AC_INIT([libfprint], [0.4.0]) AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE([1.11 dist-bzip2 no-dist-gzip check-news]) AC_CONFIG_MACRO_DIR([m4]) AC_CONFIG_SRCDIR([libfprint/core.c]) AM_CONFIG_HEADER([config.h]) # Enable silent build when available (Automake 1.11) m4_ifdef([AM_SILENT_RULES],[AM_SILENT_RULES([yes])]) AC_PREREQ([2.50]) AC_PROG_CC AC_PROG_LIBTOOL AC_C_INLINE AM_PROG_CC_C_O AC_PROG_CXX AC_DEFINE([_GNU_SOURCE], [], [Use GNU extensions]) # Library versioning lt_major="0" lt_revision="0" lt_age="0" AC_SUBST(lt_major) AC_SUBST(lt_revision) AC_SUBST(lt_age) all_drivers="upeke2 upekts upektc upeksonly vcom5s uru4000 fdu2000 aes1610 aes2501 aes4000 vfs101" require_imaging='no' require_aeslib='no' enable_upeke2='no' enable_upekts='no' enable_upektc='no' enable_upeksonly='no' enable_vcom5s='no' enable_uru4000='no' enable_fdu2000='no' enable_aes1610='no' enable_aes2501='no' enable_aes4000='no' enable_vfs101='no' AC_ARG_WITH([drivers],[AS_HELP_STRING([--with-drivers], [List of drivers to enable])], [drivers="$withval"], [drivers="$all_drivers"]) for driver in `echo ${drivers} | sed -e 's/,/ /g' -e 's/,$//g'`; do case ${driver} in upekts) AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_UPEKTS], [], [Build UPEK TouchStrip driver]) enable_upekts="yes" ;; upeke2) AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_UPEKE2], [], [Build UPEK Eikon 2]) enable_upeke2="yes" ;; upektc) AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_UPEKTC], [], [Build UPEK TouchChip driver]) enable_upektc="no" # Driver not ported ;; upeksonly) AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_UPEKSONLY], [], [Build UPEK TouchStrip sensor-only driver]) enable_upeksonly="yes" ;; uru4000) AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_URU4000], [], [Build Digital Persona U.are.U 4000 driver]) enable_uru4000="yes" ;; fdu2000) AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_FDU2000], [], [Build Secugen FDU 2000 driver]) enable_fdu2000="no" # Driver not ported ;; vcom5s) AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_VCOM5S], [], [Build Veridicom 5thSense driver]) enable_vcom5s="yes" ;; aes2501) AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_AES2501], [], [Build AuthenTec AES2501 driver]) require_aeslib="yes" enable_aes2501="yes" ;; aes1610) AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_AES1610], [], [Build AuthenTec AES1610 driver]) require_aeslib="yes" enable_aes1610="yes" ;; aes4000) AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_AES4000], [], [Build AuthenTec AES4000 driver]) require_aeslib="yes" require_imaging="yes" enable_aes4000="yes" ;; vfs101) AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_VFS101], [], [Build Validity VFS101 driver]) enable_vfs101="yes" ;; esac done AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_UPEKTS], [test "$enable_upekts" = "yes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_UPEKE2], [test "$enable_upeke2" = "yes"]) #AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_UPEKTC], [test "$enable_upektc" = "yes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_UPEKSONLY], [test "$enable_upeksonly" = "yes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_VCOM5S], [test "$enable_vcom5s" = "yes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_URU4000], [test "$enable_uru4000" = "yes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_FDU2000], [test "$enable_fdu2000" = "yes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_AES1610], [test "$enable_aes1610" = "yes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_AES2501], [test "$enable_aes2501" = "yes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_AES4000], [test "$enable_aes4000" = "yes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([REQUIRE_AESLIB], [test "$require_aeslib" = "yes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([ENABLE_VFS101], [test "$enable_vfs101" = "yes"]) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(LIBUSB, [libusb-1.0 >= 0.9.1]) AC_SUBST(LIBUSB_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(LIBUSB_LIBS) # check for OpenSSL's libcrypto PKG_CHECK_MODULES(CRYPTO, nss) AC_SUBST(CRYPTO_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(CRYPTO_LIBS) PKG_CHECK_MODULES(GLIB, "glib-2.0") AC_SUBST(GLIB_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(GLIB_LIBS) imagemagick_found=no gdkpixbuf_found=no AC_SUBST([udev_rulesdir], [$($PKG_CONFIG --variable=udevdir udev)/rules.d]) if test "$require_imaging" = "yes"; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(IMAGING, gthread-2.0 gdk-pixbuf-2.0, [gdkpixbuf_found=yes], [gdkpixbuf_found=no]) if test "$gdkpixbuf_found" != "yes"; then PKG_CHECK_MODULES(IMAGING, ImageMagick, [imagemagick_found=yes], [imagemagick_found=no]) fi fi if test "$require_imaging" = "yes"; then if test "$gdkpixbuf_found" != "yes" && test "$imagemagick_found" != "yes"; then