/** @file moal_uap.h * * @brief This file contains uap driver specific defines etc. * * * Copyright 2008-2022 NXP * * This software file (the File) is distributed by NXP * under the terms of the GNU General Public License Version 2, June 1991 * (the License). You may use, redistribute and/or modify the File in * accordance with the terms and conditions of the License, a copy of which * is available by writing to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA or on the * worldwide web at http://www.gnu.org/licenses/old-licenses/gpl-2.0.txt. * * THE FILE IS DISTRIBUTED AS-IS, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, AND THE * IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE * ARE EXPRESSLY DISCLAIMED. The License provides additional details about * this warranty disclaimer. * */ /******************************************************** Change log: 02/02/2009: initial version ********************************************************/ #ifndef _MOAL_UAP_H #define _MOAL_UAP_H /** Private command ID to send ioctl */ #define UAP_IOCTL_CMD (SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 2) /** Updating ADDBA variables */ #define UAP_ADDBA_PARA 0 /** Updating priority table for AMPDU/AMSDU */ #define UAP_AGGR_PRIOTBL 1 /** Updating addbareject table */ #define UAP_ADDBA_REJECT 2 /** Get FW INFO */ #define UAP_FW_INFO 4 /** Updating Deep sleep variables */ #define UAP_DEEP_SLEEP 3 /** Tx data pause subcommand */ #define UAP_TX_DATA_PAUSE 5 #ifdef SDIO /** sdcmd52 read write subcommand */ #define UAP_SDCMD52_RW 6 #endif /** snmp mib subcommand */ #define UAP_SNMP_MIB 7 /** domain info subcommand */ #define UAP_DOMAIN_INFO 8 /** TX beamforming configuration */ #define UAP_TX_BF_CFG 9 /** dfs testing subcommand */ #define UAP_DFS_TESTING 10 /** sub command ID to set/get Host Sleep configuration */ #define UAP_HS_CFG 11 /** sub command ID to set/get Host Sleep Parameters */ #define UAP_HS_SET_PARA 12 /** Management Frame Control Mask */ #define UAP_MGMT_FRAME_CONTROL 13 #define UAP_TX_RATE_CFG 14 /** Subcommand ID to set/get antenna configuration */ #define UAP_ANTENNA_CFG 15 #define UAP_DFS_REPEATER_MODE 16 #define UAP_CAC_TIMER_STATUS 17 /** Skip CAC */ #define UAP_SKIP_CAC 18 #define UAP_HT_TX_CFG 19 #define UAP_VHT_CFG 20 #define UAP_HT_STREAM_CFG 21 #define UAP_OPERATION_CTRL 22 #define UAP_CHAN_SWITCH_COUNT_CFG 23 #define UAP_BAND_STEER 24 #define UAP_BEACON_STUCK_DETECT 25 /** Private command ID to Power Mode */ #define UAP_POWER_MODE (SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 3) /** Private command id to start/stop/reset bss */ #define UAP_BSS_CTRL (SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 4) /** BSS START */ #define UAP_BSS_START 0 /** BSS STOP */ #define UAP_BSS_STOP 1 /** BSS RESET */ #define UAP_BSS_RESET 2 /** wapi_msg */ typedef struct _wapi_msg { /** message type */ t_u16 msg_type; /** message len */ t_u16 msg_len; /** message */ t_u8 msg[96]; } wapi_msg; /* wapi key msg */ typedef struct _wapi_key_msg { /** mac address */ t_u8 mac_addr[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH]; /** pad */ t_u8 pad; /** key id */ t_u8 key_id; /** key */ t_u8 key[32]; } wapi_key_msg; /** Private command ID to set wapi info */ #define UAP_WAPI_MSG (SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 10) /** set wapi flag */ #define P80211_PACKET_WAPIFLAG 0x0001 /** set wapi key */ #define P80211_PACKET_SETKEY 0x0003 /** wapi mode psk */ #define WAPI_MODE_PSK 0x04 /** wapi mode certificate */ #define WAPI_MODE_CERT 0x08 typedef struct _tx_rate_cfg_t { /** sub command */ int subcmd; /** Action */ int action; /** Rate format */ int rate_format; /** Rate configured */ int rate; /** nss */ int nss; /** user_data_cnt */ int user_data_cnt; /** Rate bitmap */ t_u16 