=============================================================================== U S E R M A N U A L Copyright (C) 2009-2019, Marvell International Ltd. All Rights Reserved 1) FOR DRIVER BUILD Goto source code directory wlan_src. make [clean] build The driver binaries can be found in ../bin_xxxx directory. The driver code supports Linux kernel up to 5.0.9. 2) FOR DRIVER INSTALL a) Copy firmware image pcie8897_uapsta.bin | ... to /lib/firmware/mrvl/ directory, create the directory if it doesn't exist. b) Install WLAN driver There are drv_mode, max_sta_bss, max_uap_bss etc. module parameters. The bit settings of drv_mode are, Bit 0 : STA Bit 1 : uAP Bit 2 : WIFIDIRECT Bit 4 : NAN max_uap_bss: Maximum number of uAP BSS (default 1, max 2) uap_name: Name of the uAP interface (default: "uap") For example, to install PCIE8897 driver, To load driver in uAP only mode, insmod mlan.ko insmod pcie8897.ko drv_mode=2 [fw_name=mrvl/pcie8897_uapsta.bin] To switch mode between STA only, uAP only and uAPSTA in run time, echo drv_mode=1 > /proc/mwlan/config // STA mode echo drv_mode=2 > /proc/mwlan/config // uAP mode echo drv_mode=3 > /proc/mwlan/config // uAPSTA mode c) Uninstall WLAN driver, ifconfig mlanX down ifconfig uapX down rmmod pcie8xxx rmmod mlan To load driver with MFG firmware file, use mfg_mode=1 when insmod WLAN driver and specify MFG firmware name if needed. There are some other parameters for debugging purpose etc. Use modinfo to check details. drvdbg=<bit mask of driver debug message control> dev_cap_mask=<Bit mask of the device capability> mac_addr=xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx <override the MAC address (in hex)> auto_ds=0|1|2 <use MLAN default | enable auto deepsleep | disable auto deepsleep> ps_mode=0|1|2 <use MLAN default | enable IEEE PS mode | disable IEEE PS mode> max_tx_buf=2048|4096|8192 <maximum AMSDU Tx buffer size> cfg_11d=0|1|2 <use MLAN default | enable 11d | disable 11d> dts_enable=0|1 <Disable DTS | Enable DTS (default)> hw_test=0|1 <Disable hardware test (default) | Enable hardware test> fw_serial=0|1 <support parallel download FW | support serial download FW (default)> req_fw_nowait=0|1 <use request_firmware API (default) | use request_firmware_nowait API> init_cfg=<init config (MAC addresses, registers etc.) file name> e.g. copy init_cfg.conf to firmware directory, init_cfg=mrvl/init_cfg.conf cal_data_cfg=<CAL data config file name> e.g. copy cal_data.conf to firmware directory, cal_data_cfg=mrvl/cal_data.conf txpwrlimit_cfg=<Tx power limit config file name> e.g. copy txpwrlimit_cfg_set.conf to firmware directory, txpwrlimit_cfg=mrvl/txpwrlimit_cfg_set.conf init_hostcmd_cfg=<init hostcmd config file name> e.g. copy init_hostcmd_cfg.conf to firmware directory, init_hostcmd_cfg=mrvl/init_hostcmd_cfg.conf cfg80211_wext=<bit mask of CFG80211 and WEXT control> Bit 0: STA WEXT Bit 1: uAP WEXT Bit 2: STA CFG80211 Bit 3: uAP CFG80211 wq_sched_prio: Priority for work queue wq_sched_policy: Scheduling policy for work queue (0: SCHED_NORMAL, 1: SCHED_FIFO, 2: SCHED_RR, 3: SCHED_BATCH, 5: SCHED_IDLE) Please note that, both wq_sched_prio and wq_sched_policy should be provided as module parameters. If wq_sched_policy is (0, 3 or 5), then wq_sched_prio must be 0. wq_sched_prio should be 1 to 99 otherwise. rx_work=0|1|2 <default | Enable rx_work_queue | Disable rx_work_queue> Note: On some platforms (e.g. PXA910/920) double quotation marks ("") need to used for module parameters. insmod sd8xxx.ko "<para1> <para2> ..." 3) FOR DRIVER PROC & DEBUG The following info are provided in /proc/mwlan/uapX/info. driver_name = "uap" driver_version = <driver version> InterfaceName= "uapX" State= "Disconnected" | "Connected" MACAddress= <6-byte adapter MAC address> MCCount= <multicast address count> num_tx_bytes = <number of bytes sent to device> num_rx_bytes = <number of bytes received from device and sent to kernel> num_tx_pkts = <number of packets sent to device> num_rx_pkts = <number of packets received from device and sent to kernel> num_tx_pkts_dropped = <number of tx packets dropped by driver> num_rx_pkts_dropped = <number of rx packets dropped by driver> num_tx_pkts_err = <number of tx packets failed to send to device> num_rx_pkts_err = <number of rx packets failed to receive from device> num_tx_timeout = <number of tx timeout> carrier "on" | "off" tx queue "stopped" | "started" The following debug info are provided in /proc/mwlan/uapX/debug. drvdbg = <bit masks of driver debug message control> bit 0: MMSG PRINTM(MMSG,...) bit 1: MFATAL PRINTM(MFATAL,...) bit 2: MERROR PRINTM(MERROR,...) bit 3: MDATA PRINTM(MDATA,...) bit 4: MCMND PRINTM(MCMND,...) bit 5: MEVENT PRINTM(MEVENT,...) bit 6: MINTR PRINTM(MINTR,...) bit 7: MIOCTL PRINTM(MIOCTL,...) ... bit 16: MDAT_D PRINTM(MDAT_D,...), DBG_HEXDUMP(MDAT_D,...) bit 17: MCMD_D PRINTM(MCMD_D,...), DBG_HEXDUMP(MCMD_D,...) bit 18: MEVT_D PRINTM(MEVT_D,...), DBG_HEXDUMP(MEVT_D,...) bit 19: MFW_D PRINTM(MFW_D,...), DBG_HEXDUMP(MFW_D,...) bit 20: MIF_D PRINTM(MIF_D,...), DBG_HEXDUMP(MIF_D,...) ... bit 28: MENTRY PRINTM(MENTRY,...), ENTER(), LEAVE() bit 29: MWARN PRINTM(MWARN,...) bit 30: MINFO PRINTM(MINFO,...) wmm_ac_vo = <number of packets sent to device from WMM AcVo queue> wmm_ac_vi = <number of packets sent to device from WMM AcVi queue> wmm_ac_be = <number of packets sent to device from WMM AcBE queue> wmm_ac_bk = <number of packets sent to device from WMM AcBK queue> max_tx_buf_size = <maximum Tx buffer size> tx_buf_size = <current Tx buffer size> curr_tx_buf_size = <current Tx buffer size in FW> ps_mode = <0/1, CAM mode/PS mode> ps_state = <0/1/2/3, awake state/pre-sleep state/sleep-confirm state/sleep state> wakeup_dev_req = <0/1, wakeup device not required/required> wakeup_tries = <wakeup device count, cleared when device awake> hs_configured = <0/1, host sleep not configured/configured> hs_activated = <0/1, extended host sleep not activated/activated> tx_pkts_queued = <number of Tx packets queued> num_bridge_pkts = <number of bridged packets> num_drop_pkts = <number of dropped packets> num_tx_timeout = <number of Tx timeout> num_cmd_timeout = <number of timeout commands> timeout_cmd_id = <command id of the last timeout command> timeout_cmd_act = <command action of the last timeout command> last_cmd_id = <command id of the last several commands sent to device> last_cmd_act = <command action of the last several commands sent to device> last_cmd_index = <0 based last command index> last_cmd_resp_id = <command id of the last several command responses received from device> last_cmd_resp_index = <0 based last command response index> last_event = <event id of the last several events received from device> last_event_index = <0 based last event index> num_cmd_h2c_fail = <number of commands failed to send to device> num_cmd_sleep_cfm_fail = <number of sleep confirm failed to send to device> num_tx_h2c_fail = <number of data packets failed to send to device> cmd_sent = <0/1, send command resources available/sending command to device> data_sent = <0/1, send data resources available/sending data to device> txbd_rdptr = <PCIE transmit read pointer> txbd_wrptr = <PCIE transmit write pointer> rxbd_rdptr = <PCIE recieve read pointer> rxbd_wrptr = <PCIE recieve write pointer> eventbd_rdptr = <PCIE event read pointer> eventbd_wrptr = <PCIE event write pointer> cmd_resp_received = <0/1, no cmd response to process/response received and yet to process> event_received = <0/1, no event to process/event received and yet to process> ioctl_pending = <number of ioctl pending> tx_pending = <number of Tx packet pending> rx_pending = <number of Rx packet pending> lock_count = <number of lock used> malloc_count = <number of malloc done> mbufalloc_count = <number of mlan_buffer allocated> malloc_cons_count = <number of consistent malloc done> main_state = <current state of the main process> Example: echo "drvdbg=0x7" > /proc/mwlan/uapX/debug #enable MMSG,MFATAL,MERROR messages Use dmesg or cat /var/log/debug to check driver debug messages. To log driver debug messages to file, a) Edit /etc/rsyslog.conf, add one line "*.debug /var/log/debug" b) touch /var/log/debug (if the file doesn't exist) c) service rsyslog restart 4) SOFT_RESET command This command is used to perform a "soft reset" on the module. The FW code will disable hardware and jump to boot code. Host software will then need to re-download firmware if required. Usage: echo "soft_reset=1" > /proc/mwlan/config =============================================================================== U S E R M A N U A L F O R UAPUTL NAME uaputl.exe [options] <command> [command parameters]] Options: --help Display help -v Display version -i <interface> -d <debug_level=0|1|2> Example: ./uaputl.exe --help "display help for uaputl" ./uaputl.exe sys_config --help "display help for sys_config command" This tool can be used to set/get uAP's settings. To change AP settings, you might need to issue "bss_stop" command to stop AP before making change and issue "bss_start" command to restart the AP after making change. ------------------ Supported Commands ------------------ version debug_level sys_config [CONFIG_FILE_NAME] bss_config [CONFIG_FILE_NAME] sys_info sys_reset bss_start bss_stop sta_list sta_deauth <STA_MAC_ADDRESS> sta_deauth_ext <STA_MAC_ADDRESS> <REASON_CODE> radioctrl [0|1] txratecfg [l] [m] [n] antcfg [m] [n] pscfg [MODE] [CTRL INACTTO MIN_SLEEP MAX_SLEEP MIN_AWAKE MAX_AWAKE] sys_cfg_custom_ie [INDEX] [MASK] [IEBuffer] coex_config [CONFIG_FILE_NAME] hscfg [condition [[GPIO# [gap]]]] hssetpara condition [[GPIO# [gap]]] sys_cfg_wmm [qosinfo=<qosinfo>] [AC_BE AIFSN ECW_MAX ECW_MIN TX_OP] [AC_BK AIFSN ECW_MAX ECW_MIN TX_OP] [AC_VI AIFSN ECW_MAX ECW_MIN TX_OP] [AC_VO AIFSN ECW_MAX ECW_MIN TX_OP] sys_cfg_ap_wmm [0] [AC_BE AIFSN ECW_MAX ECW_MIN TX_OP] [AC_BK AIFSN ECW_MAX ECW_MIN TX_OP] [AC_VI AIFSN ECW_MAX ECW_MIN TX_OP] [AC_VO AIFSN ECW_MAX ECW_MIN TX_OP] sys_cfg_11n [ENABLE] [HTCAP] [AMPDU] [TXBFCAP] [HT_MCS_MAP] addbapara [timeout txwinsize rxwinsize txamsdu rxamsdu] aggrpriotbl <m0> <n0> <m1> <n1> ... <m7> <n7> addbareject <m0> <m1> ... <m7> httxbfcfg <ACTION> [ACT_DATA] httxcfg [<m>] htstreamcfg [n] deepsleep [MODE] [IDLE_TIME] hostcmd <txpwrlimit_cfg.conf> txpwrlimit_cfg_get hostcmd <txpwrlimit_cfg.conf> txpwrlimit_2g_cfg_set hostcmd <txpwrlimit_cfg.conf> txpwrlimit_5g_cfg_set tx_data_pause [ENABLE][TX_BUF_CNT] vhtcfg <j> <k> [l] [m] [n] [o] dfstesting [<user_cac_pd> <user_nop_pd> <no_chan_change> <fixed_chan_num>] cscount [<channel_switch_count>] mgmtframectrl [MASK] ------------------------------------------------------------------- The following commands can be issued individually for debug purpose ------------------------------------------------------------------- sys_cfg_ap_mac_address [AP_MAC_ADDRESS] sys_cfg_ssid [SSID] sys_cfg_beacon_period [BEACON_PERIOD] sys_cfg_dtim_period [DTIM_PERIOD] sys_cfg_channel [CHANNEL] [MODE] sys_cfg_channel_ext [CHANNEL] [BAND] [MODE] sys_cfg_scan_channels [CHANNEL[.BAND]] sys_cfg_rates [RATES] sys_cfg_rates_ext [rates RATES] [mbrate RATE] sys_cfg_tx_power [TX_POWER] sys_cfg_bcast_ssid_ctl [0|1|2] sys_cfg_preamble_ctl sys_cfg_bss_status sys_cfg_rts_threshold [RTS_THRESHOLD] sys_cfg_frag_threshold [FRAG_THRESHOLD] sys_cfg_rsn_replay_prot [1|0] sys_cfg_tx_beacon_rate [TX_BEACON_RATE] sys_cfg_mcbc_data_rate [MCBC_DATA_RATE] sys_cfg_pkt_fwd_ctl [PKT_FWD_CTRL] sys_cfg_sta_ageout_timer [STA_AGEOUT_TIMER] sys_cfg_ps_sta_ageout_timer [PS_STA_AGEOUT_TIMER] sys_cfg_auth [AUTH_MODE] sys_cfg_protocol [PROTOCOL] [AKM_SUITE] sys_cfg_pmf [MFPC] [MFPR] sys_cfg_wep_key [INDEX ISDEFAULT KEY] sys_cfg_cipher [PAIRWISE_CIPHER GROUP_CIPHER] sys_cfg_pwk_cipher [<PROTOCOL>] [PAIRWISE_CIPHER] sys_cfg_gwk_cipher [GROUP_CIPHER] sys_cfg_group_rekey_timer [GROUP_REKEY_TIMER] sys_cfg_wpa_passphrase [PASSPHRASE] sys_cfg_max_sta_num [STA_NUM] sys_cfg_retry_limit [RETRY_LIMIT] sys_cfg_sticky_tim_config [ENABLE] [<DURATION> <STICKY_BIT_MASK>] sys_cfg_sticky_tim_sta_mac_addr [CONTROL] [STA_MAC_ADDRESS] sys_cfg_2040_coex [ENABLE] sys_cfg_eapol_pwk_hsk [<TIMEOUT> <RETRIES>] sys_cfg_eapol_gwk_hsk [<TIMEOUT> <RETRIES>] sta_filter_table <FILTERMODE> <MACADDRESS_LIST> regrdwr <TYPE> <OFFSET> [value] memaccess <ADDR> [value] rdeeprom <offset> <byteCount> cfg_data <type> [*.conf] sys_cfg_80211d [state STATE] [country COUNTRY] uap_stats sys_cfg_tdls_ext_cap [CONFIG_FILE] sys_cfg_restrict_client_mode [<ENABLE> [MODE_CONFIG]] skip_cac [<MODE>] ------------------- Details of Commands ------------------- version ------- "./uaputl.exe -v" This command prints the uAP utility version information. debug_level ----------- "./uaputl.exe -d <debug_level>" The supported debug_level are: 0 - no debug 1 - enable MSG_DEBUG 2 - enable all the debug This command use to control the debug level of uaputl.exe. Example: ./uaputl.exe -d 2 sys_config Enable all the debug in uaputl.exe sys_config ---------- "./uaputl.exe sys_config [CONFIG_FILE]" This command is used to set or get the current settings of the Micro AP. The supported options are: CONFIG_FILE is file contain all the Micro AP settings. empty - Get current Micro AP settings Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_config Get current settings of the Micro AP. ./uaputl.exe sys_config config/uaputl.conf Load Micro AP's settings from uaputl.conf file and set. bss_config ---------- "./uaputl.exe bss_config [CONFIG_FILE]" This command is used to set or get the current settings of the BSS. The supported options are: CONFIG_FILE is file contain all the BSS settings. empty - Get current BSS settings Example: ./uaputl.exe bss_config Get current settings of the BSS. ./uaputl.exe bss_config config/uaputl.conf Load BSS settings from uaputl.conf file and set. sys_info -------- "./uaputl.exe sys_info" This command returns system information such as firmware version number and HW information. sys_reset --------- "./uaputl.exe sys_reset" This command is used to reset the Micro AP back to its initial state. For example, this can be used to recover from a serious error, or before creating a new BSS. This command has the following effects: 1. The WLAN hardware MAC is reset. 2. All MIB variables are initialized to their respective default values. 3. The firmware internal variables are reset to their respective default values. 4. The firmware state machines are reset to their respective initial states. bss_start --------- "./uaputl.exe bss_start" This command starts the BSS. There is no error for redundant bss_start command. bss_stop -------- "./uaputl.exe bss_stop" This command stops the BSS. The command causes the firmware to: 1. Deauthenticate all associated client stations. 2. Turn off the radio (hence stopping beaconing). There is no error for redundant bss_stop command. sta_list -------- "./uaputl.exe sta_list" This command returns the list of client stations that are currently associated with the AP. The output is formatted as shown below, for each STA: "STA <STA_NUM> information: ========================== MAC Address: <STA MAC address> Power mfg status: active|power save Rssi: <RSSI_VALUE>" sta_deauth ---------- "./uaputl.exe sta_deauth <STA_MAC_ADDRESS>" This command is used to de-authentciate a client station for any reason. radioctrl ---------- "./uaputl.exe radioctrl [0|1]" This command is used to set or get the radio settings. The supported options are: 1 - Turn radio on 0 - Turn radio off empty - Get current radio setting txratecfg ---------- "./uaputl.exe txratecfg [l] [m] [n]" This command is used to set/get the transmit data rate. Where [l] is <format> <format> - This parameter specifies the data rate format used in this command 0: LG 1: HT 2: VHT 0xff: Auto [m] is <index> <index> - This parameter specifies the rate or MCS index If <format> is 0 (LG), 0 1 Mbps 1 2 Mbps 2 5.5 Mbps 3 11 Mbps 4 6 Mbps 5 9 Mbps 6 12 Mbps 7 18 Mbps 8 24 Mbps 9 36 Mbps 10 48 Mbps 11 54 Mbps If <format> is 1 (HT), 0 MCS0 1 MCS1 2 MCS2 3 MCS3 4 MCS4 5 MCS5 6 MCS6 7 MCS7 8 MCS8 9 MCS9 10 MCS10 11 MCS11 12 MCS12 13 MCS13 14 MCS14 15 MCS15 32 MCS32 If <format> is 2 (VHT), 0 MCS0 1 MCS1 2 MCS2 3 MCS3 4 MCS4 5 MCS5 6 MCS6 7 MCS7 8 MCS8 9 MCS9 [n] is <nss> <nss> - This parameter specifies the NSS. It is valid only for VHT If <format> is 2 (VHT), 1 NSS1 2 NSS2 Examples: ./uaputl.exe txratecfg 0 3 : Set fixed Tx rate to 11 Mbps ./uaputl.exe txratecfg 0 11 : Set fixed Tx rate to 54 Mbps ./uaputl.exe txratecfg 1 3 : Set fixed Tx rate to MCS3 ./uaputl.exe txratecfg 2 3 2 : Set fixed Tx rate to MCS3 for NSS2 ./uaputl.exe txratecfg 0xff : Disable fixed rate and uses auto rate ./uaputl.exe txratecfg : Read the current data rate setting antcfg ---------- "./uaputl.exe antcfg [m] [n]" This command is used to set/get the transmit and receive antenna. where value of m is: Bit 0 -- Tx Path A Bit 1 -- Tx Path B Bit 0-1 -- Tx Path A+B where value of n is: Bit 0 -- Rx Path A Bit 1 -- Rx Path B Bit 0-1 -- Rx Path A+B The Tx path setting (m) is used if Rx path (n) is not provided. Examples: ./uaputl.exe antcfg : Get Tx and Rx path ./uaputl.exe antcfg 3 : Set Tx and Rx path to A+B ./uaputl.exe antcfg 2 3 : Set Tx path to B and Rx path to A+B sys_cfg_ap_mac_address ---------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_ap_mac_address [AP_MAC_ADDRESS]" This command is used to set or get the AP MAC address. If no arguments are given, this command returns the current AP MAC address. Otherwise, this MAC address becomes the BSSID of the infrastructure network created by the AP. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_ap_mac_address 00:50:43:20:aa:bb Set AP MAC address to 00:50:43:20:aa:bb ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_ap_mac_address Get AP MAC address" sys_cfg_ssid ------------ "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_ssid [SSID]" This command is used to set or get the AP SSID. If no arguments are given, this command returns the current AP SSID. While setting, the maximum length of the SSID can be 32 characters. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_ssid microap Set AP ssid to "microap" ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_ssid Get AP ssid sys_cfg_beacon_period --------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_beacon_period [BEACON_PERIOD]" This command is used to set or get the AP beacon period. If no arguments are given, this command returns the current AP beacon period. Beacon period is represented in milliseconds. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_beacon_period 100 Set AP beacon period to 100 TU ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_beacon_period Get AP beacon period sys_cfg_dtim_period ------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_dtim_period [DTIM_PERIOD] This command is used to set or get the AP DTIM period. If no arguments are given, this command returns the current AP DTIM period. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_dtim_period 3 Set AP DTIM period to 3 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_dtim_period Get AP DTIM period sys_cfg_scan_channels --------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_scan_channels [CHANNEL[.BAND]]" This command is used to set or get the AP's scan channel list. If no arguments are given, this command returns the scan channel list. If BAND is 0, channel is set in 2.4 GHz band and if BAND is 1, channel is set to 5GHz. Channels from only one of the bands should be specified. Each CHANNEL.BAND pair must be separated by a space. BAND parameter is optional. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_scan_channels 1 11 6 Set AP scan channel list to 1 11 6 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_scan_channels 11.0 6.0 Set AP scan channel list to 11 6 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_scan_channels Get AP scan channel list ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_scan_channels 8.1 16.1 34 Set AP scan channel list to 8 16 and 34 in 5GHz band. sys_cfg_channel --------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel [CHANNEL] [MODE]" This command is used to set or get the AP radio channel. If no arguments are given, this command returns the current AP radio channel. MODE: band config mode. Bit 0: automatic channel selection (ACS) enable/disable Bit 1: secondary channel is above primary channel enable/disable(only allow for channel 1-7) Bit 2: secondary channel is below primary channel enable/disable(only allow for channel 5-11) For 'a' band channel: Bit 1: secondary channel is above primary channel enable/disable Bit 2: secondary channel is below primary channel enable/disable Only following pairs of channels are valid for secondary channel setting in 5GHz band. 36, 40 44, 48 52, 56 60, 64 100, 104 108, 112 116, 120 124, 128 132, 136 149, 153 157, 161 Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel 6 Set AP radio channel to 6, and no secondary channel. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel 11 0 Set AP radio channel to 11 with Manual Channel Select. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel 0 1 Set AP to ACS. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel Get AP radio channel ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel 6 2 Set AP primary radio channel to 6, and secondary channel is above. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel 6 4 Set AP primary radio channel to 6, and secondary channel is below ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel 0 3 Set AP to ACS mode, and secondary channel is above. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel 0 5 Set AP to ACS mode, and secondary channel is below. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel 36 2 Set AP primary radio channel to 36, and secondary channel is above. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel 40 4 Set AP primary radio channel to 40, and secondary channel is below. sys_cfg_channel_ext --------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel_ext [CHANNEL] [BAND] [MODE]" This command is used to set or get the AP radio channel. If no arguments are given, this command returns the current AP radio channel. BAND: 0 : 2.4GHz operation 1 : 5GHz operation MODE: band config mode. Bit 0: automatic channel selection (ACS) enable/disable Bit 1: secondary channel is above primary channel enable/disable(only allow for channel 1-7) Bit 2: secondary channel is below primary channel enable/disable(only allow for channel 5-11) For 'a' band channel: Bit 1: secondary channel is above primary channel enable/disable Bit 2: secondary channel is below primary channel enable/disable Only following pairs of channels are valid for secondary channel setting in 5GHz band. 36, 40 44, 48 52, 56 60, 64 100, 104 108, 112 116, 120 124, 128 132, 136 149, 153 157, 161 Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel_ext 6 Set AP radio channel to 6, and no secondary channel. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel_ext 11 0 0 Set AP radio channel to 11 in 2.4GHz band with Manual Channel Select. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel_ext 0 0 1 Set AP to ACS mode and 2.4GHz band. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel_ext 8 0 Set AP to channel 8 and 2.4GHz band. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel_ext 8 1 Set AP to channel 8 and 5GHz band. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel_ext 36 1 Set AP to channel 36 and 5GHZ band. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel_ext Get AP radio channel, band and mode. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel_ext 6 0 2 Set AP primary radio channel to 6, band to 2.4GHz and secondary channel is above. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel_ext 6 0 4 Set AP primary radio channel to 6, band to 2.4GHz and secondary channel is below ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel_ext 0 0 3 Set AP to ACS mode, band to 2.4GHz and secondary channel is above. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel_ext 0 0 5 Set AP to ACS mode, band to 2.4GHz and secondary channel is below. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel_ext 36 1 2 Set AP primary radio channel to 36, band to 5GHz and secondary channel is above. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_channel_ext 40 1 4 Set AP primary radio channel to 40, band to 5GHz and secondary channel is below. sys_cfg_rates ------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_rates [RATES]" If 'Rate' provided, a 'set' is performed else a 'get' is performed RATES is provided as a set of data rates, in unit of 500 kilobits A rate with MSB bit is basic rate, i.e 0x82 is basic rate. 'set' will not allowed after bss start. Valid rates: 2, 4, 11, 22, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72, 96, 108 Non-Basic rates: 0x02, 0x04, 0x0b, 0x16, 0x0C, 0x12, 0x18, 0x24, 0x30, 0x48, 0x60, 0x6c Basic rates: 0x82, 0x84, 0x8b, 0x96, 0x8C, 0x92, 0x98, 0xA4, 0xB0, 0xC8, 0xE0, 0xEc Each rate must be separated by a space. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_rates 0x82 0x84 0x96 0x0c 0x12 0x18 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_rates sys_cfg_rates_ext ----------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_rates_ext [rates RATES] [mbrate RATE]" If 'Rate' provided, a 'set' is performed else a 'get' is performed. RATES is provided as a set of data rates, in unit of 500 kilobits A rate with MSB bit is basic rate, i.e 0x82 is basic rate. If only operational rates is provided, MCBC rate and unicast rate will be set to auto. Valid rates: 2, 4, 11, 22, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72, 96, 108 Non-Basic rates: 0x02, 0x04, 0x0b, 0x16, 0x0C, 0x12, 0x18, 0x24, 0x30, 0x48, 0x60, 0x6c Basic rates: 0x82, 0x84, 0x8b, 0x96, 0x8C, 0x92, 0x98, 0xA4, 0xB0, 0xC8, 0xE0, 0xEc Rates 2, 4, 11 and 22 (in units of 500 Kbps) must be present in either of basic or non-basic rates. If OFDM rates are enabled then 12, 24 and 48 (in units of 500 Kbps) must be present in either basic or non-basic rates. Each rate must be separated by a space. rates followed by RATES for setting operational rates. mbrate followed by RATE for setting multicast and broadcast rate. operational rates only allow to set before bss start. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_rates_ext rates 0x82 0x04 11 0x96 12 24 48 mbrate 0x16 Set AP operation rates to 0x82,0x04,11,0x96,12,24,48, multicast rate to 0x16 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_rates_ext rates 0x82 0x04 11 0x96 12 24 48 Set AP operation rates to 0x82,0x04,11,0x96,12,24,48. sys_cfg_tx_power ---------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_tx_power [TX_POWER]" This command is used to set or get the AP Tx power. If no arguments are given, this command returns the current AP Tx power. Tx power level is represented in dBm. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_tx_power 13 Set AP Tx power to 13 dBm ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_tx_power Get AP Tx power sys_cfg_bcast_ssid_ctl ---------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_bcast_ssid_ctl [0|1|2]" This command is used to set or get the SSID broadcast feature setting. The supported options are: 0 - Disable SSID broadcast, send empty SSID (length=0) in beacon. 1 - Enable SSID broadcast 2 - Disable SSID broadcast, clear SSID (ACSII 0) in beacon, but keep the original length empty - Get current SSID broadcast setting When broadcast SSID is enabled, the AP responds to probe requests from client stations that contain null SSID. When broadcast SSID is disabled (sys_cfg_bcast_ssid_ctl = 0/2), the AP: 1. Does not respond to probe requests that contain null SSID. 2. when sys_cfg_bcast_ssid_ctl = 0, generates beacons that contain null SSID (length=0). 3. when sys_cfg_bcast_ssid_ctl = 2, clear SSID (ACSII 0) in beacon and keep the original length Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_bcast_ssid_ctl 0 Disable SSID broadcast, send empty SSID (length=0) in beacon. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_bcast_ssid_ctl 1 Enable SSID broadcast ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_bcast_ssid_ctl 2 Disable SSID broadcast, clear SSID (ACSII 0) in beacon, but keep the original length ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_bcast_ssid_ctl Get SSID broadcast setting sys_cfg_preamble_ctl -------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_preamble_ctl" This command is used to get type of preamble. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_preamble_ctl Get AP preamble setting sys_cfg_bss_status -------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_bss_status" This command is used to get current BSS status. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_bss_status Get current BSS status sys_cfg_rts_threshold --------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_rts_threshold [RTS_THRESHOLD]" This command is used to set or get the RTS threshold value. If no arguments are given, this command returns the current RTS threshold value. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_rts_threshold 2347 Set AP RTS threshold to 2347 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_rts_threshold Get AP RTS threshold sys_cfg_frag_threshold ---------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_frag_threshold [FRAG_THRESHOLD]" This command is used to set or get the Fragmentation threshold value. If no arguments are given, this command returns the current Fragmentation threshold value. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_frag_threshold 2346 Set AP Fragmentation threshold to 2346 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_frag_threshold Get AP Fragmentation threshold Note: Please use aggrpriotbl command to disable the AMPDU/AMSDU aggregation when frag_threshold is set. sys_cfg_rsn_replay_prot ----------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_rsn_replay_prot [1|0]" This command is used to enable or disable RSN replay protection. The supported options are: 0 - Disable RSN replay protection 1 - Enable RSN replay protection empty - Get current RSN replay protection setting Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_rsn_replay_prot 1 Enable RSN replay protection ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_rsn_replay_prot Get RSN replay protection setting sys_cfg_tx_beacon_rate -------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_tx_beacon_rate [TX_BEACON_RATE]" This command is used to set or get the Tx beacon rate settings. The supported options are: 0 - Auto rate >0 - Set specified beacon rate empty - Get current beacon rate Tx beacon rate is represented in units of 500 kbps. While setting Tx beacon rates, only zero or rates currently configured are allowed. Following is the list of supported rates in units of 500 Kbps: 2, 4, 11, 22, 12, 18, 24, 36, 48, 72, 96, 108 0x02, 0x04, 0x0b, 0x16, 0x0C, 0x12, 0x18, 0x24, 0x30, 0x48, 0x60, 0x6c Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_tx_beacon_rate 0x04 Set AP Tx beacon rate to 2 M ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_tx_beacon_rate 4 Set AP Tx data beacon to 2 M ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_tx_beacon_rate Get AP Tx beacon rate sys_cfg_mcbc_data_rate ---------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_mcbc_data_rate [MCBC_DATA_RATE]" This command is used to set or get the MCBC data rate to use for multicast or broadcast packet transmission. The supported options are: 0 - Auto rate >0 - Set specified MCBC data rate empty - Get current MCBC data rate MCBC data rate is represented in units of 500 kbps. While setting MCBC data rates, only zero or one of rates currently configured as basic rates are allowed. For example: If current basic rates is "0x82 0x84 0x8b 0x96", then the allowed values for MCBC data rate will be "0x2 0x4 0xb 0x16". Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_mcbc_data_rate 22 Set AP MCBC data rate to 11 M ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_mcbc_data_rate 0 Set AP MCBC data rate to auto ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_mcbc_data_rate Get AP MCBC data rate sys_cfg_pkt_fwd_ctl ------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_pkt_fwd_ctl [PKT_FWD_CTRL]" This command is used to set or get the packet forwarding control settings. where PKT_FWD_CTRL is: bit 0 -- Packet forwarding handled by Host (0) or Firmware (1) bit 1 -- Intra-BSS broadcast packets are allowed (0) or denied (1) bit 2 -- Intra-BSS unicast packets are allowed (0) or denied (1) bit 3 -- Inter-BSS unicast packets are allowed (0) or denied (1) empty - Get current packet forwarding setting Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_pkt_fwd_ctl 1 Set AP packet forwarding control in firmware to allow all packets ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_pkt_fwd_ctl 6 Set AP packet forwarding control in Host, only allow Inter-BSS unicast packets forwarding. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_pkt_fwd_ctl 8 Set AP packet forwarding control in Host, only allow Intra-BSS packets forwarding. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_pkt_fwd_ctl 0 Set AP packet forwarding control in Host, allow Intra-BSS packets and Inter-BSS unicast packets forwarding. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_pkt_fwd_ctl Get AP packet forwarding control sys_cfg_sta_ageout_timer ------------------------ "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_sta_ageout_timer [STA_AGEOUT_TIMER]" This command is used to set or get the STA ageout value. Value of 0 will mean that stations will never be aged out. Minimum value for this is 100. Maximum allowed setting should be 864000. If no arguments are given, this command returns the current STA ageout value. Ageout timer value is represented in units of 100 ms. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_sta_ageout_timer 1800 Set AP STA ageout time to 180000 ms ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_sta_ageout_timer Get AP STA ageout time sys_cfg_ps_sta_ageout_timer --------------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_ps_sta_ageout_timer [PS_STA_AGEOUT_TIMER]" This command is used to set or get the PS STA ageout value. Value of 0 will mean that stations will never be aged out. Minimum value for this is 100. Maximum allowed setting should be 864000. If no arguments are given, this command returns the current PS STA ageout value. Ageout timer value is represented in units of 100 ms. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_ps_sta_ageout_timer 1800 Set AP PS STA ageout time to 180000 ms ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_ps_sta_ageout_timer Get AP PS STA ageout time sys_cfg_auth ------------ "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_auth [AUTHMODE]" This command is used to set or get the AP authentication mode. The supported options are: AUTHMODE : 0 - Open authentication 1 - Shared key authentication 255 - Auto (Open and Shared key) authentication empty - Get current authentication mode Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_auth 0 Set AP authentication mode to Open. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_auth Get AP authentication mode. sys_cfg_protocol ---------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_protocol [PROTOCOL] [AKM_SUITE]" This command is used to set or get the encryption protocol. The supported options are: PROTOCOL: 1 No RSN 2 WEP Static 8 WPA 32 WPA2 40 WPA, WPA2 Mixed Mode empty - Get current encryption protocol AKM_SUITE: bit 0 KEY_MGMT_EAP bit 1 KEY_MGMT_PSK bit 2 KEY_MGMT_NONE bit 8 KEY_MGMT_PSK_SHA256 Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_protocol 2 Set AP encryption protocol to static WEP. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_protocol Get AP encryption protocol. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_protocol 32 0x102 Set AP encryption protocol to WPA2 and AKM SUITE to PSK and PSK SHA256 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_protocol 40 0x100 Set AP encryption protocol to WPA+WPA2 and AKM SUITE to PSK SHA256 sys_cfg_pmf ----------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_pmf [MFPC] [MFPR]" This command is used to set or get the PMF settings. The supported options are: MFPC: 0 - Mgmt frame protection not capable 1 - Mgmt frame protection capable MFPR: 0 - Mgmt frame protection not required 1 - Mgmt frame protection required x - don't care if MFPC = 0 Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_pmf 1 1 Set AP's PMF params to Mgmt frames protection capable and required. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_pmf Get AP's PMF params settings. sys_cfg_wep_key --------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_wep_key [INDEX ISDEFAULT Key_0] [INDEX ISDEFAULT Key_1] [INDEX ISDEFAULT Key_2] [INDEX ISDEFAULT Key_3] [INDEX]" This command is used to set or get the WEP key settings. The supported options are: INDEX: 0 - KeyIndex is 0 1 - KeyIndex is 1 2 - KeyIndex is 2 3 - KeyIndex is 3 ISDEFAULT: 0: KeyIndex is not the default 1: KeyIndex is the default transmit key KEY_* : Key value. empty - Get current WEP key settings for all the keys INDEX - Only INDEX will get the key setting for the particular KeyIndex. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_wep_key 0 1 55555 Set AP's default transmit key to "55555", key index is 0. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_wep_key 0 1 12345678901234567890123456 Set AP's default transmit key to "12345678901234567890123456", key index is 0. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_wep_key Get AP all the WEP keys settings. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_wep_key 1 Get WEP key setting for the KeyIndex = 1. sys_cfg_cipher -------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_cipher [PAIRWISE_CIPHER GROUP_CIPHER]" This command is used to set or get the key types for the pairwise and group key. The supported options are: PAIRWISE_CIPHER: 0 None 4 TKIP 8 AES CCMP 12 AES CCMP + TKIP GROUP_CIPHER: 0 None 4 TKIP 8 AES CCMP empty - Get current key types Valid combinations of [PAIRWISE_CIPHER GROUP_CIPHER] are: [0 0], [4 4], [8 8], [12 4]. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_cipher 4 4 Set AP's pairwise and group key's type to TKIP. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_cipher Get AP's key types for the pairwise and group key. sys_cfg_pwk_cipher ------------------ "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_pwk_cipher [<PROTOCOL>] [PAIRWISE_CIPHER]" This command is used to set or get protocol and corresponding pairwise cipher settings. The supported options are: PROTOCOL: 0 None 8 WPA 32 WPA2 PAIRWISE_CIPHER: 0 None 4 TKIP 8 AES CCMP 12 AES CCMP + TKIP WPA/TKIP cipher cannot be used when uAP operates in 802.11n mode. If only PROTOCOL is provided, pairwise cipher for that protocol is displayed. empty - Get protocol and corresponding pairwise cipher settings. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_pwk_cipher 8 4 Set AP's pairwise cipher to TKIP for WPA protocol. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_pwk_cipher 32 Get AP's pairwise cipher for WPA2 protocol. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_pwk_cipher Get AP's protocol and corresponding pairwise cipher settings. sys_cfg_gwk_cipher ------------------ "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_gwk_cipher [GROUP_CIPHER]" This command is used to set or get group cipher. The supported options are: GROUP_CIPHER: 0 None 4 TKIP 8 AES CCMP empty - Get group cipher settings. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_gwk_cipher 8 Set AP's group cipher to AES CCMP. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_gwk_cipher Get AP's group cipher settings. sys_cfg_group_rekey_timer ------------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_group_rekey_timer [GROUP_REKEY_TIMER]" This command is used to set or get the AP group re-key time interval, in seconds. The supported options are: GROUP_REKEY_TIMER is represented in seconds. This is only applicable if the protocol is WPA or WPA2. Value of 0 will disable group re-key. empty - Get current group rekey timer Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_group_rekey_timer 1800 Set AP's group re-key time interval to 1800 s ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_group_rekey_timer Get AP's group re-key time interval. sys_cfg_wpa_passphrase ---------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_wpa_passphrase [PASSPHRASE]" This command is used to set or get the WPA or WPA2 passphrase. If no arguments are given, this command returns the current WPA or WPA2 passphrase. While setting, the maximum length of the passphrase can be 64 characters. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_wpa_passphrase 1234567890 Set AP's WPA or WPA2 passphrase to "1234567890" ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_wpa_passphrase Get AP's WPA or WPA2 passphrase. sys_cfg_max_sta_num ------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_max_sta_num [STA_NUM]" This command is used to set or get the maximum number of stations allowed to connect to uAP. If no arguments are given, this command returns the configured maximum number of stations allowed to connect to uAP and maximum number of stations supported. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_max_sta_num 2 Set AP's maximum station number to 2 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_max_sta_num Get AP's maximum station number configured and maximum station number supported. sys_cfg_retry_limit ------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_retry_limit [RETRY_LIMIT]" This command is used to set or get the retry limit to use for packet transmissions. The maximum retry_limit allowed is 14. If no arguments are given, this command returns the current retry limit value. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_retry_limit 2 Set AP's retry limit value to 2 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_retry_limit Get AP's retry limit value sys_cfg_sticky_tim_config ------------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_sticky_tim_config [ENABLE] [<DURATION> <STICKY_BIT_MASK>]" This command is used to set or get sticky TIM configuration. ENABLE is used to enable or disable sticky TIM feature. Following are the valid values of ENABLE 0- disable SticktyTIM 1- enable StickyTIM (Both DURATION in beacons and STICKY_BIT_MASK must be provided) 2- enable StickyTIM (enable sticky TIM without changing previous values of DURATION and STICKY_BIT_MASK) When bit 0 of STICKY_BIT_MASK is set, TIM bit is made sticky and when cleared, normal TIM bit updates resume. When bit 1 of STICKY_BIT_MASK is set, MoreData bit is made sticky and when cleared, normal MoreData bit updates resume. STICKY_BIT_MASK = 0 is NOT a valid configuration value. If no argument is given, this command returns current sticky TIM configuration. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_sticky_tim_config Get sticky TIM configuration. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_sticky_tim_config 0 Disable sticky TIM feature. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_sticky_tim_config 1 30 1 Enable sticky TIM feature with DURATION of 30 beacons and STICKY_BIT_MASK set to 1. sys_cfg_sticky_tim_sta_mac_addr ------------------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_sticky_tim_sta_mac_addr [CONTROL] [STA_MAC_ADDRESS]" This command is used to set or get sticky TIM control parameter for associated station. CONTROL when set to 1, sticky TIM bit for that station is activated. When set to 0, sticky TIM bit for that station is deactivated. If no argument is given, it returns sticky TIM configuration for all associated stations. If only STA_MAC_ADDRESS is provided, it returns sticky TIM configartion for that station. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_sticky_tim_sta_mac_addr Get sticky TIM configuration for all associated stations. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_sticky_tim_sta_mac_addr 00:50:43:20:11:22 Get control parameter for station 00:50:43:20:11:22. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_sticky_tim_sta_mac_addr 1 00:50:43:20:11:22 Set control parameter for station with MAC address 00:50:43:20:11:22 to 1. Note:TIM bit for an associated STA is made sticky only if both below mentioned conditions are satisfied 1.Enable = 1 or 2 in most recently received sys_cfg_sticky_tim_config command, and 2.Control = 1 in most recently received sys_cfg_sticky_tim_sta_mac_addr with this station MAC address. sys_cfg_2040_coex ------------------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_2040_coex [ENABLE]" This command is used to set or get 20/40 BSS coexistence configuration. ENABLE when set to 0, disables 20/40 coex. When set to 1, enables 20/40 coex. If no argument is given, it returns 20/40 BSS coex configuration. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_2040_coex Get 20/40 BSS coexistence configuration. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_2040_coex 0 Disable 20/40 BSS coexistence. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_2040_coex 1 Enable 20/40 BSS coexistence. Note:20/40 BSS coex configuration can be set only before starting BSS. sys_cfg_eapol_pwk_hsk --------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_eapol_pwk_hsk [<TIMEOUT> <RETRIES>]" This command is used to set or get pairwise handshake update timeout and number of retries. Both TIMEOUT and number of RETRIES should be provided for a 'set'. If no arguments are given, this command returns timeout value and number of retries for pairwise key. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_eapol_pwk_hsk 50 2 Set AP's pairwise key timeout to 50ms and number of retries to 2. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_eapol_pwk_hsk Get AP's pairwise key timeout and number of retries. sys_cfg_eapol_gwk_hsk --------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_eapol_gwk_hsk [<TIMEOUT> <RETRIES>]" This command is used to set or get groupwise handshake update timeout and number of retries. Both TIMEOUT and number of RETRIES should be provided for a 'set'. If no arguments are given, this command returns timeout value and number of retries for groupwise key. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_eapol_gwk_hsk 50 2 Set AP's groupwise key timeout to 50ms and number of retries to 2. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_eapol_gwk_hsk Get AP's groupwise key timeout and number of retries. sta_filter_table ---------------- "./uaputl.exe sta_filter_table <FILTERMODE> [<MACADDRESS_LIST>]" This command is used to get or set the client station MAC address filter table. The supported options are: FILTERMODE : 0 - Disable filter table 1 - Allow mac address specified in the allowed list 2 - Block MAC addresses specified in the banned list MACADDRESS_LIST is the list of MAC addresses to be acted upon. Each MAC address must be separated with a space. Maximum of 16 MAC addresses are supported. empty - Get current client station MAC address filter table. Example: ./uaputl.exe sta_filter_table 0 Disable filter table ./uaputl.exe sta_filter_table 1 00:50:43:20:aa:bb Set AP's filter mode to allow, only MAC address "00:50:43:ab:bb" will be allowed. ./uaputl.exe sta_filter_table Get AP's filter table settings. regrdwr ------- "./uaputl.exe regrdwr <TYPE> <OFFSET> [value]" These commands are used to read the MAC, BBP and RF registers from the card. TYPE can take 3 values, 1 - read/write MAC register 2 - read/write BBP register 3 - read/write RF register OFFSET specifies the offset location that is to be read. This parameter can be specified either in decimal or in hexadecimal (by preceding the number with a "0x"). value if specified, then that value will be written to that offset in the specified register. Value should be specified in hexadecimal. Example: ./uaputl.exe regrdwr 1 0xa123 read MAC register 0xa123 ./uaputl.exe regrdwr 1 0xa123 0xaa write 0xaa to MAC register 0xa123 ./uaputl.exe regrdwr 2 0x0123 read BBP register 0x0123 ./uaputl.exe regrdwr 2 0x0123 0xaa write 0xaa to BBP register 0x0123 ./uaputl.exe regrdwr 3 0x0123 read RF register 0x0123 ./uaputl.exe regrdwr 3 0x0123 0xaa write 0xaa to RF register 0x0123 memaccess --------- "./uaputl.exe memaccess <ADDR> [value]" This commands is used to read/write to a memory address ADDR specifies the address of the location that is to be read/write This parameter can be specified either in decimal or in hexadecimal (by preceding the number with a "0x"). value if specified, then that value will be written to that address in the specified register. Example: ./uaputl.exe memaccess 0xc00153e4 read contents of memory location 0xc00153e4 ./uaputl.exe memaccess 0xc00153e4 0xaabbccdd write value 0xaabbccdd to memory location 0xc00153e4 rdeeprom -------- "./uaputl.exe rdeeprom <offset> <bytecount>" This command is used to read bytes from offset location on EEPROM offset: 0,4,8,..., multiple of 4 bytecount: 4-20, multiple of 4 Example: ./uaputl.exe rdeeprom 200 12 read 12 bytes from offset 200 ON EEPROM cfg_data -------- "./uaputl.exe cfg_data <type> [*.conf]" This command is used to set/get the configuration data to/from the firmware. type: 2 -- cal data Example: ./uaputl.exe cfg_data 2 cal_data.conf read cal_data from cal_data.conf and download to firmware. ./uaputl.exe cfg_data 2 read cal_data from firmware sys_cfg_80211d -------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_80211d [state STATE] [country COUNTRY]" This command is used to set/get 802.11D specific parameters. If no parameters are provided, this command returns state, country and domain information. Allowed values for state are 0 for disable and 1 for enable. COUNTRY is a two letter string input (derived from ISO 3166 code; http://www.iso.org/iso/country_codes/iso_3166_code_lists/english_country_names_and_code_elements.htm ) Countries are mapped with specific domain in file "80211d_domain.conf". In order to set customize band setting, user can modify 80211d_domain.conf file. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_80211d state 0 To-disable ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_80211d state 1 To-enable ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_80211d country IN for using country as INDIA ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_80211d state 1 country US for enabling and setting country in single command. uap_stats --------- "./uaputl.exe uap_stats" This command is used to get uAP statistics. Example: ./uaputl.exe uap_stats pscfg --------- "./uaputl.exe pscfg [MODE] [CTRL INACTTO MIN_SLEEP MAX_SLEEP MIN_AWAKE MAX_AWAKE] This command is used to set or get the AP's power mode and power save params. The supported options are: MODE : 0 - disable power mode 2 - enable inactivity based power save mode PS PARAMS: CTRL: 0 - disable protection frame Tx before PS 1 - enable protection frame Tx before PS INACTTO: Inactivity timeout in microseconds, default value is 200000 us MIN_SLEEP: Minimum sleep duration in microseconds, default value 17000 us MAX_SLEEP: Maximum sleep duration in microseconds, default value 17000 us The value of MIN_SLEEP should be >= 5000 us. The value of MAX_SLEEP should be <= beacon interval(when ctrl: 0). The value of MAX_SLEEP should be <= 32000 us(when ctrl: 1). MIN_AWAKE: Minimum awake duration in microseconds, default value is 2000 us MAX_AWAKE: Maximum awake duration in microseconds, default value is 2000 us The value of MIN_AWAKE should be >= 2000 us. MIN_AWAKE,MAX_AWAKE only valid when MODE is set to inactivity based power save mode. empty - Get current power mode and power save params. Example: ./uaputl.exe pscfg 0 Disable AP's power mode. ./uaputl.exe pscfg 2 Enable inactivity based power save mode. ./uaputl.exe pscfg 2 1 400000 20000 20000 10000 10000 Enable inactivity based power save mode, enable protection, set inactivity timeout 400000 us set minimum sleep duration to 20000 us, maximum sleep duration to 20000 us and set minimum awake duration to 10000us, maximum awake duration to 10000 us ./uaputl.exe pscfg Get current AP's power mode and power save params. hscfg ----- ./uaputl.exe hscfg [condition [[GPIO# [gap]]]] This command is used to configure the host sleep parameters. This command takes one (condition), two (condition and GPIO#) or three (condition, GPIO# and gap) parameters for set. If no parameter provided, get is performed. where Condition is: bit 0 = 1 -- broadcast data bit 1 = 1 -- unicast data bit 2 = 1 -- mac event bit 3 = 1 -- multicast data bit 6 = 1 -- Wakeup when mgmt frame received. The host sleep mode will be cancelled if condition is set to 0xffff. The default is 0x7. where GPIO is the pin number of GPIO used to wakeup the host. It could be any valid GPIO pin# (e.g. 0-7) or 0xff (interface, e.g. SDIO will be used instead). The default is 0xff. where Gap is the gap in milliseconds between wakeup signal and wakeup event or 0xff for special setting (host acknowledge required) when GPIO is used to wakeup host. The default is 200. Examples: ./uaputl.exe hscfg : Get current host sleep mode ./uaputl.exe hscfg 0xffff : Cancel host sleep mode ./uaputl.exe hscfg 3 : Broadcast and unicast data Use GPIO and gap set previously ./uaputl.exe hscfg 2 3 : Unicast data Use GPIO 3 and gap set previously ./uaputl.exe hscfg 2 1 0xa0 : Unicast data Use GPIO 1 and gap 160 ms ./uaputl.exe hscfg 2 0xff : Unicast data Use interface (e.g. SDIO) Use gap set previously ./uaputl.exe hscfg 4 3 0xff : MAC event Use GPIO 3 Special host sleep mode ./uaputl.exe hscfg 1 0xff 0xff : Broadcast data Use interface (e.g. SDIO) Use gap 255ms hssetpara --------- ./uaputl.exe hssetpara condition [[GPIO# [gap]]] This command is used to configure the host sleep parameters. Note: 1) The usages of parameters are the same as "hscfg" command. 2) The parameters will be saved in the driver and be used when host suspends. sta_deauth_ext -------------- "./uaputl.exe sta_deauth_ext <STA_MAC_ADDRESS><REASON_CODE>" This command is used to de-authenticate a client station with specific reason code. Example: ./uaputl.exe sta_deauth_ext 00:50:43:20:34:58 4 deauth station 00:50:43:20:34:58 with IEEE reason code 4 (Disassociated due to inactivity) sys_cfg_custom_ie ----------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_custom_ie [INDEX] [MASK] [IEBuffer]" This command is used to set or get custom IEs for management frames. The supported options are: INDEX: 0 - IE Index is 0 1 - IE Index is 1 2 - IE Index is 2 MAX IE Index depends on device memory. -1 - Append/Delete IE automatically Delete will delete the IE from the matching IE buffer Append will append the IE to the buffer with the same mask MASK : Management subtype mask value as per bit definitions : Bit 0 - Association request. : Bit 1 - Association response. : Bit 2 - Reassociation request. : Bit 3 - Reassociation response. : Bit 4 - Probe request. : Bit 5 - Probe response. : Bit 8 - Beacon. MASK : MASK = 0 to clear the mask and the IE buffer IEBuffer: IE buffer to set in hexadecimal bytes. The Buffer should not be space separated. ( Maximum length = 256 bytes ) empty - Get IE buffer, subtype mask settings for all the indices [0-3]. INDEX - Only INDEX will get the IE buffer configured for the particular Index. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_custom_ie Get IE buffer, subtype mask settings for all indices. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_custom_ie 1 Get IE buffer and subtype mask WEP key setting for the Index = 1. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_custom_ie 2 0 Clear IE buffer and mask value for Index = 2. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_custom_ie 3 0x101 0xdd051234567890 Set IE buffer and mask value for Index = 3. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_custom_ie -1 0x101 0xdd051234567890 Append the specified IEBuffer at index with mask value of 0x101 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_custom_ie -1 0 0xdd051234567890 Delete the specified IEBuffer from all the IEs. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_custom_ie 2 0 0xdd051234567890 Delete the specified IEBuffer from the IEs at index 2. coex_config ----------- "./uaputl.exe coex_config [CONFIG_FILE]" This command is used to set or get the BT coex configuration settings. The supported options are: CONFIG_FILE is file contain all the BT coex settings. empty - Get current BT coex settings Example: ./uaputl.exe coex_config Get current BT coex settings. ./uaputl.exe coex_config uapcoex.conf Load BT coex configuration settings from uapcoex.conf file and set. sys_cfg_wmm ----------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_wmm [qosinfo=<qosinfo>] [0] [AC_BE AIFSN ECW_MAX ECW_MIN TX_OP] [AC_BK AIFSN ECW_MAX ECW_MIN TX_OP] [AC_VI AIFSN ECW_MAX ECW_MIN TX_OP] [AC_VO AIFSN ECW_MAX ECW_MIN TX_OP]" This command can be used set/get beacon WMM parameters The supported option are: qosinfo: qos information. User can set only MSB. Valid values are 0x80 and 0x00. Lower 4 bits are managed by FW. Hence, value read for qosinfo may have lower 4 bits non-zero. AC_BE: 0 AC_BK: 1 AC_VI: 2 AC_V0: 3 AIFSN: AIFSN value ECW_MAX: ECW max ECW_MIN: ECW min TX_OP: TXOP Limit empty - Get current WMM parameters When all the parameter are 0, wmm will be disabled. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_wmm 0 3 10 4 0 Set AC_BE with AIFSN 3, ECW_MAX 10, ECW_MIN 4 and TXOP 0 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_wmm 1 7 10 4 0 Set AC_BK with AIFSN 7, ECW_MAX 10, ECW_MIN 4 and TXOP 0 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_wmm 2 2 4 3 94 Set AC_VI with AIFSN 2, ECW_MAX 4, ECW_MIN 3 and TXOP 94 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_wmm 3 2 3 2 47 Set AC_VO with AIFSN 2, ECW_MAX 3, ECW_MIN 2 and TXOP 47 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_wmm Get current wmm parameters ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_wmm 0 3 10 4 0 1 7 10 4 0 2 2 4 3 94 3 2 3 2 47 Set AC_BE with AIFSN 3, ECW_MAX 10, ECW_MIN 4 and TXOP 0 Set AC_BK with AIFSN 7, ECW_MAX 10, ECW_MIN 4 and TXOP 0 Set AC_VI with AIFSN 2, ECW_MAX 4, ECW_MIN 3 and TXOP 94 Set AC_VO with AIFSN 2, ECW_MAX 3, ECW_MIN 2 and TXOP 47 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_wmm qosinfo=0x80 0 3 10 4 0 1 7 10 4 0 2 2 4 3 94 3 2 3 2 47 Enable wmm PS mode. Set AC_BE with AIFSN 3, ECW_MAX 10, ECW_MIN 4 and TXOP 0 Set AC_BK with AIFSN 7, ECW_MAX 10, ECW_MIN 4 and TXOP 0 Set AC_VI with AIFSN 2, ECW_MAX 4, ECW_MIN 3 and TXOP 94 Set AC_VO with AIFSN 2, ECW_MAX 3, ECW_MIN 2 and TXOP 47 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_wmm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_wmm 0 Disable wmm sys_cfg_ap_wmm ----------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_ap wmm [0] [AC_BE AIFSN ECW_MAX ECW_MIN TX_OP] [AC_BK AIFSN ECW_MAX ECW_MIN TX_OP] [AC_VI AIFSN ECW_MAX ECW_MIN TX_OP] [AC_VO AIFSN ECW_MAX ECW_MIN TX_OP]" This command can be used set/get AP WMM parameters The supported option are: AC_BE: 0 AC_BK: 1 AC_VI: 2 AC_V0: 3 AIFSN: AIFSN value ECW_MAX: ECW max ECW_MIN: ECW min TX_OP: TXOP Limit empty - Get current AP WMM parameters When all the parameter are 0, AP wmm will be disabled. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_ap_wmm 0 3 10 4 0 Set AC_BE with AIFSN 3, ECW_MAX 10, ECW_MIN 4 and TXOP 0 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_ap_wmm 1 7 10 4 0 Set AC_BK with AIFSN 7, ECW_MAX 10, ECW_MIN 4 and TXOP 0 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_ap_wmm 2 2 4 3 94 Set AC_VI with AIFSN 2, ECW_MAX 4, ECW_MIN 3 and TXOP 94 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_ap_wmm 3 2 3 2 47 Set AC_VO with AIFSN 2, ECW_MAX 3, ECW_MIN 2 and TXOP 47 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_ap_wmm Get current AP wmm parameters ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_ap_wmm 0 3 10 4 0 1 7 10 4 0 2 2 4 3 94 3 2 3 2 47 Set AC_BE with AIFSN 3, ECW_MAX 10, ECW_MIN 4 and TXOP 0 Set AC_BK with AIFSN 7, ECW_MAX 10, ECW_MIN 4 and TXOP 0 Set AC_VI with AIFSN 2, ECW_MAX 4, ECW_MIN 3 and TXOP 94 Set AC_VO with AIFSN 2, ECW_MAX 3, ECW_MIN 2 and TXOP 47 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_ap_wmm 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_ap_wmm 0 Disable AP wmm addbapara --------- "./uaputl.exe addbapara [timeout txwinsize rxwinsize txamsdu rxamsdu]" This command can be used to update the default ADDBA parameters. The supported options are: timeout - This is the block ack timeout for ADDBA request. 0 : Disable (recommended for throughput test) 1 - 65535 : Block Ack Timeout in TU txwinsize - Buffer size for ADDBA request. (32 is default value) rxwinsize - Buffer size for ADDBA response. (16 is default value) txamsdu - amsdu support for ADDBA request. (1 is default value) 0 : Disable amsdu in ADDBA request. 1 - Enable amsdu in ADDBA request. rxamsdu - amsdu support for ADDBA response. (1 is default value) 0 : Disable amsdu in ADDBA response. 1 - Enable amsdu in ADDBA response. empty - Get current ADDBA parameters. Current window size limit for Tx as well as Rx is 1023. Example: ./uaputl.exe addbapara Get the current addba params ./uaputl.exe addbaparam 1000 64 8 0 0 This will change the ADDBA timeout to (1000 * 1024) us, txwinsize to 64 and rxwinsize to 8 and disable AMSDU in ADDBA request/response. In case the ADDBA timeout value is updated then a ADDBA is sent for all streams to update the timeout value. In case txwinsize and/or rxwinsize is updated, the effect could only be seen on next ADDBA request/response. The current streams will not be affected with this change. In case of txamdsdu/rxamsdu is updated, the effect could only be seen on next ADDBA request/response. The current streams will not be affected with this change. AMSDU in AMPDU stream will be enabled when AP support this feature and AMSDU is enabled in aggrpriotbl. sys_cfg_11n ----------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_11n [ENABLE] [HTCAP] [AMPDU] [TXBFCAP] [HT_MCS_CAP]" This command can be used set/get 802.11n parameters. The supported option are: ENABLE: 0 - disable 802.11n in uap 1 - enable 802.11n in uap Note: If 802.11n is disabled, 802.11ac MUST be disabled at the same time HTCAP: HT Capabilities info (default value is 0x111c) Bit 15-13: Reserved set to 0 Bit 12: DSS/CCK mode in 40MHz enable/disable Bit 11-10: Reserved set to 0 Bit 9-8: Reserved set to 0x01 Bit 7: STBC enable/disable Bit 6: Short GI in 40 Mhz enable/disable Bit 5: Short GI in 20 Mhz enable/disable Bit 4: Green field enable/disable Bit 3-2: Reserved set to 1 Bit 1: 20/40 Mhz enable disable. Bit 0: LDPC enable/disable AMPDU: A-MPDU Parameter (default value is 0x03) Bit 7-5: Reserved set to 0 Bit 4-2: Minimum MPDU Start spacing Set to 0 for no restriction Set to 1 for 1/4 us Set to 2 for 1/2 us Set to 3 for 1 us Set to 4 for 2 us Set to 5 for 4 us Set to 6 for 8 us Set to 7 for 16 us Bit 1-0: Max A-MPDU length TXBFCAP: TX Beamforming capabilities Bit 0 : Implicit TX BF receiving capable Bit 1 : RX staggered sounding capable Bit 2 : TX staggered sounding capable Bit 3 : RX NDP capable Bit 4 : TX NDP capable Bit 5 : Implicit TX BF capable Bit 6-7 : Calibration 0: - not supported 1: - STA can respond to a calibration request using the CSI Report, but cannot initiate calibration 2: - reserved 3: - STA can both initiate and respond to a calibration request Bit 8 : Explicit CSI TX BF capable Bit 9 : Explicit non-compressed steering capable Bit 10 : Explicit compressed steering capable Bit 11-12: Explicit TX BF CSI feedback 0: - not supported 1: - delayed feedback 2: - immediate feedback 3: - delayed and immediate feedback Bit 13-14: Explicit non-compressed BF feedback capable 0: - not supported 1: - delayed feedback 2: - immediate feedback 3: - delayed and immediate feedback Bit 15-16: Explicit compressed BF feedback capable 0: - not supported 1: - delayed feedback 2: - immediate feedback 3: - delayed and immediate feedback Bit 17-18: Minimal grouping 0: - no grouping (STA supports groups of 1) 1: - groups of 1, 2 2: - groups of 1, 4 3: - groups of 1, 2, 4 Bit 19-20: CSI number of beamformer antennas supported 0: - single TX antenna sounding 1: - 2 TX antenna sounding 2: - 3 TX antenna sounding 3: - 4 TX antenna sounding Bit 21-22: Non-compressed steering number of beamformer antennas supported 0: - single TX antenna sounding 1: - 2 TX antenna sounding 2: - 3 TX antenna sounding 3: - 4 TX antenna sounding Bit 23-24: Compressed steering number of beamformer antennas supported 0: - single TX antenna sounding 1: - 2 TX antenna sounding 2: - 3 TX antenna sounding 3: - 4 TX antenna sounding Bit 25-26: CSI max number of rows beamformer supported 0: - single row of CSI 1: - 2 rows of CSI 2: - 3 rows of CSI 3: - 4 rows of CSI Bit 27-28: Channel estimation capability 0: - 1 space time stream 1: - 2 space time streams 2: - 3 space time streams 3: - 4 space time streams Bit 29-31: Reserved HT_MCS_MAP: MCS rate bitmap Bit 0-7 : MCS_SET_0 Bit 15-8 : MCS_SET_1 empty - Get current 802.11n parameters. Example: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_11n 1 0x117e 3 enable 802.11n, and set HT Capabilities info to 0x117e, and A-MPDU Parameter to 0x03 ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_11n 1 0x117e 3 0xFFFFFFFF enable 802.11n, and set HT Capabilities info to 0x117e, A-MPDU Parameter to 0x03 and TX Beamforming capabilities to 0xFFFFFFFF ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_11n 1 0x117e 3 0xFFFFFFFF 0x00100023 enable 802.11n, and set HT Capabilities info to 0x117e, A-MPDU Parameter to 0x03, TX Beamforming capabilities to 0xFFFFFFFF and MCS rate bitmap to 0x00100023. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_11n 0 disable 802.11n in uap ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_11n Get current 802.11n parameters aggrpriotbl ----------- "./uaputl.exe aggrpriotbl <m0> <n0> <m1> <n1> ... <m7> <n7>" This command is used set/get the priority table for AMPDU/AMSDU traffic per tid. This command can also be used to disable AMPDU/AMSDU for a given tid. In case of AMPDU this priority table will be used to setup block ack (to make sure the highest priority tid always uses AMPDU as we have limited AMPDU streams) The supported option are: <m0> <n0> <m1> <n1> ... <m7> <n7> <mx> - This is priority for Tid0 for AMPDU packet. A priority could be any values between 0 - 7, 0xff to disable aggregation. <nx> - This is priority for Tid0 for AMSDU packet. A priority could be any values between 0 - 7, 0xff to disable aggregation. empty - Get current priority table for AMPDU/AMSDU traffic. Example: ./uaputl.exe aggrpriotbl This command will get the current Priority table for AMPDU and AMSDU. <2 2 0 0 1 1 3 3 4 4 5 5 255 255 255 255>. This is read as <"Prio for AMPDU for Tid0" "Prio for AMSDU for Tid0" "Prio for AMPDU for Tid1" "Prio for AMSDU for Tid1" and so on ./uaputl.exe aggrpriotbl 2 2 0 0 1 1 3 3 4 4 5 5 255 255 255 255 This will set the priority table for AMPDU and AMSDU Priority for Tid0/AMPDU = 2, Tid0/AMSDU = 2, Tid1/AMPDU = 0, Tid1/AMSDU = 0 and so on. Aggregation for Tid6 and Tid7 are disabled. Here higher the priority number, higher the priority (i.e. 7 has higher priority than 6). Similarly for AMSDU. ./uaputl.exe aggrpriotbl 0xff 2 0xff 0 0xff 1 0xff 3 0xff 4 0xff 5 0xff 0xff 0xff 0xff This will disable AMPDU for all the TIDs but will still keep AMSDU enabled to Tid0 to Tid5 The default setting is 2 255 0 255 1 255 3 255 4 255 5 255 255 255 255 255. A delBA should be seen in case a disable happens on a TID for which AMPDU stream is currently setup. Note:- This command should only be issued in disconnected state. addbareject ----------- "./uaputl.exe addbareject <m0> <m1> ... <m7>" This command is used set/get the addbareject table for all the TIDs. This command can also be used to enable rejection of ADDBA requests for a given tid. The supported option are: <m0> <m1> ... <m7> <mX> - This can be 0/1 for TidX. 1 enables rejection of ADDBA request for TidX and 0 would accept any ADDBAs for TidX. empty - Get current addbareject table for all the TIDs. Example: ./uaputl.exe addbareject This command will get the current table. [0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1]. ADDBA would be accepted for all TIDs except for TID [6,7]. This is the default state. ./uaputl.exe addbareject 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 This command will accept ADDBA requests for Tid [0,1,4,5,6,7] and reject ADDBA requests for Tid [2,3] ./uaputl.exe addbareject 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 This will enable rejection of ADDBA requests for all Tids. Note:- This command should only be issued in disconnected state. sys_cfg_tdls_ext_cap -------------------- "./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_tdls_ext_cap [CONFIG_FILE]" This command is used to set/get TDLS extended capability settings. If CONFIG_FILE is provided, a SET is performed , else a GET is performed. Examples: ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_tdls_ext_cap config/tdls_ext_cap.conf Set TDLS extended capability parameters in the config file. ./uaputl.exe sys_cfg_tdls_ext_cap Get TDLS extended capability parameters. "./uaputl.exe skip_cac [<MODE>]" This command is used to set/get SKIP_CAC feature. If enabled then next BSS start would skip the channel availability check (CAC). The mode will be disabled automatically once BSS_START is performed. MODE : 0 - Disable skip CAC mode 1 - Enable skip CAC mode eg., ./uaputl.exe skip_cac ==> GET current configured mode ./uaputl.exe skip_cac 1 ==> enables skip_cac mode ./uaputl.exe skip_cac 0 ==> disable skip_cac mode httxbfcfg --------- "./uaputl.exe httxbfcfg <ACTION> [ACT_DATA]" This command is used to configure the TX beamforming options. The supported options are: ACTION: 0 - Control global parameters for beamforming 1 - Performs NDP Sounding for PEER 2 - TX BF interval in milliseconds 3 - Enable/Disable beamforming/sounding for the indicated peer. 4 - TX BF SNR Threshold for peer ACT_DATA: Specific data for the above actions For ACTION 0 - Beamforming enable/disable, sounding enable/disable, FB type, snr_threshold, sounding interval, Beamformig mode For ACTION 1 - PEER MAC and status For ACTION 2 - TX BF interval For ACTION 3 - PEER MAC For ACTION 4 - PEER MAC and SNR empty - Get action specific settings Examples: ./uaputl.exe httxbfcfg 0 : Get current global configuration parameter ./uaputl.exe httxbfcfg 2 00:50:43:20:BF:64 : Get the TX BF periodicity for a given peer ./uaputl.exe httxbfcfg 3 : Get the list of MAC addresses that have beamforming and/or sounding enabled ./uaputl.exe httxbfcfg 4 : Get the list of PEER MAC, SNR tuples programmed into the firmware. ./uaputl.exe httxbfcfg 0 0 0 3 10 500 5 : Disable beamforming, sounding, set FB type to 3, snr threshold to 10, sounding interval to 500 ms and beamforming mode to 5 ./uaputl.exe httxbfcfg 1 00:50:43:20:BF:64 : Perform NDP Trigger sounding to peer 00:50:43:20:BF:64 ./uaputl.exe httxbfcfg 2 00:50:43:20:BF:64 500 : Set TX BF periodicity for peer 00:50:43:20:BF:64 to 500 milliseconds ./uaputl.exe httxbfcfg 3 00:50:43:20:BF:43 1 0 3 : Enable beamforming, disable sounding and set FB type to 3 for peer 00:50:43:20:BF:43 ./uaputl.exe httxbfcfg 4 00:50:43:20:BF:24 43 : Set TX BF SNR threshold to peer httxcfg This command is used to configure various 11n specific configuration for transmit (such as Short GI, Channel BW and Green field support) where <m> is <txcfg> This is a bitmap and should be used as following Bit 15-10: Reserved set to 0 Bit 9-8: Rx STBC set to 0x01 BIT9 BIT8 Description 0 0 No spatial streams 0 1 One spatial streams supported 1 0 Reserved 1 1 Reserved Bit 7: STBC enable/disable Bit 6: Short GI in 40 Mhz enable/disable Bit 5: Short GI in 20 Mhz enable/disable Bit 4: Green field enable/disable Bit 3-2: Reserved set to 1 Bit 1: 20/40 Mhz enable disable. Bit 0: LDPC enable/disable When Bit 1 is set then firmware could transmit in 20Mhz or 40Mhz based on rate adaptation. When this bit is reset then firmware will only transmit in 20Mhz. Example: ./uaputl.exe -i uapX httxcfg This will display HT Tx configuration. ./uaputl.exe -i uapX httxcfg 0x62 This will enable 20/40 and Short GI but will disable Green field. ./uaputl.exe -i uapX httxcfg 0x30 This will enable Short GI 20 Mhz and Green field. Note:- If 20/40 MHz support is disabled in htcapinfo, device will not transmit in 40 MHz even 20/40 MHz is enabled in httxcfg. htstreamcfg This command is used to set/get HT stream configuration. The setting only takes effect in next association. Usage: ./uaputl.exe -i uapX htstreamcfg [n] where <n> 0x11: HT stream 1x1 mode 0x22: HT stream 2x2 mode Examples: ./uaputl.exe -i uapX htstreamcfg : Get current setting ./uaputl.exe -i uapX htstreamcfg 0x11 : Set HT stream 1x1 mode ./uaputl.exe -i uapX htstreamcfg 0x22 : Set HT stream 2x2 mode deepsleep --------- "./uaputl.exe deepsleep [MODE] [IDLE_TIME]" This command is used to set/get auto deep sleep mode. The supported option are: [MODE]: Enable/disable auto deep sleep mode (1/0) [IDLE_TIME]: Idle time in milliseconds after which firmware will put the device in deep sleep mode. Default value is 100 ms. empty - Get current deep sleep mode. Example: ./uaputl.exe deepsleep : Display auto deep sleep mode ./uaputl.exe deepsleep 1 : Enable auto deep sleep mode, idle time unchanged ./uaputl.exe deepsleep 0 : Disable auto deep sleep mode ./uaputl.exe deepsleep 1 500 : Enable auto deep sleep mode with idle time 500 ms Note: Deepsleep must be disabled before changing idle time. txpwrlimit_cfg_get txpwrlimit_2g_cfg_set txpwrlimit_5g_cfg_set ------------------ This command is used to set/get the configuration data of Tx power limitation. Note: The configuration set should be issued when no STA is connected. Examples: ./uaputl.exe hostcmd config/txpwrlimit_cfg.conf txpwrlimit_cfg_get ./uaputl.exe hostcmd config/txpwrlimit_cfg.conf txpwrlimit_2g_cfg_set ./uaputl.exe hostcmd config/txpwrlimit_cfg.conf txpwrlimit_5g_cfg_set rxpktcoal_cfg ------------- "./uaputl.exe rxpktcoal_cfg [PKT-THRESHOLD] [TIMEOUT]" This is used to get/set RX packet coalescing paramters The supported option are: [PKT-THRESHOLD]: count after which packets would be sent to host. Valid values 1-7 [TIMEOUT]: timeout in ms after which packets would be sent to host. Valid values 1-4 Coalescing is disabled if both or either of packet_thershold and delay is zero RX packet coalescing parameters can be changed only when device is in idle state i.e. all interfaces are disconnected. Example: ./uaputl.exe rxpktcoal_cfg : Display RX packet coalescing settings ./uaputl.exe rxpktcoal_cfg 5 1 : Enable RX packet coalescing: packet count 5, delay 1. ./uaputl.exe rxpktcoal_cfg 0 0 : Disable RX packet coalescing. tx_data_pause ------------- "./uaputl.exe tx_data_pause [ENABLE][TX_BUF_CNT]" This command is used to set/get tx data pause settings. The supported option are: [ENABLE]: Enable/disable pause tx events from firmware to host. [TX_BUF_CNT]: Max number of TX buffers allowed for all PS clients empty - Get current tx data pause settings Example: ./uaputl.exe tx_data_pause : Display tx data pause settings ./uaputl.exe tx_data_pause 1 : Enable pause tx event, max tx buffer number unchanged. ./uaputl.exe tx_data_pause 0 : Disable pasue tx event, max tx buffer number unchanged. ./uaputl.exe tx_data_pause 1 15 : Enable pause tx event, with max tx buffer number 15. vhtcfg This command is used to set and get various 11ac specific configuration for transmission and reception. For the SET operation, all paramaters may be applied. For the GET operation, only the first two parameters are applied. The 6th argument "rx_mcs_set" can be used to disbale/enable 802.11ac. where <j> is <band> <band> - This is the band setting for the vhtcfg 0: Settings for both 2.4G and 5G bands (for SET operation, 11N BW only) 1: Settings for 2.4G band (for 11N BW only) 2: Settings for 5G band where <k> is <txrx> <txrx> - This parameter specifies the configuration of VHT operation for TX or/and VHT capabilities 3: configuration of VHT capabilities (uAP only) Note: For the UAP, only 3 is supported for txrx. where [l] is <bwcfg> <bwcfg> - This parameter specifies the bandwidth (BW) configuration applied to the vhtcfg. If <txrx> is 3 (For uAP), 0: Tx BW follows the BW (20/40 MHz) from 11N CFG 1: Tx BW follows the BW (80/160/80+80 MHz) from VHT Capabilities defined in <vhtcap> below for 5G band. where [m] is <vhtcap> <vhtcap> - This parameter specifies the VHT capabilities info if <txrx> is 2 (association) or the VHT Tx operations if <txrx> is 1 (Tx operations). The VHT Tx operation should be a subset of VHT capabilities for association. It is a bitmap and should be used as follows: Bit 31-30: Reserved and set to 0 Bit 29: TX antenna pattern consistency 1: antenna pattern does not change 0: antenna pattern might change Bit 28: RX antenna pattern consistency 1: antenna pattern does not change 0: antenna pattern might change Bit 27-26: VHT link adaptation capable 0: no feedback of VHT MFB from the STA 1: unsolicted feedback of VHT MFB from the STA 2: both response and unsolicted feedback of VHT MFB from the STA 3: reserved and set to 0 Bit 25-23: Maximum A-MPDU length exponent Bit 22: +HTC-VHT capable (1: enable. 