/** @file mlan_11n_rxreorder.h * * @brief This file contains related macros, enum, and struct * of 11n RxReordering functionalities * * * Copyright 2008-2021 NXP * * This software file (the File) is distributed by NXP * under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2, June 1991 * (the License). You may use, redistribute and/or modify the File in * accordance with the terms and conditions of the License, a copy of which * is available by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA or on the * worldwide web at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt. * * THE FILE IS DISTRIBUTED AS-IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, AND THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. The License provides additional details about * this warranty disclaimer. * */ /******************************************************** Change log: 11/10/2008: initial version ********************************************************/ #ifndef _MLAN_11N_RXREORDER_H_ #define _MLAN_11N_RXREORDER_H_ /** Max value a TID can take = 2^12 = 4096 */ #define MAX_TID_VALUE (2 << 11) /** 2^11 = 2048 */ #define TWOPOW11 (2 << 10) /** Tid Mask used for extracting TID from BlockAckParamSet */ #define BLOCKACKPARAM_TID_MASK 0x3C /** Tid position in BlockAckParamSet */ #define BLOCKACKPARAM_TID_POS 2 /** WinSize Mask used for extracting WinSize from BlockAckParamSet */ #define BLOCKACKPARAM_WINSIZE_MASK 0xffc0 /** WinSize Mask used for extracting WinSize from BlockAckParamSet */ #define BLOCKACKPARAM_AMSDU_SUPP_MASK 0x1 /** WinSize position in BlockAckParamSet */ #define BLOCKACKPARAM_WINSIZE_POS 6 /** Position of TID in DelBA Param set */ #define DELBA_TID_POS 12 /** Position of INITIATOR in DelBA Param set */ #define DELBA_INITIATOR_POS 11 /** Reason code: Requested from peer STA as it does not want to * use the mechanism */ #define REASON_CODE_STA_DONT_WANT 37 /** Reason code: Requested from peer STA due to timeout*/ #define REASON_CODE_STA_TIMEOUT 39 /** Type: send delba command */ #define TYPE_DELBA_SENT 1 /** Type: recieve delba command */ #define TYPE_DELBA_RECEIVE 2 /** Set Initiator Bit */ #define DELBA_INITIATOR(paramset) (paramset = (paramset | (1 << 11))) /** Reset Initiator Bit for recipient */ #define DELBA_RECIPIENT(paramset) (paramset = (paramset & ~(1 << 11))) /** Immediate block ack */ #define IMMEDIATE_BLOCK_ACK 0x2 /** The request has been declined */ #define ADDBA_RSP_STATUS_DECLINED 37 /** ADDBA response status : Reject */ #define ADDBA_RSP_STATUS_REJECT 1 /** ADDBA response status : Accept */ #define ADDBA_RSP_STATUS_ACCEPT 0 /** DEFAULT SEQ NUM */ #define DEFAULT_SEQ_NUM 0xffff /** Indicate packet has been dropped in FW */ #define RX_PKT_DROPPED_IN_FW 0xffffffff mlan_status mlan_11n_rxreorder_pkt(void *priv, t_u16 seqNum, t_u16 tid, t_u8 *ta, t_u8 pkttype, void *payload); void mlan_11n_delete_bastream_tbl(mlan_private *priv, int tid, t_u8 *PeerMACAddr, t_u8 type, int initiator, t_u16 reason_code); void wlan_11n_ba_stream_timeout(mlan_private *priv, HostCmd_DS_11N_BATIMEOUT *event); mlan_status wlan_ret_11n_addba_resp(mlan_private *priv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *resp); mlan_status wlan_cmd_11n_delba(mlan_private *priv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd, void *pdata_buf); mlan_status wlan_cmd_11n_addba_rspgen(mlan_private *priv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd, void *pdata_buf); mlan_status wlan_cmd_11n_addba_req(mlan_private *priv, HostCmd_DS_COMMAND *cmd, void *pdata_buf); void wlan_11n_cleanup_reorder_tbl(mlan_private *priv); RxReorderTbl *wlan_11n_get_rxreorder_tbl(mlan_private *priv, int tid, t_u8 *ta); void wlan_11n_rxba_sync_event(mlan_private *priv, t_u8 *event_buf, t_u16 len); void wlan_update_rxreorder_tbl(pmlan_adapter pmadapter, t_u8 flag); void wlan_flush_rxreorder_tbl(pmlan_adapter pmadapter); void wlan_coex_ampdu_rxwinsize(pmlan_adapter pmadapter); /** clean up reorder_tbl */ void wlan_cleanup_reorder_tbl(mlan_private *priv, t_u8 *ta); #endif /* _MLAN_11N_RXREORDER_H_ */