/* * FPrint Print handling * Copyright (C) 2007 Daniel Drake * Copyright (C) 2019 Benjamin Berg * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "fpi-print.h" #include "fpi-image.h" #include "fpi-device.h" #include "nbis/include/bozorth.h" #include "nbis/include/lfs.h" /** * SECTION: fp-print * @title: FpPrint * @short_description: Fingerprint handling * * Interaction with prints and their storage. */ /** * SECTION: fpi-print * @title: Internal FpPrint * @short_description: Internal fingerprint handling routines * * Interaction with prints and their storage. See also the public * #FpPrint routines. */ struct _FpPrint { GInitiallyUnowned parent_instance; FpPrintType type; gchar *driver; gchar *device_id; gboolean device_stored; FpImage *image; /* Metadata */ FpFinger finger; gchar *username; gchar *description; GDate *enroll_date; GVariant *data; GPtrArray *prints; }; G_DEFINE_TYPE (FpPrint, fp_print, G_TYPE_INITIALLY_UNOWNED) enum { PROP_0, PROP_DRIVER, PROP_DEVICE_ID, PROP_DEVICE_STORED, PROP_IMAGE, /* The following is metadata that is stored by default for each print. * Drivers may make use of these during enrollment (e.g. to additionaly store * the metadata on the device). */ PROP_FINGER, PROP_USERNAME, PROP_DESCRIPTION, PROP_ENROLL_DATE, /* Private property*/ PROP_FPI_TYPE, PROP_FPI_DATA, N_PROPS }; static GParamSpec *properties[N_PROPS]; static void fp_print_finalize (GObject *object) { FpPrint *self = (FpPrint *) object; g_clear_object (&self->image); g_clear_pointer (&self->device_id, g_free); g_clear_pointer (&self->driver, g_free); g_clear_pointer (&self->username, g_free); g_clear_pointer (&self->description, g_free); g_clear_pointer (&self->enroll_date, g_date_free); g_clear_pointer (&self->data, g_variant_unref); G_OBJECT_CLASS (fp_print_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void fp_print_get_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { FpPrint *self = FP_PRINT (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_DRIVER: g_value_set_string (value, self->driver); break; case PROP_DEVICE_ID: g_value_set_string (value, self->device_id); break; case PROP_DEVICE_STORED: g_value_set_boolean (value, self->device_stored); break; case PROP_IMAGE: g_value_set_object (value, self->image); break; case PROP_FINGER: g_value_set_enum (value, self->finger); break; case PROP_USERNAME: g_value_set_string (value, self->username); break; case PROP_DESCRIPTION: g_value_set_string (value, self->description); break; case PROP_ENROLL_DATE: g_value_set_boxed (value, self->enroll_date); break; case PROP_FPI_TYPE: g_value_set_enum (value, self->type); break; case PROP_FPI_DATA: g_value_set_variant (value, self->data); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); } } static void fp_print_set_property (GObject *object, guint prop_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { FpPrint *self = FP_PRINT (object); switch (prop_id) { case PROP_FPI_TYPE: fpi_print_set_type (self, g_value_get_enum (value)); break; case PROP_DRIVER: self->driver = g_value_dup_string (value); break; case PROP_DEVICE_ID: self->device_id = g_value_dup_string (value); break; case PROP_DEVICE_STORED: self->device_stored = g_value_get_boolean (value); break; case PROP_FINGER: self->finger = g_value_get_enum (value); break; case PROP_USERNAME: g_clear_pointer (&self->username, g_free); self->username = g_value_dup_string (value); break; case PROP_DESCRIPTION: g_clear_pointer (&self->description, g_free); self->description = g_value_dup_string (value); break; case PROP_ENROLL_DATE: g_clear_pointer (&self->enroll_date, g_date_free); self->enroll_date = g_value_dup_boxed (value); break; case PROP_FPI_DATA: g_clear_pointer (&self->description, g_variant_unref); self->data = g_value_dup_variant (value); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, prop_id, pspec); } } static void fp_print_constructed (GObject *obj) { FpPrint *self = FP_PRINT (obj); g_assert (self->driver != NULL); g_assert (self->device_id != NULL); } static void fp_print_class_init (FpPrintClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); object_class->constructed = fp_print_constructed; object_class->finalize = fp_print_finalize; object_class->get_property = fp_print_get_property; object_class->set_property = fp_print_set_property; properties[PROP_DRIVER] = g_param_spec_string ("driver", "Driver", "The name of the driver that created the print", NULL, G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY); properties[PROP_DEVICE_ID] = g_param_spec_string ("device-id", "Device ID", "Unique ID allowing to check if a device is compatible with the print", NULL, G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY); properties[PROP_DEVICE_STORED] = g_param_spec_boolean ("device-stored", "Device Stored", "Whether the print is a handle for data that is stored on the device", FALSE, G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY); properties[PROP_IMAGE] = g_param_spec_object ("image", "Image", "The image that was used for the print, only valid for newly enrolled prints on image based devices", FP_TYPE_IMAGE, G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS | G_PARAM_READABLE); properties[PROP_FINGER] = g_param_spec_enum ("finger", "Finger", "The enrolled finger", FP_TYPE_FINGER, FP_FINGER_UNKNOWN, G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS | G_PARAM_READWRITE); properties[PROP_USERNAME] = g_param_spec_string ("username", "Username", "The username that the enrolled print belongs to", NULL, G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS | G_PARAM_READWRITE); properties[PROP_DESCRIPTION] = g_param_spec_string ("description", "Description", "A user defined description for the print", NULL, G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS | G_PARAM_READWRITE); properties[PROP_ENROLL_DATE] = g_param_spec_boxed ("enroll-date", "Enroll Date", "The date of enrollment", G_TYPE_DATE, G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS | G_PARAM_READWRITE); properties[PROP_FPI_TYPE] = g_param_spec_enum ("fp-type", "Type", "Private: The type of the print data", FP_TYPE_PRINT_TYPE, FP_PRINT_RAW, G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS | G_PARAM_READWRITE | G_PARAM_EXPLICIT_NOTIFY); properties[PROP_FPI_DATA] = g_param_spec_variant ("fp-data", "Raw Data", "The raw data for internal use only", G_VARIANT_TYPE_ANY, NULL, G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS | G_PARAM_READWRITE); g_object_class_install_properties (object_class, N_PROPS, properties); } static void fp_print_init (FpPrint *self) { } /** * fp_print_new: * @device: A #FpDevice * * Create a new #FpPrint. This is only useful to prepare an enrollment * of a new print using fp_device_enroll(). For this you should first * create a new print, fill in the relevant metadata, and then start * enrollment. * * Returns: (transfer floating): A newyl created #FpPrint */ FpPrint * fp_print_new (FpDevice *device) { g_return_val_if_fail (device, NULL); return g_object_new (FP_TYPE_PRINT, "driver", fp_device_get_driver (device), "device-id", fp_device_get_device_id (device), NULL); } /** * fp_print_get_driver: * @print: A #FpPrint * * Returns the driver that the print was created for. * * Returns: (transfer none): The driver */ const gchar * fp_print_get_driver (FpPrint *print) { g_return_val_if_fail (FP_IS_PRINT (print), NULL); return print->driver; } /** * fp_print_get_device_id: * @print: A #FpPrint * * Returns the device ID that the print was created for. * * Returns: (transfer none): The device ID */ const gchar * fp_print_get_device_id (FpPrint *print) { g_return_val_if_fail (FP_IS_PRINT (print), NULL); return print->device_id; } /** * fp_print_get_device_stored: * @print: A #FpPrint * * Whether the print is actually stored on the device and this is * just a handle to use that references the device stored data. * * Returns: Whether the print is stored on the device */ gboolean fp_print_get_device_stored (FpPrint *print) { g_return_val_if_fail (FP_IS_PRINT (print), FALSE); return print->device_stored; } /** * fp_print_get_image: * @print: A #FpPrint * * Returns the image that the print was created from, or %NULL * * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): The #FpImage */ FpImage * fp_print_get_image (FpPrint *print) { g_return_val_if_fail (FP_IS_PRINT (print), NULL); return print->image; } /** * fp_print_get_finger: * @print: A #FpPrint * * Returns the finger that the print was created for. * * Returns: The #FpFinger */ FpFinger fp_print_get_finger (FpPrint *print) { g_return_val_if_fail (FP_IS_PRINT (print), FP_FINGER_UNKNOWN); return print->finger; } /** * fp_print_get_username: * @print: A #FpPrint * * Returns the user defined username for the print. * * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): The username */ const gchar * fp_print_get_username (FpPrint *print) { g_return_val_if_fail (FP_IS_PRINT (print), NULL); return print->username; } /** * fp_print_get_description: * @print: A #FpPrint * * Returns the user defined description for the print. * * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): The description */ const gchar * fp_print_get_description (FpPrint *print) { g_return_val_if_fail (FP_IS_PRINT (print), NULL); return print->description; } /** * fp_print_get_enroll_date: * @print: A #FpPrint * * Returns the user defined enroll date for the print. * * Returns: (transfer none) (nullable): The #GDate */ const GDate * fp_print_get_enroll_date (FpPrint *print) { g_return_val_if_fail (FP_IS_PRINT (print), NULL); return print->enroll_date; } /** * fp_print_set_finger: * @print: A #FpPrint * @finger: The #FpFinger * * Set the finger that the print is for. */ void fp_print_set_finger (FpPrint *print, FpFinger finger) { g_return_if_fail (FP_IS_PRINT (print)); print->finger = finger; g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (print), properties[PROP_FINGER]); } /** * fp_print_set_username: * @print: A #FpPrint * @username: (transfer none): The new username * * Set the username for the print. */ void fp_print_set_username (FpPrint *print, const gchar *username) { g_return_if_fail (FP_IS_PRINT (print)); g_clear_pointer (&print->username, g_free); print->username = g_strdup (username); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (print), properties[PROP_USERNAME]); } /** * fp_print_set_description: * @print: A #FpPrint * @description: (transfer none): The new description * * Set the description for the print. */ void fp_print_set_description (FpPrint *print, const gchar *description) { g_return_if_fail (FP_IS_PRINT (print)); g_clear_pointer (&print->description, g_free); print->description = g_strdup (description); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (print), properties[PROP_DESCRIPTION]); } /** * fp_print_set_enroll_date: * @print: A #FpPrint * @enroll_date: (transfer none): The new enroll date * * Set the enroll date for the print. */ void fp_print_set_enroll_date (FpPrint *print, const GDate *enroll_date) { g_return_if_fail (FP_IS_PRINT (print)); g_clear_pointer (&print->enroll_date, g_date_free); if (enroll_date) { /* XXX: Should use g_date_copy, but that is new in 2.56. */ print->enroll_date = g_date_new (); *print->enroll_date = *enroll_date; } g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (print), properties[PROP_ENROLL_DATE]); } /** * fpi_print_add_print: * @print: A #FpPrint * @add: Print to append to @print * * Appends the single #FP_PRINT_NBIS print from @add to the collection of * prints in @print. Both print objects need to be of type #FP_PRINT_NBIS * for this to work. */ void fpi_print_add_print (FpPrint *print, FpPrint *add) { g_return_if_fail (print->type == FP_PRINT_NBIS); g_return_if_fail (add->type == FP_PRINT_NBIS); g_assert (add->prints->len == 1); g_ptr_array_add (print->prints, g_memdup (add->prints->pdata[0], sizeof (struct xyt_struct))); } /** * fpi_print_set_type: * @print: A #FpPrint * @type: The newly type of the print data * * This function can only be called exactly once. Drivers should * call it after creating a new print, or to initialize the template * print passed during enrollment. */ void fpi_print_set_type (FpPrint *print, FpPrintType type) { g_return_if_fail (FP_IS_PRINT (print)); /* We only allow setting this once! */ g_return_if_fail (print->type == FP_PRINT_UNDEFINED); print->type = type; if (print->type == FP_PRINT_NBIS) print->prints = g_ptr_array_new_with_free_func (g_free); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (print), properties[PROP_FPI_TYPE]); } /** * fpi_print_set_device_stored: * @print: A #FpPrint * @device_stored: Whether the print is stored on the device or not * * Drivers must set this to %TRUE for any print that is really a handle * for data that is stored on the device itself. */ void fpi_print_set_device_stored (FpPrint *print, gboolean device_stored) { g_return_if_fail (FP_IS_PRINT (print)); print->device_stored = device_stored; g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (print), properties[PROP_DEVICE_STORED]); } /* XXX: This is the old version, but wouldn't it be smarter to instead * use the highest quality mintutiae? Possibly just using bz_prune from * upstream? */ static void minutiae_to_xyt (struct fp_minutiae *minutiae, int bwidth, int bheight, struct xyt_struct *xyt) { int i; struct fp_minutia *minutia; struct minutiae_struct c[MAX_FILE_MINUTIAE]; /* struct xyt_struct uses arrays of MAX_BOZORTH_MINUTIAE (200) */ int nmin = min (minutiae->num, MAX_BOZORTH_MINUTIAE); for (i = 0; i < nmin; i++) { minutia = minutiae->list[i]; lfs2nist_minutia_XYT (&c[i].col[0], &c[i].col[1], &c[i].col[2], minutia, bwidth, bheight); c[i].col[3] = sround (minutia->reliability * 100.0); if (c[i].col[2] > 180) c[i].col[2] -= 360; } qsort ((void *) &c, (size_t) nmin, sizeof (struct minutiae_struct), sort_x_y); for (i = 0; i < nmin; i++) { xyt->xcol[i] = c[i].col[0]; xyt->ycol[i] = c[i].col[1]; xyt->thetacol[i] = c[i].col[2]; } xyt->nrows = nmin; } /** * fpi_print_add_from_image: * @print: A #FpPrint * @image: A #FpImage * @error: Return location for error * * Extracts the minutiae from the given image and adds it to @print of * type #FP_PRINT_NBIS. * * The @image will be kept so that API users can get retrieve it e.g. * for debugging purposes. * * Returns: %TRUE on success */ gboolean fpi_print_add_from_image (FpPrint *print, FpImage *image, GError **error) { GPtrArray *minutiae; struct fp_minutiae _minutiae; struct xyt_struct *xyt; if (print->type != FP_PRINT_NBIS || !image) { g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "Cannot add print data from image!"); return FALSE; } minutiae = fp_image_get_minutiae (image); if (!minutiae || minutiae->len == 0) { g_set_error (error, G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "No minutiae found in image or not yet detected!"); return FALSE; } _minutiae.num = minutiae->len; _minutiae.list = (struct fp_minutia **) minutiae->pdata; _minutiae.alloc = minutiae->len; xyt = g_new0 (struct xyt_struct, 1); minutiae_to_xyt (&_minutiae, image->width, image->height, xyt); g_ptr_array_add (print->prints, xyt); g_clear_object (&print->image); print->image = g_object_ref (image); g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (print), properties[PROP_IMAGE]); return TRUE; } /** * fpi_print_bz3_match: * @template: A #FpPrint containing one or more prints * @print: A newly scanned #FpPrint to test * @bz3_threshold: The BZ3 match threshold * @error: Return location for error * * Match the newly scanned @print (containing exactly one print) against the * prints contained in @template which will have been stored during enrollment. * * Both @template and @print need to be of type #FP_PRINT_NBIS for this to * work. * * Returns: Whether the prints match, @error will be set if #FPI_MATCH_ERROR is returned */ FpiMatchResult fpi_print_bz3_match (FpPrint *template, FpPrint *print, gint bz3_threshold, GError **error) { struct xyt_struct *pstruct; gint probe_len; gint i; /* XXX: Use a different error type? */ if (template->type != FP_PRINT_NBIS || print->type != FP_PRINT_NBIS) { *error = fpi_device_error_new_msg (FP_DEVICE_ERROR_NOT_SUPPORTED, "It is only possible to match NBIS type print data"); return FPI_MATCH_ERROR; } if (print->prints->len != 1) { *error = fpi_device_error_new_msg (FP_DEVICE_ERROR_GENERAL, "New print contains more than one print!"); return FPI_MATCH_ERROR; } pstruct = g_ptr_array_index (print->prints, 0); probe_len = bozorth_probe_init (pstruct); for (i = 0; i < template->prints->len; i++) { struct xyt_struct *gstruct; gint score; gstruct = g_ptr_array_index (template->prints, i); score = bozorth_to_gallery (probe_len, pstruct, gstruct); fp_dbg ("score %d", score); if (score >= bz3_threshold) return FPI_MATCH_SUCCESS; } return