0 disable) Bit 21: VHT TXOP PS Bit 20: MU beamformee capable (1: enable. 0 disable) Bit 19: MU beamformer capable (1: enable. 0 disable) Bit 18-16: Number of sounding dimensions (set to maximum-1 if Bit 11 is 1. Otherwise, reserved and set to 0) Bit 15-13: Compressed steering number of beamformer antennas supported (set to maximum-1 if Bit 12 is 1. Otherwise, reserved and set to 0) Bit 12: SU beamformee capable (1: enable. 0 disable) Bit 11: SU beamformer capable (1: enable. 0 disable) Bit 10-8: Rx STBC 0: no support 1: support of 1 spatial stream 2: support of 1-2 streams 3: support of 1-3 spatial streams 4: support of 1-4 spatial streams 5-7: reserved and set to 0 Bit 7: TX STBC (1: enable. 0 disable) Bit 6: Short GI for 160 and 80+80 MHz (1: enable. 0 disable) Bit 5: Short GI for 80 MHz (1: enable. 0 disable) Bit 4: Rx LDPC (1: enable. 0 disable) Bit 3-2: Supported channel width set. 0: no support of either 160 or 80+80 MHz. 1: support of 160 MHz 2: support of both 160 and 80+80 MHz. 3: reserved and set to 0. Bit 1-0: Maximum MPDU length 0: 3895 octets. 1: 7991 octets. 2: 11454 octets. 3: reserved and set to 0. where [n] is <tx_mcs_map>, <tx_mcs_map> - This parameter specifies the TX MCS map. It may not be used for the STA if <txrx> is 1 (Tx operations). It is a bitmap and should be used as following Bit 15-0: MCS map, which is defined as folows: Bit 15-14: Max MCS for 8 SS Bit 13-12: Max MCS for 7 SS Bit 11-10: Max MCS for 6 SS Bit 9-8: Max MCS for 5 SS Bit 7-6: Max MCS for 4 SS Bit 5-4: Max MCS for 3 SS Bit 3-2: Max MCS for 2 SS Bit 1-0: Max MCS for 1 SS where [o] is <rx_mcs_map>. <rx_mcs_map> - This parameter specifies the RX MCS map. It may not be used for the STA if <txrx> is 1 (Tx operations). It is a bitmap with the same sructure as for <tx_mcs_map> rx_mcs_map = 0xffff : FW will disable 802.11ac rx_mcs_map = others : FW will enable 802.11ac Note: The user setting of vhtcap may be overwritten by the driver if the setting of those fields is beyond the hardware capabilities. Examples: ./uaputl.exe -i uapX vhtcfg 2 3 : Get current VHT configuration in 5GHz for the uAP. ./uaputl.exe -i uapX vhtcfg 2 3 0 0x000001f0 0xfffa 0xfffa : Set the current/maximum VHT configuration in 5GHz for the uAP. Both Tx and Rx supports MCS 0-9 for both 1 and 2 spatial streams. ./uaputl.exe -i uapX vhtcfg 2 3 0 0x000001b0 : Set the VHT capability information in 5GHz for the uAP, and keep the Tx/Rx MCS Map same as before. dfstesting ---------- "./uaputl.exe dfstesting [<user_cac_pd> <user_nop_pd> <no_chan_change> <fixed_chan_num>]" This command is used to set/get DFS testing settings. The supported option are: <user_cac_pd>: user-configured Channel Availability Check in msec 0 = disable, use default period (60000) 1-65535 = enable with that period <user_nop_pd>: user-configured Non-Occupancy Period in sec 0 = disable, use default period (1800) 1-65535 = enable with that period <no_chan_change>: enable/disable no channel change on radar 0 = disable, 1 = enable (overrides below) <fixed_chan_num>: user-configured channel to change to on radar 0 = disable, 1-255 = enable with that channel (channel validity for region, etc. is not checked) (only takes effect if no_chan_change = 0) Example: ./uaputl.exe dfstesting : Get current dfstesting settings ./uaputl.exe dfstesting 2000 0 0 0 : user_cac=2sec, others disabled/default ./uaputl.exe dfstesting 0 0 1 0 : only no_chan_change enabled ./uaputl.exe dfstesting 0 120 0 64 : user_nop=2min, force chan 64 on radar cscount --------------- "./uaputl.exe cscount [<channel_switch_count>]" This command is used to configure the number of beacons AP sends with channel switch IE, before channel change due to radar detection. If not configured, <channel_switch_count> is set to 5 by default. The supported options are: <channel_switch_count>: user configured channel switch count 5-20 = configure with that value Example: ./uaputl.exe cscount : Get user configured channel switch count value ./uaputl.exe cscount 10 : Set channel switch count to 10 mgmtframectrl ------------- "./uaputl.exe mgmtframectrl [MASK]" This command is used to set/get management frame control mask. where the parameter [MASK] is the bit mask of management frame reception. Following are the bit definitions. Bit 0 : Association Request Bit 1 : Association Response Bit 2 : Re-Association Request Bit 3 : Re-Association Response Bit 4 : Probe Request Bit 5 : Probe Response Bit 8 : Beacon Frames Example: ./uaputl.exe mgmtframectrl 0x101 Set management frame control mask to 0x101. restrict_client_mode -------------------- "./uaputl.exe restrict_client_mode [<ENABLE> [MODE_CONFIG]]" This command is used to set/get the mode in which the ex-Stations can connect to the uAP. If no arguments are given, this command returns the current configuration. By default this feature will be disabled. [ENABLE]: 1: Enable the feature. 0: Disable the feature. [MODE_CONFIG]: config mode. Bit 0: B only Mode. Bit 1: A only Mode. Bit 2: G only Mode. Bit 3: N only Mode. Bit 4: AC only Mode. Example: ./uaputl.exe restrict_client_mode 1 0x8. Only N mode clients will be able to connect. Association will fail for other clients. ./uaputl.exe restrict_client_mode 0. This feature is disabled. Note: The set operation should be performed before bss is started. User should make sure that the mode advertized by uAP in beacons (i.e. combination of supported/extended rates IE and capability IEs) is superset of the mode allowed for ex-STA associations using this TLV. uap_oper_ctrl ------------- "./uaputl.exe uap_oper_ctrl [control] [chanopt] [bandcfg] [channel]" This command is used to set/get uAP operation control when in-STA disconnected with ext-AP. If no arguments are given, this command returns the current configuration. The supported options are: <control> : 0 default, do nothing 2 uAP stops and restart automatically <chanopt> Specify which channel should be used when uap restarts automatically 1: uap restarts on default 2.4G/channel 6 2: uap restart on band/channel configured by driver previously 3: uap restart on band/channel configured by parameter bandcfg/channel <bandcfg> This parameter specifies the bandwidth when chanopt is 3 0: 20Mhz 2: 40Mhz 3: 80Mhz <channel> This parameter specifies the channel will be used when chanopt is 3 Example: ./uaputl.exe uap_oper_ctrl 2 1 uap stops and restart automatically when in-STA disconnects with ext-AP, and restart on default 2.4G/channel 6. ./uaputl.exe uap_oper_ctrl 2 2 uap stops and restart automatically when in-STA disconnects with ext-AP, and restart on band/channel configured by driver previously. ./uaputl.exe uap_oper_ctrl 2 3 2 36 uap stops and restart automatically when in-STA disconnects with ext-AP, and restart on channel 36, bandwidth 40. ./uaputl.exe uap_oper_ctrl 0 when in-STA disconnects with ext-AP, uap will stay on current operation channel. ./uaputl.exe uap_oper_ctrl Get current uap operation control setting. =============================================================================== U S E R M A N U A L F O R MLANEVENT NAME mlanevent.exe This tool can be used to listen for and obtain events from the uAP driver through the netlink layer. ---------------- Supported events ---------------- STA_DEAUTH STA_ASSOC BSS_START BSS_IDLE BSS_ACTIVE ----------------- Details of events ----------------- STA_DEAUTH ---------- For this event, the following information is shown: + Deauthenticated STA MAC address. + Reason for deauthentication. STA_ASSOC --------- For this event, the following information is shown: + STA MAC address. BSS_START --------- For this event, the following information is shown: + AP MAC address. BSS_IDLE -------- For this event, there is no associated information. BSS_ACTIVE ---------- For this event, there is no associated information. =============================================================================== U S E R M A N U A L F O R IWPRIV NAME This manual describes the usage of private commands used in Marvell MLAN Linux UAP Driver. To use parameters as hex format, a '0x' must precede it for the parameters to be parsed properly. SYNOPSIS iwpriv <uapX> <command> [sub-command] ... iwpriv uapX version iwpriv uapX verext iwpriv uapX start iwpriv uapX stop iwpriv uapX bssstart iwpriv uapX bssstop iwpriv uapX fwreload <path> iwpriv uapX apcfg "ASCII_CMD=AP_CFG,SSID=TEST_uAP,[SEC,][KEY,] [CHANNEL,][PREAMBLE,][MAX_SCB,][END]" DESCRIPTION Those commands are used to send additional commands to the Marvell MLAN card via the Linux device driver. The uapX parameter specifies the network device that is to be used to perform this command on. It could be uap0, uap1 etc. version This is used to get the current version of the driver and the firmware. verext Retrieve and display an extended version string from the firmware Usage: iwpriv uapX verext [#] where [#] is an optional argument to retrieve a specific version string, omission of the argument retrieves the 0 indexed string. start Start the uAP driver. Usage: iwpriv uapX start stop Stop the uAP driver. Usage: iwpriv uapX stop bssstart Start the AP mode, so that uAP will start transmitting beacon. Usage: iwpriv uapX bssstart bssstop Stop the AP mode and disconnect all stations. uAP will stop transmitting beacon as well. Usage: iwpriv uapX bssstop fwreload Reload the firmware. Here string "FW_PATH=" in the path argument is mandatory part. Usage: iwpriv uapX fwreload <path> apcfg This command is used to set the AP configurations. Here string "ASCII_CMD=AP_CFG" is minimum requirement in the ASCII string. Note: BSS will be stopped then restarted if BSS is already started when the command is received. Usage: iwpriv uapX apcfg "ASCII_CMD=AP_CFG,SSID=TEST_uAP,[SEC=sec,] [KEY=key,][CHANNEL=channel,][MAX_SCB=max_scb,][END]" Where the parameters are: SSID: Set SSID to be used in beacon and probe response [SEC]: Security modes - open, wep128, wpa-psk or wpa2-psk 11n will be auto disabled in wep128 and wpa-psk mode [KEY]: Encrypted key for wep128, wpa-psk or wpa2-psk, minimum 8 chars [CHANNEL]: Channel to be selected [MAX_SCB]: Maximum STA number [END]: Optional termination in ASCII string Examples: iwpriv uap0 apcfg "ASCII_CMD=AP_CFG,SSID=TEST_uAP" : Set AP SSID to "TEST_uAP" iwpriv uap0 apcfg "ASCII_CMD=AP_CFG,SSID=TEST_uAP,SEC=open" : Set AP SSID to "TEST_uAP" and security mode is disabled iwpriv uap0 apcfg "ASCII_CMD=AP_CFG,SSID=TEST_uAP,SEC=WPA2-PSK,KEY=ecbe5facdbfe234a" : Set AP SSID to "TEST_uAP" and security mode to WPA2-SPK and encrypted key ecbe5facdbfe234a iwpriv uap0 apcfg "ASCII_CMD=AP_CFG,SSID=TEST_uAP,CHANNEL=8" : Set AP SSID to "TEST_uAP" and set the AP channel to 8 ===============================================================================