
208 lines
6 KiB

load('@lib//', 'default_settings')
'aarch64': {'os': 'linux', 'arch': 'arm64'},
'x86_64': {'os': 'linux', 'arch': 'amd64'},
'armv7h': {'os': 'linux', 'arch': 'arm'},
'i686': {'os': 'linux', 'arch': '386'},
'i386': {'os': 'linux', 'arch': '386'},
'pentium4': {'os': 'linux', 'arch': '386'}
# For debugging purposes since Drone CLI won't print anything unless you
# give it a somewhat valid pipeline
def _debug_bogus(*a, **kw):
print(kw, *a)
return {
'kind': 'pipeline',
'type': 'docker',
def generate(config):
# "Unfreeze" config so we can add defaults and pass them around
_cfg = {}
config = _cfg
# Retrieve architectures with special configuration
special_archs = {arch: cfg for arch, cfg in config.items() if arch in PLATFORMS.keys()}
# Retrieve architectures with common configuration
others = config.get("all") or config.get("others") or None
# Apply pipeline-specific settings on top of defaults, if any
settings = {}
settings.update(config.get('settings', {}))
config['settings'] = settings
# Expand common config architectures into one dict, together with the
# special architectures
if others:
# Ensure architectues are specified when using a generic config
if "arch_matrix" not in config:
print("arch_matrix is required if all/others is defined")
return None
matrix = config["arch_matrix"]
# Ensure that arch_matrix won't override a specifically-defined arch
for arch in matrix:
if arch in special_archs:
print("arch '{}' is defined in both arch_matrix and top level config".format(arch))
return None
archs = {arch: others for arch in matrix}
archs = {}
pipelines = []
# Generate pipelines for every arch
for arch, archconfig in archs.items():
pipelines.append(generate_pipeline(config, arch, archconfig))
if len(pipelines) == 1:
return pipelines[0]
return pipelines
def generate_pipeline(config, arch, archconfig):
settings = config['settings']
pipeline = {}
'name': arch,
'platform': PLATFORMS[arch]
steps = []
# Add submodules step
if config.get('clone_recursive'):
'name': 'submodules',
'image': 'alpine/git',
'commands': ['git submodule update --recursive --remote']
# Add packages steps
pull_set = False
for pkgconfig in archconfig:
stepcfg = step_git(pkgconfig) if is_git(pkgconfig) else step_aur(pkgconfig)
stepcfg['image'] = settings['images']['build'].format(arch=arch)
if not pull_set:
# Ensure the image is pulled in the first step
stepcfg['pull'] = 'always'
pull_set = True
# Add additional steps
for step in settings.get('additional_steps', []):
image = settings['images'][step].format(arch=arch)
step_fn = ADDITIONAL_STEPS[step]
steps.append(step_fn(image, arch, settings.get(step, {})))
# Allow builds only in the master branch by default
if config.get('master_only', True):
for step in steps:
step['when'] = {'branch': ['master']}
pipeline['steps'] = steps
return pipeline
def is_git(pkgconfig):
if type(pkgconfig) == "dict":
return 'git' in pkgconfig
return pkgconfig == "." or "/" in pkgconfig
def step_aur(pkgconfig):
stepcfg = {'settings': {}}
if type(pkgconfig) == "string":
stepcfg['name'] = pkgconfig
stepcfg['settings']['aur'] = pkgconfig
elif type(pkgconfig) == "dict":
if 'aur' not in pkgconfig:
print("{} is not a valid aur package definition".format(pkgconfig))
return None
stepcfg['name'] = pkgconfig.get('name') or pkgconfig['aur']
stepcfg['settings'].update({k: v for k, v in pkgconfig.items() if k != 'name'})
print("{} is not a valid aur package definition".format(pkgconfig))
return None
return stepcfg
def _gitname(repo_path):
if repo_path == ".":
# Local git repo, side-by-side with the Drone config using this module
return "local"
return repo_path.split('/')[-1].replace('.git', '')
def step_git(pkgconfig):
stepcfg = {'settings': {}}
if type(pkgconfig) == "string":
stepcfg['name'] = _gitname(pkgconfig)
if pkgconfig != ".":
stepcfg['settings']['git'] = pkgconfig
elif type(pkgconfig) == "dict":
if 'git' not in pkgconfig:
print("{} is not a valid git package definition".format(pkgconfig))
return None
stepcfg['name'] = pkgconfig.get('name') or _gitname(pkgconfig['git'])
if pkgconfig['git'] != ".":
stepcfg['settings']['git'] = pkgconfig['git']
stepcfg['settings'].update({k: v for k, v in pkgconfig.items() if k not in ('git', 'name')})
print("{} is not a valid git package definition".format(pkgconfig))
return None
def sign_step(image, arch, settings):
step = {
'name': 'sign',
'image': image,
'pull': 'always',
'settings': {}
'sign_dir': 'out'
return step
def upload_step(image, arch, settings):
step = {
'name': 'upload',
'image': image,
'pull': 'always',
'settings': {}
'source': 'out/*',
'target': '/' + arch,
'strip_prefix': True
return step
'sign': sign_step,
'upload': upload_step