Daniel Drake 6b8d17ef26 Add bozorth3 from NBIS; implement verify for image devices
uru4000 works splendiferously (YAY!)
aes4000 is going to need some work though :(
2007-10-28 12:03:15 +00:00

1785 lines
35 KiB

This file is part of the Export Control subset of the United States NIST
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identified are necessarily the best available for the purpose.
LIBRARY: FING - NIST Fingerprint Systems Utilities
ALGORITHM: Allan S. Bozorth (FBI)
Stan Janet (NIST)
DATE: 09/21/2004
Contains the "core" routines responsible for supporting the
Bozorth3 fingerprint matching algorithm.
#cat: bz_comp - takes a set of minutiae (probe or gallery) and
#cat: compares/measures each minutia's {x,y,t} with every
#cat: other minutia's {x,y,t} in the set creating a table
#cat: of pairwise comparison entries
#cat: bz_find - trims sorted table of pairwise minutia comparisons to
#cat: a max distance of 75^2
#cat: bz_match - takes the two pairwise minutia comparison tables (a probe
#cat: table and a gallery table) and compiles a list of
#cat: all relatively "compatible" entries between the two
#cat: tables generating a match table
#cat: bz_match_score - takes a match table and traverses it looking for
#cat: a sufficiently long path (or a cluster of compatible paths)
#cat: of "linked" match table entries
#cat: the accumulation of which results in a match "score"
#cat: bz_sift - main routine handling the path linking and match table
#cat: traversal
#cat: bz_final_loop - (declared static) a final postprocess after
#cat: the main match table traversal which looks to combine
#cat: clusters of compatible paths
#include <stdio.h>
#include <bozorth.h>
static const int verbose_bozorth = 0;
static const int m1_xyt = 0;
void bz_comp(
int npoints, /* INPUT: # of points */
int xcol[ MAX_BOZORTH_MINUTIAE ], /* INPUT: x cordinates */
int ycol[ MAX_BOZORTH_MINUTIAE ], /* INPUT: y cordinates */
int thetacol[ MAX_BOZORTH_MINUTIAE ], /* INPUT: theta values */
int * ncomparisons, /* OUTPUT: number of pointwise comparisons */
int cols[][ COLS_SIZE_2 ], /* OUTPUT: pointwise comparison table */
int * colptrs[] /* INPUT and OUTPUT: sorted list of pointers to rows in cols[] */
int i, j, k;
int b;
int t;
int n;
int l;
int table_index;
int dx;
int dy;
int distance;
int theta_kj;
int beta_j;
int beta_k;
int * c;
c = &cols[0][0];
table_index = 0;
for ( k = 0; k < npoints - 1; k++ ) {
for ( j = k + 1; j < npoints; j++ ) {
if ( thetacol[j] > 0 ) {
if ( thetacol[k] == thetacol[j] - 180 )
} else {
if ( thetacol[k] == thetacol[j] + 180 )
dx = xcol[j] - xcol[k];
dy = ycol[j] - ycol[k];
distance = SQUARED(dx) + SQUARED(dy);
if ( distance > SQUARED(DM) ) {
if ( dx > DM )
/* The distance is in the range [ 0, 125^2 ] */
if ( dx == 0 )
theta_kj = 90;
else {
double dz;
if ( m1_xyt )
dz = ( 180.0F / PI_SINGLE ) * atanf( (float) -dy / (float) dx );
dz = ( 180.0F / PI_SINGLE ) * atanf( (float) dy / (float) dx );
if ( dz < 0.0F )
dz -= 0.5F;
dz += 0.5F;
theta_kj = (int) dz;
beta_k = theta_kj - thetacol[k];
beta_k = IANGLE180(beta_k);
beta_j = theta_kj - thetacol[j] + 180;
beta_j = IANGLE180(beta_j);
if ( beta_k < beta_j ) {
*c++ = distance;
*c++ = beta_k;
*c++ = beta_j;
*c++ = k+1;
*c++ = j+1;
*c++ = theta_kj;
} else {
*c++ = distance;
*c++ = beta_j;
*c++ = beta_k;
*c++ = k+1;
*c++ = j+1;
