
/** Pointer to mlan_buffer */
mlan_buffer *cmdbuf;
/** Pointer to mlan_buffer */
mlan_buffer *respbuf;
/** Command parameter */
t_void *pdata_buf;
/** Pointer to mlan_ioctl_req if command is from IOCTL */
t_void *pioctl_buf;
#if defined(PCIE) || defined(SDIO)
/** pre_allocated mlan_buffer for cmd */
mlan_buffer *pmbuf;
/** default tdls wmm qosinfo */
/** default tdls sleep period */
/** TDLS status */
typedef enum _tdlsStatus_e {
} tdlsStatus_e;
/** station node */
typedef struct _sta_node sta_node, *psta_node;
/** station node*/
struct _sta_node {
/** previous node */
sta_node *pprev;
/** next node */
sta_node *pnext;
/** station mac address */
t_u8 mac_addr[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
/** wmm flag */
t_u8 is_wmm_enabled;
/** 11n flag */
t_u8 is_11n_enabled;
/** AMPDU STA */
t_u8 ampdu_sta[MAX_NUM_TID];
/** last rx_seq */
t_u16 rx_seq[MAX_NUM_TID];
/** max amsdu size */
t_u16 max_amsdu;
/** HT cap */
IEEEtypes_HTCap_t HTcap;
/** 11ac flag */
t_u8 is_11ac_enabled;
/** UAP 11ax flag */
t_u8 is_11ax_enabled;
IEEEtypes_HECap_t he_cap;
/** SNR */
t_s8 snr;
/** Noise Floor */
t_s8 nf;
/** peer capability */
t_u16 capability;
/** tdls status */
tdlsStatus_e status;
/** flag for host based tdls */
t_u8 external_tdls;
/** peer support rates */
t_u8 support_rate[32];
/** rate size */
t_u8 rate_len;
/*Qos capability info*/
t_u8 qos_info;
/** HT info in TDLS setup confirm*/
IEEEtypes_HTInfo_t HTInfo;
/** peer BSSCO_20_40*/
IEEEtypes_2040BSSCo_t BSSCO_20_40;
/*Extended capability*/
IEEEtypes_ExtCap_t ExtCap;
/*RSN IE*/
IEEEtypes_Generic_t rsn_ie;
/**Link ID*/
IEEEtypes_LinkIDElement_t link_ie;
/** AID info */
IEEEtypes_AID_t aid_info;
/** VHT Capabilities IE */
IEEEtypes_VHTCap_t vht_cap;
/** VHT Operations IE */
IEEEtypes_VHTOprat_t vht_oprat;
/** wapi key on off flag */
t_u8 wapi_key_on;
/** tx pause status */
t_u8 tx_pause;
/** station band mode */
t_u16 bandmode;
t_void *cm_connectioninfo;
sta_stats stats;
/** 802.11h State information kept in the 'mlan_adapter' driver structure */
typedef struct {
/** Min TX Power capability sent to FW for 11h use and fw power control
t_s8 min_tx_power_capability;
/** Max TX Power capability sent to FW for 11h use and fw power control
t_s8 max_tx_power_capability;
/** User provisioned local power constraint sent in association requests
t_s8 usr_def_power_constraint;
/** Received CHANNEL_SWITCH_ANN event */
t_bool recvd_chanswann_event;
/** Indicates an interface wants to enable master radar detection */
t_bool master_radar_det_enable_pending;
/** Indicates an interface wants to enable slave radar detection */
t_bool slave_radar_det_enable_pending;
/** Indicates whether master radar detection active in the firmware */
t_bool is_master_radar_det_active;
/** Indicates whether slave radar detection active in the firmware */
t_bool is_slave_radar_det_active;
/** Quiet IE */
IEEEtypes_Quiet_t quiet_ie;
} wlan_11h_device_state_t;
/** Enumeration for DFS Timestamp represents field */
enum _dfs_timestamp_repr_e {
/** Ignore entry */
/** NOP (Non-Occupancy Period) start time */
/** CAC (Channel Availability Check) completion time */
/** DFS Timestamp type used for marking NOP/CAC events */
typedef struct _wlan_dfs_timestamp_t wlan_dfs_timestamp_t;
/** DFS Timestamp type used for marking NOP/CAC events */
struct _wlan_dfs_timestamp_t {
/** Pointer to previous node */
wlan_dfs_timestamp_t *pprev;
/** Pointer to next node */
wlan_dfs_timestamp_t *pnext;
/** WLAN Channel number */
t_u8 channel;
/** What this timestamp represents */
t_u8 represents;
/** reserved field */
t_u16 reserved;
/** timestamp - seconds */
t_u32 ts_sec;
/** timestamp - microseconds */
t_u32 ts_usec;
/** DFS State information kept in the 'mlan_adapter' driver structure */
typedef struct {
/** Indicates whether DFS channel check is occurring in firmware */
t_bool dfs_check_pending;
/** Indicates whether DFS channel check found radar */
t_bool dfs_radar_found;
/** Channel radar is being checked on. BAND_A is assumed. */
t_u8 dfs_check_channel;
/** point to the priv which start the DFS check */
t_void *dfs_check_priv;
/** Timestamp when we got last report,
* to determine if data is old or not.
t_u32 dfs_report_time_sec;
/** List for holding dfs_timestamps for NOP/CAC events */
mlan_list_head dfs_ts_head;
} wlan_dfs_device_state_t;
/** Enumeration for mlan_ds_11h_radar_det_hndlg stages */
enum _mlan_ds_11h_rdh_stages {
RDH_OFF = 0,
/** State info for Radar Detected Handling kept in 'mlan_adapter' */
typedef struct {
/** Stage (of Operation) */
t_u8 stage;
/** Number of interfaces to handle */
t_u8 priv_list_count;
/** Index of interface in process (used by some stages) */
t_u8 priv_curr_idx;
/** Current Channel (to leave) */
t_u8 curr_channel;
/** New Channel (to switch to) */
t_u8 new_channel;
/** UAP band_config */
Band_Config_t uap_band_cfg;
/** BEACON*DTIM period (in msec; max of STA/UAP) */
t_u16 max_bcn_dtim_ms;
/** tx block flag */
t_u8 tx_block;
/** List of interfaces to handle */
mlan_private *priv_list[MLAN_MAX_BSS_NUM];
} wlan_radar_det_hndlg_state_t;
/** DFS/RDH testing exception settings kept in 'mlan_adapter' */
typedef struct {
/** user-configured CAC period (in msec) */
t_u32 user_cac_period_msec;
/** user-configured NOP period (in sec) */
t_u16 user_nop_period_sec;
/** user-configured skip channel change on radar */
t_bool no_channel_change_on_radar;
/** user-configured new channel to change to on radar */
t_u8 fixed_new_channel_on_radar;
/** user-configured cac restart */
t_u8 cac_restart;
/** cac channel */
t_u8 chan;
/** band cfg */
Band_Config_t bandcfg;
/** cac time */
t_u32 millisec_dwell_time;
} wlan_dfs_testing_settings_t;
* @brief Driver measurement state held in 'mlan_adapter' structure
* Used to record a measurement request that the driver is pending on
* the result (received measurement report).
typedef struct {
* Dialog token of a pending measurement request/report. Used to
* block execution while waiting for the specific dialog token
t_u8 meas_rpt_pend_on;
* Measurement report received from the firmware that we were pending on
HostCmd_DS_MEASUREMENT_REPORT meas_rpt_returned;
} wlan_meas_state_t;
#ifdef SDIO
* @brief Link buffer into aggregate head buffer
* @param pmbuf_aggr Pointer to aggregation buffer
* @param pmbuf Pointer to buffer to copy
static inline t_void wlan_link_buf_to_aggr(pmlan_buffer pmbuf_aggr,
pmlan_buffer pmbuf)
/* link new buf at end of list */
pmbuf->pnext = pmbuf_aggr;
pmbuf->pprev = pmbuf_aggr->pprev;
pmbuf->pparent = pmbuf_aggr;
pmbuf_aggr->pprev->pnext = pmbuf;
pmbuf_aggr->pprev = pmbuf;
/** data structure for SDIO MPA TX */
typedef struct _sdio_mpa_tx {
/** allocated buf for tx aggreation */
t_u8 *head_ptr;
/** multiport tx aggregation buffer pointer */
t_u8 *buf;
/** multiport tx aggregation buffer length */
t_u32 buf_len;
/** multiport tx aggregation packet count */
t_u32 pkt_cnt;
/** multiport tx aggregation ports */
t_u32 ports;
/** multiport tx aggregation starting port */
t_u16 start_port;
/** multiport tx aggregation enable/disable flag */
t_u8 enabled;
/** multiport tx aggregation buffer size */
t_u32 buf_size;
/** multiport tx aggregation pkt aggr limit */
t_u32 pkt_aggr_limit;
/** multiport write info */
t_u16 mp_wr_info[SDIO_MP_AGGR_DEF_PKT_LIMIT_MAX];
/** multiport rx aggregation mbuf array */
pmlan_buffer mbuf_arr[SDIO_MP_AGGR_DEF_PKT_LIMIT_MAX];
} sdio_mpa_tx;
/** data structure for SDIO MPA RX */
typedef struct _sdio_mpa_rx {
/** allocated buf for rx aggreation */
t_u8 *head_ptr;
/** multiport rx aggregation buffer pointer */
t_u8 *buf;
/** multiport rx aggregation buffer length */
t_u32 buf_len;
/** multiport rx aggregation packet count */
t_u32 pkt_cnt;
/** multiport rx aggregation ports */
t_u32 ports;
/** multiport rx aggregation starting port */
t_u16 start_port;
/** multiport rx aggregation mbuf array */
pmlan_buffer mbuf_arr[SDIO_MP_AGGR_DEF_PKT_LIMIT_MAX];
/** multiport rx aggregation pkt len array */
/** multiport rx aggregation enable/disable flag */
t_u8 enabled;
/** multiport rx aggregation buffer size */
t_u32 buf_size;
/** multiport rx aggregation pkt aggr limit */
t_u32 pkt_aggr_limit;
} sdio_mpa_rx;
#ifdef USB
/** data structure for USB Rx Deaggregation */
typedef struct _usb_rx_deaggr_params {
/** Rx aggregation control */
usb_aggr_ctrl_cfg aggr_ctrl;
} usb_rx_deaggr_params;
/** data structure for USB Tx Aggregation */
typedef struct _usb_tx_aggr_params {
/** Tx aggregation control */
usb_aggr_ctrl_cfg aggr_ctrl;
/** allocated pmbuf for tx aggreation */
pmlan_buffer pmbuf_aggr;
/** packet len used in pmbuf_aggr */
t_u32 aggr_len;
/** usb_tx_aggr timer */
t_void *paggr_hold_timer;
/** usb_tx_aggr timer set flag */
t_u8 aggr_hold_timer_is_set;
/** Timeout duration in milliseconds to wait for aggregation */
t_u32 hold_timeout_msec;
/** lock for transmission */
t_void *paggr_lock;
/** port for data transmission */
t_u32 port;
/** pointer to moal_adatper structure */
t_void *phandle;
} usb_tx_aggr_params, *pusb_tx_aggr_params;
/** Type definition of mef_entry*/
typedef struct _mef_cfg_data {
/** criteria*/
t_u32 criteria;
/** entry num*/
t_u16 entry_num;
/** entry pointer*/
mef_entry_t *pentry;
} mef_cfg_data;
/** Type definition of mef_entry*/
typedef struct _mef_entry {
/** Flag for auto arp entry*/
int enable_autoarp_entry;
/** Num for wowlan entry*/
int num_wowlan_entry;
/** Num for IPv6 neighbor solicitation message offload */
int num_ipv6_ns_offload;
/** criteria*/
t_u32 criteria;
/** MEF CFG Array to store etted_entry_bitmap;
* Caution: 0-3 is for NVIDIA WHITE/BLACK list entries
* Caution: 4 is for NVIDIA ping entry
* Caution: 5 is for Auto Arp Entry
* Caution: 6 is for wowlan Entry
* Caution: 7 is for IPv6 Neighbor Solicitation offload Entry
mef_entry_t entry[MAX_NUM_ENTRIES];
} mef_entry;
/** vdll_dnld_ctrl structure */
typedef struct _vdll_dnld_ctrl {
/** pending VDLL block */
t_u8 *pending_block;
/* pending VDLL block len */
t_u16 pending_block_len;
/** memory for VDLL fw image */
t_u8 *vdll_mem;
/** VDLL fw image len */
t_u32 vdll_len;
#if defined(SDIO) || defined(PCIE)
/** mlan_buffer for VDLL download */
mlan_buffer *cmd_buf;
} vdll_dnld_ctrl, *pvdll_dnld_ctrl;
/** mlan_init_para structure */
typedef struct _mlan_init_para {
/** MFG mode */
t_u32 mfg_mode;
#ifdef SDIO
/** SDIO interrupt mode (0: INT_MODE_SDIO, 1: INT_MODE_GPIO) */
t_u32 int_mode;
