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Philipp Hagemeister 8c25f81bee [util] Move compatibility functions out of util
utils is large enough without these compatibility functions.

Everything that is present in newer versions of Python (i.e. with dev Python it's just an import) goes into compat.py .
Everything else (i.e. youtube-dl-specific helpers) goes into utils.py .
2014-11-02 11:23:42 +01:00

539 lines
18 KiB

import os
import subprocess
import sys
import time
from .common import AudioConversionError, PostProcessor
from ..compat import (
from ..utils import (
class FFmpegPostProcessorError(PostProcessingError):
class FFmpegPostProcessor(PostProcessor):
def __init__(self, downloader=None, deletetempfiles=False):
PostProcessor.__init__(self, downloader)
self._versions = self.get_versions()
self._deletetempfiles = deletetempfiles
def check_version(self):
if not self._executable:
raise FFmpegPostProcessorError(u'ffmpeg or avconv not found. Please install one.')
if is_outdated_version(
self._versions[self._executable], REQUIRED_VERSION):
warning = u'Your copy of %s is outdated, update %s to version %s or newer if you encounter any errors.' % (
self._executable, self._executable, REQUIRED_VERSION)
if self._downloader:
def get_versions():
programs = ['avprobe', 'avconv', 'ffmpeg', 'ffprobe']
return dict((p, get_exe_version(p, args=['-version'])) for p in programs)
def _executable(self):
if self._downloader.params.get('prefer_ffmpeg', False):
prefs = ('ffmpeg', 'avconv')
prefs = ('avconv', 'ffmpeg')
for p in prefs:
if self._versions[p]:
return p
return None
def _probe_executable(self):
if self._downloader.params.get('prefer_ffmpeg', False):
prefs = ('ffprobe', 'avprobe')
prefs = ('avprobe', 'ffprobe')
for p in prefs:
if self._versions[p]:
return p
return None
def _uses_avconv(self):
return self._executable == 'avconv'
def run_ffmpeg_multiple_files(self, input_paths, out_path, opts):
files_cmd = []
for path in input_paths:
files_cmd.extend(['-i', encodeFilename(path, True)])
cmd = ([self._executable, '-y'] + files_cmd
+ [encodeArgument(o) for o in opts] +
[encodeFilename(self._ffmpeg_filename_argument(out_path), True)])
if self._downloader.params.get('verbose', False):
self._downloader.to_screen(u'[debug] ffmpeg command line: %s' % shell_quote(cmd))
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
stdout, stderr = p.communicate()
if p.returncode != 0:
stderr = stderr.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
msg = stderr.strip().split('\n')[-1]
raise FFmpegPostProcessorError(msg)
if self._deletetempfiles:
for ipath in input_paths:
def run_ffmpeg(self, path, out_path, opts):
self.run_ffmpeg_multiple_files([path], out_path, opts)
def _ffmpeg_filename_argument(self, fn):
# ffmpeg broke --, see https://ffmpeg.org/trac/ffmpeg/ticket/2127 for details
if fn.startswith(u'-'):
return u'./' + fn
return fn
class FFmpegExtractAudioPP(FFmpegPostProcessor):
def __init__(self, downloader=None, preferredcodec=None, preferredquality=None, nopostoverwrites=False):
FFmpegPostProcessor.__init__(self, downloader)
if preferredcodec is None:
preferredcodec = 'best'
self._preferredcodec = preferredcodec
self._preferredquality = preferredquality
self._nopostoverwrites = nopostoverwrites
def get_audio_codec(self, path):
if not self._probe_executable:
raise PostProcessingError(u'ffprobe or avprobe not found. Please install one.')