*c++ = theta_kj + 400;
b = 0;
t = table_index + 1;
l = 1;
n = -1; /* Init binary search state ... */
while ( t - b > 1 ) {
int * midpoint;
l = ( b + t ) / 2;
midpoint = colptrs[l-1];
for ( i=0; i < 3; i++ ) {
int dd, ff;
dd = cols[table_index][i];
ff = midpoint[i];
n = SENSE(dd,ff);
if ( n < 0 ) {
t = l;
if ( n > 0 ) {
b = l;
if ( n == 0 ) {
n = 1;
b = l;
} /* END while */
if ( n == 1 )
for ( i = table_index; i >= l; --i )
colptrs[i] = colptrs[i-1];
colptrs[l-1] = &cols[table_index][0];
if ( table_index == 19999 ) {
if ( verbose_bozorth )
printf( "bz_comp(): breaking loop to avoid table overflow\n" );
goto COMP_END;
} /* END for j */
} /* END for k */
*ncomparisons = table_index;
void bz_find(
int * xlim, /* INPUT: number of pointwise comparisons in table */
/* OUTPUT: determined insertion location (NOT ALWAYS SET) */
int * colpt[] /* INOUT: sorted list of pointers to rows in the pointwise comparison table */
int midpoint;
int top;
int bottom;
int state;
int distance;
/* binary search to locate the insertion location of a predefined distance in list of sorted distances */
bottom = 0;
top = *xlim + 1;
midpoint = 1;
state = -1;
while ( top - bottom > 1 ) {
midpoint = ( bottom + top ) / 2;
distance = *colpt[ midpoint-1 ];
state = SENSE_NEG_POS(FD,distance);
if ( state < 0 )
top = midpoint;
else {
bottom = midpoint;
if ( state > -1 )
if ( midpoint < *xlim )
*xlim = midpoint;
/* Make room in RTP list at insertion point by shifting contents down the
list. Then insert the address of the current ROT row into desired
location */
void rtp_insert( int * rtp[], int l, int idx, int * ptr )
int shiftcount;
int ** r1;
int ** r2;
r1 = &rtp[idx];
r2 = r1 - 1;
shiftcount = ( idx - l ) + 1;
while ( shiftcount-- > 0 ) {
*r1-- = *r2--;
*r1 = ptr;
/* Builds list of compatible edge pairs between the 2 Webs. */
/* The Edge pair DeltaThetaKJs and endpoints are sorted */
/* first on Subject's K, */
/* then On-File's J or K (depending), */
/* and lastly on Subject's J point index. */
/* Return value is the # of compatible edge pairs */
int bz_match(
int probe_ptrlist_len, /* INPUT: pruned length of Subject's pointer list */
int gallery_ptrlist_len /* INPUT: pruned length of On-File Record's pointer list */
int i; /* Temp index */
int ii; /* Temp index */
int edge_pair_index; /* Compatible edge pair index */
float dz; /* Delta difference and delta angle stats */
float fi; /* Distance limit based on factor TK */
int * ss; /* Subject's comparison stats row */
int * ff; /* On-File Record's comparison stats row */
int j; /* On-File Record's row index */
int k; /* Subject's row index */
int st; /* Starting On-File Record's row index */
int p1; /* Adjusted Subject's ThetaKJ, DeltaThetaKJs, K or J point index */
int p2; /* Adjusted On-File's ThetaKJ, RTP point index */
int n; /* ThetaKJ and binary search state variable */
int l; /* Midpoint of binary search */
int b; /* ThetaKJ state variable, and bottom of search range */
int t; /* Top of search range */
register int * rotptr;
#define ROT_SIZE_1 20000
#define ROT_SIZE_2 5
static int rot[ ROT_SIZE_1 ][ ROT_SIZE_2 ];
static int * rtp[ ROT_SIZE_1 ];
/* These now externally defined in bozorth.h */
/* extern int * scolpt[ SCOLPT_SIZE ]; INPUT */
/* extern int * fcolpt[ FCOLPT_SIZE ]; INPUT */
/* extern int colp[ COLP_SIZE_1 ][ COLP_SIZE_2 ]; OUTPUT */
