Bastien Nocera 9fb789dc78 nbis: Update to NBIS 5.0.0
This updates NBIS to its latest 5.0.0 version, dated 04/03/2015, from a
1.x version, dated 2007.

Original sources are available at:

And full change log at:
2018-08-27 20:01:00 +02:00

254 lines
13 KiB

This software and/or related materials was developed at the National Institute
of Standards and Technology (NIST) by employees of the Federal Government
in the course of their official duties. Pursuant to title 17 Section 105
of the United States Code, this software is not subject to copyright
protection and is in the public domain.
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This software and/or related materials was developed to promote biometric
standards and biometric technology testing for the Federal Government
in accordance with the USA PATRIOT Act and the Enhanced Border Security
and Visa Entry Reform Act. Specific hardware and software products identified
in this software were used in order to perform the software development.
In no case does such identification imply recommendation or endorsement
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of the software.
LIBRARY: LFS - NIST Latent Fingerprint System
AUTHOR: Michael D. Garris
DATE: 08/02/1999
UPDATED: 10/04/1999 Version 2 by MDG
UPDATED: 03/16/2005 by MDG
Contains routines responsible for linking compatible minutiae
together as part of the NIST Latent Fingerprint System (LFS).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <lfs.h>
#include <log.h>
#cat: link_minutiae - Clusters minutiae that are sufficiently close to each
#cat: other and have compatible directions to be considered part
#cat: of the same ridge or valley and then links them together.
#cat: In linking two minutia, the respective minutia features
#cat: in the image are joined by drawing pixels and the points
#cat: are removed from the list.
minutiae - list of true and false minutiae
bdata - binary image data (0==while & 1==black)
iw - width (in pixels) of image
ih - height (in pixels) of image
nmap - IMAP ridge flow matrix with invalid, high-curvature,
and no-valid-neighbor regions identified
mw - width in blocks of the NMAP
mh - height in blocks of the NMAP
lfsparms - parameters and thresholds for controlling LFS
minutiae - list of pruned minutiae
bdata - edited binary image with breaks in ridges and valleys filled
Return Code:
Zero - successful completion
Negative - system error
#cat: create_link_table - Builds a 2D minutia link table where each cell in the
#cat: table represents a potential linking of 2 different
#cat: minutia points. Minutia IDs are stored on each axes
#cat: and scores representing the degree of compatibility
#cat: between 2 minutia are stored in each cell. Note that
#cat: the table is sparsely filled with scores.
tbldim - dimension of each axes of the link table
start - index position of starting minutia point in input list
minutiae - list of minutia
onloop - list of loop flags (on flag for each minutia point in list)
nmap - IMAP ridge flow matrix with invalid, high-curvature,
and no-valid-neighbor regions identified
mw - width in blocks of the NMAP
mh - height in blocks of the NMAP
bdata - binary image data (0==while & 1==black)
iw - width (in pixels) of image
ih - height (in pixels) of image
lfsparms - parameters and thresholds for controlling LFS
olink_table - sparse 2D table containing scores of potentially
linked minutia pairs
ox_axis - minutia IDs registered along x-axis
oy_axis - minutia IDs registered along y-axis
onx_axis - number of minutia registered along x-axis
ony_axis - number of minutia registered along y-axis
on_entries - number of scores currently entered in the table
Return Code:
Zero - successful completion
Negative - system error
#cat: update_link_table - Takes the indices of 2 minutia and their link
#cat: compatibility score and updates the 2D link table.
#cat: The input minutia are registered to positions along
#cat: different axes, if they are not already in the table,
#cat: and a queue is maintained so that a cluster of
#cat: potentially linked points may be gathered.
link_table - sparse 2D table containing scores of potentially linked
minutia pairs
x_axis - minutia IDs registered along x-axis
y_axis - minutia IDs registered along y-axis
nx_axis - number of minutia registered along x-axis
ny_axis - number of minutia registered along y-axis
n_entries - number of scores currently entered in the table
tbldim - dimension of each axes of the link table
queue - list of clustered minutiae yet to be used to locate
other compatible minutiae
head - head of the queue
tail - tail of the queue
inqueue - flag for each minutia point in minutiae list to signify if
it has been clustered with the points in this current link
first - index position of first minutia of current link pair
second - index position of second minutia of current link pair
score - degree of link compatibility of current link pair
link_table - updated sparse 2D table containing scores of potentially
linked minutia pairs
x_axis - updated minutia IDs registered along x-axis
y_axis - updated minutia IDs registered along y-axis
nx_axis - updated number of minutia registered along x-axis
ny_axis - updated number of minutia registered along y-axis
n_entries - updated number of scores currently entered in the table
queue - updated list of clustered minutiae yet to be used to locate
other compatible minutiae
tail - updated tail of the queue
inqueue - updated list of flags, one for each minutia point in
minutiae list to signify if it has been clustered with
the points in this current link table
Return Code:
Zero - successful completion
Negative - system error
#cat: order_link_table - Puts the link table in sorted order based on x and
#cat: then y-axis entries. These minutia are sorted based
#cat: on their point of perpendicular intersection with a
#cat: line running from the origin at an angle equal to the
#cat: average direction of all entries in the link table.
link_table - sparse 2D table containing scores of potentially linked
minutia pairs
x_axis - minutia IDs registered along x-axis
y_axis - minutia IDs registered along y-axis
nx_axis - number of minutia registered along x-axis
ny_axis - number of minutia registered along y-axis
n_entries - number of scores currently entered in the table
tbldim - dimension of each axes of the link table
minutiae - list of minutia
ndirs - number of IMAP directions (in semicircle)
link_table - sorted sparse 2D table containing scores of potentially
linked minutia pairs
x_axis - sorted minutia IDs registered along x-axis
y_axis - sorted minutia IDs registered along y-axis
Return Code:
Zero - successful completion
Negative - system error
#cat: process_link_table - Processes the link table deciding which minutia
#cat: pairs in the table should be linked (ie. joined in
#cat: the image and removed from the minutiae list (and
#cat: from onloop).
link_table - sparse 2D table containing scores of potentially linked
minutia pairs
x_axis - minutia IDs registered along x-axis
y_axis - minutia IDs registered along y-axis
nx_axis - number of minutia registered along x-axis
ny_axis - number of minutia registered along y-axis
n_entries - number of scores currently entered in the table
tbldim - dimension of each axes of the link table
minutiae - list of minutia
onloop - list of flags signifying which minutia lie on small lakes
bdata - binary image data (0==while & 1==black)
iw - width (in pixels) of image
ih - height (in pixels) of image
lfsparms - parameters and thresholds for controlling LFS
minutiae - list of pruned minutiae
onloop - updated loop flags
bdata - edited image with minutia features joined
Return Code:
Zero - successful completion
Negative - system error
#cat: link_score - Takes 2 parameters, a 'join angle' and a 'join distance'
#cat: computed between 2 minutia and combines these to compute
#cat: a score representing the degree of link compatibility
#cat: between the 2 minutiae.
jointheta - angle measured between 2 minutiae
joindist - distance between 2 minutiae
lfsparms - parameters and thresholds for controlling LFS
Return Code:
Score - degree of link compatibility