#!/usr/bin/env python3 import sys try: import gi gi.require_version('FPrint', '2.0') from gi.repository import FPrint, GLib, Gio import os import sys import unittest import socket import struct import subprocess import shutil import glob import cairo import tempfile except Exception as e: print("Missing dependencies: %s" % str(e)) sys.exit(77) # Re-run the test with the passed wrapper if set wrapper = os.getenv('LIBFPRINT_TEST_WRAPPER') if wrapper: wrap_cmd = wrapper.split(' ') + [sys.executable, os.path.abspath(__file__)] + \ sys.argv[1:] os.unsetenv('LIBFPRINT_TEST_WRAPPER') sys.exit(subprocess.check_call(wrap_cmd)) def load_image(img): png = cairo.ImageSurface.create_from_png(img) # Cairo wants 4 byte aligned rows, so just add a few pixel if necessary w = png.get_width() h = png.get_height() w = (w + 3) // 4 * 4 h = (h + 3) // 4 * 4 img = cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.A8, w, h) cr = cairo.Context(img) cr.set_source_rgba(1, 1, 1, 1) cr.paint() cr.set_source_rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) cr.set_operator(cairo.OPERATOR_SOURCE) cr.set_source_surface(png) cr.paint() return img if hasattr(os.environ, 'MESON_SOURCE_ROOT'): root = os.environ['MESON_SOURCE_ROOT'] else: root = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..') imgdir = os.path.join(root, 'examples', 'prints') ctx = GLib.main_context_default() class VirtualImage(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp(prefix='libfprint-') cls.sockaddr = os.path.join(cls.tmpdir, 'virtual-image.socket') os.environ['FP_VIRTUAL_IMAGE'] = cls.sockaddr cls.ctx = FPrint.Context() cls.dev = None for dev in cls.ctx.get_devices(): # We might have a USB device in the test system that needs skipping if dev.get_driver() == 'virtual_image': cls.dev = dev break assert cls.dev is not None, "You need to compile with virtual_image for testing" cls.prints = {} for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(imgdir, '*.png')): n = os.path.basename(f)[:-4] cls.prints[n] = load_image(f) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): shutil.rmtree(cls.tmpdir) del cls.dev del cls.ctx def setUp(self): self.dev.open_sync() self.con = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.con.connect(self.sockaddr) def tearDown(self): self.con.close() del self.con self.dev.close_sync() def send_retry(self, retry_error=1, iterate=True): # The default (1) is too-short self.con.sendall(struct.pack('ii', -1, retry_error)) while iterate and ctx.pending(): ctx.iteration(False) def send_error(self, device_error=0, iterate=True): # The default (0) is a generic error self.con.sendall(struct.pack('ii', -2, device_error)) while iterate and ctx.pending(): ctx.iteration(False) def send_finger_automatic(self, automatic, iterate=True): # Set whether finger on/off is reported around images self.con.sendall(struct.pack('ii', -3, 1 if automatic else 0)) while iterate and ctx.pending(): ctx.iteration(False) def send_finger_report(self, has_finger, iterate=True): # Send finger on/off self.con.sendall(struct.pack('ii', -4, 1 if has_finger else 0)) while iterate and ctx.pending(): ctx.iteration(False) def send_image(self, image, iterate=True): img = self.prints[image] mem = img.get_data() mem = mem.tobytes() assert len(mem) == img.get_width() * img.get_height() encoded_img = struct.pack('ii', img.get_width(), img.get_height()) encoded_img += mem self.con.sendall(encoded_img) while iterate and ctx.pending(): ctx.iteration(False) def test_capture_prevents_close(self): cancel = Gio.Cancellable() def cancelled_cb(dev, res, obj): print("Capture operation finished") with self.assertRaises(GLib.GError) as cm: dev.capture_finish(res) assert cm.exception.matches(Gio.io_error_quark(), Gio.IOErrorEnum.CANCELLED) print("Capture cancelled as expected") obj._cancelled = True self._cancelled = False self.dev.capture(True, cancel, cancelled_cb, self) with self.assertRaises(GLib.GError) as cm: self.dev.close_sync() assert cm.exception.matches(FPrint.device_error_quark(), FPrint.DeviceError.BUSY) cancel.cancel() while not self._cancelled: ctx.iteration(True) def enroll_print(self, image): self._step = 0 self._enrolled = None def progress_cb(dev, step, fp, user_data): print('Print was processed, continuing') self._step = step def done_cb(dev, res): print("Enroll done") fp = dev.enroll_finish(res) self._enrolled = fp template = FPrint.Print.new(self.dev) template.props.finger = FPrint.Finger.LEFT_THUMB template.props.username = "testuser" template.props.description = "test print" datetime = GLib.DateTime.new_now_local() date = GLib.Date() date.set_dmy(*datetime.get_ymd()[::-1]) template.props.enroll_date = date self.dev.enroll(template, None, progress_cb, tuple(), done_cb) # Note: Assumes 5 enroll steps for this device! self.send_image(image) while self._step < 1: ctx.iteration(True) # Test the image-device path where the finger is removed after # the minutiae scan is completed. self.send_finger_automatic(False) self.send_finger_report(True) self.send_image(image) while self._step < 2: ctx.iteration(True) self.send_finger_report(False) self.send_finger_automatic(True) self.send_image(image) while self._step < 3: ctx.iteration(True) self.send_image(image) while self._step < 4: ctx.iteration(True) self.send_image(image) while self._enrolled is None: ctx.iteration(True) return self._enrolled def test_enroll_verify(self): done = False def verify_cb(dev, res): try: self._verify_match, self._verify_fp = dev.verify_finish(res) except gi.repository.GLib.Error as e: self._verify_error = e fp_whorl = self.enroll_print('whorl') self._verify_match = None self._verify_fp = None self.dev.verify(fp_whorl, callback=verify_cb) self.send_image('whorl') while self._verify_match is None: ctx.iteration(True) assert(self._verify_match) self._verify_match = None self._verify_fp = None self.dev.verify(fp_whorl, callback=verify_cb) self.send_image('tented_arch') while self._verify_match is None: ctx.iteration(True) assert(not self._verify_match) # Test verify error cases self._verify_fp = None self._verify_error = None self.dev.verify(fp_whorl, callback=verify_cb) self.send_retry() while self._verify_fp is None and self._verify_error is None: ctx.iteration(True) assert(self._verify_error is not None) assert(self._verify_error.matches(FPrint.device_retry_quark(), FPrint.DeviceRetry.TOO_SHORT)) self._verify_fp = None self._verify_error = None self.dev.verify(fp_whorl, callback=verify_cb) self.send_error() while self._verify_fp is None and self._verify_error is None: ctx.iteration(True) assert(self._verify_error is not None) print(self._verify_error) assert(self._verify_error.matches(FPrint.device_error_quark(), FPrint.DeviceError.GENERAL)) def test_identify(self): done = False fp_whorl = self.enroll_print('whorl') fp_tented_arch = self.enroll_print('tented_arch') def identify_cb(dev, res): print('Identify finished') try: self._identify_match, self._identify_fp = self.dev.identify_finish(res) except gi.repository.GLib.Error as e: print(e) self._identify_error = e self._identify_fp = None self.dev.identify([fp_whorl, fp_tented_arch], callback=identify_cb) self.send_image('tented_arch') while self._identify_fp is None: ctx.iteration(True) assert(self._identify_match is fp_tented_arch) self._identify_fp = None self.dev.identify([fp_whorl, fp_tented_arch], callback=identify_cb) self.send_image('whorl') while self._identify_fp is None: ctx.iteration(True) assert(self._identify_match is fp_whorl) # Test error cases self._identify_fp = None self._identify_error = None self.dev.identify([fp_whorl, fp_tented_arch], callback=identify_cb) self.send_retry() while self._identify_fp is None and self._identify_error is None: ctx.iteration(True) assert(self._identify_error is not None) assert(self._identify_error.matches(FPrint.device_retry_quark(), FPrint.DeviceRetry.TOO_SHORT)) self._identify_fp = None self._identify_error = None self.dev.identify([fp_whorl, fp_tented_arch], callback=identify_cb) self.send_error() while self._identify_fp is None and self._identify_error is None: ctx.iteration(True) assert(self._identify_error is not None) assert(self._identify_error.matches(FPrint.device_error_quark(), FPrint.DeviceError.GENERAL)) def test_verify_serialized(self): done = False def verify_cb(dev, res): r, fp = dev.verify_finish(res) self._verify_match = r self._verify_fp = fp fp_whorl = self.enroll_print('whorl') fp_data = fp_whorl.serialize() fp_whorl_new = FPrint.Print.deserialize(fp_data) # The serialized/deserialized prints need to be equal assert fp_whorl.equal(fp_whorl_new) datetime = GLib.DateTime.new_now_local() date = GLib.Date() date.set_dmy(*datetime.get_ymd()[::-1]) assert fp_whorl_new.props.username == "testuser" assert fp_whorl_new.props.description == "test print" assert fp_whorl_new.props.finger == FPrint.Finger.LEFT_THUMB assert date.compare(fp_whorl_new.props.enroll_date) == 0 self._verify_match = None self._verify_fp = None self.dev.verify(fp_whorl_new, callback=verify_cb) self.send_image('whorl') while self._verify_match is None: ctx.iteration(True) assert(self._verify_match) self._verify_match = None self._verify_fp = None self.dev.verify(fp_whorl_new, callback=verify_cb) self.send_image('tented_arch') while self._verify_match is None: ctx.iteration(True) assert(not self._verify_match) # avoid writing to stderr unittest.main(testRunner=unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=sys.stdout, verbosity=2))