/* extern int verbose_bozorth; */
/* extern FILE * stderr; */
/* extern char * get_progname( void ); */
/* extern char * get_probe_filename( void ); */
/* extern char * get_gallery_filename( void ); */
st = 1;
edge_pair_index = 0;
rotptr = &rot[0][0];
/* Foreach sorted edge in Subject's Web ... */
for ( k = 1; k < probe_ptrlist_len; k++ ) {
ss = scolpt[k-1];
/* Foreach sorted edge in On-File Record's Web ... */
for ( j = st; j <= gallery_ptrlist_len; j++ ) {
ff = fcolpt[j-1];
dz = *ff - *ss;
fi = ( 2.0F * TK ) * ( *ff + *ss );
if ( SQUARED(dz) > SQUARED(fi) ) {
if ( dz < 0 ) {
st = j + 1;
} else
for ( i = 1; i < 3; i++ ) {
float dz_squared;
dz = *(ss+i) - *(ff+i);
dz_squared = SQUARED(dz);
if ( dz_squared > TXS && dz_squared < CTXS )
if ( i < 3 )
if ( *(ss+5) >= 220 ) {
p1 = *(ss+5) - 580;
n = 1;
} else {
p1 = *(ss+5);
n = 0;
if ( *(ff+5) >= 220 ) {
p2 = *(ff+5) - 580;
b = 1;
} else {
p2 = *(ff+5);
b = 0;
p1 -= p2;
p1 = IANGLE180(p1);
if ( n != b ) {
*rotptr++ = p1;
*rotptr++ = *(ss+3);
*rotptr++ = *(ss+4);
*rotptr++ = *(ff+4);
*rotptr++ = *(ff+3);
} else {
*rotptr++ = p1;
*rotptr++ = *(ss+3);
*rotptr++ = *(ss+4);
*rotptr++ = *(ff+3);
*rotptr++ = *(ff+4);
n = -1;
l = 1;
b = 0;
t = edge_pair_index + 1;
while ( t - b > 1 ) {
l = ( b + t ) / 2;
for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) {
static int ii_table[] = { 1, 3, 2 };
/* 1 = Subject's Kth, */
/* 3 = On-File's Jth or Kth (depending), */
/* 2 = Subject's Jth */
ii = ii_table[i];
p1 = rot[edge_pair_index][ii];
p2 = *( rtp[l-1] + ii );
n = SENSE(p1,p2);
if ( n < 0 ) {
t = l;
if ( n > 0 ) {
b = l;
if ( n == 0 ) {
n = 1;
b = l;
} /* END while() for binary search */
if ( n == 1 )
rtp_insert( rtp, l, edge_pair_index, &rot[edge_pair_index][0] );
if ( edge_pair_index == 19999 ) {
if ( verbose_bozorth )
fprintf( stderr, "%s: bz_match(): WARNING: list is full, breaking loop early [p=%s; g=%s]\n",
get_progname(), get_probe_filename(), get_gallery_filename() );
goto END; /* break out if list exceeded */
} /* END FOR On-File (edge) distance */
} /* END FOR Subject (edge) distance */
int * colp_ptr = &colp[0][0];
for ( i = 0; i < edge_pair_index; i++ ) {
INT_COPY( colp_ptr, rtp[i], COLP_SIZE_2 );
return edge_pair_index; /* Return the number of compatible edge pairs stored into colp[][] */
/* These global arrays are declared "static" as they are only used */
/* between bz_match_score() & bz_final_loop() */
static int ct[ CT_SIZE ];
static int gct[ GCT_SIZE ];
static int ctt[ CTT_SIZE ];
static int ctp[ CTP_SIZE_1 ][ CTP_SIZE_2 ];
static int yy[ YY_SIZE_1 ][ YY_SIZE_2 ][ YY_SIZE_3 ];
static int bz_final_loop( int );
int bz_match_score(
int np,
struct xyt_struct * pstruct,
struct xyt_struct * gstruct
int kx, kq;
int ftt;
int tot;
int qh;
int tp;
int ll, jj, kk, n, t, b;
int k, i, j, ii, z;
int kz, l;
int p1, p2;
int dw, ww;
int match_score;
int qq_overflow = 0;
float fi;
/* These next 3 arrays originally declared global, but moved here */
/* locally because they are only used herein */
int rr[ RR_SIZE ];
int avn[ AVN_SIZE ];
int avv[ AVV_SIZE_1 ][ AVV_SIZE_2 ];
/* These now externally defined in bozorth.h */
/* extern FILE * stderr; */
/* extern char * get_progname( void ); */
/* extern char * get_probe_filename( void ); */
/* extern char * get_gallery_filename( void ); */