/** GPIO interrupt pin number */
t_u32 gpio_pin;
/** SDIO MPA Tx */
t_u32 mpa_tx_cfg;
/** SDIO MPA Rx */
t_u32 mpa_rx_cfg;
/** Auto deep sleep */
t_u32 auto_ds;
/** IEEE PS mode */
t_u32 ps_mode;
/** Max Tx buffer size */
t_u32 max_tx_buf;
/** 802.11d configuration */
t_u32 cfg_11d;
/** 802.11H DFS Master Radar Detect */
t_u32 dfs_master_radar_det_en;
/** 802.11H DFS Slave Radar Detect */
t_u32 dfs_slave_radar_det_en;
/** dev cap mask */
t_u32 dev_cap_mask;
/** oob independent reset mode */
t_u32 indrstcfg;
/** passive to active scan */
t_u8 passive_to_active_scan;
/** uap max sta */
t_u8 uap_max_sta;
/** dfs w53 cfg */
t_u8 dfs53cfg;
#ifdef PCIE
/** adma ring size */
t_u16 ring_size;
t_u8 ext_scan;
} mlan_init_para, *pmlan_init_para;
#ifdef SDIO
typedef struct _mlan_sdio_card_reg {
t_u8 start_rd_port;
t_u8 start_wr_port;
t_u8 base_0_reg;
t_u8 base_1_reg;
t_u8 poll_reg;
t_u8 host_int_enable;
t_u8 host_int_status;
t_u8 status_reg_0;
t_u8 status_reg_1;
t_u8 sdio_int_mask;
t_u32 data_port_mask;
t_u8 max_mp_regs;
t_u8 rd_bitmap_l;
t_u8 rd_bitmap_u;
t_u8 rd_bitmap_1l;
t_u8 rd_bitmap_1u;
t_u8 wr_bitmap_l;
t_u8 wr_bitmap_u;
t_u8 wr_bitmap_1l;
t_u8 wr_bitmap_1u;
t_u8 rd_len_p0_l;
t_u8 rd_len_p0_u;
t_u8 card_config_2_1_reg;
t_u8 cmd_config_0;
t_u8 cmd_config_1;
t_u8 cmd_config_2;
t_u8 cmd_config_3;
t_u8 cmd_rd_len_0;
t_u8 cmd_rd_len_1;
t_u8 cmd_rd_len_2;
t_u8 cmd_rd_len_3;
t_u8 io_port_0_reg;
t_u8 io_port_1_reg;
t_u8 io_port_2_reg;
t_u8 host_int_rsr_reg;
t_u8 host_int_mask_reg;
t_u8 host_int_status_reg;
t_u8 host_restart_reg;
t_u8 card_to_host_event_reg;
t_u8 host_interrupt_mask_reg;
t_u8 card_interrupt_status_reg;
t_u8 card_interrupt_rsr_reg;
t_u8 card_revision_reg;
t_u8 card_ocr_0_reg;
t_u8 card_ocr_1_reg;
t_u8 card_ocr_3_reg;
t_u8 card_config_reg;
t_u8 card_misc_cfg_reg;
t_u8 debug_0_reg;
t_u8 debug_1_reg;
t_u8 debug_2_reg;
t_u8 debug_3_reg;
t_u32 fw_reset_reg;
t_u8 fw_reset_val;
t_u8 fw_dnld_offset_0_reg;
t_u8 fw_dnld_offset_1_reg;
t_u8 fw_dnld_offset_2_reg;
t_u8 fw_dnld_offset_3_reg;
t_u8 fw_dnld_status_0_reg;
t_u8 fw_dnld_status_1_reg;
t_u8 winner_check_reg;
} mlan_sdio_card_reg, *pmlan_sdio_card_reg;
typedef struct _mlan_sdio_card {
const mlan_sdio_card_reg *reg;
/** maximum ports */
t_u8 max_ports;
/** mp aggregation packet limit */
t_u8 mp_aggr_pkt_limit;
/** sdio new mode support */
t_bool supports_sdio_new_mode;
/** max tx aggr buf size */
t_u32 mp_tx_aggr_buf_size;
/** max rx aggr buf size */
t_u32 mp_rx_aggr_buf_size;
/** IO port */
t_u32 ioport;
/** number of interrupt receive */
t_u32 num_of_irq;
/** max SDIO single port tx size */
t_u16 max_sp_tx_size;
/** max SDIO single port rx size */
t_u16 max_sp_rx_size;
/** SDIO multiple port read bitmap */
t_u32 mp_rd_bitmap;
/** SDIO multiple port write bitmap */
t_u32 mp_wr_bitmap;
/** SDIO end port from txbufcfg */
t_u16 mp_end_port;
/** SDIO port mask calculated based on txbufcfg end port */
t_u32 mp_data_port_mask;
/** Current available port for read */
t_u8 curr_rd_port;
/** Current available port for write */
t_u8 curr_wr_port;
/** FW update port number */
t_u32 mp_update[SDIO_MP_AGGR_DEF_PKT_LIMIT_MAX * 2];
/** Invalid port update count */
t_u32 mp_invalid_update;
/** Array to store values of SDIO multiple port group registers */
t_u8 *mp_regs;
/** allocated buf to read SDIO multiple port group registers */
t_u8 *mp_regs_buf;
/** buffer to handle receive packet */
t_u8 *rx_buf;
/** allocated buf for receive */
t_u8 *rx_buffer;
/* see blk_queue_max_segment_size */
t_u32 max_seg_size;
/* see blk_queue_max_segments */
t_u16 max_segs;
/** data structure for SDIO MPA TX */
sdio_mpa_tx mpa_tx;
/** packet number for tx aggr */
t_u32 mpa_tx_count[SDIO_MP_AGGR_DEF_PKT_LIMIT_MAX];
/** no more packets count*/
t_u32 mpa_sent_last_pkt;
/** no write_ports count */
t_u32 mpa_sent_no_ports;
/** last wr_bitmap from FW */
t_u32 last_recv_wr_bitmap;
/** last wr_bitmap from FW */
t_u32 last_recv_rd_bitmap;
/** last mp_wr_bitmap */
t_u32 last_mp_wr_bitmap[SDIO_MP_DBG_NUM];
/** last ports for cmd53 write data */
t_u32 last_mp_wr_ports[SDIO_MP_DBG_NUM];
/** last length for cmd53 write data */
t_u32 last_mp_wr_len[SDIO_MP_DBG_NUM];
/** length info for cmd53 write data */
t_u16 last_mp_wr_info[SDIO_MP_DBG_NUM * SDIO_MP_AGGR_DEF_PKT_LIMIT_MAX];
/** last curr_wr_port */
t_u8 last_curr_wr_port[SDIO_MP_DBG_NUM];
/** buffer for mp debug */
t_u8 *mpa_buf;
/** length info for mp buf size */
t_u32 mpa_buf_size;
/** last mp_index */
t_u8 last_mp_index;
/** data structure for SDIO MPA RX */
sdio_mpa_rx mpa_rx;
/** packet number for tx aggr */
t_u32 mpa_rx_count[SDIO_MP_AGGR_DEF_PKT_LIMIT_MAX];
/** SDIO interrupt mode (0: INT_MODE_SDIO, 1: INT_MODE_GPIO) */
t_u32 int_mode;
/** GPIO interrupt pin number */
t_u32 gpio_pin;
/** flag for sdio rx aggr */
t_bool sdio_rx_aggr_enable;
/** fw rx block size */
t_u16 sdio_rx_block_size;
} mlan_sdio_card, *pmlan_sdio_card;
#ifdef PCIE
#define MAX_TXRX_BD 32
#define ADMA_MAX_TXRX_BD 512
#define ADMA_DEF_TXRX_BD 128
/** 128 entry will mapping to 7*/
/** 8 entry will mapping to 3 */
#define EVT_NUM_DESC 3
/** 8 Event buffer ring */
#define MLAN_MAX_EVT_BD 0x08
typedef struct _mlan_pcie_card_reg {
/* TX buffer description rd pointer */
t_u32 reg_txbd_rdptr;
/* TX buffer description wr pointer */
t_u32 reg_txbd_wrptr;
/* RX buffer description rd pointer */
t_u32 reg_rxbd_rdptr;
/* RX buffer description wr pointer */
t_u32 reg_rxbd_wrptr;
/** evtbd rdptr register */
t_u32 reg_evtbd_rdptr;
/** evtbd wrptr register */
t_u32 reg_evtbd_wrptr;
/** host int mask register */
t_u16 reg_host_int_mask;
/** host int status mask register*/
t_u16 reg_host_int_status_mask;
/** host int status register */
t_u16 reg_host_int_status;
/** host int status clr selection */
t_u32 reg_host_int_clr_sel;
/** cpu int event register */
t_u16 reg_cpu_int_event;
/** ip revision register */
t_u16 reg_ip_rev;
/** revision id register */
t_u32 reg_rev_id;
/** driver ready register */
t_u16 reg_drv_ready;
/** cpu int status register */
t_u16 reg_cpu_int_status;
/** scratch 0 register */
t_u16 reg_scratch_0;
/** scratch 1 register */
t_u16 reg_scratch_1;
/** scratch 2 register */
t_u16 reg_scratch_2;
/** scratch 3 register */
t_u16 reg_scratch_3;
/** scratch 6 register */
t_u16 reg_scratch_6;
/** scratch 7 register */
t_u16 reg_scratch_7;
/** host interrupt mask*/
t_u32 host_intr_mask;
/** data send interrupt for host*/
t_u32 host_intr_dnld_done;
/** Data receive interrupt for host */
t_u32 host_intr_upld_rdy;
/** Command sent interrupt for host */
t_u32 host_intr_cmd_done;
/** Event ready interrupt for host */
t_u32 host_intr_event_rdy;
t_u32 host_intr_cmd_dnld;
/* TX/RX buffer description mask */
t_u32 txrx_rw_ptr_mask;
/* TX/RX buffer description wrap mask */
t_u32 txrx_rw_ptr_wrap_mask;
/* TX/RX buffer description indication */
t_u32 txrx_rw_ptr_rollover_ind;
/** ADMA feature */
t_u8 use_adma;
/** write to clear interrupt status flag */
t_u8 msi_int_wr_clr;
} mlan_pcie_card_reg, *pmlan_pcie_card_reg;
typedef struct _mlan_pcie_card {
const mlan_pcie_card_reg *reg;
/** PCIE interrupt modes 0: Legacy, 1: MSI, 2:MSI-X */
t_u32 pcie_int_mode;
/** PCIE function number */
t_u8 func_num;
/** pending num of tx ring buffer in firmware */
t_u8 txbd_pending;
/** Write pointer for TXBD ring */
t_u32 txbd_wrptr;
/** Shadow copy of TXBD read pointer */
t_u32 txbd_rdptr;
/** TXBD ring size */
t_u32 txbd_ring_size;
/** Lock for protecting the TX ring */
t_void *tx_ring_lock;
/** Virtual base address of txbd_ring */
t_u8 *txbd_ring_vbase;
/** Physical base address of txbd_ring */
t_u64 txbd_ring_pbase;
/** Ring of buffer descriptors for TX */
t_void *txbd_ring[MLAN_MAX_TXRX_BD];
/** A list of mlan_buffer objects used for data tx */
mlan_buffer *tx_buf_list[MLAN_MAX_TXRX_BD];
/** Flush indicator for txbd_ring */
t_bool txbd_flush;
/** txrx data dma ring size */
t_u16 txrx_bd_size;
/** txrx num desc */
t_u16 txrx_num_desc;
/** Shadow copy of RXBD write pointer */
t_u32 rxbd_wrptr;
/** RxBD read pointer */
t_u32 rxbd_rdptr;
/** RXBD ring size */
t_u32 rxbd_ring_size;
/** A spinlock for rxbd_ring */
t_void *rx_ring_lock;
/** Virtual base address of rxbd_ring */
t_u8 *rxbd_ring_vbase;
/** Physical base address of rxbd_ring */
t_u64 rxbd_ring_pbase;
/** Ring of buffer descriptors for RX */
t_void *rxbd_ring[MLAN_MAX_TXRX_BD];
/** A list of mlan_buffer objects used for data rx */
mlan_buffer *rx_buf_list[MLAN_MAX_TXRX_BD];
/** Shadow copy of cmdrsp/evt write pointer */
t_u32 evtbd_wrptr;
/** Read pointer for cmdrsp/evt ring */
t_u32 evtbd_rdptr;
/** Size of the cmdrsp/evt ring */
t_u32 evtbd_ring_size;
/** Virtual base address of evtbd_bd_ring */
t_u8 *evtbd_ring_vbase;
/** Physical base address of evtbd_bd_ring */
t_u64 evtbd_ring_pbase;
/** Ring of buffer descriptors for EVENT */
t_void *evtbd_ring[MLAN_MAX_EVT_BD];
/** A list of mlan_buffer objects used for EVENT */
mlan_buffer *evt_buf_list[MLAN_MAX_EVT_BD];
/** Command buffer */
mlan_buffer *cmd_buf;
/** Command response buffer */
mlan_buffer *cmdrsp_buf;
/** Command buffer */
mlan_buffer *vdll_cmd_buf;
/** last tx_pkt_size */
t_u32 last_tx_pkt_size[MLAN_MAX_TXRX_BD];
} mlan_pcie_card, *pmlan_pcie_card;
#ifdef USB
typedef struct _mlan_usb_card {
/** data structure for USB Rx Deaggregation */
usb_rx_deaggr_params usb_rx_deaggr;
/** data structure for USB Tx Aggregation */
usb_tx_aggr_params usb_tx_aggr[MAX_USB_TX_PORT_NUM];
/** USB sggregation supported by FW */
t_u8 fw_usb_aggr;
} mlan_usb_card, *pmlan_usb_card;
typedef struct _mlan_card_info {
/** Max Tx buffer size */
t_u32 max_tx_buf_size;
/** support V14_FW_API */
t_u8 v14_fw_api;
/** support V16_FW_API */
t_u8 v16_fw_api;
/** support V17_FW_API */
t_u8 v17_fw_api;
/** suppress PS handshake */
t_u8 supp_ps_handshake;
t_u32 default_11n_tx_bf_cap;
} mlan_card_info, *pmlan_card_info;
typedef struct _mlan_adapter mlan_adapter, *pmlan_adapter;
/**Adapter_operations data structure*/
typedef struct _adapter_operations {
/**firmware download handler*/
mlan_status (*dnld_fw)(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, pmlan_fw_image pmfw);
/**interrupt handler*/
mlan_status (*interrupt)(t_u16 msg_id, pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
/**INT process handler*/
mlan_status (*process_int_status)(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
/**host to card handler*/
mlan_status (*host_to_card)(pmlan_private pmpriv, t_u8 type,