cmd = [
encodeFilename(self._ffmpeg_filename_argument(path), True)]
handle = subprocess.Popen(cmd, stderr=compat_subprocess_get_DEVNULL(), stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
output = handle.communicate()[0]
if handle.wait() != 0:
return None
except (IOError, OSError):
return None
audio_codec = None
for line in output.decode('ascii', 'ignore').split('\n'):
if line.startswith('codec_name='):
audio_codec = line.split('=')[1].strip()
elif line.strip() == 'codec_type=audio' and audio_codec is not None:
return audio_codec
return None
def run_ffmpeg(self, path, out_path, codec, more_opts):
if codec is None:
acodec_opts = []
acodec_opts = ['-acodec', codec]
opts = ['-vn'] + acodec_opts + more_opts
FFmpegPostProcessor.run_ffmpeg(self, path, out_path, opts)
except FFmpegPostProcessorError as err:
raise AudioConversionError(err.msg)
def run(self, information):
path = information['filepath']
filecodec = self.get_audio_codec(path)
if filecodec is None:
raise PostProcessingError(u'WARNING: unable to obtain file audio codec with ffprobe')
uses_avconv = self._uses_avconv()
more_opts = []
if self._preferredcodec == 'best' or self._preferredcodec == filecodec or (self._preferredcodec == 'm4a' and filecodec == 'aac'):
if filecodec == 'aac' and self._preferredcodec in ['m4a', 'best']:
# Lossless, but in another container
acodec = 'copy'
extension = 'm4a'
more_opts = ['-bsf:a' if uses_avconv else '-absf', 'aac_adtstoasc']
elif filecodec in ['aac', 'mp3', 'vorbis', 'opus']:
# Lossless if possible
acodec = 'copy'
extension = filecodec
if filecodec == 'aac':
more_opts = ['-f', 'adts']
if filecodec == 'vorbis':
extension = 'ogg'
# MP3 otherwise.
acodec = 'libmp3lame'
extension = 'mp3'
more_opts = []
if self._preferredquality is not None:
if int(self._preferredquality) < 10:
more_opts += ['-q:a' if uses_avconv else '-aq', self._preferredquality]
more_opts += ['-b:a' if uses_avconv else '-ab', self._preferredquality + 'k']
# We convert the audio (lossy)
acodec = {'mp3': 'libmp3lame', 'aac': 'aac', 'm4a': 'aac', 'opus': 'opus', 'vorbis': 'libvorbis', 'wav': None}[self._preferredcodec]
extension = self._preferredcodec
more_opts = []
if self._preferredquality is not None:
# The opus codec doesn't support the -aq option
if int(self._preferredquality) < 10 and extension != 'opus':
more_opts += ['-q:a' if uses_avconv else '-aq', self._preferredquality]
more_opts += ['-b:a' if uses_avconv else '-ab', self._preferredquality + 'k']
if self._preferredcodec == 'aac':
more_opts += ['-f', 'adts']
if self._preferredcodec == 'm4a':
more_opts += ['-bsf:a' if uses_avconv else '-absf', 'aac_adtstoasc']
if self._preferredcodec == 'vorbis':
extension = 'ogg'
if self._preferredcodec == 'wav':
extension = 'wav'
more_opts += ['-f', 'wav']
prefix, sep, ext = path.rpartition(u'.') # not os.path.splitext, since the latter does not work on unicode in all setups
new_path = prefix + sep + extension
# If we download foo.mp3 and convert it to... foo.mp3, then don't delete foo.mp3, silly.
if new_path == path:
self._nopostoverwrites = True
if self._nopostoverwrites and os.path.exists(encodeFilename(new_path)):
self._downloader.to_screen(u'[youtube] Post-process file %s exists, skipping' % new_path)
self._downloader.to_screen(u'[' + self._executable + '] Destination: ' + new_path)
self.run_ffmpeg(path, new_path, acodec, more_opts)
etype,e,tb = sys.exc_info()
if isinstance(e, AudioConversionError):
msg = u'audio conversion failed: ' + e.msg
msg = u'error running ' + self._executable
raise PostProcessingError(msg)
# Try to update the date time for extracted audio file.
if information.get('filetime') is not None:
os.utime(encodeFilename(new_path), (time.time(), information['filetime']))
self._downloader.report_warning(u'Cannot update utime of audio file')
information['filepath'] = new_path
return self._nopostoverwrites,information
class FFmpegVideoConvertor(FFmpegPostProcessor):
def __init__(self, downloader=None,preferedformat=None):
super(FFmpegVideoConvertor, self).__init__(downloader)
def run(self, information):
path = information['filepath']
prefix, sep, ext = path.rpartition(u'.')