if ( pstruct->nrows < MIN_COMPUTABLE_BOZORTH_MINUTIAE ) {
if ( gstruct->nrows < MIN_COMPUTABLE_BOZORTH_MINUTIAE ) {
if ( verbose_bozorth )
fprintf( stderr, "%s: bz_match_score(): both probe and gallery file have too few minutiae (%d,%d) to compute a real Bozorth match score; min. is %d [p=%s; g=%s]\n",
pstruct->nrows, gstruct->nrows, MIN_COMPUTABLE_BOZORTH_MINUTIAE,
get_probe_filename(), get_gallery_filename() );
} else {
if ( verbose_bozorth )
fprintf( stderr, "%s: bz_match_score(): probe file has too few minutiae (%d) to compute a real Bozorth match score; min. is %d [p=%s; g=%s]\n",
get_probe_filename(), get_gallery_filename() );
if ( gstruct->nrows < MIN_COMPUTABLE_BOZORTH_MINUTIAE ) {
if ( verbose_bozorth )
fprintf( stderr, "%s: bz_match_score(): gallery file has too few minutiae (%d) to compute a real Bozorth match score; min. is %d [p=%s; g=%s]\n",
get_probe_filename(), get_gallery_filename() );
/* initialize tables to 0's */
INT_SET( (int *) &yl, YL_SIZE_1 * YL_SIZE_2, 0 );
INT_SET( (int *) &sc, SC_SIZE, 0 );
INT_SET( (int *) &cp, CP_SIZE, 0 );
INT_SET( (int *) &rp, RP_SIZE, 0 );
INT_SET( (int *) &tq, TQ_SIZE, 0 );
INT_SET( (int *) &rq, RQ_SIZE, 0 );
INT_SET( (int *) &zz, ZZ_SIZE, 1000 ); /* zz[] initialized to 1000's */
INT_SET( (int *) &avn, AVN_SIZE, 0 ); /* avn[0...4] <== 0; */
tp = 0;
p1 = 0;
tot = 0;
ftt = 0;
kx = 0;
match_score = 0;
for ( k = 0; k < np - 1; k++ ) {
/* printf( "compute(): looping with k=%d\n", k ); */
if ( sc[k] ) /* If SC counter for current pair already incremented ... */
continue; /* Skip to next pair */
i = colp[k][1];
t = colp[k][3];
qq[0] = i;
rq[t-1] = i;
tq[i-1] = t;
ww = 0;
dw = 0;
do {
tot = 0;
qh = 1;
kx = k;
do {
kz = colp[kx][2];
l = colp[kx][4];
bz_sift( &ww, kz, &qh, l, kx, ftt, &tot, &qq_overflow );
if ( qq_overflow ) {
fprintf( stderr, "%s: WARNING: bz_match_score(): qq[] overflow from bz_sift() #1 [p=%s; g=%s]\n",
get_progname(), get_probe_filename(), get_gallery_filename() );
if ( verbose_bozorth )
printf( "x1 %d %d %d %d %d %d\n", kx, colp[kx][0], colp[kx][1], colp[kx][2], colp[kx][3], colp[kx][4] );
} while ( colp[kx][3] == colp[k][3] && colp[kx][1] == colp[k][1] );
/* While the startpoints of lookahead edge pairs are the same as the starting points of the */
/* current pair, set KQ to lookahead edge pair index where above bz_sift() loop left off */
kq = kx;
for ( j = 1; j < qh; j++ ) {
for ( i = kq; i < np; i++ ) {
for ( z = 1; z < 3; z++ ) {
if ( z == 1 ) {
if ( (j+1) > QQ_SIZE ) {
fprintf( stderr, "%s: WARNING: bz_match_score(): qq[] overflow #1 in bozorth3(); j-1 is %d [p=%s; g=%s]\n",
get_progname(), j-1, get_probe_filename(), get_gallery_filename() );
p1 = qq[j];
} else {
p1 = tq[p1-1];
if ( colp[i][2*z] != p1 )
if ( z == 3 ) {
z = colp[i][1];
l = colp[i][3];
if ( z != colp[k][1] && l != colp[k][3] ) {
kx = i + 1;
bz_sift( &ww, z, &qh, l, kx, ftt, &tot, &qq_overflow );
if ( qq_overflow ) {
fprintf( stderr, "%s: WARNING: bz_match_score(): qq[] overflow from bz_sift() #2 [p=%s; g=%s]\n",
get_progname(), get_probe_filename(), get_gallery_filename() );
} /* END for i */
/* Done looking ahead for current j */
l = 1;
t = np + 1;
b = kq;
while ( t - b > 1 ) {
l = ( b + t ) / 2;
for ( i = 1; i < 3; i++ ) {
if ( i == 1 ) {
if ( (j+1) > QQ_SIZE ) {
fprintf( stderr, "%s: WARNING: bz_match_score(): qq[] overflow #2 in bozorth3(); j-1 is %d [p=%s; g=%s]\n",
