#include #include #include "stats_font1x1.h" #include "stats_font2x2.h" #include "glyphs.h" #include "stats_dto.h" #ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_I2C #include #endif #define DEBUG #ifdef DEBUG #define D #else #define D for(;0;) #endif #define SCROLL_SPEED 2 #define NO_DATA_TIMEOUT 5 * 1000 // I²C pins SCL, SDA #define DISP1_PINS 22, 21 #define DISP2_PINS 33, 32 #define USE_ESP32_I2C_HAL #ifdef USE_ESP32_I2C_HAL #include "u8g2_esp32_hal.h" #include "u8g2_esp32_hal.c" class U8G2_CUSTOM_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_F_ESP32_HAL_I2C : public U8G2 { public: U8G2_CUSTOM_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_F_ESP32_HAL_I2C(const u8g2_cb_t *rotation, uint8_t clock, uint8_t data, uint8_t reset = U8X8_PIN_NONE, uint8_t i2c_port = U8X8_PIN_NONE) : U8G2() { u8g2_esp32_hal_t esp_hal = U8G2_ESP32_HAL_DEFAULT; esp_hal.sda = (gpio_num_t) data; esp_hal.scl = (gpio_num_t) clock; if (reset != U8X8_PIN_NONE) esp_hal.reset = (gpio_num_t) reset; if (i2c_port != U8X8_PIN_NONE) esp_hal.master_num = (i2c_port_t) i2c_port; u8g2_esp32_hal_init((u8x8_t *)(&u8g2), esp_hal); u8g2_Setup_ssd1306_i2c_128x32_univision_f(&u8g2, rotation, u8g2_esp32_i2c_byte_cb, u8g2_esp32_gpio_and_delay_cb); } public: ~U8G2_CUSTOM_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_F_ESP32_HAL_I2C() { u8g2_esp32_hal_free((u8x8_t *)(&u8g2)); } }; U8G2_CUSTOM_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_F_ESP32_HAL_I2C u8g2_d1(U8G2_R0, DISP1_PINS, U8X8_PIN_NONE, 0); U8G2_CUSTOM_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_F_ESP32_HAL_I2C u8g2_d2(U8G2_R0, DISP2_PINS, U8X8_PIN_NONE, 1); #else U8G2_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_F_SW_I2C u8g2_d1(U8G2_R0, DISP1_PINS, U8X8_PIN_NONE); U8G2_SSD1306_128X32_UNIVISION_F_SW_I2C u8g2_d2(U8G2_R0, DISP2_PINS, U8X8_PIN_NONE); #endif u8g2_uint_t f1x1h = 8; u8g2_uint_t f2x2h = 16; char tempLine0Format[] = GLYPH_AMD "%2d" GLYPH_DEGC " " GLYPH_VR_MOS "%2d" GLYPH_DEGC " " GLYPH_GPU "%2d" GLYPH_DEGC " " GLYPH_CHIPSET "%2d" GLYPH_DEGC " " GLYPH_MOBO "%2d" GLYPH_DEGC " " GLYPH_SSD "%2d" GLYPH_DEGC " "; char tempLine1Format[] = GLYPH_AMD " %s" GLYPH_HZ " " GLYPH_LOAD " %2d.%02d %4d%%"; char fansLine0Format[] = GLYPH_AIO "%4d" GLYPH_RPM " " GLYPH_GPU "%4d" GLYPH_RPM " " GLYPH_CHIPSET "%4d" GLYPH_RPM " " GLYPH_FAN_TOP "%4d" GLYPH_RPM " " GLYPH_FAN_BOTTOM "%4d" " " GLYPH_FAN_BACK "%4d" GLYPH_RPM " "; char fansLine1Format[] = GLYPH_RAM " %2d%% %s %4dM" GLYPH_HZ; char waiting_string[] = "Waiting for data from the computer... "; u8g2_uint_t waiting_width; u8g2_uint_t waiting_offset = 0; u8g2_uint_t waiting_offset1; u8g2_uint_t temp_page_offset = 0; u8g2_uint_t fans_page_offset = 0; struct line_buffers { char line0[300]; char line1[30]; char line2[30]; }; // Two buffers to swap around and avoid blocking rendering struct line_buffers tempLines_1 = {0}; struct line_buffers tempLines_2 = {0}; struct line_buffers fansLines_1 = {0}; struct line_buffers fansLines_2 = {0}; struct line_buffers *tempLines = &tempLines_1; struct line_buffers *tempLines_next = &tempLines_2; struct line_buffers *fansLines = &fansLines_1; struct line_buffers *fansLines_next = &fansLines_2; SemaphoreHandle_t stringsMutex; stats_t stats; byte bytes_read = 0; bool stats_ever_received = false; unsigned long last_received = 0; bool receiveStats() { size_t to_read = sizeof(stats_t) - bytes_read; if (Serial.available() < 4) return false; if (bytes_read == 0 && !Serial.find(MAGIC_START_ASSTR, 4)) { return false; } else if (bytes_read == 0) { // Put back magic since Serial.find() strips it out stats.magic_start = MAGIC_START; bytes_read = 4; // It also says it read them even though it doesn't place them in the buffer to_read += 4; } D Serial.println(F("Magic found, accepting