/* * Copyright (C) 2019 Synaptics Inc * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #ifndef __synaptics_h__ #define __synaptics_h__ #include "fpi-device.h" #include "fpi-ssm.h" #define SYNAPTICS_VENDOR_ID 0x06cb G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (FpiDeviceSynaptics, fpi_device_synaptics, FPI, DEVICE_SYNAPTICS, FpDevice) #define MAX_TRANSFER_LEN 263 + 1 /* SPI Header */ + 2 /* VCSFW header */ #define USB_EP_REQUEST 0x01 #define USB_EP_REPLY 0x81 #define USB_EP_FINGERPRINT 0x82 #define USB_EP_INTERRUPT 0x83 #define USB_ASYNC_MESSAGE_PENDING 0x4 #define USB_INTERRUPT_DATA_SIZE 7 #define SENSOR_CMD_GET_VERSION 1 #define SENSOR_CMD_ACE_COMMAND 167 #define SENSOR_CMD_ASYNCMSG_READ 168 #define SENSOR_FW_CMD_HEADER_LEN 1 #define SENSOR_FW_REPLY_HEADER_LEN 2 /* Number of enroll stages */ #define ENROLL_SAMPLES 8 #define SYNAPTICS_DRIVER_FULLNAME "Synaptics Sensors" #include "bmkt.h" #include "bmkt_response.h" typedef struct bmkt_sensor_version { uint32_t build_time; uint32_t build_num; uint8_t version_major; uint8_t version_minor; uint8_t target; uint8_t product; uint8_t silicon_rev; uint8_t formal_release; uint8_t platform; uint8_t patch; uint8_t serial_number[6]; uint16_t security; uint8_t iface; uint8_t device_type; } bmkt_sensor_version_t; struct syna_enroll_resp_data { int progress; }; typedef enum syna_state { SYNA_STATE_UNINIT = 0, SYNA_STATE_IDLE, SYNA_STATE_ENROLL, SYNA_STATE_IDENTIFY, SYNA_STATE_IDENTIFY_DELAY_RESULT, SYNA_STATE_VERIFY, SYNA_STATE_VERIFY_DELAY_RESULT, SYNA_STATE_DELETE, } syna_state_t; typedef enum { SYNAPTICS_CMD_SEND_PENDING = 0, SYNAPTICS_CMD_GET_RESP, SYNAPTICS_CMD_WAIT_INTERRUPT, SYNAPTICS_CMD_SEND_ASYNC, SYNAPTICS_CMD_RESTART, SYNAPTICS_CMD_NUM_STATES, } SynapticsCmdState; typedef void (*SynCmdMsgCallback) (FpiDeviceSynaptics *self, bmkt_response_t *resp, GError *error); struct _FpiDeviceSynaptics { FpDevice parent; guint8 cmd_seq_num; guint8 last_seq_num; FpiSsm *cmd_ssm; FpiUsbTransfer *cmd_pending_transfer; gboolean cmd_complete_on_removal; GError *cmd_complete_error; void *cmd_complete_data; bmkt_sensor_version_t mis_version; GCancellable *interrupt_cancellable; gint enroll_stage; gboolean finger_on_sensor; GPtrArray *list_result; struct syna_enroll_resp_data enroll_resp_data; syna_state_t state; }; #endif //__synaptics_h__