get_progname(), j-1, get_probe_filename(), get_gallery_filename() );
p1 = qq[j];
} else {
p1 = tq[p1-1];
p2 = colp[l-1][i*2-1];
n = SENSE(p1,p2);
if ( n < 0 ) {
t = l;
if ( n > 0 ) {
b = l;
if ( n == 0 ) {
/* Locates the head of consecutive sequence of edge pairs all having the same starting Subject and On-File edgepoints */
while ( colp[l-2][3] == p2 && colp[l-2][1] == colp[l-1][1] )
kx = l - 1;
do {
kz = colp[kx][2];
l = colp[kx][4];
bz_sift( &ww, kz, &qh, l, kx, ftt, &tot, &qq_overflow );
if ( qq_overflow ) {
fprintf( stderr, "%s: WARNING: bz_match_score(): qq[] overflow from bz_sift() #3 [p=%s; g=%s]\n",
get_progname(), get_probe_filename(), get_gallery_filename() );
} while ( colp[kx][3] == p2 && colp[kx][1] == colp[kx-1][1] );
} /* END if ( n == 0 ) */
} /* END while */
} /* END for j */
if ( tot >= MSTR ) {
jj = 0;
kk = 0;
n = 0;
l = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < tot; i++ ) {
int colp_value = colp[ y[i]-1 ][0];
if ( colp_value < 0 ) {
kk += colp_value;
} else {
jj += colp_value;
if ( n == 0 ) {
n = 1;
} else if ( l == 0 ) {
l = 1;
fi = (float) jj / (float) l - (float) kk / (float) n;
if ( fi > 180.0F ) {
fi = ( jj + kk + n * 360 ) / (float) tot;
if ( fi > 180.0F )
fi -= 360.0F;
} else {
fi = ( jj + kk ) / (float) tot;
jj = ROUND(fi);
if ( jj <= -180 )
jj += 360;
kk = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < tot; i++ ) {
int diff = colp[ y[i]-1 ][0] - jj;
j = SQUARED( diff );
if ( j > TXS && j < CTXS )
y[i-kk] = y[i];
} /* END FOR i */
tot -= kk; /* Adjust the total edge pairs TOT based on # of edge pairs skipped */
} /* END if ( tot >= MSTR ) */
if ( tot < MSTR ) {
for ( i = tot-1 ; i >= 0; i-- ) {
int idx = y[i] - 1;
if ( rk[idx] == 0 ) {
sc[idx] = -1;
} else {
sc[idx] = rk[idx];
} else { /* tot >= MSTR */
/* Otherwise size of TOT group (seq. of TOT indices stored in Y) is large enough to analyze */
int pa = 0;
int pb = 0;
int pc = 0;
int pd = 0;
for ( i = 0; i < tot; i++ ) {
int idx = y[i] - 1;
for ( ii = 1; ii < 4; ii++ ) {
kk = ( SQUARED(ii) - ii + 2 ) / 2 - 1;
jj = colp[idx][kk];
switch ( ii ) {
case 1:
if ( colp[idx][0] < 0 ) {
pd += colp[idx][0];
} else {
pa += colp[idx][0];
case 2:
avn[ii-1] += pstruct->xcol[jj-1];
avn[ii] += pstruct->ycol[jj-1];
avn[ii] += gstruct->xcol[jj-1];
avn[ii+1] += gstruct->ycol[jj-1];
} /* switch */
} /* END for ii = [1..3] */
for ( ii = 0; ii < 2; ii++ ) {
n = -1;
l = 1;
for ( jj = 1; jj < 3; jj++ ) {
p1 = colp[idx][ 2 * ii + jj ];
b = 0;
t = yl[ii][tp] + 1;
while ( t - b > 1 ) {
l = ( b + t ) / 2;
p2 = yy[l-1][ii][tp];
n = SENSE(p1,p2);
if ( n < 0 ) {
t = l;
} else {
if ( n > 0 ) {
b = l;
} else {
} /* END WHILE */
if ( n != 0 ) {
if ( n == 1 )
for ( kk = yl[ii][tp]; kk >= l; --kk ) {
yy[kk][ii][tp] = yy[kk-1][ii][tp];
yy[l-1][ii][tp] = p1;
} /* END if ( n != 0 ) */
/* Otherwise, edgepoint already stored in YY */
} /* END FOR jj in [1,2] */
} /* END FOR ii in [0,1] */
} /* END FOR i */
if ( pb == 0 ) {
pb = 1;
} else if ( pc == 0 ) {
pc = 1;
fi = (float) pa / (float) pc - (float) pd / (float) pb;
if ( fi > 180.0F ) {
fi = ( pa + pd + pb * 360 ) / (float) tot;
if ( fi > 180.0F )
fi -= 360.0F;
} else {
fi = ( pa + pd ) / (float) tot;
pa = ROUND(fi);
if ( pa <= -180 )
pa += 360;
avv[tp][0] = pa;
for ( ii = 1; ii < 5; ii++ ) {
avv[tp][ii] = avn[ii] / tot;