data")); byte *buffer = (byte *) &stats; bytes_read += Serial.readBytes(buffer + bytes_read, to_read); D Serial.print(F("Read ")); D Serial.print(bytes_read); D Serial.println(F(" bytes from serial")); if (bytes_read >= sizeof(stats_t)) { #ifdef DEBUG char printbuf[100]; sprintf(printbuf, "Received %d bytes, wanted %d == sizeof(stats_t)", bytes_read, sizeof(stats_t)); Serial.println(printbuf); Serial.print(F("buffer: ")); for (byte *ptr = buffer; ptr < buffer + sizeof(stats_t); ptr++) { sprintf(printbuf, "%02x ", *ptr); Serial.print(printbuf); } Serial.println(); Serial.println(F("Check magic start")); #endif if (stats.magic_start != MAGIC_START) goto invalidate; D Serial.println(F("Check magic end")); D Serial.println(stats.magic_end, HEX); if (stats.magic_end != MAGIC_END) goto invalidate; uint8_t checkxor = 0; for (byte *b = (byte *) &stats; b < &(stats.checkxor); b++) { checkxor ^= *b; } D Serial.println(F("Checking check xor")); D Serial.print(F("Computed: ")); D Serial.print(checkxor, HEX); D Serial.print(F(" at offset ")); D Serial.println((uint32_t) ((uint32_t) &(stats.checkxor) - ((uint32_t) &stats))); D Serial.print(F("Got: ")); D Serial.println(stats.checkxor, HEX); if (stats.checkxor != checkxor) goto invalidate; D Serial.println(F("Checks passed, data accepted")); bytes_read = 0; return true; } else { return false; } invalidate: D Serial.println(F("Invalid data, ignoring")); bytes_read = 0; return false; } void drawWaitingForData(U8G2 *u8g2, u8g2_uint_t *offset) { u8g2->clearBuffer(); u8g2_uint_t x = *offset; u8g2->setFont(u8g2_font_helvR18_tf); do { u8g2->drawStr(x, 26, waiting_string); x += waiting_width; } while( x < u8g2->getDisplayWidth() ); yield(); u8g2->sendBuffer(); (*offset) -= SCROLL_SPEED; if ( (u8g2_uint_t)(*offset) < (u8g2_uint_t)-waiting_width ) (*offset) = 0; } void drawWaitingForDataAllDisplays() { drawWaitingForData(&u8g2_d1, &waiting_offset); drawWaitingForData(&u8g2_d2, &waiting_offset1); } void format_freq(char *dest, uint16_t value) { if (value >= 1000) { sprintf(dest, "%4dM", value); } else { sprintf(dest, "%1d.%03dG", value / 1000, value % 1000); } } void format_bar( char *buffer, uint8_t total_tiles, uint16_t full_perc, uint16_t gray_perc, uint16_t perc_max) { memset(buffer, 0, total_tiles + 1); int32_t gray_tiles = (((int32_t) gray_perc) * 1024) / ((int32_t) perc_max) * total_tiles / 1024; int32_t full_tiles = (((int32_t) full_perc) * 1024) / ((int32_t) perc_max) * total_tiles / 1024; // Pick left butt tile if (full_tiles == 1 && gray_tiles == 0) strcat(buffer, GLYPH_BUTT_LEFT_FULL_END); else if (full_tiles == 0 && gray_tiles == 1) strcat(buffer, GLYPH_BUTT_LEFT_GRAY_END); else if (full_tiles > 0) strcat(buffer, GLYPH_BUTT_LEFT_FULL); else if (gray_tiles > 0) strcat(buffer, GLYPH_BUTT_LEFT_GRAY); else strcat(buffer, GLYPH_BUTT_LEFT_EMPTY); // Draw full tiles for (char i = 0; i < full_tiles - 2; i++) strcat(buffer, GLYPH_MID_FULL); if (full_tiles < total_tiles && gray_tiles == 0) strcat(buffer, GLYPH_MID_FULL_END); else if (gray_tiles > 0) strcat(buffer, GLYPH_MID_FULL); // Draw gray tiles for (char i = 0; i < full_tiles - 1 - (full_tiles > 0 ? 0 : 1); i++) strcat(buffer, GLYPH_MID_GRAY); if (gray_tiles < total_tiles) strcat(buffer, GLYPH_MID_GRAY_END); // Draw empty tiles for (char i = 0; i < total_tiles - 1 - gray_tiles - full_tiles; i++) strcat(buffer, GLYPH_MID_EMPTY); // Pick right butt tile if (full_tiles == total_tiles) strcat(buffer, GLYPH_BUTT_RIGHT_FULL); else if (gray_tiles == total_tiles) strcat(buffer, GLYPH_BUTT_RIGHT_GRAY); else strcat(buffer, GLYPH_BUTT_RIGHT_EMPTY); } void format_size(char *buffer, uint32_t megabytes) { if (megabytes < 2000) { sprintf(buffer, "%4dMB", megabytes); } else { sprintf(buffer, "%4.2fGB", (float) megabytes / 1024); } } void drawStatsPage( U8G2 *u8g2, struct line_buffers *lines, char *minibanner, u8g2_uint_t mb_w, u8g2_uint_t mb_h, u8g2_uint_t *offset) { u8g2->setFont(stats_font2x2); u8g2_uint_t line0_width = u8g2->getStrWidth(lines->line0); u8g2->clearBuffer(); // Line 0 u8g2_uint_t x = *offset; u8g2->setFont(stats_font2x2); do { u8g2->drawStr(x, f2x2h, lines->line0); x += line0_width; } while( x < u8g2->getDisplayWidth() ); // Minibanner u8g2->setDrawColor(0); u8g2->drawBox(0, 0, mb_w, mb_h); u8g2->setDrawColor(1); u8g2->drawStr(0, f2x2h, minibanner); // Line 1 u8g2->setFont(stats_font1x1); u8g2->drawStr(0, f2x2h + f1x1h + 1, lines->line1); // Line 2 u8g2->drawStr(0, f2x2h + 2*f1x1h, lines->line2); yield(); u8g2->sendBuffer(); (*offset) -= SCROLL_SPEED; if ( (u8g2_uint_t) (*offset) < (u8g2_uint_t) -line0_width ) (*offset) = 0; } void sprintfStrings() { uint8_t total_8x8_tiles = u8g2_d1.getDisplayWidth() / 8 - 3; char tmp_buf[20] = {0}; // Temps page sprintf(tempLines_next->line0, tempLine0Format, stats.cpu_temp, stats.vr_mos_temp, stats.gpu_temp, stats.chipset_temp, stats.system_temp, stats.ssd_temp); format_freq(tmp_buf, stats.cpu_freq); sprintf(tempLines_next->line1, tempLine1Format, tmp_buf, stats.cpu_load_avg / 100, stats.cpu_load_avg % 100, stats.cpu_perc ); format_bar( tempLines_next->line2, total_8x8_tiles, stats.cpu_perc - stats.cpu_perc_kernel, stats.cpu_perc_kernel, stats.cpu_perc_max); // Fans page sprintf(fansLines_next->line0, fansLine0Format, stats.pump, stats.gpu_fan, stats.chipset_fan, stats.top_fan, stats.bottom_fan, stats.back_fan); format_size(tmp_buf, stats.ram_used); sprintf(fansLines_next->line1, fansLine1Format, stats.ram_perc, tmp_buf, 3200); format_bar( fansLines_next->line2, total_8x8_tiles, stats.ram_perc, stats.ram_perc_buffers, 100); struct line_buffers *temp_ptr = tempLines; struct line_buffers *fans_ptr = fansLines; xSemaphoreTake(stringsMutex, portMAX_DELAY); tempLines = tempLines_next; fansLines = fansLines_next; xSemaphoreGive(stringsMutex); tempLines_next = temp_ptr; fansLines_next = fans_ptr; } void displaysTask(void *pvParameters) { Serial.print("Handling displays on core "); Serial.println(xPortGetCoreID()); while (true) { if (!stats_ever_received) { drawWaitingForDataAllDisplays(); yield(); continue; } xSemaphoreTake(stringsMutex, portMAX_DELAY); struct line_buffers *templines_ptr = tempLines; struct line_buffers *fanslines_ptr = fansLines; xSemaphoreGive(stringsMutex); drawStatsPage(&u8g2_d1, templines_ptr, GLYPH_TEMP, 10, 32, &temp_page_offset); drawStatsPage(&u8g2_d2, fanslines_ptr, GLYPH_FAN, 16, 32, &fans_page_offset); yield(); } } void receiverTask(void *pvParameters) { Serial.print("Handling incoming data on core "); Serial.println(xPortGetCoreID()); while (true) { yield(); if (receiveStats()) { sprintfStrings(); last_received = millis(); stats_ever_received = true; } delay(10); } } void setup() { // Fuck this shit and fuck your "wifi" and "important stuff" disableCore0WDT(); Serial.begin(115200); Serial.setTimeout(0); stringsMutex = xSemaphoreCreateMutex(); #ifdef USE_ESP32_I2C_HAL u8g2_d1.setI2CAddress(0x78); u8g2_d2.setI2CAddress(0x78); #endif u8g2_d1.begin(); u8g2_d1.setPowerSave(0); u8g2_d1.setFontMode(0); u8g2_d1.setAutoPageClear(0); u8g2_d1.setFont(u8g2_font_helvR18_tf); waiting_width = u8g2_d1.getStrWidth(waiting_string); waiting_offset = 0; u8g2_d2.begin(); u8g2_d2.setPowerSave(0); u8g2_d2.setFontMode(0); u8g2_d2.setAutoPageClear(0); u8g2_d2.setFont(u8g2_font_helvR18_tf); waiting_offset1 = (u8g2_uint_t) -u8g2_d2.getDisplayWidth(); delay(500); xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(displaysTask, "DisplaysTask", 10000, NULL, 4, NULL, 0); xTaskCreatePinnedToCore(receiverTask, "ReceiverTask", 10000, NULL, 4, NULL, 1); } void loop() { // Avoid task watchdog firing vTaskDelete(NULL); }