outpath = prefix + sep + self._preferedformat
if information['ext'] == self._preferedformat:
self._downloader.to_screen(u'[ffmpeg] Not converting video file %s - already is in target format %s' % (path, self._preferedformat))
return True,information
self._downloader.to_screen(u'['+'ffmpeg'+'] Converting video from %s to %s, Destination: ' % (information['ext'], self._preferedformat) +outpath)
self.run_ffmpeg(path, outpath, [])
information['filepath'] = outpath
information['format'] = self._preferedformat
information['ext'] = self._preferedformat
return False,information
class FFmpegEmbedSubtitlePP(FFmpegPostProcessor):
# See http://www.loc.gov/standards/iso639-2/ISO-639-2_utf-8.txt
_lang_map = {
'aa': 'aar',
'ab': 'abk',
'ae': 'ave',
'af': 'afr',
'ak': 'aka',
'am': 'amh',
'an': 'arg',
'ar': 'ara',
'as': 'asm',
'av': 'ava',
'ay': 'aym',
'az': 'aze',
'ba': 'bak',
'be': 'bel',
'bg': 'bul',
'bh': 'bih',
'bi': 'bis',
'bm': 'bam',
'bn': 'ben',
'bo': 'bod',
'br': 'bre',
'bs': 'bos',
'ca': 'cat',
'ce': 'che',
'ch': 'cha',
'co': 'cos',
'cr': 'cre',
'cs': 'ces',
'cu': 'chu',
'cv': 'chv',
'cy': 'cym',
'da': 'dan',
'de': 'deu',
'dv': 'div',
'dz': 'dzo',
'ee': 'ewe',
'el': 'ell',
'en': 'eng',
'eo': 'epo',
'es': 'spa',
'et': 'est',
'eu': 'eus',
'fa': 'fas',
'ff': 'ful',
'fi': 'fin',
'fj': 'fij',
'fo': 'fao',
'fr': 'fra',
'fy': 'fry',
'ga': 'gle',
'gd': 'gla',
'gl': 'glg',
'gn': 'grn',
'gu': 'guj',
'gv': 'glv',
'ha': 'hau',
'he': 'heb',
'hi': 'hin',
'ho': 'hmo',
'hr': 'hrv',
'ht': 'hat',
'hu': 'hun',
'hy': 'hye',
'hz': 'her',
'ia': 'ina',
'id': 'ind',
'ie': 'ile',
'ig': 'ibo',
'ii': 'iii',
'ik': 'ipk',
'io': 'ido',
'is': 'isl',
'it': 'ita',
'iu': 'iku',
'ja': 'jpn',
'jv': 'jav',
'ka': 'kat',
'kg': 'kon',
'ki': 'kik',
'kj': 'kua',
'kk': 'kaz',
'kl': 'kal',
'km': 'khm',
'kn': 'kan',
'ko': 'kor',
'kr': 'kau',
'ks': 'kas',
'ku': 'kur',
'kv': 'kom',
'kw': 'cor',
'ky': 'kir',
'la': 'lat',
'lb': 'ltz',
'lg': 'lug',
'li': 'lim',
'ln': 'lin',
'lo': 'lao',
'lt': 'lit',
'lu': 'lub',
'lv': 'lav',
'mg': 'mlg',
'mh': 'mah',
'mi': 'mri',
'mk': 'mkd',
'ml': 'mal',
'mn': 'mon',
'mr': 'mar',
'ms': 'msa',
'mt': 'mlt',
'my': 'mya',
'na': 'nau',
'nb': 'nob',
'nd': 'nde',
'ne': 'nep',
'ng': 'ndo',
'nl': 'nld',
'nn': 'nno',
'no': 'nor',
'nr': 'nbl',
'nv': 'nav',
'ny': 'nya',
'oc': 'oci',
'oj': 'oji',
'om': 'orm',
'or': 'ori',
'os': 'oss',
'pa': 'pan',
'pi': 'pli',
'pl': 'pol',
'ps': 'pus',
'pt': 'por',
'qu': 'que',
'rm': 'roh',
'rn': 'run',
'ro': 'ron',
'ru': 'rus',
'rw': 'kin',
'sa': 'san',
'sc': 'srd',
'sd': 'snd',
'se': 'sme',
'sg': 'sag',
'si': 'sin',
'sk': 'slk',
'sl': 'slv',
'sm': 'smo',
'sn': 'sna',
'so': 'som',
'sq': 'sqi',
'sr': 'srp',
'ss': 'ssw',
'st': 'sot',
'su': 'sun',
'sv': 'swe',
'sw': 'swa',
'ta': 'tam',
'te': 'tel',
'tg': 'tgk',
'th': 'tha',
'ti': 'tir',
'tk': 'tuk',
'tl': 'tgl',
'tn': 'tsn',
'to': 'ton',
'tr': 'tur',
'ts': 'tso',
'tt': 'tat',
'tw': 'twi',
'ty': 'tah',
'ug': 'uig',
'uk': 'ukr',
'ur': 'urd',
'uz': 'uzb',
've': 'ven',
'vi': 'vie',
'vo': 'vol',
'wa': 'wln',
'wo': 'wol',
'xh': 'xho',
'yi': 'yid',
'yo': 'yor',
'za': 'zha',
'zh': 'zho',