avn[ii] = 0;
ct[tp] = tot;
gct[tp] = tot;
if ( tot > match_score ) /* If current TOT > match_score ... */
match_score = tot; /* Keep track of max TOT in match_score */
ctt[tp] = 0; /* Init CTT[TP] to 0 */
ctp[tp][0] = tp; /* Store TP into CTP */
for ( ii = 0; ii < tp; ii++ ) {
int found;
int diff;
int * avv_tp_ptr = &avv[tp][0];
int * avv_ii_ptr = &avv[ii][0];
diff = *avv_tp_ptr++ - *avv_ii_ptr++;
j = SQUARED( diff );
if ( j > TXS && j < CTXS )
ll = *avv_tp_ptr++ - *avv_ii_ptr++;
jj = *avv_tp_ptr++ - *avv_ii_ptr++;
kk = *avv_tp_ptr++ - *avv_ii_ptr++;
j = *avv_tp_ptr++ - *avv_ii_ptr++;
float tt, ai, dz;
tt = (float) (SQUARED(ll) + SQUARED(jj));
ai = (float) (SQUARED(j) + SQUARED(kk));
fi = ( 2.0F * TK ) * ( tt + ai );
dz = tt - ai;
if ( SQUARED(dz) > SQUARED(fi) )
if ( ll ) {
if ( m1_xyt )
fi = ( 180.0F / PI_SINGLE ) * atanf( (float) -jj / (float) ll );
fi = ( 180.0F / PI_SINGLE ) * atanf( (float) jj / (float) ll );
if ( fi < 0.0F ) {
if ( ll < 0 )
fi += 180.5F;
fi -= 0.5F;
} else {
if ( ll < 0 )
fi -= 180.5F;
fi += 0.5F;
jj = (int) fi;
if ( jj <= -180 )
jj += 360;
} else {
if ( m1_xyt ) {
if ( jj > 0 )
jj = -90;
jj = 90;
} else {
if ( jj > 0 )
jj = 90;
jj = -90;
if ( kk ) {
if ( m1_xyt )
fi = ( 180.0F / PI_SINGLE ) * atanf( (float) -j / (float) kk );
fi = ( 180.0F / PI_SINGLE ) * atanf( (float) j / (float) kk );
if ( fi < 0.0F ) {
if ( kk < 0 )
fi += 180.5F;
fi -= 0.5F;
} else {
if ( kk < 0 )
fi -= 180.5F;
fi += 0.5F;
j = (int) fi;
if ( j <= -180 )
j += 360;
} else {
if ( m1_xyt ) {
if ( j > 0 )
j = -90;
j = 90;
} else {
if ( j > 0 )
j = 90;
j = -90;
pa = 0;
pb = 0;
pc = 0;
pd = 0;
if ( avv[tp][0] < 0 ) {
pd += avv[tp][0];
} else {
pa += avv[tp][0];
if ( avv[ii][0] < 0 ) {
pd += avv[ii][0];
} else {
pa += avv[ii][0];
if ( pb == 0 ) {
pb = 1;
} else if ( pc == 0 ) {
pc = 1;
fi = (float) pa / (float) pc - (float) pd / (float) pb;
if ( fi > 180.0F ) {
fi = ( pa + pd + pb * 360 ) / 2.0F;
if ( fi > 180.0F )
fi -= 360.0F;
} else {
fi = ( pa + pd ) / 2.0F;
pb = ROUND(fi);
if ( pb <= -180 )
pb += 360;
pa = jj - j;
pa = IANGLE180(pa);
kk = SQUARED(pb-pa);
/* Was: if ( SQUARED(kk) > TXS && kk < CTXS ) : assume typo */
if ( kk > TXS && kk < CTXS )
found = 0;
for ( kk = 0; kk < 2; kk++ ) {
jj = 0;
ll = 0;
do {
while ( yy[jj][kk][ii] < yy[ll][kk][tp] && jj < yl[kk][ii] ) {
while ( yy[jj][kk][ii] > yy[ll][kk][tp] && ll < yl[kk][tp] ) {
if ( yy[jj][kk][ii] == yy[ll][kk][tp] && jj < yl[kk][ii] && ll < yl[kk][tp] ) {
found = 1;
} while ( jj < yl[kk][ii] && ll < yl[kk][tp] );
if ( found )
} /* END for kk */
if ( ! found ) { /* If we didn't find what we were searching for ... */
gct[ii] += ct[tp];
if ( gct[ii] > match_score )
match_score = gct[ii];
ctp[ii][ctt[ii]] = tp;
} /* END for ii in [0,TP-1] prior TP group */
tp++; /* Bump TP counter */
} /* END ELSE if ( tot == MSTR ) */
if ( qh > QQ_SIZE ) {
fprintf( stderr, "%s: WARNING: bz_match_score(): qq[] overflow #3 in bozorth3(); qh-1 is %d [p=%s; g=%s]\n",
get_progname(), qh-1, get_probe_filename(), get_gallery_filename() );
for ( i = qh - 1; i > 0; i-- ) {
n = qq[i] - 1;
if ( ( tq[n] - 1 ) >= 0 ) {
rq[tq[n]-1] = 0;
tq[n] = 0;
zz[n] = 1000;
for ( i = dw - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
n = rr[i] - 1;
if ( tq[n] ) {
rq[tq[n]-1] = 0;
tq[n] = 0;
i = 0;
j = ww - 1;
while ( i >= 0 && j >= 0 ) {