mlan_buffer *pmbuf,
mlan_tx_param *tx_param);
/*wakeup card*/
mlan_status (*wakeup_card)(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, t_u8 timeout);
/*reset the PM setting of card*/
mlan_status (*reset_card)(pmlan_adapter adapter);
/** Handle event/cmd complete*/
mlan_status (*event_complete)(mlan_adapter *pmlan_adapter,
pmlan_buffer pmbuf, mlan_status status);
/** Handle complete receiving data */
mlan_status (*data_complete)(mlan_adapter *pmlan_adapter,
pmlan_buffer pmbuf, mlan_status status);
/** Handle command response complete */
mlan_status (*cmdrsp_complete)(mlan_adapter *pmlan_adapter,
pmlan_buffer pmbuf, mlan_status status);
/** Handle rx packet */
mlan_status (*handle_rx_packet)(mlan_adapter *pmadapter,
pmlan_buffer pmbuf);
/** handle dump interface specific info */
mlan_status (*debug_dump)(mlan_adapter *pmadapter);
/** disable host interrupt */
mlan_status (*disable_host_int)(mlan_adapter *pmadapter);
/** enable host interrupt */
mlan_status (*enable_host_int)(mlan_adapter *pmadapter);
/**Interface header length*/
t_u32 intf_header_len;
} mlan_adapter_operations;
/** Adapter data structure for MLAN */
typedef struct _mlan_adapter {
/** MOAL handle structure */
t_void *pmoal_handle;
/** BSS Attributes */
mlan_bss_attr bss_attr[MLAN_MAX_BSS_NUM];
/** Private pointer */
pmlan_private priv[MLAN_MAX_BSS_NUM];
/** Total number of Priv number */
t_u8 priv_num;
/** Priority table for bss */
mlan_bssprio_tbl bssprio_tbl[MLAN_MAX_BSS_NUM];
/** Callback table */
mlan_callbacks callbacks;
/** Init parameters */
mlan_init_para init_para;
/** mlan_lock for init/shutdown */
t_void *pmlan_lock;
/** main_proc_lock for main_process */
t_void *pmain_proc_lock;
/** mlan_processing */
t_u32 mlan_processing;
/** main_process_cnt */
t_u32 main_process_cnt;
/** mlan_rx_processing */
t_u32 mlan_rx_processing;
/** rx_proc_lock for main_rx_process */
t_void *prx_proc_lock;
/** more_rx_task_flag */
t_u32 more_rx_task_flag;
/** rx work enable flag */
t_u8 rx_work_flag;
/* number of rx pkts queued */
t_u16 rx_pkts_queued;
/** more task flag */
t_u32 more_task_flag;
/** delay task flag */
t_u32 delay_task_flag;
/** Max tx buf size */
t_u16 max_tx_buf_size;
/** Tx buf size */
t_u16 tx_buf_size;
/** current tx buf size in fw */
t_u16 curr_tx_buf_size;
/** flush data flag */
t_u8 flush_data;
/** STATUS variables */
/** PnP SUPPORT */
t_u8 surprise_removed;
/** FW hang report */
t_u8 fw_hang_report;
/** ECSA support */
t_u8 ecsa_enable;
/** Get log support */
t_u8 getlog_enable;
/** Radio on flag */
t_u16 radio_on;
/** Firmware release number */
t_u32 fw_release_number;
/** firmware version */
t_u8 fw_ver;
/** firmware minor version */
t_u8 fw_min_ver;
/** firmare hotfix version */
t_u8 fw_hotfix_ver;
/** uap firmware version */
t_u8 uap_fw_ver;
/** mac address retrun from get_hw_spec */
t_u8 permanent_addr[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH];
/** Number of antenna used */
t_u16 number_of_antenna;
/** antenna info */
t_u8 antinfo;
/** Firmware capability information */
t_u32 fw_cap_info;
/** Extended firmware capability information */
t_u32 fw_cap_ext;
#if defined(PCIE9098) || defined(SD9098) || defined(USB9098) || \
defined(PCIE9097) || defined(SD9097) || defined(USB9097)
/** High byte for 5G, low byte for 2G, like 0x2211 0x22 for 5G, 0x11 for
* 2G */
t_u16 user_htstream;
/** vdll ctrl */
vdll_dnld_ctrl vdll_ctrl;
#if defined(SDIO) || defined(PCIE)
/** pint_lock for interrupt handling */
t_void *pint_lock;
/** Interrupt status */
t_u32 ireg;
/** card type */
t_u16 card_type;
/** card rev */
t_u8 card_rev;
const mlan_card_info *pcard_info;
#ifdef SDIO
pmlan_sdio_card pcard_sd;
#ifdef PCIE
pmlan_pcie_card pcard_pcie;
#ifdef USB
pmlan_usb_card pcard_usb;
/** Event cause */
t_u32 event_cause;
/** Event buffer */
pmlan_buffer pmlan_buffer_event;
/** Upload length */
t_u32 upld_len;
/** Upload buffer*/
t_u8 upld_buf[WLAN_UPLD_SIZE];
/** Data sent:
* TRUE - Data is sent to fw, no Tx Done received
* FALSE - Tx done received for previous Tx
t_u8 data_sent;
/** Data sent cnt */
t_u32 data_sent_cnt;
/** CMD sent:
* TRUE - CMD is sent to fw, no CMD Done received
* FALSE - CMD done received for previous CMD
t_u8 cmd_sent;
/** CMD Response received:
* TRUE - CMD is response is received from fw, and yet to process
* FALSE - No cmd response to process
t_u8 cmd_resp_received;
/** Event received:
* TRUE - Event received from fw, and yet to process
* FALSE - No events to process
t_u8 event_received;
/** Data received:
* TRUE - Data received from fw
* FALSE - No Data received
t_u8 data_received;
/** Command-related variables */
/** Command sequence number */
t_u16 seq_num;
/** Command controller nodes */
cmd_ctrl_node *cmd_pool;
/** Current Command */
cmd_ctrl_node *curr_cmd;
/** mlan_lock for command */
t_void *pmlan_cmd_lock;
/** Number of command timeouts */
t_u32 num_cmd_timeout;
/** Last init fw command id */
t_u16 last_init_cmd;
/** Command timer */
t_void *pmlan_cmd_timer;
/** Command timer set flag */
t_u8 cmd_timer_is_set;
/** time stamp for command dnld */
t_u32 dnld_cmd_in_secs;
/** Command Queues */
/** Free command buffers */
mlan_list_head cmd_free_q;
/** Pending command buffers */
mlan_list_head cmd_pending_q;
/** Command queue for scanning */
mlan_list_head scan_pending_q;
/** ioctl pending queue */
mlan_list_head ioctl_pending_q;
/** pending_ioctl flag */
t_u8 pending_ioctl;
pmlan_private pending_disconnect_priv;
/** mlan_processing */
t_u32 scan_processing;
/** ext_scan enh support flag */
t_u8 ext_scan_enh;
/** scan type: 0 legacy, 1: enhance scan*/
t_u8 ext_scan_type;
/** ext scan timeout */
t_u8 ext_scan_timeout;
/** coex scan flag */
t_u8 coex_scan;
/** coex min scan time */
t_u8 coex_min_scan_time;
/** coex max scan time */
t_u8 coex_max_scan_time;
/** coex win size flag */
t_u8 coex_win_size;
/** coex amdpdu tx win size */
t_u8 coex_tx_win_size;
/** coex ampdu rx win size */
t_u8 coex_rx_win_size;
/** Region code */
t_u16 region_code;
/** Region Channel data */
region_chan_t region_channel[MAX_REGION_CHANNEL_NUM];
/** CFP table code for 2.4GHz */
t_u8 cfp_code_bg;
/** CFP table code for 5GHz */
t_u8 cfp_code_a;
wmm_ac_parameters_t ac_params[MAX_AC_QUEUES];
/** Minimum BA Threshold */
t_u8 min_ba_threshold;
/** Universal Channel data */
region_chan_t universal_channel[MAX_REGION_CHANNEL_NUM];
/** Parsed region channel */
parsed_region_chan_11d_t parsed_region_chan;
#endif /* STA_SUPPORT */
/** 11D and Domain Regulatory Data */
wlan_802_11d_domain_reg_t domain_reg;
/** Country Code */
t_u8 country_code[COUNTRY_CODE_LEN];
/** FSM variable for 11h support */
wlan_11h_device_state_t state_11h;
/** FSM variable for DFS support */
wlan_dfs_device_state_t state_dfs;
/** FSM variable for RDH support */
wlan_radar_det_hndlg_state_t state_rdh;
/** variable to configure dfs channel switch count */
t_s8 dfs_cs_count;
/** User configured settings for DFS testing */
wlan_dfs_testing_settings_t dfs_test_params;
/** dfs w53 cfg */
t_u8 dfs53cfg;
/** FSM variable for MEAS support */
wlan_meas_state_t state_meas;
/** Scan table */
BSSDescriptor_t *pscan_table;
/** scan age in secs */
t_u32 age_in_secs;
/** Active scan for hidden ssid triggered */
t_u8 active_scan_triggered;
/** channel statstics */
ChanStatistics_t *pchan_stats;
/** Number of records in the chan_stats */
t_u32 num_in_chan_stats;
/** index of chan stats */
t_u32 idx_chan_stats;
t_u8 bgscan_reported;
/** Number of records in the scan table */
t_u32 num_in_scan_table;
/** Scan probes */
t_u16 scan_probes;
/** Scan type */
t_u8 scan_type;
/** Scan mode */
t_u32 scan_mode;
/** Specific scan time */
t_u16 specific_scan_time;
/** Active scan time */
t_u16 active_scan_time;
/** Passive scan time */
t_u16 passive_scan_time;
/** Passive scan to active scan */
t_u8 passive_to_active_scan;
/** scan channel gap time */
t_u16 scan_chan_gap;
/** Scan block flag */
t_u8 scan_block;
/** Extended scan or legacy scan */
t_u8 ext_scan;
t_u32 bcn_buf_size;
/** Beacon buffer */
t_u8 *bcn_buf;
/** Pointer to valid beacon buffer end */
t_u8 *pbcn_buf_end;
/** allocate fixed scan beacon buffer size*/
t_u32 fixed_beacon_buffer;
/** F/W supported bands */
t_u16 fw_bands;
/** User selected band to start adhoc network */
t_u16 adhoc_start_band;
/** User selected bands */
t_u16 config_bands;
/** Pointer to channel list last sent to the firmware for scanning */
ChanScanParamSet_t *pscan_channels;
/** Tx lock flag */
t_u8 tx_lock_flag;
/** Rx lock flag */
t_u8 rx_lock_flag;
/** main lock flag */
t_u8 main_lock_flag;
#ifdef USB
/** Tx CMD endpoint address */
t_u8 tx_cmd_ep;
/** Rx CMD/EVT endpoint address */
t_u8 rx_cmd_ep;
/** Rx data endpoint address */
t_u8 rx_data_ep;
/** Tx data endpoint address */
t_u8 tx_data_ep;
/** sleep_params_t */
sleep_params_t sleep_params;
/** sleep_period_t (Enhanced Power Save) */
sleep_period_t sleep_period;
/** saved sleep_period_t (Enhanced Power Save) */
sleep_period_t saved_sleep_period;
/** Power Save mode */
* Wlan802_11PowerModeCAM = disable
* Wlan802_11PowerModePSP = enable
t_u16 ps_mode;
/** Power Save state */
t_u32 ps_state;
/** Need to wakeup flag */
t_u8 need_to_wakeup;
/** keep_wakeup */
t_u8 keep_wakeup;
/** Multiple DTIM */
t_u16 multiple_dtim;
/** Local listen interval */
t_u16 local_listen_interval;
/** Null packet interval */
t_u16 null_pkt_interval;
/** IEEE ps inactivity timout value */
t_u16 inact_tmo;
/** Power save confirm sleep command buffer */
pmlan_buffer psleep_cfm;
/** Beacon miss timeout */
t_u16 bcn_miss_time_out;
/** Deep Sleep flag */
t_u8 is_deep_sleep;
/** Idle time */
t_u16 idle_time;
/** Auto Deep Sleep enabled at init time */
t_u8 init_auto_ds;
/** delay null pkt flag */
t_u8 delay_null_pkt;
/** Delay to PS in milliseconds */
t_u16 delay_to_ps;
/** Enhanced PS mode */
t_u16 enhanced_ps_mode;
/** Device wakeup required flag */
t_u8 pm_wakeup_card_req;
/** Gen NULL pkg */
t_u16 gen_null_pkt;
/** PPS/UAPSD mode flag */
t_u16 pps_uapsd_mode;
/** Number of wakeup tries */
t_u32 pm_wakeup_fw_try;
/** time stamp when host try to wake up firmware */
t_u32 pm_wakeup_in_secs;
/** Card wakeup timer */
t_void *pwakeup_fw_timer;
/** Card wakeup timer */
t_u8 wakeup_fw_timer_is_set;
/** Number of wake up timeouts */
t_u32 pm_wakeup_timeout;
/** Host Sleep configured flag */
t_u8 is_hs_configured;
/** Host Sleep configuration */
hs_config_param hs_cfg;