'zu': 'zul',
def __init__(self, downloader=None, subtitlesformat='srt'):
super(FFmpegEmbedSubtitlePP, self).__init__(downloader)
self._subformat = subtitlesformat
def _conver_lang_code(cls, code):
"""Convert language code from ISO 639-1 to ISO 639-2/T"""
return cls._lang_map.get(code[:2])
def run(self, information):
if information['ext'] != u'mp4':
self._downloader.to_screen(u'[ffmpeg] Subtitles can only be embedded in mp4 files')
return True, information
if not information.get('subtitles'):
self._downloader.to_screen(u'[ffmpeg] There aren\'t any subtitles to embed')
return True, information
sub_langs = [key for key in information['subtitles']]
filename = information['filepath']
input_files = [filename] + [subtitles_filename(filename, lang, self._subformat) for lang in sub_langs]
opts = ['-map', '0:0', '-map', '0:1', '-c:v', 'copy', '-c:a', 'copy']
for (i, lang) in enumerate(sub_langs):
opts.extend(['-map', '%d:0' % (i+1), '-c:s:%d' % i, 'mov_text'])
lang_code = self._conver_lang_code(lang)
if lang_code is not None:
opts.extend(['-metadata:s:s:%d' % i, 'language=%s' % lang_code])
opts.extend(['-f', 'mp4'])
temp_filename = filename + u'.temp'
self._downloader.to_screen(u'[ffmpeg] Embedding subtitles in \'%s\'' % filename)
self.run_ffmpeg_multiple_files(input_files, temp_filename, opts)
os.rename(encodeFilename(temp_filename), encodeFilename(filename))
return True, information
class FFmpegMetadataPP(FFmpegPostProcessor):
def run(self, info):
metadata = {}
if info.get('title') is not None:
metadata['title'] = info['title']
if info.get('upload_date') is not None:
metadata['date'] = info['upload_date']
if info.get('uploader') is not None:
metadata['artist'] = info['uploader']
elif info.get('uploader_id') is not None:
metadata['artist'] = info['uploader_id']
if not metadata:
self._downloader.to_screen(u'[ffmpeg] There isn\'t any metadata to add')
return True, info
filename = info['filepath']
temp_filename = prepend_extension(filename, 'temp')
if info['ext'] == u'm4a':
options = ['-vn', '-acodec', 'copy']
options = ['-c', 'copy']
for (name, value) in metadata.items():
options.extend(['-metadata', '%s=%s' % (name, value)])
self._downloader.to_screen(u'[ffmpeg] Adding metadata to \'%s\'' % filename)
self.run_ffmpeg(filename, temp_filename, options)
os.rename(encodeFilename(temp_filename), encodeFilename(filename))
return True, info
class FFmpegMergerPP(FFmpegPostProcessor):
def run(self, info):
filename = info['filepath']
args = ['-c', 'copy', '-map', '0:v:0', '-map', '1:a:0', '-shortest']
self._downloader.to_screen(u'[ffmpeg] Merging formats into "%s"' % filename)
self.run_ffmpeg_multiple_files(info['__files_to_merge'], filename, args)
return True, info
class FFmpegAudioFixPP(FFmpegPostProcessor):
def run(self, info):
filename = info['filepath']
temp_filename = prepend_extension(filename, 'temp')
options = ['-vn', '-acodec', 'copy']
self._downloader.to_screen(u'[ffmpeg] Fixing audio file "%s"' % filename)
self.run_ffmpeg(filename, temp_filename, options)
os.rename(encodeFilename(temp_filename), encodeFilename(filename))
return True, info