if ( nn[j] < mm[j] ) {
for ( i = ww - 1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
int rt = rx[i];
if ( rt < 0 ) {
rt = - rt;
z = rf[i][nn[i]-1]-1;
if (( tq[z] != (rt+1) && tq[z] ) || ( rq[rt] != (z+1) && rq[rt] ))
tq[z] = rt+1;
rq[rt] = z+1;
rr[i] = z+1;
} else {
z = cf[i][nn[i]-1]-1;
if (( tq[rt] != (z+1) && tq[rt] ) || ( rq[z] != (rt+1) && rq[z] ))
tq[rt] = z+1;
rq[z] = rt+1;
rr[i] = rt+1;
} /* END for i */
if ( i >= 0 ) {
for ( z = i + 1; z < ww; z++) {
n = rr[z] - 1;
if ( tq[n] - 1 >= 0 ) {
rq[tq[n]-1] = 0;
tq[n] = 0;
j = ww - 1;
} else {
nn[j] = 1;
if ( tp > 1999 )
dw = ww;
} while ( j >= 0 ); /* END while endpoint group remain ... */
if ( tp > 1999 )
n = qq[0] - 1;
if ( tq[n] - 1 >= 0 ) {
rq[tq[n]-1] = 0;
tq[n] = 0;
for ( i = ww-1; i >= 0; i-- ) {
n = rx[i];
if ( n < 0 ) {
n = - n;
rp[n-1] = 0;
} else {
cp[n-1] = 0;
} /* END FOR each edge pair */
if ( match_score < MMSTR ) {
return match_score;
match_score = bz_final_loop( tp );
return match_score;
/* These globals signficantly used by bz_sift () */
/* Now externally defined in bozorth.h */
/* extern int sc[ SC_SIZE ]; */
/* extern int rq[ RQ_SIZE ]; */
/* extern int tq[ TQ_SIZE ]; */
/* extern int rf[ RF_SIZE_1 ][ RF_SIZE_2 ]; */
/* extern int cf[ CF_SIZE_1 ][ CF_SIZE_2 ]; */
/* extern int zz[ ZZ_SIZE ]; */
/* extern int rx[ RX_SIZE ]; */
/* extern int mm[ MM_SIZE ]; */
/* extern int nn[ NN_SIZE ]; */
/* extern int qq[ QQ_SIZE ]; */
/* extern int rk[ RK_SIZE ]; */
/* extern int cp[ CP_SIZE ]; */
/* extern int rp[ RP_SIZE ]; */
/* extern int y[ Y_SIZE ]; */
void bz_sift(
int * ww, /* INPUT and OUTPUT; endpoint groups index; *ww may be bumped by one or by two */
int kz, /* INPUT only; endpoint of lookahead Subject edge */
int * qh, /* INPUT and OUTPUT; the value is an index into qq[] and is stored in zz[]; *qh may be bumped by one */
int l, /* INPUT only; endpoint of lookahead On-File edge */
int kx, /* INPUT only -- index */
int ftt, /* INPUT only */
int * tot, /* OUTPUT -- counter is incremented by one, sometimes */
int * qq_overflow /* OUTPUT -- flag is set only if qq[] overflows */
int n;
int t;
/* These now externally defined in bozorth.h */
/* extern FILE * stderr; */
/* extern char * get_progname( void ); */
/* extern char * get_probe_filename( void ); */
/* extern char * get_gallery_filename( void ); */
n = tq[ kz - 1]; /* Lookup On-File edgepoint stored in TQ at index of endpoint of lookahead Subject edge */
t = rq[ l - 1]; /* Lookup Subject edgepoint stored in RQ at index of endpoint of lookahead On-File edge */
if ( n == 0 && t == 0 ) {
if ( sc[kx-1] != ftt ) {
y[ (*tot)++ ] = kx;
rk[kx-1] = sc[kx-1];
sc[kx-1] = ftt;
if ( *qh >= QQ_SIZE ) {
fprintf( stderr, "%s: ERROR: bz_sift(): qq[] overflow #1; the index [*qh] is %d [p=%s; g=%s]\n",
*qh, get_probe_filename(), get_gallery_filename() );
*qq_overflow = 1;
qq[ *qh ] = kz;
zz[ kz-1 ] = (*qh)++;
/* The TQ and RQ locations are set, so set them ... */
tq[ kz-1 ] = l;
rq[ l-1 ] = kz;
} /* END if ( n == 0 && t == 0 ) */
if ( n == l ) {
if ( sc[kx-1] != ftt ) {
if ( zz[kx-1] == 1000 ) {
if ( *qh >= QQ_SIZE ) {
fprintf( stderr, "%s: ERROR: bz_sift(): qq[] overflow #2; the index [*qh] is %d [p=%s; g=%s]\n",
get_probe_filename(), get_gallery_filename() );
*qq_overflow = 1;
qq[*qh] = kz;
zz[kz-1] = (*qh)++;
y[(*tot)++] = kx;
rk[kx-1] = sc[kx-1];