AC_MSG_ERROR([gdk-pixbuf or ImageMagick is required for imaging support]) fi fi AM_CONDITIONAL([REQUIRE_GDKPIXBUF], [test "$gdkpixbuf_found" = "yes"]) AM_CONDITIONAL([REQUIRE_IMAGEMAGICK], [test "$imagemagick_found" = "yes"]) AC_SUBST(IMAGING_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(IMAGING_LIBS) # Examples build AC_ARG_ENABLE([examples-build], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-examples-build], [build example applications (default n)])], [build_examples=$enableval], [build_examples='no']) AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_EXAMPLES], [test "x$build_examples" != "xno"]) # Examples build AC_ARG_ENABLE([x11-examples-build], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-x11-examples-build], [build X11 example applications (default n)])], [build_x11_examples=$enableval], [build_x11_examples='no']) AM_CONDITIONAL([BUILD_X11_EXAMPLES], [test "x$build_x11_examples" != "xno"]) if test "x$build_x11_examples" != "xno"; then # check for Xv extensions # imported from Coriander AC_DEFUN([AC_CHECK_XV],[ AC_SUBST(XV_CFLAGS) AC_SUBST(XV_LIBS) AC_MSG_CHECKING(for Xv extensions) AC_TRY_COMPILE([ #include #include ],[ int main(void) { (void) XvGetPortAttribute(0, 0, 0, 0); return 0; } ],xv=yes,xv=no); AC_MSG_RESULT($xv) if test x$xv = xyes; then XV_LIBS="-lXv -lXext" XV_CFLAGS="" AC_DEFINE(HAVE_XV,1,[defined if XV video overlay is available]) else AC_MSG_ERROR([XV is required for X11 examples]) fi ]) AC_CHECK_XV fi # Message logging AC_ARG_ENABLE([log], [AS_HELP_STRING([--disable-log], [disable all logging])], [log_enabled=$enableval], [log_enabled='yes']) if test "x$log_enabled" != "xno"; then AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_LOGGING], 1, [Message logging]) fi AC_ARG_ENABLE([debug-log], [AS_HELP_STRING([--enable-debug-log], [enable debug logging (default n)])], [debug_log_enabled=$enableval], [debug_log_enabled='no']) if test "x$debug_log_enabled" != "xno"; then AC_DEFINE([ENABLE_DEBUG_LOGGING], 1, [Debug message logging]) fi # Restore gnu89 inline semantics on gcc 4.3 and newer saved_cflags="$CFLAGS" CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -fgnu89-inline" AC_COMPILE_IFELSE(AC_LANG_PROGRAM([]), inline_cflags="-fgnu89-inline", inline_cflags="") CFLAGS="$saved_cflags" AC_DEFINE([API_EXPORTED], [__attribute__((visibility("default")))], [Default visibility]) AM_CFLAGS="-std=gnu99 $inline_cflags -Wall -Wundef -Wunused -Wstrict-prototypes -Werror-implicit-function-declaration -Wno-pointer-sign -Wshadow" AC_SUBST(AM_CFLAGS) if test "$require_imaging" = "yes"; then if test x$gdkpixbuf_found != no; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([** Using gdk-pixbuf for imaging]) else AC_MSG_NOTICE([** Using ImageMagick for imaging]) fi else AC_MSG_NOTICE([ Imaging support disabled]) fi if test x$enable_upekts != xno ; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([** upekts driver enabled]) else AC_MSG_NOTICE([ upekts driver disabled]) fi if test x$enable_upeke2 != xno ; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([** upeke2 driver enabled]) else AC_MSG_NOTICE([ upeke2 driver disabled]) fi if test x$enable_upektc != xno ; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([** upektc driver enabled]) else AC_MSG_NOTICE([ upektc driver disabled]) fi if test x$enable_upeksonly != xno ; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([** upeksonly driver enabled]) else AC_MSG_NOTICE([ upeksonly driver disabled]) fi if test x$enable_vcom5s != xno ; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([** vcom5s driver enabled]) else AC_MSG_NOTICE([ vcom5s driver disabled]) fi if test x$enable_uru4000 != xno ; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([** uru4000 driver enabled]) else AC_MSG_NOTICE([ uru4000 driver disabled]) fi if test x$enable_fdu2000 != xno ; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([** fdu2000 driver enabled]) else AC_MSG_NOTICE([ fdu2000 driver disabled]) fi if test x$enable_aes1610 != xno ; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([** aes1610 driver enabled]) else AC_MSG_NOTICE([ aes1610 driver disabled]) fi if test x$enable_aes2501 != xno ; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([** aes2501 driver enabled]) else AC_MSG_NOTICE([ aes2501 driver disabled]) fi if test x$enable_aes4000 != xno ; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([** aes4000 driver enabled]) else AC_MSG_NOTICE([ aes4000 driver disabled]) fi if test x$enable_vfs101 != xno ; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([** vfs101 driver enabled]) else AC_MSG_NOTICE([ vfs101 driver disabled]) fi if test x$require_aeslib != xno ; then AC_MSG_NOTICE([** aeslib helper functions enabled]) else AC_MSG_NOTICE([ aeslib helper functions disabled]) fi AC_CONFIG_FILES([libfprint.pc] [Makefile] [libfprint/Makefile] [examples/Makefile] [doc/Makefile]) AC_OUTPUT