/** Host Sleep activated flag */
t_u8 hs_activated;
/** mef_flt_cfg_mef configuration */
mef_entry entry_cfg;
/** Event body */
t_u8 event_body[MAX_EVENT_SIZE];
/** 802.11n device capabilities */
t_u32 hw_dot_11n_dev_cap;
/** Device support for MIMO abstraction of MCSs */
t_u8 hw_dev_mcs_support;
/** Adhoc Secondary Channel Bandwidth */
t_u8 chan_bandwidth;
#endif /* STA_SUPPORT */
/** 802.11ac device capabilities */
t_u32 hw_dot_11ac_dev_cap;
/** 802.11ac device support for MIMO abstraction of MCSs */
t_u32 hw_dot_11ac_mcs_support;
/** length of hw he capability */
t_u8 hw_hecap_len;
/** 802.11ax HE capability */
t_u8 hw_he_cap[54];
/** length of hw 2.4G he capability */
t_u8 hw_2g_hecap_len;
/** 802.11ax 2.4G HE capability */
t_u8 hw_2g_he_cap[54];
/** max mgmt IE index in device */
t_u16 max_mgmt_ie_index;
/** Head of Rx data queue */
mlan_list_head rx_data_queue;
t_u32 mfg_mode;
/** Debug */
wlan_dbg dbg;
/** RX pending for forwarding packets */
mlan_scalar pending_bridge_pkts;
/** ARP filter buffer */
t_u8 arp_filter[ARP_FILTER_MAX_BUF_SIZE];
/** ARP filter buffer size */
t_u32 arp_filter_size;
#endif /* STA_SUPPORT */
/** Minimum delay between HsActive and HostWake (in msec) */
t_u16 min_wake_holdoff;
/** Host sleep wake interval(in msec) */
t_u32 hs_wake_interval;
/** Host sleep inactivity timeout (in msec) */
t_u32 hs_inactivity_timeout;
/** Parameter type for indication gpio*/
t_u8 param_type_ind;
/** GPIO pin for indication wakeup source */
t_u32 ind_gpio;
/** Level on ind_gpio pin for indication normal wakeup source */
t_u32 level;
/** Parameter type for extend hscfg*/
t_u8 param_type_ext;
/** Events that will be forced ignore */
t_u32 event_force_ignore;
/** Events that will use extend gap to inform host*/
t_u32 event_use_ext_gap;
/** Extend gap*/
t_u8 ext_gap;
/** GPIO wave level for extend hscfg */
t_u8 gpio_wave;
/** Dynamic MIMO-SISO switch for hscfg*/
t_u8 hs_mimo_switch;
/** management frame wakeup filter config */
mlan_mgmt_frame_wakeup mgmt_filter[MAX_MGMT_FRAME_FILTER];
/** Bypass TX queue pkt count */
t_u32 bypass_pkt_count;
/** warm-reset IOCTL request buffer pointer */
pmlan_ioctl_req pwarm_reset_ioctl_req;
/** SCAN IOCTL request buffer pointer */
pmlan_ioctl_req pscan_ioctl_req;
/** DPD data pointer */
t_u8 *pdpd_data;
/** DPD data length */
t_u32 dpd_data_len;
/** region txpowerlimit cfg data buf pointer */
t_u8 *ptxpwr_data;
/** region txpowerlimit cfg data len */
t_u32 txpwr_data_len;
/** Cal data pointer */
t_u8 *pcal_data;
/** Cal data length */
t_u32 cal_data_len;
/** tdls status */
tdlsStatus_e tdls_status;
/** Feature control bitmask */
t_u32 feature_control;
/** Control coex RX window size configuration */
t_u8 coex_rx_winsize;
t_bool dfs_repeater;
t_u32 dfsr_channel;
t_u8 chanrpt_param_bandcfg;
#if defined(PCIE)
mlan_buffer *ssu_buf;
/** maximum sta connection */
t_u8 max_sta_conn;
otp_region_info_t *otp_region;
chan_freq_power_t *cfp_otp_bg;
t_u8 *tx_power_table_bg;
t_u32 tx_power_table_bg_size;
t_u8 tx_power_table_bg_rows;
t_u8 tx_power_table_bg_cols;
chan_freq_power_t *cfp_otp_a;
t_u8 *tx_power_table_a;
t_u32 tx_power_table_a_size;
t_u8 tx_power_table_a_rows;
t_u8 tx_power_table_a_cols;
/**mlan adapter operations*/
mlan_adapter_operations ops;
/** authenticator_priv */
pmlan_private authenticator_priv;
/** TP accounting mode 1-enable 0-disable */
t_u32 tp_state_on;
/** Packet drop point */
t_u32 tp_state_drop_point;
} mlan_adapter, *pmlan_adapter;
/** Check if stream 2X2 enabled */
#define IS_STREAM_2X2(x) ((x)&FEATURE_CTRL_STREAM_2X2)
/** Check if DFS support enabled */
#ifdef USB
/** Check if winner check & not wait for FW ready event */
/** Ethernet packet type for EAPOL */
#define MLAN_ETHER_PKT_TYPE_ARP (0x0806)
/** Ethernet packet type for WAPI */
/** Ethernet packet type offset */
mlan_status wlan_init_lock_list(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
mlan_status wlan_init_priv_lock_list(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, t_u8 start_index);
t_void wlan_free_lock_list(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
mlan_status wlan_init_timer(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
t_void wlan_free_timer(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
/* Function prototype */
/** Initialize firmware */
mlan_status wlan_init_fw(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
/** get hw spec complete */
mlan_status wlan_get_hw_spec_complete(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
/** Initialize firmware complete */
mlan_status wlan_init_fw_complete(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
/** Shutdown firmware complete */
mlan_status wlan_shutdown_fw_complete(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
/** Receive event */
mlan_status wlan_recv_event(pmlan_private priv, mlan_event_id event_id,
t_void *pmevent);
/** Initialize mlan_adapter structure */
t_void wlan_init_adapter(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
/** Initialize mlan_private structure */
mlan_status wlan_init_priv(pmlan_private priv);
#ifdef USB
/** get pcie device from card type */
mlan_status wlan_get_usb_device(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
mlan_status wlan_download_vdll_block(mlan_adapter *pmadapter, t_u8 *block,
t_u16 block_len);
mlan_status wlan_process_vdll_event(pmlan_private pmpriv, pmlan_buffer pevent);
/** Process event */
mlan_status wlan_process_event(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
/** Prepare command */
mlan_status wlan_prepare_cmd(pmlan_private priv, t_u16 cmd_no, t_u16 cmd_action,
t_u32 cmd_oid, t_void *pioctl_buf,
t_void *pdata_buf);
/** cmd timeout handler */
t_void wlan_cmd_timeout_func(t_void *function_context);
* @brief check if Tx pending
* @param pmadapter Pointer to mlan_adapter
* @return MTRUE/MFALSE;
static inline t_u8 wlan_is_tx_pending(mlan_adapter *pmadapter)
#ifdef PCIE
if (IS_PCIE(pmadapter->card_type) &&
return MTRUE;
return MFALSE;
/** process host cmd */
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_host_cmd(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
/** process init/shutdown cmd*/
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_init_shutdown(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
/** process debug info */
mlan_status wlan_get_info_debug_info(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
#if defined(STA_SUPPORT) && defined(UAP_SUPPORT)
extern pmlan_operations mlan_ops[];
/** Set/Get BSS role */
mlan_status wlan_bss_ioctl_bss_role(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
#if defined(PCIE)
mlan_status wlan_misc_ssu(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_hal_phy_cfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_set_ewpa_mode(mlan_private *priv, pmlan_ds_passphrase psec_pp);
mlan_status wlan_find_bss(mlan_private *pmpriv, pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
/* block main process */
void mlan_block_main_process(mlan_adapter *pmadapter, t_u8 block);
/* block rx process */
void mlan_block_rx_process(mlan_adapter *pmadapter, t_u8 block);
/** check pending command */
int wlan_check_pending_cmd(mlan_adapter *pmadapter);
/** Allocate memory for adapter structure members */
mlan_status wlan_allocate_adapter(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
/** Free adapter */
t_void wlan_free_adapter(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
/** Free priv */
t_void wlan_free_priv(mlan_private *pmpriv);
/** Allocate command buffer */
mlan_status wlan_alloc_cmd_buffer(mlan_adapter *pmadapter);
/** Free command buffer */
mlan_status wlan_free_cmd_buffer(mlan_adapter *pmadapter);
/** Request command lock */
t_void wlan_request_cmd_lock(mlan_adapter *pmadapter);
/** Release command lock */
t_void wlan_release_cmd_lock(mlan_adapter *pmadapter);
/** Flush the scan pending queue */
t_void wlan_flush_scan_queue(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
t_void wlan_move_cmd_to_cmd_pending_q(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
mlan_status wlan_cancel_pending_scan_cmd(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
/**Cancel pending command */
t_void wlan_cancel_all_pending_cmd(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, t_u8 flag);
/**Cancel pending ioctl */
t_void wlan_cancel_pending_ioctl(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
/**Cancel bss pending ioctl */
t_void wlan_cancel_bss_pending_cmd(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, t_u32 bss_index);
/** Insert command to free queue */
t_void wlan_insert_cmd_to_free_q(mlan_adapter *pmadapter,
cmd_ctrl_node *pcmd_node);
/** Insert command to pending queue */
t_void wlan_insert_cmd_to_pending_q(mlan_adapter *pmadapter,
cmd_ctrl_node *pcmd_node, t_u32 addtail);
/** Execute next command */
mlan_status wlan_exec_next_cmd(mlan_adapter *pmadapter);
/** Proecess command response */
mlan_status wlan_process_cmdresp(mlan_adapter *pmadapter);
/** Handle received packet, has extra handling for aggregate packets */
mlan_status wlan_handle_rx_packet(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, pmlan_buffer pmbuf);
/** Process transmission */
mlan_status wlan_process_tx(pmlan_private priv, pmlan_buffer pmbuf,
mlan_tx_param *tx_param);
/** Transmit a null data packet */
mlan_status wlan_send_null_packet(pmlan_private priv, t_u8 flags);
#ifdef SDIO
mlan_status wlan_alloc_sdio_mpa_buffers(mlan_adapter *pmadapter,
t_u32 mpa_tx_buf_size,
t_u32 mpa_rx_buf_size);
mlan_status wlan_free_sdio_mpa_buffers(mlan_adapter *pmadapter);
/** Process write data complete */
mlan_status wlan_write_data_complete(pmlan_adapter pmlan_adapter,
pmlan_buffer pmbuf, mlan_status status);
#ifdef USB
mlan_status wlan_usb_deaggr_rx_pkt(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, pmlan_buffer pmbuf);
* @brief This function resets USB Tx Aggregation buffers
* @param pmadapter A pointer to mlan_adapter
* @return N/A
static INLINE t_void wlan_reset_usb_tx_aggr(pmlan_adapter pmadapter)
t_s32 i = 0;
pmlan_callbacks pcb = &pmadapter->callbacks;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_USB_TX_PORT_NUM; i++) {
if (pmadapter->pcard_usb->usb_tx_aggr[i].aggr_hold_timer_is_set) {
.aggr_hold_timer_is_set = MFALSE;
if (pmadapter->pcard_usb->usb_tx_aggr[i].aggr_ctrl.enable &&
pmadapter->pcard_usb->usb_tx_aggr[i].pmbuf_aggr != MNULL) {
MLAN_STATUS_FAILURE); /* did not get sent */