sc[kx-1] = ftt;
} /* END if ( n == l ) */
if ( *ww >= WWIM ) /* This limits the number of endpoint groups that can be constructed */
int b;
int b_index;
register int i;
int notfound;
int lim;
register int * lptr;
/* If lookahead Subject endpoint previously assigned to TQ but not paired with lookahead On-File endpoint ... */
if ( n ) {
b = cp[ kz - 1 ];
if ( b == 0 ) {
b = ++*ww;
b_index = b - 1;
cp[kz-1] = b;
cf[b_index][0] = n;
mm[b_index] = 1;
nn[b_index] = 1;
rx[b_index] = kz;
} else {
b_index = b - 1;
lim = mm[b_index];
lptr = &cf[b_index][0];
notfound = 1;
if ( verbose_bozorth ) {
int * llptr = lptr;
printf( "bz_sift(): n: looking for l=%d in [", l );
for ( i = 0; i < lim; i++ ) {
printf( " %d", *llptr++ );
printf( " ]\n" );
for ( i = 0; i < lim; i++ ) {
if ( *lptr++ == l ) {
notfound = 0;
if ( notfound ) { /* If lookahead On-File endpoint not in list ... */
cf[b_index][i] = l;
} /* END if ( n ) */
/* If lookahead On-File endpoint previously assigned to RQ but not paired with lookahead Subject endpoint... */
if ( t ) {
b = rp[ l - 1 ];
if ( b == 0 ) {
b = ++*ww;
b_index = b - 1;
rp[l-1] = b;
rf[b_index][0] = t;
mm[b_index] = 1;
nn[b_index] = 1;
rx[b_index] = -l;
} else {
b_index = b - 1;
lim = mm[b_index];
lptr = &rf[b_index][0];
notfound = 1;
if ( verbose_bozorth ) {
int * llptr = lptr;
printf( "bz_sift(): t: looking for kz=%d in [", kz );
for ( i = 0; i < lim; i++ ) {
printf( " %d", *llptr++ );
printf( " ]\n" );
for ( i = 0; i < lim; i++ ) {
if ( *lptr++ == kz ) {
notfound = 0;
if ( notfound ) { /* If lookahead Subject endpoint not in list ... */
rf[b_index][i] = kz;
} /* END if ( t ) */
static int bz_final_loop( int tp )
int ii, i, t, b, n, k, j, kk, jj;
int lim;
int match_score;
/* This array originally declared global, but moved here */
/* locally because it is only used herein. The use of */
/* "static" is required as the array will exceed the */
/* stack allocation on our local systems otherwise. */
static int sct[ SCT_SIZE_1 ][ SCT_SIZE_2 ];
match_score = 0;
for ( ii = 0; ii < tp; ii++ ) { /* For each index up to the current value of TP ... */
if ( match_score >= gct[ii] ) /* if next group total not bigger than current match_score.. */
continue; /* skip to next TP index */
lim = ctt[ii] + 1;
for ( i = 0; i < lim; i++ ) {
sct[i][0] = ctp[ii][i];
t = 0;
y[0] = lim;
cp[0] = 1;
b = 0;
n = 1;
do { /* looping until T < 0 ... */
if ( y[t] - cp[t] > 1 ) {
k = sct[cp[t]][t];
j = ctt[k] + 1;
for ( i = 0; i < j; i++ ) {
rp[i] = ctp[k][i];
k = 0;
kk = cp[t];
jj = 0;
do {
while ( rp[jj] < sct[kk][t] && jj < j )
while ( rp[jj] > sct[kk][t] && kk < y[t] )
while ( rp[jj] == sct[kk][t] && kk < y[t] && jj < j ) {
sct[k][t+1] = sct[kk][t];
} while ( kk < y[t] && jj < j );
cp[t] = 1;
y[t] = k;
b = t;
n = 1;
} else {
int tot = 0;
lim = y[t];
for ( i = n-1; i < lim; i++ ) {
tot += ct[ sct[i][t] ];
for ( i = 0; i < b; i++ ) {
tot += ct[ sct[0][i] ];
if ( tot > match_score ) { /* If the current total is larger than the running total ... */
match_score = tot; /* then set match_score to the new total */
for ( i = 0; i < b; i++ ) {
rk[i] = sct[0][i];
int rk_index = b;
lim = y[t];
for ( i = n-1; i < lim; ) {
rk[ rk_index++ ] = sct[ i++ ][ t ];
b = t;
if ( t >= 0 ) {
n = y[t];
} /* END IF */
} while ( t >= 0 );
} /* END FOR ii */
return match_score;
} /* END bz_final_loop() */