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sc web-auth api

This commit is contained in:
Unknown 2020-08-05 19:10:25 +02:00
parent ea4b8b6747
commit 66f48768b0
2 changed files with 296 additions and 1 deletions

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@ -3,6 +3,8 @@ from __future__ import unicode_literals
import itertools import itertools
import re import re
import time
import random
from .common import ( from .common import (
InfoExtractor, InfoExtractor,
@ -308,8 +310,249 @@ class SoundcloudIE(InfoExtractor):
return False return False
raise raise
_CLIENT_ID = 'EXLwg5lHTO2dslU5EePe3xkw0m1h86Cd'
_USER_AGENT = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.105 Safari/537.36 Edg/84.0.522.50' #MS EDGE CHROME-BASED
_KEY = '0763ed7314c69015fd4a0dc16bbf4b90'
def _real_initialize(self): def _real_initialize(self):
self._CLIENT_ID = self._downloader.cache.load('soundcloud', 'client_id') or 'YUKXoArFcqrlQn9tfNHvvyfnDISj04zk' self._CLIENT_ID, _CLIENT_ID = self._downloader.cache.load('soundcloud', 'client_id') or 'EXLwg5lHTO2dslU5EePe3xkw0m1h86Cd' #'YUKXoArFcqrlQn9tfNHvvyfnDISj04zk'
self._USERNAME, self._PASSWORD = self._get_login_info()
def _login(self):
username, password = self._get_login_info()
if username is None:
{"client_id":"EXLwg5lHTO2dslU5EePe3xkw0m1h86Cd","recaptcha_pubkey":"6Ld72JcUAAAAAItDloUGqg6H38KK5j08VuQlegV1","recaptcha_response":null,"credentials":{"identifier":user,"password":password},"signature":"8:33-1-53791-767-2073600-1028-25-25:3b9024:4","device_id":"71542-609622-728970-275967","user_agent":"Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.105 Safari/537.36 Edg/84.0.522.50"}
call_payload = {
client_id: u.clientId,
recaptcha_pubkey: p,
recaptcha_response: 0 < n.length ? n : null,
credentials: {
identifier: e,
password: t
signature: l.sign(e, u.clientId, c),
device_id: u.deviceId,
user_agent: h
var t, n, o = ["touchmove", "webdriver", "__webdriver_script_fn", "Chromium PDF Viewer", "$cdc_asdjflasutopfhvcZLmcfl_", "keydown", "typeof process", "encodeURIComponent", "getAttribute", "document", "unescape", "256", "call", "Chrome PDF Viewer", "_Selenium_IDE_Recorder", "width", "TestUA", "location", "name", "forEach", "length", "Chrome PDF Plugin", "512", "mozInnerScreenY", "Date", "addEventListener", "Native Client", "424242", "exports", "height", "Widevine Content Decryption Module", "mousemove", "keyup", "1024", "420", "https:", "128", "plugins", "charCodeAt", "4096", "typeof global", "undefined", "now", "msLaunchUri", "screen", "eval", "safari", "navigator", "WebKit built-in PDF", "isTrusted"];
t = o,
n = 219,
function(e) {
for (; --e; )
var g = function(e, t) {
return o[e -= 0]
e[g("0x9")] = {
initialize: function() {
v = window[g("0x5")].now();
var e = function(e) {
try {
if (!1 === e[g("0x1e")])
} catch (e) {}
w += 1
window[g("0x6")](g("0xc"), e),
window[g("0x6")](g("0x1f"), e),
window[g("0x6")](g("0x24"), function() {
b += 1
window.addEventListener(g("0xd"), function() {
k += 1
window[g("0x6")]("click", function() {
_ += 1
sign: function(e, t, n, o) {e = "tom_heidel@web.de", t = "EXLwg5lHTO2dslU5EePe3xkw0m1h86Cd", n = "0763ed7314c69015fd4a0dc16bbf4b90", o = undefined
r = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.105 Safari/537.36"
## ignore
#var g = function(e, t) {
# return o[e -= 0]
#Return value: "$cdc_asdjflasutopfhvcZLmcfl_"
var s = window[g("0x5")][g("0x17")]() - v #v was created earlier in initialize
g("0x5") = Date
g("0x17") = now
v = Timestamp in milliseconds e.g. 1596580552126
Return value s: 725321
u = 0;
try {
u = window.screen[g("0x2e")] * window[g("0x19")][g("0xa")]
g("0x2e") = width
g("0x19") = screen
g("0xa") = height
Return value u: 2073600
var l = +g("0xe");
l = 1024
try {
[][g("0x0")][g("0x2b")](window[g("0x1c")][g("0x12")], function(e) {
var t = e[g("0x31")];
t === g("0x22") && (l += 1),
t === g("0x2c") && (l += 2),
t === g("0x7") && (l += 4),
t === g("0xb") && (l += 8),
t === g("0x2") && (l += 16),
"Java Appvar Plug-in" === t && (l += 32),
"Shockwave Flash" === t && (l += 64),
"Edge PDF Viewer" === t && (l += +g("0x11")),
t === g("0x1d") && (l += +g("0x2a"))
g("0x0") = forEach
g("0x2b") = call
g("0x1c") = navigator
g("0x12") = plugins
} catch (e) {}
o && (r = g("0x2f"));
o && (i = +g("0x14"));
o && (a = +g("0x14"));
o && (w = 42);
o && (s = +g("0x8"));
o && (u = 420 * +g("0xf"));
o && (l = +g("0xe"));
o && (b = 7);
o && (k = 9);
o && (_ = 0);
e = "tom_heidel@web.de"
o = undefined, r = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.105 Safari/537.36"
a = 33
i = 1
a = 33
s = 725321
u = 2073600
l = 1046
b = 2
k = 2
_ = 5
w = 1049
y = "8"
n = "0763ed7314c69015fd4a0dc16bbf4b90" #same as c in l.sign
for (var d = [a, i, s, w, u, l, b, k].join("-"), c = _, p = n + y + d + r + e + t + d + n, h = window[g("0x29")](window[g("0x26")](p)), m = 8011470, f = 0; f < h[g("0x1")]; f += 1)
m = (m >> 1) + ((1 & m) << 23),
m += h[g("0x13")](f),
m &= 16777215;
return y + ":" + d + ":" + m.toString(16) + ":" + c
d = "33-1-725321-1049-2073600-1046-2-2"
c = 5
p = "0763ed7314c69015fd4a0dc16bbf4b90833-1-725321-1049-2073600-1046-2-2Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.105 Safari/537.36tom_heidel@web.deEXLwg5lHTO2dslU5EePe3xkw0m1h86Cd33-1-725321-1049-2073600-1046-2-20763ed7314c69015fd4a0dc16bbf4b90"
g("0x29") = unescape
g("0x26") = encodeURIComponent
h = "0763ed7314c69015fd4a0dc16bbf4b90833-1-725321-1049-2073600-1046-2-2Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.105 Safari/537.36tom_heidel@web.deEXLwg5lHTO2dslU5EePe3xkw0m1h86Cd33-1-725321-1049-2073600-1046-2-20763ed7314c69015fd4a0dc16bbf4b90"
m = 8011470
f = 0
g("0x1") = length
m = 4005735 #calculated m = (m >> 1) + ((1 & m) << 23)
g("0x13") = charCodeAt
m = 4005783 #calculated m += h[g("0x13")](f)
.-.-.-. after all h.length iterations
m = 245670
Return value: "8:33-1-725321-1049-2073600-1046-2-2:3bfa6:5" #signature
# user-agent string is processed in signature calculating
# this probably means if a signature with user-agent A is given you cannot change it to B when logging in
login_form = {
'client_id': self._CLIENT_ID,
'recaptcha_pubkey': 'null',
'recaptcha_response': 'null',
'credentials': {
'identifier': username,
'password': password
'signature': '',#l.sign(username, self._CLIENT_ID, c='0763ed7314c69015fd4a0dc16bbf4b90'), #c is extracted from web_auth js around (reading upwards from) function api.callEndpoint("verifyIdentifier"
'device_id': '00000-000000-000000-000000',
'user_agent': self._USER_AGENT
login = self._call_api(
'sessions.json', None,
'Logging in', post_data=login_form)
# signature generation
def sign(self):#, username=_USERNAME, client_id=_CLIENT_ID, key=_KEY):
zero = 0
i = a = 1
u = 0 #u is actually screenWidth * screenHeight for 1920*1080 = 2073600
mU = 2073600
l = 1024 #1046?
timestamp = millis = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
mTimestamp = timestamp - (timestamp - random.randint(50000, 850000)) #hacky timestamp difference
uTimestamp = random.randint(50000, 850000)
w = 42 #1049?
b = k = 2 #25?
underscore = 0 #4, 5?
#d = '-'.join([str(mInt) for mInt in [a, i, s, w, u, l, b, k]])
d = '-'.join([str(mInt) for mInt in [a, i, zero, w, u, l, b, k]])
c = underscore
n = _KEY = '0763ed7314c69015fd4a0dc16bbf4b90'
y = '8' #some kind of version??
r = _USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.105 Safari/537.36"
e = _USERNAME = "tom_heidel@web.de"
t = _CLIENT_ID = 'EXLwg5lHTO2dslU5EePe3xkw0m1h86Cd'
p = n + y + d + r + e + t + d + n
h = p
m = 8011470
f = 0
for f in range(f, len(h)):
m = (m >> 1) + ((1 & m) << 23)
m += ord(h[f])
m &= 16777215
# c is not even needed
out = str(y) + ':' + str(d) + ':' + format(m, 'x') + ':' + str(c)
return out
@classmethod @classmethod
def _resolv_url(cls, url): def _resolv_url(cls, url):