pmadapter->pcard_usb->usb_tx_aggr[i].pmbuf_aggr = MNULL;
pmadapter->pcard_usb->usb_tx_aggr[i].aggr_len = 0;
* @brief This function get usb_tx_aggr_params
* @param pmadapter A pointer to mlan_adapter
* @param port port for TX
* @return A pointer to usb_tx_aggr_params
static INLINE usb_tx_aggr_params *
wlan_get_usb_tx_aggr_params(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, t_u32 port)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MAX_USB_TX_PORT_NUM; i++) {
if (pmadapter->pcard_usb->usb_tx_aggr[i].aggr_ctrl.enable &&
pmadapter->pcard_usb->usb_tx_aggr[i].port == port)
return &pmadapter->pcard_usb->usb_tx_aggr[i];
return MNULL;
t_void wlan_usb_tx_aggr_timeout_func(t_void *function_context);
mlan_status wlan_usb_host_to_card_aggr(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_buffer pmbuf,
mlan_tx_param *tx_param,
usb_tx_aggr_params *aggr_params);
/** Process receive packet complete */
mlan_status wlan_recv_packet_complete(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_buffer pmbuf, mlan_status status);
/** Clean Tx Rx queues */
t_void wlan_clean_txrx(pmlan_private priv);
t_void wlan_add_buf_bypass_txqueue(mlan_adapter *pmadapter, pmlan_buffer pmbuf);
t_void wlan_process_bypass_tx(mlan_adapter *pmadapter);
t_void wlan_cleanup_bypass_txq(pmlan_private priv);
t_u8 wlan_bypass_tx_list_empty(mlan_adapter *pmadapter);
/** Check if this is the last packet */
t_u8 wlan_check_last_packet_indication(pmlan_private priv);
#ifdef PCIE
/* This defines the direction arg to the DMA mapping routines. */
#define PCI_DMA_NONE 3
/** function to allocate a mlan_buffer */
pmlan_buffer wlan_alloc_mlan_buffer(mlan_adapter *pmadapter, t_u32 data_len,
t_u32 head_room, t_u32 malloc_flag);
/** function to free a mlan_buffer */
t_void wlan_free_mlan_buffer(mlan_adapter *pmadapter, pmlan_buffer pmbuf);
/** command resp handler for version ext */
mlan_status wlan_ret_ver_ext(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
/** command resp handler for rx mgmt forward registration */
mlan_status wlan_ret_rx_mgmt_ind(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
/** Check Power Save condition */
t_void wlan_check_ps_cond(mlan_adapter *pmadapter);
/** handle command for enhanced power save mode */
mlan_status wlan_cmd_enh_power_mode(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd, t_u16 cmd_action,
t_u16 ps_bitmap, t_void *pdata_buf);
/** handle command resp for enhanced power save mode */
mlan_status wlan_ret_enh_power_mode(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
/** handle commnand for cfg data */
mlan_status wlan_cmd_cfg_data(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *pcmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_u32 cmd_oid,
t_void *pdata_buf);
/** handle command resp for cfg data */
mlan_status wlan_ret_cfg_data(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
t_void *pioctl_buf);
/** Process sleep confirm command response */
void wlan_process_sleep_confirm_resp(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, t_u8 *pbuf,
t_u32 len);
/** Perform hs related activities on receving the power up interrupt */
void wlan_process_hs_config(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
t_void wlan_wakeup_card_timeout_func(void *function_context);
mlan_status wlan_process_802dot11_mgmt_pkt(mlan_private *priv, t_u8 *payload,
t_u32 payload_len, RxPD *prx_pd);
mlan_status wlan_pm_ioctl_hscfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_radio_ioctl_remain_chan_cfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_remain_on_channel(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_remain_on_channel(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_bss_ioctl_wifi_direct_mode(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_wifi_direct_mode(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd, t_u16 cmd_action,
t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_wifi_direct_mode(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_p2p_params_config(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_p2p_params_config(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_misc_p2p_config(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_gpio_tsf_latch(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd, t_u16 cmd_action,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf,
t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_gpio_tsf_latch(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_misc_gpio_tsf_latch_config(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_get_tsf_info(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
/** get ralist info */
int wlan_get_ralist_info(mlan_private *priv, pralist_info buf);
/** dump ralist */
void wlan_dump_ralist(mlan_private *priv);
/** get pm info */
mlan_status wlan_get_pm_info(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_bss_ioctl_bss_remove(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_radio_ioctl_mimo_switch_cfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_802_11_mimo_switch(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_misc_per_pkt_cfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_config_mgmt_filter(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_get_hs_wakeup_reason(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_hs_wakeup_reason(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_hs_wakeup_reason(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_get_tx_rx_histogram(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_tx_rx_pkt_stats(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_buf,
t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_tx_rx_pkt_stats(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_radio_ioctl_radio_ctl(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_radio_ioctl_ant_cfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_tx_rate_cfg(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_void *pdata_buf,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_tx_rate_cfg(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_rate_ioctl_cfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_ret_802_11_tx_rate_query(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_rate_ioctl_get_data_rate(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
t_void wlan_host_sleep_activated_event(pmlan_private priv, t_u8 activated);
/** Handles the command response of hs_cfg */
mlan_status wlan_ret_802_11_hs_cfg(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
/** Sends HS_WAKEUP event to applications */
t_void wlan_host_sleep_wakeup_event(pmlan_private priv);
/** Prepares command of robustcoex */
mlan_status wlan_cmd_robustcoex(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_u16 *pdata_buf);
/** Set Robustcoex gpiocfg */
mlan_status wlan_misc_robustcoex(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
/** Set mapping policy/get DMCS status */
mlan_status wlan_misc_dmcs_config(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
/** Prepares command of DMCS config */
mlan_status wlan_cmd_dmcs_config(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_void *pdata_buf);
/** Handles command response of DMCS config */
mlan_status wlan_ret_dmcs_config(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
#if defined(PCIE)
mlan_status wlan_cmd_ssu(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_u16 *pdata_buf);
/** send get hw spec command to firmware */
mlan_status wlan_adapter_get_hw_spec(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
/** send adapter specific init cmd to firmware */
mlan_status wlan_adapter_init_cmd(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
/** get/set bandcfg */
mlan_status wlan_radio_ioctl_band_cfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_rx_pkt_coalesce_cfg(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_rx_pkt_coalesce_cfg(pmlan_private pmpriv,
const HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
/** warm reset */
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_warm_reset(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
/** Process received packet */
mlan_status wlan_process_rx_packet(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, pmlan_buffer pmbuf);
/** ioctl handler for station mode */
mlan_status wlan_ops_sta_ioctl(t_void *adapter, pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
/** cmd handler for station mode */
mlan_status wlan_ops_sta_prepare_cmd(t_void *priv, t_u16 cmd_no,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_u32 cmd_oid,
t_void *pioctl_buf, t_void *pdata_buf,
t_void *pcmd_buf);
/** cmdresp handler for station mode */
mlan_status wlan_ops_sta_process_cmdresp(t_void *priv, t_u16 cmdresp_no,
t_void *pcmd_buf, t_void *pioctl);
/** rx handler for station mode */
mlan_status wlan_ops_sta_process_rx_packet(t_void *adapter, pmlan_buffer pmbuf);
/** event handler for station mode */
mlan_status wlan_ops_sta_process_event(t_void *priv);
/** fill txpd for station mode */
t_void *wlan_ops_sta_process_txpd(t_void *priv, pmlan_buffer pmbuf);
/** send init cmd to firmware for station mode */
mlan_status wlan_ops_sta_init_cmd(t_void *priv, t_u8 first_bss);
/** Flush the scan table */
mlan_status wlan_flush_scan_table(pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
/** Scan for networks */
mlan_status wlan_scan_networks(mlan_private *pmpriv, t_void *pioctl_buf,
wlan_user_scan_cfg *puser_scan_in);
/** Scan for specific SSID */
mlan_status wlan_scan_specific_ssid(mlan_private *pmpriv, t_void *pioctl_buf,
mlan_802_11_ssid *preq_ssid);
/** Scan command handler */
mlan_status wlan_cmd_802_11_scan(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *pcmd,
t_void *pdata_buf);
/** Handler for scan command response */
mlan_status wlan_ret_802_11_scan(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
t_void *pioctl_buf);
/** Extended scan command handler */
mlan_status wlan_cmd_802_11_scan_ext(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *pcmd,
t_void *pdata_buf);
/** Handler for extended scan command response */
mlan_status wlan_ret_802_11_scan_ext(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
t_void *pioctl_buf);
/** Handler event for extended scan report */
mlan_status wlan_handle_event_ext_scan_report(mlan_private *pmpriv,
mlan_buffer *pmbuf);
