# Contributing to libfprint ## GLib Although the library uses GLib internally, libfprint is designed to provide a completely neutral interface to it's application users. So, the public APIs should never return GLib data types or anything like that. ## Two-faced-ness Like any decent library, this one is designed to provide a stable and documented API to its users: applications. Clear distinction is made between data available internally in the library, and data/functions available to the applications. This library is confused a little by the fact that there is another 'interface' at hand: the internal interface provided to drivers. So, we effectively end up with 2 APIs: 1. The [external-facing API for applications](libfprint/fprint.h) 2. The [internal API for fingerprint drivers](libfprint/drivers_api.h) Non-static functions which are intended for internal use only are prepended with the "fpi_" prefix. ## Documentation All additions of public API functions must be accompanied with gtk-doc comments. All changes which potentially change the behaviour of the public API must be reflected by updating the appropriate gtk-doc comments. ## Contributing Patches should be sent as merge requests to the gitlab page: https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/libfprint/libfprint/merge_requests Drivers are not usually written by libfprint developers, but when they are, we require: - 3 stand-alone devices. Not in a laptop or another embedded device, as space is scarce, unless the device has special integration with that hardware. - specifications of the protocol. If you are an end-user, you can file a feature request with the "Driver Request" tag on [libfprint's issue page](https://gitlab.freedesktop.org/libfprint/libfprint/issues?scope=all&utf8=%E2%9C%93&state=opened&label_name[]=Driver%20Request), or subscribe to an existing feature request there. If you are an enterprising hacker, please file a new merge request with the driver patches integrated.