bitmap_rates[MAX_BITMAP_RATES_SIZE]; /** Rate Setting */ t_u16 rate_setting; } tx_rate_cfg_t; /** ant_cfg structure */ typedef struct _ant_cfg_t { /** Subcommand */ int subcmd; /** Action */ int action; /** TX mode configured */ int tx_mode; /** RX mode configured */ int rx_mode; } ant_cfg_t; /** htstream_cfg structure */ typedef struct _htstream_cfg_t { /** Subcommand */ int subcmd; /** Action */ int action; /** HT stream configuration */ t_u32 stream_cfg; } htstream_cfg_t; /* dfs repeater mode */ typedef struct _dfs_repeater_mode { /** subcmd */ t_u32 subcmd; /** set/get */ t_u32 action; /** mode */ t_u32 mode; } dfs_repeater_mode; /* */ typedef struct _cac_timer_status { /** subcmd */ t_u32 subcmd; /** set/get */ t_u32 action; /** mode */ t_u32 mode; } cac_timer_status; /** skip_cac parameters */ typedef struct _skip_cac_para { /** subcmd */ t_u32 subcmd; /** Set */ t_u32 action; /** enable/disable skip cac*/ t_u16 skip_cac; /** channel */ t_u8 channel; /** bandwidth */ t_u8 bw; } skip_cac_para; /** radio control command */ #define UAP_RADIO_CTL (SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 5) /** Private command ID to BSS config */ #define UAP_BSS_CONFIG (SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 6) /** deauth station */ #define UAP_STA_DEAUTH (SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 7) /** enable UAP report mic error */ #define UAP_REPORT_MIC_ERR (SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 8) /** uap set key */ #define UAP_SET_KEY (SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 9) /** encrypt key */ typedef struct _encrypt_key { /** Key index */ t_u32 key_index; /** Key length */ t_u32 key_len; /** Key */ t_u8 key_material[MLAN_MAX_KEY_LENGTH]; /** mac address */ t_u8 mac_addr[MLAN_MAC_ADDR_LENGTH]; } encrypt_key; /** pkt_header */ typedef struct _pkt_header { /** pkt_len */ u32 pkt_len; /** pkt_type */ u32 TxPktType; /** tx control */ u32 TxControl; } pkt_header; /** uap get station list */ #define UAP_GET_STA_LIST (SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 11) /** Packet inject command ioctl number */ #define UAPHOSTPKTINJECT WOAL_MGMT_FRAME_TX_IOCTL /** Private command ID to set/get custom IE buffer */ #define UAP_CUSTOM_IE (SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 13) /** HS WAKE UP event id */ #define UAP_EVENT_ID_HS_WAKEUP 0x80000001 /** HS_ACTIVATED event id */ #define UAP_EVENT_ID_DRV_HS_ACTIVATED 0x80000002 /** HS DEACTIVATED event id */ #define UAP_EVENT_ID_DRV_HS_DEACTIVATED 0x80000003 /** Host sleep flag set */ #define HS_CFG_FLAG_GET 0 /** Host sleep flag get */ #define HS_CFG_FLAG_SET 1 /** Host sleep flag for condition */ #define HS_CFG_FLAG_CONDITION 2 /** Host sleep flag for GPIO */ #define HS_CFG_FLAG_GPIO 4 /** Host sleep flag for Gap */ #define HS_CFG_FLAG_GAP 8 /** Host sleep flag for all */ #define HS_CFG_FLAG_ALL 0x0f /** Host sleep mask to get condition */ #define HS_CFG_CONDITION_MASK 0x0f /** ds_hs_cfg */ typedef struct _ds_hs_cfg { /** subcmd */ t_u32 subcmd; /** Bit0: 0 - Get, 1 Set * Bit1: 1 - conditions is valid * Bit2: 2 - gpio is valid * Bit3: 3 - gap is valid */ t_u32 flags; /** Host sleep config condition */ /** Bit0: non-unicast data * Bit1: unicast data * Bit2: mac events * Bit3: magic packet */ t_u32 conditions; /** GPIO */ t_u32 gpio; /** Gap in milliseconds */ t_u32 gap; } ds_hs_cfg; /** Private command ID to get BSS type */ #define UAP_GET_BSS_TYPE (SIOCDEVPRIVATE + 15) /** addba_param */ typedef struct _uap_addba_param { /** subcmd */ t_u32 subcmd; /** Set/Get */ t_u32 action; /** block ack timeout for ADDBA request */ t_u32 timeout; /** Buffer size for ADDBA request */ t_u32 txwinsize; /** Buffer size for ADDBA response */ t_u32 rxwinsize; /** amsdu for ADDBA request */ t_u8 txamsdu; /** amsdu for ADDBA response */ t_u8 