View file

@ -0,0 +1,52 @@
import time
import random
def sign():#, username=_USERNAME, client_id=_CLIENT_ID, key=_KEY):
zero = 0
i = a = 1
mA = 33
u = 0 #u is actually screenWidth * screenHeight for 1920*1080 = 2073600
mU = 2073600
l = 1024 #1046?
mL = 1046
timestamp = millis = int(round(time.time() * 1000))
mTimestamp = timestamp - (timestamp - random.randint(50000, 850000)) #hacky timestamp difference
uTimestamp = random.randint(50000, 850000)
w = 42 #1049?
mW = 1049
b = k = 2 #25?
mB = mK = 25
underscore = 0 #4, 5?
mUnderscore = 5
#d = '-'.join([str(mInt) for mInt in [a, i, s, w, u, l, b, k]])
d = '-'.join([str(mInt) for mInt in [mA, i, uTimestamp, mW, mU, mL, mB, mK]])
c = mUnderscore
n = _KEY = '0763ed7314c69015fd4a0dc16bbf4b90'
y = '8' #some kind of version??
r = _USER_AGENT = "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/84.0.4147.105 Safari/537.36"
e = _USERNAME = "tom_heidel@web.de"
t = _CLIENT_ID = 'EXLwg5lHTO2dslU5EePe3xkw0m1h86Cd'
p = n + y + d + r + e + t + d + n
h = p
m = 8011470
f = 0
for f in range(f, len(h)):
m = (m >> 1) + ((1 & m) << 23)
m += ord(h[f])
m &= 16777215
out = str(y) + ':' + str(d) + ':' + format(m, 'x') + ':' + str(c)
return out