mlan_status wlan_handle_event_ext_scan_status(mlan_private *pmpriv,
mlan_buffer *pmbuf);
/** check network compatibility */
t_s32 wlan_is_network_compatible(mlan_private *pmpriv, t_u32 index, t_u32 mode);
/** Find an SSID in a list */
t_s32 wlan_find_ssid_in_list(pmlan_private pmpriv, mlan_802_11_ssid *ssid,
t_u8 *bssid, t_u32 mode);
/** Find a BSSID in a list */
t_s32 wlan_find_bssid_in_list(mlan_private *pmpriv, t_u8 *bssid, t_u32 mode);
/** Find best network */
mlan_status wlan_find_best_network(mlan_private *pmpriv,
mlan_ssid_bssid *preq_ssid_bssid);
/** Compare two SSIDs */
t_s32 wlan_ssid_cmp(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, mlan_802_11_ssid *ssid1,
mlan_802_11_ssid *ssid2);
/** Associate */
mlan_status wlan_associate(mlan_private *pmpriv, IN t_void *pioctl_buf,
IN BSSDescriptor_t *pBSSDesc);
/** Associate command handler */
mlan_status wlan_cmd_802_11_associate(mlan_private *pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_void *pdata_buf);
/** Handler for association command response */
mlan_status wlan_ret_802_11_associate(mlan_private *pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
t_void *pioctl_buf);
/** Reset connected state */
t_void wlan_reset_connect_state(pmlan_private priv, t_u8 drv_disconnect);
t_void wlan_2040_coex_event(pmlan_private pmpriv);
/** convert band to radio type */
t_u8 wlan_band_to_radio_type(t_u8 band);
/** convert radio_type to band */
t_u8 radio_type_to_band(t_u8 chanBand);
/** Disconnect */
mlan_status wlan_disconnect(mlan_private *pmpriv, mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_req,
mlan_deauth_param *deauth_param);
/** Ad-Hoc start */
mlan_status wlan_adhoc_start(mlan_private *pmpriv, t_void *pioctl_buf,
mlan_802_11_ssid *padhoc_ssid);
/** Ad-Hoc join */
mlan_status wlan_adhoc_join(mlan_private *pmpriv, t_void *pioctl_buf,
BSSDescriptor_t *pBSSDesc);
/** Ad-Hoc start command handler */
mlan_status wlan_cmd_802_11_ad_hoc_start(mlan_private *pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_void *pdata_buf);
/** Ad-Hoc command handler */
mlan_status wlan_cmd_802_11_ad_hoc_join(mlan_private *pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_void *pdata_buf);
/** Handler for Ad-Hoc commands */
mlan_status wlan_ret_802_11_ad_hoc(mlan_private *pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
t_void *pioctl_buf);
/** Handler for bgscan query commands */
mlan_status wlan_cmd_802_11_bg_scan_query(mlan_private *pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *pcmd,
t_void *pdata_buf);
/** Handler for bgscan config command */
mlan_status wlan_cmd_bgscan_config(mlan_private *pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *pcmd, t_void *pdata_buf);
/** Hander for bgscan config command response */
mlan_status wlan_ret_bgscan_config(mlan_private *pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_802_11_bgscan_query(mlan_private *pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
/** Get Channel-Frequency-Power by band and channel */
chan_freq_power_t *
wlan_get_cfp_by_band_and_channel(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, t_u8 band,
t_u16 channel, region_chan_t *region_channel);
/** Find Channel-Frequency-Power by band and channel */
chan_freq_power_t *wlan_find_cfp_by_band_and_channel(mlan_adapter *pmadapter,
t_u8 band, t_u16 channel);
/** Find Channel-Frequency-Power by band and frequency */
chan_freq_power_t *wlan_find_cfp_by_band_and_freq(mlan_adapter *pmadapter,
t_u8 band, t_u32 freq);
/** Get Tx power of channel from Channel-Frequency-Power */
t_u8 wlan_get_txpwr_of_chan_from_cfp(mlan_private *pmpriv, t_u8 channel);
/** find frequency from band and channel */
t_u32 wlan_find_freq_from_band_chan(t_u8, t_u8);
/* Save a beacon buffer of the current bss descriptor */
t_void wlan_save_curr_bcn(mlan_private *pmpriv);
/* Free a beacon buffer of the current bss descriptor */
t_void wlan_free_curr_bcn(mlan_private *pmpriv);
#endif /* STA_SUPPORT */
/* Rate related functions */
t_u8 wlan_convert_v14_tx_rate_info(pmlan_private pmpriv, t_u8 v14_rate_info);
t_u8 wlan_convert_v14_rx_rate_info(pmlan_private pmpriv, t_u8 v14_rate_info);
/** Convert index into data rate */
t_u32 wlan_index_to_data_rate(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, t_u8 index,
t_u8 rate_info, t_u8 ext_rate_info);
/** Get active data rates */
t_u32 wlan_get_active_data_rates(mlan_private *pmpriv, t_u32 bss_mode,
t_u16 config_bands, WLAN_802_11_RATES rates);
/** Get supported data rates */
t_u32 wlan_get_supported_rates(mlan_private *pmpriv, t_u32 bss_mode,
t_u16 config_bands, WLAN_802_11_RATES rates);
/** Convert data rate to index */
t_u8 wlan_data_rate_to_index(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, t_u32 rate);
/** Check if rate is auto */
t_u8 wlan_is_rate_auto(mlan_private *pmpriv);
/** Get rate index */
int wlan_get_rate_index(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, t_u16 *rateBitmap, int size);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_rxabortcfg(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_rxabortcfg(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_rxabortcfg_ext(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd, t_u16 cmd_action,
t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_rxabortcfg_ext(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_tx_ampdu_prot_mode(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_tx_ampdu_prot_mode(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_dot11mc_unassoc_ftm_cfg(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action,
t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_dot11mc_unassoc_ftm_cfg(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_hal_phy_cfg(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_u16 *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_hal_phy_cfg(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_rate_adapt_cfg(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd, t_u16 cmd_action,
t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_rate_adapt_cfg(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_cck_desense_cfg(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd, t_u16 cmd_action,
t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_cck_desense_cfg(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_arb_cfg(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_arb_cfg(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_rxabortcfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_rxabortcfg_ext(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_tx_ampdu_prot_mode(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_dot11mc_unassoc_ftm_cfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_rate_adapt_cfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_cck_desense_cfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_mfg(pmlan_private pmpriv, pHostCmd_DS_COMMAND cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_pvoid pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_mfg(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_rf_test_cfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_range_ext(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_arb_cfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_tp_state(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
/* CFP related functions */
/** Region code index table */
extern t_u16 region_code_index[MRVDRV_MAX_REGION_CODE];
/** The table to keep CFP code for BG */
extern t_u16 cfp_code_index_bg[MRVDRV_MAX_CFP_CODE_BG];
/** The table to keep CFP code for A */
extern t_u16 cfp_code_index_a[MRVDRV_MAX_CFP_CODE_A];
/** Set region table */
mlan_status wlan_set_regiontable(mlan_private *pmpriv, t_u8 region, t_u8 band);
/** Get radar detection requirements*/
t_bool wlan_get_cfp_radar_detect(mlan_private *priv, t_u8 chnl);
/** check if scan type is passive for b/g band*/
t_bool wlan_bg_scan_type_is_passive(mlan_private *priv, t_u8 chnl);
/** check if channel is NO_IR (passive) */
t_bool wlan_is_chan_passive(mlan_private *priv, t_u8 band, t_u8 chan);
/** check if channel is disabled */
t_bool wlan_is_chan_disabled(mlan_private *priv, t_u8 band, t_u8 chan);
/** check if channel is blacklisted */
t_bool wlan_is_chan_blacklisted(mlan_private *priv, t_u8 band, t_u8 chan);
/** set blacklist setting for a channel */
t_bool wlan_set_chan_blacklist(mlan_private *priv, t_u8 band, t_u8 chan,
t_bool bl);
/* 802.11D related functions */
/** Initialize 11D */
t_void wlan_11d_priv_init(mlan_private *pmpriv);
/** Initialize 11D */
t_void wlan_11d_init(mlan_adapter *pmadapter);
/** Enable 11D */
mlan_status wlan_11d_enable(mlan_private *pmpriv, t_void *pioctl_buf,
state_11d_t flag);
/** Get if 11D is enabled */
t_bool wlan_11d_is_enabled(mlan_private *pmpriv);
/** Get if FW 11D is enabled */
t_bool wlan_fw_11d_is_enabled(mlan_private *pmpriv);
/** Get if priv is station */
t_bool wlan_is_station(mlan_private *pmpriv);
/** Command handler for 11D country info */
mlan_status wlan_cmd_802_11d_domain_info(mlan_private *pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *pcmd,
t_u16 cmd_action);
/** Handler for 11D country info command response */
mlan_status wlan_ret_802_11d_domain_info(mlan_private *pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp);
/** Convert channel to frequency */
t_u32 wlan_11d_chan_2_freq(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, t_u8 chan, t_u8 band);
/** Set 11D universal table */
mlan_status wlan_11d_set_universaltable(mlan_private *pmpriv, t_u8 band);
/** Clear 11D region table */
mlan_status wlan_11d_clear_parsedtable(mlan_private *pmpriv);
/** Create 11D country information for downloading */
mlan_status wlan_11d_create_dnld_countryinfo(mlan_private *pmpriv, t_u8 band);
/** Get scan type from 11D info */
t_u8 wlan_11d_get_scan_type(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, t_u8 band, t_u8 chan,
parsed_region_chan_11d_t *parsed_region_chan);
/** Parse 11D country info */
mlan_status wlan_11d_parse_dnld_countryinfo(mlan_private *pmpriv,
BSSDescriptor_t *pBSSDesc);
/** Prepare 11D domain information for download */
mlan_status wlan_11d_prepare_dnld_domain_info_cmd(mlan_private *pmpriv);
/** Parse 11D country information into domain info */
mlan_status wlan_11d_parse_domain_info(
pmlan_adapter pmadapter, IEEEtypes_CountryInfoFullSet_t *country_info,