rxamsdu; } uap_addba_param; /** aggr_prio_tbl */ typedef struct _uap_aggr_prio_tbl { /** subcmd */ t_u32 subcmd; /** Set/Get */ t_u32 action; /** ampdu priority table */ t_u8 ampdu[MAX_NUM_TID]; /** amsdu priority table */ t_u8 amsdu[MAX_NUM_TID]; } uap_aggr_prio_tbl; /** addba_reject parameters */ typedef struct _addba_reject_para { /** subcmd */ t_u32 subcmd; /** Set/Get */ t_u32 action; /** BA Reject paramters */ t_u8 addba_reject[MAX_NUM_TID]; } addba_reject_para; /** fw_info */ typedef struct _uap_fw_info { /** subcmd */ t_u32 subcmd; /** Get */ t_u32 action; /** Firmware release number */ t_u32 fw_release_number; /** Device support for MIMO abstraction of MCSs */ t_u8 hw_dev_mcs_support; /** fw_bands*/ t_u8 fw_bands; /** Region Code */ t_u16 region_code; /** 802.11n device capabilities */ t_u32 hw_dot_11n_dev_cap; } uap_fw_info; typedef struct _ht_tx_cfg_para_hdr { /** Sub command */ t_u32 subcmd; /** Action: Set/Get */ t_u32 action; } ht_tx_cfg_para_hdr; typedef struct _tx_bf_cfg_para_hdr { /** Sub command */ t_u32 subcmd; /** Action: Set/Get */ t_u32 action; } tx_bf_cfg_para_hdr; typedef struct _vht_cfg_para_hdr { /** Sub command */ t_u32 subcmd; /** Action: Set/Get */ t_u32 action; } vht_cfg_para_hdr; typedef struct _uap_oper_para_hdr { /** Sub command */ t_u32 subcmd; /** Action: Set/Get */ t_u32 action; } uap_oper_para_hdr; #ifdef SDIO /** sdcmd52rw parameters */ typedef struct _sdcmd52_para { /** subcmd */ t_u32 subcmd; /** Write /Read */ t_u32 action; /** Command 52 paramters */ t_u8 cmd52_params[3]; } sdcmd52_para; #endif /** deep_sleep parameters */ typedef struct _deep_sleep_para { /** subcmd */ t_u32 subcmd; /** Set/Get */ t_u32 action; /** enable/disable deepsleep*/ t_u16 deep_sleep; /** idle_time */ t_u16 idle_time; } deep_sleep_para; /** band_steering parameters */ typedef struct _band_steer_para { /** subcmd */ t_u32 subcmd; /** Set/Get */ t_u8 action; /** enable/disable band steering*/ t_u8 state; /** Probe Response will be blocked to 2G channel for first * block_2g_prb_req probe requests*/ t_u8 block_2g_prb_req; /** When band steering is enabled, limit the btm request sent to STA at * */ t_u8 max_btm_req_allowed; } band_steer_para; /** beacon stuck detect mechanism parameters */ typedef struct _beacon_stuck_detect_para { /** subcmd */ t_u32 subcmd; /** Set/Get */ t_u8 action; /** No of beacon interval after which firmware will check if beacon Tx * is going fine */ t_u8 beacon_stuck_detect_count; /** Upon performing MAC reset, no of beacon interval after which * firmware will check if recovery was successful */ t_u8 recovery_confirm_count; } beacon_stuck_detect_para; /** tx_data_pause parameters */ typedef struct _tx_data_pause_para { /** subcmd */ t_u32 subcmd; /** Set/Get */ t_u32 action; /** enable/disable Tx data pause*/ t_u16 txpause; /** Max number of TX buffer allowed for all PS client*/ t_u16 txbufcnt; } tx_data_pause_para; /** mgmt_frame_ctrl */ typedef struct _mgmt_frame_ctrl { /** subcmd */ t_u32 subcmd; /** Set/Get */ t_u32 action; /** mask */ t_u32 mask; } mgmt_frame_ctrl; typedef struct _snmp_mib_para { /** subcmd */ t_u32 subcmd; /** Set/Get */ t_u32 action; /** oid to set/get */ t_u16 oid; /** length of oid value */ t_u16 oid_val_len; /** oid value to set/get */ t_u8 oid_value[]; } snmp_mib_para; /** Max length for oid_value field */ #define MAX_SNMP_VALUE_SIZE 128 /** Oid for 802.11D enable/disable */ #define OID_80211D_ENABLE 0x0009 /** Oid for 802.11H enable/disable */ #define OID_80211H_ENABLE 0x000a int woal_uap_11h_ctrl(moal_private *priv, t_u32 enable); /** dfs_testing parameters */ typedef struct _dfs_testing_param { /** subcmd */ t_u32 subcmd; /** Set/Get */ t_u32 action; /** user CAC period (msec) */ t_u32 usr_cac_period; /** user NOP period (sec) */ t_u16 usr_nop_period; /** don't change channel