envs = environment() # Enable debug messages and abort on warnings envs.set('G_DEBUG', 'fatal-warnings') envs.set('G_MESSAGES_DEBUG', 'all') # Setup paths envs.set('MESON_SOURCE_ROOT', meson.source_root()) envs.set('MESON_BUILD_ROOT', meson.build_root()) envs.prepend('LD_LIBRARY_PATH', join_paths(meson.build_root(), 'libfprint')) # Set FP_DEVICE_EMULATION so that drivers can adapt (e.g. to use fixed # random numbers rather than proper ones) envs.set('FP_DEVICE_EMULATION', '1') # Set a colon-separated list of native drivers we enable in tests envs.set('FP_DRIVERS_WHITELIST', ':'.join([ 'virtual_image', 'virtual_device', 'virtual_device_storage', ])) envs.set('NO_AT_BRIDGE', '1') drivers_tests = [ 'aes3500', 'elan', 'elanmoc', 'elanspi', 'synaptics', 'upektc_img', 'vfs0050', 'vfs301', 'vfs5011', 'vfs7552', 'goodixmoc', 'nb1010', 'egis0570', ] if get_option('introspection') envs.prepend('GI_TYPELIB_PATH', join_paths(meson.build_root(), 'libfprint')) virtual_devices_tests = [ 'virtual-image', 'virtual-device', ] unittest_inspector = find_program('unittest_inspector.py') foreach vdtest: virtual_devices_tests driver_name = '_'.join(vdtest.split('-')) if driver_name in drivers python3 = find_program('python3') base_args = files(vdtest + '.py') suite = ['virtual-driver'] r = run_command(unittest_inspector, files(vdtest + '.py')) unit_tests = r.stdout().strip().split('\n') if r.returncode() == 0 and unit_tests.length() > 0 suite += vdtest else unit_tests = [vdtest] endif foreach ut: unit_tests ut_suite = suite ut_args = base_args if unit_tests.length() > 1 ut_args += ut ut_suite += ut.split('.')[0] endif test(ut, python3, args: ut_args, suite: ut_suite, depends: libfprint_typelib, env: envs, ) endforeach else test(vdtest, find_program('sh'), args: ['-c', 'exit 77'] ) endif endforeach foreach driver_test: drivers_tests if driver_test.contains('-') driver_name = driver_test.split('-')[0] else driver_name = driver_test endif driver_envs = envs driver_envs.set('FP_DRIVERS_WHITELIST', driver_name) if (driver_name in supported_drivers and gusb_dep.version().version_compare('>= 0.3.0')) test(driver_test, find_program('umockdev-test.py'), args: join_paths(meson.current_source_dir(), driver_test), env: driver_envs, suite: ['drivers'], timeout: 15, depends: libfprint_typelib, ) else test(driver_test, find_program('sh'), args: ['-c', 'exit 77'] ) endif endforeach else warning('Skipping all driver tests as introspection bindings are missing') test('virtual-image', find_program('sh'), args: ['-c', 'exit 77'] ) foreach driver_test: drivers_tests test(driver_test, find_program('sh'), args: ['-c', 'exit 77'] ) endforeach endif test_utils = static_library('fprint-test-utils', sources: [ 'test-utils.c', 'test-device-fake.c', ], dependencies: libfprint_private_dep, install: false) unit_tests = [ 'fpi-device', 'fpi-ssm', 'fpi-assembling', ] if 'virtual_image' in drivers unit_tests += [ 'fp-context', 'fp-device', ] endif unit_tests_deps = { 'fpi-assembling' : [cairo_dep] } test_config = configuration_data() test_config.set_quoted('SOURCE_ROOT', meson.source_root()) test_config_h = configure_file(output: 'test-config.h', configuration: test_config) foreach test_name: unit_tests if unit_tests_deps.has_key(test_name) missing_deps = false foreach dep: unit_tests_deps[test_name] if not dep.found() missing_deps = true break endif endforeach if missing_deps # Create a dummy test that always skips instead warning('Test @0@ cannot be compiled due to missing dependencies'.format(test_name)) test(test_name, find_program('sh'), suite: ['unit-tests'], args: ['-c', 'exit 77'], ) continue endif extra_deps = unit_tests_deps[test_name] else extra_deps = [] endif basename = 'test-' + test_name test_exe = executable(basename, sources: [basename + '.c', test_config_h], dependencies: [ libfprint_private_dep ] + extra_deps, c_args: common_cflags, link_with: test_utils, ) test(test_name, test_exe, suite: ['unit-tests'], env: envs, ) endforeach # Run udev rule generator with fatal warnings envs.set('UDEV_HWDB', udev_hwdb.full_path()) envs.set('UDEV_HWDB_CHECK_CONTENTS', default_drivers_are_enabled ? '1' : '0') test('udev-hwdb', find_program('test-generated-hwdb.sh'), env: envs) gdb = find_program('gdb', required: false) if gdb.found() libfprint_wrapper = [ gdb.path(), '-batch', '-ex', 'run', '--args', ] add_test_setup('gdb', timeout_multiplier: 1000, exe_wrapper: libfprint_wrapper, env: [ 'LIBFPRINT_TEST_WRAPPER=' + ' '.join(libfprint_wrapper), ]) endif valgrind = find_program('valgrind', required: false) if valgrind.found() glib_share = glib_dep.get_pkgconfig_variable('prefix') / 'share' / glib_dep.name() glib_suppressions = glib_share + '/valgrind/glib.supp' python_suppressions = '@0@/@1@'.format(meson.source_root(), files('valgrind-python.supp')[0]) libfprint_wrapper = [ valgrind.path(), '--tool=memcheck', '--leak-check=full', '--suppressions=' + glib_suppressions, '--suppressions=' + python_suppressions, ] add_test_setup('valgrind', timeout_multiplier: 10, exe_wrapper: libfprint_wrapper, env: [ 'G_SLICE=always-malloc', 'UNDER_VALGRIND=1', 'LIBFPRINT_TEST_WRAPPER=' + ' '.join(libfprint_wrapper), ]) endif