t_u8 band, parsed_region_chan_11d_t *parsed_region_chan);
#endif /* STA_SUPPORT */
/** Handle 11D domain information from UAP */
mlan_status wlan_11d_handle_uap_domain_info(mlan_private *pmpriv, t_u8 band,
t_u8 *domain_tlv,
t_void *pioctl_buf);
/** Configure 11D domain info command */
mlan_status wlan_11d_cfg_domain_info(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_req);
/** This function converts region string to CFP table code */
mlan_status wlan_misc_country_2_cfp_table_code(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
t_u8 *country_code, t_u8 *cfp_bg,
t_u8 *cfp_a);
/** This function finds if given country code is in EU table */
t_bool wlan_is_etsi_country(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, t_u8 *country_code);
/** check if station list is empty */
t_u8 wlan_is_station_list_empty(mlan_private *priv);
/** get station node */
sta_node *wlan_get_station_entry(mlan_private *priv, t_u8 *mac);
/** delete station list */
t_void wlan_delete_station_list(pmlan_private priv);
/** delete station entry */
t_void wlan_delete_station_entry(mlan_private *priv, t_u8 *mac);
/** add station entry */
sta_node *wlan_add_station_entry(mlan_private *priv, t_u8 *mac);
/** process uap rx packet */
void wlan_check_sta_capability(pmlan_private priv, pmlan_buffer pevent,
sta_node *sta_ptr);
/** find specific ie */
t_u8 *wlan_get_specific_ie(pmlan_private priv, t_u8 *ie_buf, t_u8 ie_len,
IEEEtypes_ElementId_e id, t_u8 ext_id);
t_u8 wlan_is_wmm_ie_present(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, t_u8 *pbuf, t_u16 buf_len);
* @brief This function checks whether a station TDLS link is enabled or not
* @param priv A pointer to mlan_private
* @param mac station mac address
* @return
static INLINE tdlsStatus_e wlan_get_tdls_link_status(mlan_private *priv,
t_u8 *mac)
sta_node *sta_ptr = MNULL;
sta_ptr = wlan_get_station_entry(priv, mac);
if (sta_ptr)
return sta_ptr->status;
* @brief This function checks if TDLS link is in channel switching
* @param status tdls link status
* @return MTRUE/MFALSE
static INLINE int wlan_is_tdls_link_chan_switching(tdlsStatus_e status)
* @brief This function checks if send command to firmware is allowed
* @param status tdls link status
* @return MTRUE/MFALSE
static INLINE int wlan_is_send_cmd_allowed(tdlsStatus_e status)
int ret = MTRUE;
switch (status) {
ret = MFALSE;
return ret;
* @brief This function checks if TDLS link is setup
* @param status tdls link status
* @return MTRUE/MFALSE
static INLINE int wlan_is_tdls_link_setup(tdlsStatus_e status)
int ret = MFALSE;
switch (status) {
ret = MTRUE;
return ret;
* @brief This function checks tx_pause flag for peer
* @param priv A pointer to mlan_private
* @param ra Address of the receiver STA
* @return MTRUE or MFALSE
static INLINE int wlan_is_tx_pause(mlan_private *priv, t_u8 *ra)
sta_node *sta_ptr = MNULL;
sta_ptr = wlan_get_station_entry(priv, ra);
if (sta_ptr)
return sta_ptr->tx_pause;
return MFALSE;
t_u16 wlan_update_ralist_tx_pause(pmlan_private priv, t_u8 *mac, t_u8 tx_pause);
mlan_status wlan_process_uap_rx_packet(mlan_private *priv, pmlan_buffer pmbuf);
t_void wlan_drop_tx_pkts(pmlan_private priv);
#endif /* UAP_SUPPORT */
/* process the recevied packet and bridge the packet */
mlan_status wlan_uap_recv_packet(mlan_private *priv, pmlan_buffer pmbuf);
#endif /* UAP_SUPPORT */
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_custom_ie_list(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req,
t_bool send_ioctl);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_get_hw_spec(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *pcmd);
mlan_status wlan_ret_get_hw_spec(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
t_void *pioctl_buf);
#ifdef SDIO
mlan_status wlan_cmd_sdio_rx_aggr_cfg(HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *pcmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_sdio_rx_aggr_cfg(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_mac_control(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_mac_control(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *pcmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_mac_control(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_cw_mode_ctrl(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_cw_mode_ctrl(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_802_11_radio_control(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_802_11_radio_control(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_802_11_rf_antenna(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_802_11_rf_antenna(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_reg_access(mlan_adapter *pmadapter, t_u16 type,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_mem_access(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_reg_mem_ioctl_reg_rw(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_reg_mem_ioctl_read_eeprom(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_reg_mem_ioctl_mem_rw(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_reg_access(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_mem_access(HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd, t_u16 cmd_action,
t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_802_11_mac_address(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action);
mlan_status wlan_ret_802_11_mac_address(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
int wlan_get_tdls_list(mlan_private *priv, tdls_peer_info *buf);
t_void wlan_hold_tdls_packets(pmlan_private priv, t_u8 *mac);
t_void wlan_restore_tdls_packets(pmlan_private priv, t_u8 *mac,
tdlsStatus_e status);
t_void wlan_update_non_tdls_ralist(mlan_private *priv, t_u8 *mac,
t_u8 tx_pause);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_tdls_config(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
void wlan_11n_send_delba_to_peer(mlan_private *priv, t_u8 *ra);
void wlan_process_tdls_action_frame(pmlan_private priv, t_u8 *pbuf, t_u32 len);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_tdls_oper(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_tdls_get_ies(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_tdls_idle_time(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
t_void wlan_tdls_config(pmlan_private pmpriv, t_u8 enable);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_tdls_cs_channel(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_get_info_ver_ext(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_ioctl_link_statistic(mlan_private *pmpriv,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_802_11_link_statistic(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_get_link_statistic(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_reg_rx_mgmt_ind(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_set_drvdbg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_hotspot_cfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ext_capa_cfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
t_u32 wlan_is_ext_capa_support(mlan_private *pmpriv);
void wlan_add_ext_capa_info_ie(mlan_private *pmpriv, BSSDescriptor_t *pbss_desc,
t_u8 **pptlv_out);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_boot_sleep(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_boot_sleep(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_crypto(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_u16 *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_crypto(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
#define BW_20MHZ 0
#define BW_40MHZ 1
#define BW_80MHZ 2
#define BW_160MHZ 3
int wlan_add_supported_oper_class_ie(mlan_private *pmpriv, t_u8 **pptlv_out,
t_u8 curr_oper_class);
mlan_status wlan_get_curr_oper_class(mlan_private *pmpriv, t_u8 channel,
t_u8 bw, t_u8 *oper_class);
mlan_status wlan_check_operclass_validation(mlan_private *pmpriv, t_u8 channel,
t_u8 oper_class);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_operclass_validation(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_oper_class(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_req);
t_u16 wlan_adjust_data_rate(mlan_private *priv, t_u8 rx_rate, t_u8 rate_info);
t_u8 wlan_adjust_antenna(pmlan_private priv, RxPD *prx_pd);
mlan_status wlan_misc_otp_user_data(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
#ifdef USB
extern mlan_adapter_operations mlan_usb_ops;
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_usb_aggr_ctrl(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_aggr_ctrl(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_packet_aggr_ctrl(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd, t_u16 cmd_action,
t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_packet_aggr_ctrl(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_txcontrol(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_region(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_rx_pkt_coalesce_config(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
void wlan_bt_coex_wlan_param_update_event(pmlan_private priv,
pmlan_buffer pevent);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_dfs_repeater_cfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
t_bool wlan_check_interface_active(mlan_adapter *pmadapter);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_coalesce_cfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_low_pwr_mode(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_pmic_configure(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_cwmode_ctrl(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_set_mef_entry(mlan_private *pmpriv, pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
mef_cfg_data *pmef);
mlan_status wlan_process_mef_cfg_cmd(mlan_private *pmpriv,
pmlan_adapter pmadapter);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_mef_flt_cfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_ind_rst_cfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_ind_rst_cfg(HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd, t_u16 cmd_action,
t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_ind_rst_cfg(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_802_11_supplicant_pmk(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_802_11_supplicant_pmk(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_sec_ioctl_passphrase(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_get_tsf(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