on radar */ t_u8 no_chan_change; /** fixed channel to change to on radar */ t_u8 fixed_new_chan; /** CAC restart */ t_u8 cac_restart; } dfs_testing_para; /** Channel switch count config */ typedef struct _cscount_cfg_t { /** subcmd */ t_u32 subcmd; /** Set/Get */ t_u32 action; /** user channel switch count */ t_u8 cs_count; } cscount_cfg_t; /** domain_info parameters */ typedef struct _domain_info_param { /** subcmd */ t_u32 subcmd; /** Set/Get */ t_u32 action; /** domain_param TLV (incl. header) */ t_u8 tlv[]; } domain_info_para; /** DOMAIN_INFO param sizes */ #define TLV_HEADER_LEN (2 + 2) #define SUB_BAND_LEN 3 #define MAX_SUB_BANDS 40 /** MAX domain TLV length */ #define MAX_DOMAIN_TLV_LEN \ (TLV_HEADER_LEN + COUNTRY_CODE_LEN + (SUB_BAND_LEN * MAX_SUB_BANDS)) /** DOMAIN_INFO param size of dfs_region */ #define DFS_REGION_LEN 1 /** MAX reg domain TLV length*/ #define MAX_REG_DOMAIN_TLV_LEN (TLV_HEADER_LEN + DFS_REGION_LEN) /** Get/Set channel DFS state */ int woal_11h_chan_dfs_state(moal_private *priv, t_u8 action, mlan_ds_11h_chan_dfs_state *ch_dfs_state); #ifdef UAP_CFG80211 #if CFG80211_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(3, 14, 0) void woal_update_channels_dfs_state(moal_private *priv, t_u8 channel, t_u8 bandwidth, t_u8 dfs_state); void woal_update_uap_channel_dfs_state(moal_private *priv); #endif #endif mlan_status woal_set_get_uap_power_mode(moal_private *priv, t_u32 action, mlan_ds_ps_mgmt *ps_mgmt); void woal_uap_set_multicast_list(struct net_device *dev); #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(5, 15, 0) int woal_uap_do_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *req, void __user *data, int cmd); #else int woal_uap_do_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *req, int cmd); #endif int woal_uap_bss_ctrl(moal_private *priv, t_u8 wait_option, int data); int woal_uap_get_channel_nop_info(moal_private *priv, t_u8 wait_option, pmlan_ds_11h_chan_nop_info ch_info); mlan_status woal_set_get_ap_channel(moal_private *priv, t_u16 action, t_u8 wait_option, chan_band_info *uap_channel); #ifdef CONFIG_PROC_FS void woal_uap_get_version(moal_private *priv, char *version, int max_len); #endif mlan_status woal_uap_get_stats(moal_private *priv, t_u8 wait_option, pmlan_ds_uap_stats ustats); #if defined(UAP_WEXT) || defined(UAP_CFG80211) extern struct iw_handler_def woal_uap_handler_def; struct iw_statistics *woal_get_uap_wireless_stats(struct net_device *dev); /** IOCTL function for wireless private IOCTLs */ int woal_uap_do_priv_ioctl(struct net_device *dev, struct ifreq *req, int cmd); #endif /** Set invalid data for each member of mlan_uap_bss_param */ void woal_set_sys_config_invalid_data(pmlan_uap_bss_param config); /** Set/Get system configuration parameters */ mlan_status woal_set_get_sys_config(moal_private *priv, t_u16 action, t_u8 wait_option, mlan_uap_bss_param *sys_cfg); /** Set get AP wmm parameter */ mlan_status woal_set_get_ap_wmm_para(moal_private *priv, t_u16 action, wmm_parameter_t *ap_wmm_para); int woal_uap_set_ap_cfg(moal_private *priv, t_u8 *data, int len); int woal_uap_set_11ac_status(moal_private *priv, t_u8 action, t_u8 vht20_40, IEEEtypes_VHTCap_t *vhtcap_ie); int woal_11ax_cfg(moal_private *priv, t_u8 action, mlan_ds_11ax_he_cfg *he_cfg, t_u8 wait_option); int woal_uap_set_11ax_status(moal_private *priv, t_u8 action, t_u8 band, IEEEtypes_HECap_t *hecap_ie); int woal_set_uap_ht_tx_cfg(moal_private *priv, Band_Config_t bandcfg, t_u16 ht_cap, t_u8 en); mlan_status woal_uap_set_11n_status(moal_private *priv, mlan_uap_bss_param *sys_cfg, t_u8 action); #ifdef UAP_WEXT void woal_ioctl_get_uap_info_resp(moal_private *priv, pmlan_ds_get_info info); int woal_set_get_custom_ie(moal_private *priv, t_u16 mask, t_u8 *ie, int ie_len); #endif /* UAP_WEXT */ #endif /* _MOAL_UAP_H */