/** @file mlan_sdio.h * * @brief This file contains definitions for SDIO interface. * driver. * * * Copyright 2008-2021 NXP * * This software file (the File) is distributed by NXP * under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2, June 1991 * (the License). You may use, redistribute and/or modify the File in * accordance with the terms and conditions of the License, a copy of which * is available by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA or on the * worldwide web at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt. * * THE FILE IS DISTRIBUTED AS-IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, AND THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. The License provides additional details about * this warranty disclaimer. * */ /**************************************************** Change log: ****************************************************/ #ifndef _MLAN_SDIO_H #define _MLAN_SDIO_H /** Block mode */ #ifndef BLOCK_MODE #define BLOCK_MODE 1 #endif /** Fixed address mode */ #ifndef FIXED_ADDRESS #define FIXED_ADDRESS 0 #endif /* Host Control Registers */ /** Host Control Registers : Host to Card Event */ #define HOST_TO_CARD_EVENT_REG 0x00 /** Host Control Registers : Host terminates Command 53 */ #define HOST_TERM_CMD53 (0x1U << 2) /** Host Control Registers : Host without Command 53 finish host */ #define HOST_WO_CMD53_FINISH_HOST (0x1U << 2) /** Host Control Registers : Host power up */ #define HOST_POWER_UP (0x1U << 1) /** Host Control Registers : Host power down */ #define HOST_POWER_DOWN (0x1U << 0) /** Host Control Registers : Upload host interrupt RSR */ #define UP_LD_HOST_INT_RSR (0x1U) #define HOST_INT_RSR_MASK 0xFF /** Host Control Registers : Upload command port host interrupt status */ #define UP_LD_CMD_PORT_HOST_INT_STATUS (0x40U) /** Host Control Registers : Download command port host interrupt status */ #define DN_LD_CMD_PORT_HOST_INT_STATUS (0x80U) /** Host Control Registers : Upload host interrupt mask */ #define UP_LD_HOST_INT_MASK (0x1U) /** Host Control Registers : Download host interrupt mask */ #define DN_LD_HOST_INT_MASK (0x2U) /** Host Control Registers : Cmd port upload interrupt mask */ #define CMD_PORT_UPLD_INT_MASK (0x1U << 6) /** Host Control Registers : Cmd port download interrupt mask */ #define CMD_PORT_DNLD_INT_MASK (0x1U << 7) /** Enable Host interrupt mask */ #define HIM_ENABLE \ (UP_LD_HOST_INT_MASK | DN_LD_HOST_INT_MASK | CMD_PORT_UPLD_INT_MASK | \ CMD_PORT_DNLD_INT_MASK) /** Disable Host interrupt mask */ #define HIM_DISABLE 0xff /** Host Control Registers : Upload host interrupt status */ #define UP_LD_HOST_INT_STATUS (0x1U) /** Host Control Registers : Download host interrupt status */ #define DN_LD_HOST_INT_STATUS (0x2U) /** Host Control Registers : Download CRC error */ #define DN_LD_CRC_ERR (0x1U << 2) /** Host Control Registers : Upload restart */ #define UP_LD_RESTART (0x1U << 1) /** Host Control Registers : Download restart */ #define DN_LD_RESTART (0x1U << 0) /** Card Control Registers : Command port upload ready */ #define UP_LD_CP_RDY (0x1U << 6) /** Card Control Registers : Command port download ready */ #define DN_LD_CP_RDY (0x1U << 7) /** Card Control Registers : Card I/O ready */ #define CARD_IO_READY (0x1U << 3) /** Card Control Registers : CIS card ready */ #define CIS_CARD_RDY (0x1U << 2) /** Card Control Registers : Upload card ready */ #define UP_LD_CARD_RDY (0x1U << 1) /** Card Control Registers : Download card ready */ #define DN_LD_CARD_RDY (0x1U << 0) /** Card Control Registers : Host power interrupt mask */ #define HOST_POWER_INT_MASK (0x1U << 3) /** Card Control Registers : Abort card interrupt mask */ #define ABORT_CARD_INT_MASK (0x1U << 2) /** Card Control Registers : Upload card interrupt mask */ #define UP_LD_CARD_INT_MASK (0x1U << 1) /** Card Control Registers : Download card interrupt mask */ #define DN_LD_CARD_INT_MASK (0x1U << 0) /** Card Control Registers : Power up interrupt */ #define POWER_UP_INT (0x1U << 4) /** Card Control Registers : Power down interrupt */ #define POWER_DOWN_INT (0x1U << 3) /** Card Control Registers : Power up RSR */ #define POWER_UP_RSR (0x1U << 4) /** Card Control Registers : Power down RSR */ #define POWER_DOWN_RSR (0x1U << 3) /** Card Control Registers : SD test BUS 0 */ #define SD_TESTBUS0 (0x1U) /** Card Control Registers : SD test BUS 1 */ #define SD_TESTBUS1 (0x1U) /** Card Control Registers : SD test BUS 2 */ #define SD_TESTBUS2 (0x1U) /** Card Control Registers : SD test BUS 3 */ #define SD_TESTBUS3 (0x1U) /** Port for registers */ #define REG_PORT 0 /** Port for memory */ #define MEM_PORT 0x10000 /** Ctrl port */ #define CTRL_PORT 0 /** Ctrl port mask */ #define CTRL_PORT_MASK 0x0001 /** Card Control Registers : cmd53 new mode */ #define CMD53_NEW_MODE (0x1U << 0) /** Card Control Registers : cmd53 tx len format 1 (0x10) */ #define CMD53_TX_LEN_FORMAT_1 (0x1U << 4) /** Card Control Registers : cmd53 tx len format 2 (0x20)*/ #define CMD53_TX_LEN_FORMAT_2 (0x1U << 5) /** Card Control Registers : cmd53 rx len format 1 (0x40) */ #define CMD53_RX_LEN_FORMAT_1 (0x1U << 6) /** Card Control Registers : cmd53 rx len format 2 (0x80)*/ #define CMD53_RX_LEN_FORMAT_2 (0x1U << 7) #define CMD_PORT_RD_LEN_EN (0x1U << 2) /* Card Control Registers : cmd port auto enable */ #define CMD_PORT_AUTO_EN (0x1U << 0) /* Command port */ #define CMD_PORT_SLCT 0x8000 /** Misc. Config Register : Auto Re-enable interrupts */ #define AUTO_RE_ENABLE_INT MBIT(4) /** Enable GPIO-1 as a duplicated signal of interrupt as appear of SDIO_DAT1*/ #define ENABLE_GPIO_1_INT_MODE 0x88 /** Scratch reg 3 2 : Configure GPIO-1 INT*/ #define SCRATCH_REG_32 0xEE /** Event header Len*/ #define MLAN_EVENT_HEADER_LEN 8 /** SDIO byte mode size */ #define MAX_BYTE_MODE_SIZE 512 /** The base address for packet with multiple ports aggregation */ #define SDIO_MPA_ADDR_BASE 0x1000 /** SDIO Tx aggregation in progress ? */ #define MP_TX_AGGR_IN_PROGRESS(a) (a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.pkt_cnt > 0) /** SDIO Tx aggregation buffer room for next packet ? */ #define MP_TX_AGGR_BUF_HAS_ROOM(a, mbuf, len) \ (((a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.buf_len) + len) <= \ (a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.buf_size)) /** Copy current packet (SDIO Tx aggregation buffer) to SDIO buffer */ #define MP_TX_AGGR_BUF_PUT(a, mbuf, port) \ do { \ pmadapter->callbacks.moal_memmove( \ a->pmoal_handle, \ &a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.buf[a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.buf_len], \ mbuf->pbuf + mbuf->data_offset, mbuf->data_len); \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.buf_len += mbuf->data_len; \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.mp_wr_info[a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.pkt_cnt] = \ *(t_u16 *)(mbuf->pbuf + mbuf->data_offset); \ if (!a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.pkt_cnt) { \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.start_port = port; \ } \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.ports |= (1 << port); \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.pkt_cnt++; \ } while (0) #define MP_TX_AGGR_BUF_PUT_NONEWMODE(a, mbuf, port) \ do { \ pmadapter->callbacks.moal_memmove( \ a->pmoal_handle, \ &a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.buf[a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.buf_len], \ mbuf->pbuf + mbuf->data_offset, mbuf->data_len); \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.buf_len += mbuf->data_len; \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.mp_wr_info[a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.pkt_cnt] = \ *(t_u16 *)(mbuf->pbuf + mbuf->data_offset); \ if (!a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.pkt_cnt) { \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.start_port = port; \ } \ if (a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.start_port <= port) { \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.ports |= \ (1 << (a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.pkt_cnt)); \ } else { \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.ports |= \ (1 << (a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.pkt_cnt + 1 + \ (a->pcard_sd->max_ports - \ a->pcard_sd->mp_end_port))); \ } \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.pkt_cnt++; \ } while (0) #define MP_TX_AGGR_BUF_PUT_SG(a, mbuf, port) \ do { \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.buf_len += mbuf->data_len; \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.mp_wr_info[a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.pkt_cnt] = \ *(t_u16 *)(mbuf->pbuf + mbuf->data_offset); \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.mbuf_arr[a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.pkt_cnt] = \ mbuf; \ if (!a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.pkt_cnt) { \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.start_port = port; \ } \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.ports |= (1 << port); \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.pkt_cnt++; \ } while (0) #define MP_TX_AGGR_BUF_PUT_SG_NONEWMODE(a, mbuf, port) \ do { \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.buf_len += mbuf->data_len; \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.mp_wr_info[a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.pkt_cnt] = \ *(t_u16 *)(mbuf->pbuf + mbuf->data_offset); \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.mbuf_arr[a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.pkt_cnt] = \ mbuf; \ if (!a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.pkt_cnt) { \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.start_port = port; \ } \ if (a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.start_port <= port) { \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.ports |= \ (1 << (a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.pkt_cnt)); \ } else { \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.ports |= \ (1 << (a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.pkt_cnt + 1 + \ (a->pcard_sd->max_ports - \ a->pcard_sd->mp_end_port))); \ } \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.pkt_cnt++; \ } while (0) /** SDIO Tx aggregation limit ? */ #define MP_TX_AGGR_PKT_LIMIT_REACHED(a) \ ((a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.pkt_cnt) == (a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.pkt_aggr_limit)) #define MP_TX_AGGR_PORT_LIMIT_REACHED(a) \ ((a->pcard_sd->curr_wr_port < a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.start_port) && \ (((a->pcard_sd->max_ports - a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.start_port) + \ a->pcard_sd->curr_wr_port) >= a->pcard_sd->mp_aggr_pkt_limit)) /** Reset SDIO Tx aggregation buffer parameters */ #define MP_TX_AGGR_BUF_RESET(a) \ do { \ memset(a, a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.mp_wr_info, 0, \ sizeof(a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.mp_wr_info)); \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.pkt_cnt = 0; \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.buf_len = 0; \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.ports = 0; \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_tx.start_port = 0; \ } while (0) /** SDIO Rx aggregation limit ? */ #define MP_RX_AGGR_PKT_LIMIT_REACHED(a) \ (a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.pkt_cnt == a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.pkt_aggr_limit) /** SDIO Rx aggregation port limit ? */ /** this is for test only, because port 0 is reserved for control port */ /* #define MP_RX_AGGR_PORT_LIMIT_REACHED(a) (a->curr_rd_port == 1) */ /* receive packets aggregated up to a half of mp_end_port */ /* note: hw rx wraps round only after port (MAX_PORT-1) */ #define MP_RX_AGGR_PORT_LIMIT_REACHED(a) \ (((a->pcard_sd->curr_rd_port < a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.start_port) && \ (((a->pcard_sd->max_ports - a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.start_port) + \ a->pcard_sd->curr_rd_port) >= (a->pcard_sd->mp_end_port >> 1))) || \ ((a->pcard_sd->curr_rd_port - a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.start_port) >= \ (a->pcard_sd->mp_end_port >> 1))) #define MP_RX_AGGR_PORT_LIMIT_REACHED_NONEWMODE(a) \ ((a->pcard_sd->curr_rd_port < a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.start_port) && \ (((a->pcard_sd->max_ports - a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.start_port) + \ a->pcard_sd->curr_rd_port) >= a->pcard_sd->mp_aggr_pkt_limit)) /** SDIO Rx aggregation in progress ? */ #define MP_RX_AGGR_IN_PROGRESS(a) (a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.pkt_cnt > 0) /** SDIO Rx aggregation buffer room for next packet ? */ #define MP_RX_AGGR_BUF_HAS_ROOM(a, rx_len) \ ((a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.buf_len + rx_len) <= a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.buf_size) /** Prepare to copy current packet from card to SDIO Rx aggregation buffer */ #define MP_RX_AGGR_SETUP(a, mbuf, port, rx_len) \ do { \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.buf_len += rx_len; \ if (!a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.pkt_cnt) { \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.start_port = port; \ } \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.ports |= (1 << port); \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.mbuf_arr[a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.pkt_cnt] = \ mbuf; \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.len_arr[a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.pkt_cnt] = \ rx_len; \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.pkt_cnt++; \ } while (0) #define MP_RX_AGGR_SETUP_NONEWMODE(a, mbuf, port, rx_len) \ do { \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.buf_len += rx_len; \ if (!a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.pkt_cnt) { \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.start_port = port; \ } \ if (a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.start_port <= port) { \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.ports |= \ (1 << (a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.pkt_cnt)); \ } else { \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.ports |= \ (1 << (a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.pkt_cnt + 1)); \ } \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.mbuf_arr[a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.pkt_cnt] = \ mbuf; \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.len_arr[a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.pkt_cnt] = \ rx_len; \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.pkt_cnt++; \ } while (0); /** Reset SDIO Rx aggregation buffer parameters */ #define MP_RX_AGGR_BUF_RESET(a) \ do { \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.pkt_cnt = 0; \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.buf_len = 0; \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.ports = 0; \ a->pcard_sd->mpa_rx.start_port = 0; \ } while (0) /** aggr buf size 32k */ #define SDIO_MP_AGGR_BUF_SIZE_32K (32768) /** max aggr buf size 64k-256 */ #define SDIO_MP_AGGR_BUF_SIZE_MAX (65280) extern mlan_adapter_operations mlan_sdio_ops; /** Probe and initialization function */ mlan_status wlan_sdio_probe(pmlan_adapter pmadapter); mlan_status wlan_get_sdio_device(pmlan_adapter pmadapter); mlan_status wlan_send_mp_aggr_buf(mlan_adapter *pmadapter); mlan_status wlan_re_alloc_sdio_rx_mpa_buffer(mlan_adapter *pmadapter); void wlan_decode_spa_buffer(mlan_adapter *pmadapter, t_u8 *buf, t_u32 len); t_void wlan_sdio_deaggr_rx_pkt(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, mlan_buffer *pmbuf); /** Transfer data to card */ mlan_status wlan_sdio_host_to_card(mlan_adapter *pmadapter, t_u8 type, mlan_buffer *mbuf, mlan_tx_param *tx_param); mlan_status wlan_set_sdio_gpio_int(pmlan_private priv); mlan_status wlan_cmd_sdio_gpio_int(pmlan_private pmpriv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd, t_u16 cmd_action, t_void *pdata_buf); mlan_status wlan_reset_fw(pmlan_adapter pmadapter); #endif /* _MLAN_SDIO_H */