void wlan_add_fw_cfp_tables(pmlan_private pmpriv, t_u8 *buf, t_u16 buf_left);
void wlan_free_fw_cfp_tables(mlan_adapter *pmadapter);
mlan_status wlan_misc_chan_reg_cfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_get_cfp_table(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_get_cfpinfo(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_get_tsf(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action);
mlan_status wlan_ret_get_tsf(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
t_u8 wlan_ft_akm_is_used(mlan_private *pmpriv, t_u8 *rsn_ie);
mlan_status wlan_get_rgchnpwr_cfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_get_chan_trpc_cfg(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_get_chan_trpc_config(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_get_chan_trpc_config(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_ps_inactivity_timeout(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_void *pdata_buf);
t_u8 wlan_ieee_rateid_to_mrvl_rateid(mlan_private *priv, t_u16 IeeeMacRate,
t_u8 *dst_mac);
t_u8 wlan_mrvl_rateid_to_ieee_rateid(t_u8 rate);
t_u8 wlan_get_center_freq_idx(mlan_private *pmpriv, t_u16 band, t_u32 pri_chan,
t_u8 chan_bw);
mlan_status wlan_ret_chan_region_cfg(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_fw_dump_event(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_fw_dump_event(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd, t_u16 cmd_action,
t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_misc_bootsleep(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_dyn_bw(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_config_dyn_bw(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd, t_u16 cmd_action,
t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_dyn_bw(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
/** wacp mode misc ioctl */
mlan_status wlan_misc_ioctl_wacp_mode(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_power_ioctl_set_get_lpm(pmlan_adapter pmadapter,
pmlan_ioctl_req pioctl_req);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_set_get_low_power_mode_cfg(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action,
t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_set_get_low_power_mode_cfg(pmlan_private pmpriv,
HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
mlan_status wlan_cmd_range_ext(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd,
t_u16 cmd_action, t_void *pdata_buf);
mlan_status wlan_ret_range_ext(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp,
mlan_ioctl_req *pioctl_buf);
* @brief RA based queueing
* @param priv A pointer to mlan_private structure
* @return MTRUE or MFALSE
static INLINE t_u8 queuing_ra_based(pmlan_private priv)
* Currently we assume if we are in Infra, then DA=RA. This might not be
* true in the future
if ((priv->bss_mode == MLAN_BSS_MODE_INFRA) &&
return MFALSE;
return MTRUE;
* @brief Copy Rates
* @param dest A pointer to Dest Buf
* @param pos The position for copy
* @param src A pointer to Src Buf
* @param len The len of Src Buf
* @return Number of Rates copied
static INLINE t_u32 wlan_copy_rates(t_u8 *dest, t_u32 pos, t_u8 *src, int len)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < len && src[i]; i++, pos++) {
if (pos >= sizeof(WLAN_802_11_RATES))
dest[pos] = src[i];
return pos;
* @brief strlen
* @param str A pointer to string
* @return Length of string
static INLINE t_u32 wlan_strlen(const char *str)
t_u32 i;
for (i = 0; str[i] != 0; i++)
return i;
* @brief iscdigit
* @param chr A char
* @return Non zero if chr is a hex, else 0
static INLINE t_u32 wlan_isxdigit(t_u8 chr)
return (chr <= 'f' && chr >= 'a') || (chr <= 'F' && chr >= 'A') ||
(chr <= '9' && chr >= '0');
* @brief isspace
* @param A chr
* @return Non zero if chr is space etc, else 0
static INLINE t_u32 wlan_isspace(t_u8 chr)
return chr <= ' ' && (chr == ' ' || (chr <= 13 && chr >= 9));
/** delay unit */
typedef enum _delay_unit {
} t_delay_unit;
/** delay function */
t_void wlan_delay_func(mlan_adapter *pmadapter, t_u32 delay, t_delay_unit u);
/** delay function wrapper */
#define wlan_delay(p, n) wlan_delay_func(p, n, SEC)
/** delay function wrapper */
#define wlan_mdelay(p, n) wlan_delay_func(p, n, MSEC)
/** delay function wrapper */
#define wlan_udelay(p, n) wlan_delay_func(p, n, USEC)
* @brief This function check if there are pending cmd
* in cmd pending Q
* @param pmadapter A pointer to mlan_adapter structure
* @return MTRUE -- cmd pending
* MFALSE -- no pending cmd
static INLINE int wlan_is_cmd_pending(mlan_adapter *pmadapter)
int ret;
cmd_ctrl_node *pcmd_node = MNULL;
pcmd_node = (cmd_ctrl_node *)util_peek_list(pmadapter->pmoal_handle,
if (pcmd_node)
ret = MTRUE;
ret = MFALSE;
return ret;
/** Get BSS number from priv */
#define GET_BSS_NUM(priv) ((priv)->bss_num)
* @brief This function returns priv based on the BSS num and BSS type
* @param pmadapter A pointer to mlan_adapter
* @param bss_num BSS number
* @param bss_type BSS type
* @return Pointer to mlan_private
static INLINE mlan_private *wlan_get_priv_by_id(mlan_adapter *pmadapter,
t_u32 bss_num, t_u32 bss_type)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MIN(pmadapter->priv_num, MLAN_MAX_BSS_NUM); i++) {
if (pmadapter->priv[i]) {
if ((pmadapter->priv[i]->bss_num == bss_num) &&
(pmadapter->priv[i]->bss_type == bss_type))
return pmadapter->priv[i];
return MNULL;
* @brief This function returns first available priv
* based on the BSS role
* @param pmadapter A pointer to mlan_adapter
* @param bss_role BSS role or MLAN_BSS_ROLE_ANY
* @return Pointer to mlan_private
static INLINE mlan_private *wlan_get_priv(mlan_adapter *pmadapter,
mlan_bss_role bss_role)
int i;
for (i = 0; i < MIN(pmadapter->priv_num, MLAN_MAX_BSS_NUM); i++) {
if (pmadapter->priv[i]) {
if (bss_role == MLAN_BSS_ROLE_ANY ||
GET_BSS_ROLE(pmadapter->priv[i]) == bss_role)
return pmadapter->priv[i];
return MNULL;
* @brief This function counts the number of occurences for a certain
* condition among privs. Which privs are checked can be configured
* via a second condition.
* @param pmadapter A pointer to mlan_adapter
* @param count_cond Function pointer to condition to count on privs
* @param check_cond Function pointer to condition to decide whether priv
* should be counted or not. Use MNULL to check all privs.
* @return Count of privs where count_cond returned MTRUE.
static INLINE int
wlan_count_priv_cond(mlan_adapter *pmadapter,
t_bool (*count_cond)(pmlan_private pmpriv),
t_bool (*check_cond)(pmlan_private pmpriv))
pmlan_private pmpriv;
int count = 0;
int i;
if (pmadapter == MNULL || count_cond == MNULL)
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < pmadapter->priv_num; i++) {
pmpriv = pmadapter->priv[i];
if (pmpriv) {
if ((check_cond == MNULL) ||
(check_cond && check_cond(pmpriv))) {
if (count_cond(pmpriv))
return count;
* @brief This function runs a procedure on each priv.
* Which privs it is run on can be configured via a condition.
* @param pmadapter A pointer to mlan_adapter
* @param operation Function pointer to produedure to operate on priv
* @param check_cond Function pointer to condition to decide whether priv
* operated on or not. Use MNULL to run on all privs.
* @return Number of privs that operation was run on.
static INLINE int
wlan_do_task_on_privs(mlan_adapter *pmadapter,
t_void (*operation)(pmlan_private pmpriv),
t_bool (*check_cond)(pmlan_private pmpriv))
pmlan_private pmpriv;
int count = 0;
int i;
if (pmadapter == MNULL || operation == MNULL)
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < pmadapter->priv_num; i++) {
pmpriv = pmadapter->priv[i];
if (pmpriv) {
if ((check_cond == MNULL) ||
(check_cond && check_cond(pmpriv))) {
return count;
* @brief This function builds a list of privs that test for a condition
* This is useful if you need to do a number of operations on the same set
* of privs. For one-off tasks, the above two functions might be better.
* @param pmadapter A pointer to mlan_adapter
* @param check_cond Function pointer to condition to decide whether priv
* should be placed in the list.
* @param ppriv_list Output param. Externally supplied array of mlan_private*
* to hold priv's that test positive with check_cond.
* Array size should be at least pmadapter->priv_num.
* @return Number of privs in ppriv_list
* @sa wlan_count_priv_cond
static INLINE int
wlan_get_privs_by_cond(mlan_adapter *pmadapter,
t_bool (*check_cond)(pmlan_private pmpriv),
mlan_private **ppriv_list)
pmlan_private pmpriv;
int count = 0;
int i;
if (pmadapter == MNULL || check_cond == MNULL || ppriv_list == MNULL)
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < pmadapter->priv_num; i++) {
pmpriv = pmadapter->priv[i];
if (pmpriv) {
if (check_cond(pmpriv))
ppriv_list[count++] = pmpriv;
return count;
* @brief This function builds a list of privs that test against two conditions
* This is useful if you need to do a number of operations on the same set
* of privs. Can choose whether both conditions (AND) or either condition (OR)
* is required.
* @param pmadapter A pointer to mlan_adapter
* @param check_cond Function pointer to condition to decide whether priv
* should be placed in the list.
* @param check_cond_2 Function pointer to second condition to check.
* @param and_conditions If MTRUE, both conditions must be met (AND),
* else either condition can be met (OR).
* @param ppriv_list Output param. Externally supplied array of
* mlan_private* to hold priv's that test positive with check_cond. Array size
* should be at least pmadapter->priv_num.
* @return Number of privs in ppriv_list
* @sa wlan_count_priv_cond, wlan_get_privs_by_cond
static INLINE int
wlan_get_privs_by_two_cond(mlan_adapter *pmadapter,
t_bool (*check_cond)(pmlan_private pmpriv),
t_bool (*check_cond_2)(pmlan_private pmpriv),
t_bool and_conditions, mlan_private **ppriv_list)
pmlan_private pmpriv;
int count = 0;
int i;
if (pmadapter == MNULL || check_cond == MNULL ||
check_cond_2 == MNULL || ppriv_list == MNULL)
return 0;
for (i = 0; i < pmadapter->priv_num; i++) {
pmpriv = pmadapter->priv[i];
if (pmpriv) {
if (and_conditions) {
if (check_cond(pmpriv) && check_cond_2(pmpriv))
ppriv_list[count++] = pmpriv;
} else {
if (check_cond(pmpriv) || check_cond_2(pmpriv))
ppriv_list[count++] = pmpriv;
return count;
#endif /* !_MLAN_MAIN_H_ */