FPI_MATCH_FAIL; } /** * fp_print_compatible: * @self: A #FpPrint * @device: A #FpDevice * * Tests whether the prints is compatible with the given device. * * Returns: %TRUE if the print is compatible with the device */ gboolean fp_print_compatible (FpPrint *self, FpDevice *device) { g_return_val_if_fail (FP_IS_PRINT (self), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (FP_IS_DEVICE (device), FALSE); if (g_strcmp0 (self->driver, fp_device_get_driver (device))) return FALSE; if (g_strcmp0 (self->device_id, fp_device_get_device_id (device))) return FALSE; return TRUE; } /** * fp_print_equal: * @self: First #FpPrint * @other: Second #FpPrint * * Tests whether the prints can be considered equal. This only compares the * actual information about the print, not the metadata. * * Returns: %TRUE if the prints are equal */ gboolean fp_print_equal (FpPrint *self, FpPrint *other) { g_return_val_if_fail (FP_IS_PRINT (self), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (FP_IS_PRINT (other), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (self->type != FP_PRINT_UNDEFINED, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (other->type != FP_PRINT_UNDEFINED, FALSE); if (self->type != other->type) return FALSE; if (g_strcmp0 (self->driver, other->driver)) return FALSE; if (g_strcmp0 (self->device_id, other->device_id)) return FALSE; if (self->type == FP_PRINT_RAW) { return g_variant_equal (self->data, other->data); } else if (self->type == FP_PRINT_NBIS) { gint i; if (self->prints->len != other->prints->len) return FALSE; for (i = 0; i < self->prints->len; i++) { struct xyt_struct *a = g_ptr_array_index (self->prints, i); struct xyt_struct *b = g_ptr_array_index (other->prints, i); if (memcmp (a, b, sizeof (struct xyt_struct)) != 0) return FALSE; } return TRUE; } else { g_assert_not_reached (); } } #define FP_PRINT_VARIANT_TYPE G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(issbymsmsia{sv}v)") G_STATIC_ASSERT (sizeof (((struct xyt_struct *) NULL)->xcol[0]) == 4); /** * fp_print_serialize: * @print: A #FpPrint * @data: (array length=length) (transfer full) (out): Return location for data pointer * @length: (transfer full) (out): Length of @data * @error: Return location for error * * Serialize a print definition for permanent storage. Note that this is * lossy in the sense that e.g. the image data is discarded. * * Returns: (type void): %TRUE on success */ gboolean fp_print_serialize (FpPrint *print, guchar **data, gsize *length, GError **error) { g_autoptr(GVariant) result = NULL; GVariantBuilder builder = G_VARIANT_BUILDER_INIT (FP_PRINT_VARIANT_TYPE); gsize len; g_assert (data); g_assert (length); g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "i", print->type); g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "s", print->driver); g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "s", print->device_id); g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "b", print->device_stored); /* Metadata */ g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "y", print->finger); g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "ms", print->username); g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "ms", print->description); if (print->enroll_date && g_date_valid (print->enroll_date)) g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "i", g_date_get_julian (print->enroll_date)); else g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "i", G_MININT32); /* Unused a{sv} for expansion */ g_variant_builder_open (&builder, G_VARIANT_TYPE_VARDICT); g_variant_builder_close (&builder); /* Insert NBIS print data for type NBIS, otherwise the GVariant directly */ if (print->type == FP_PRINT_NBIS) { GVariantBuilder nested = G_VARIANT_BUILDER_INIT (G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(a(aiaiai))")); gint i; g_variant_builder_open (&nested, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("a(aiaiai)")); for (i = 0; i < print->prints->len; i++) { struct xyt_struct *xyt = g_ptr_array_index (print->prints, i); gint j; gint32 *col = g_new (gint32, xyt->nrows); g_variant_builder_open (&nested, G_VARIANT_TYPE ("(aiaiai)")); for (j = 0; j < xyt->nrows; j++) col[j] = GINT32_TO_LE (xyt->xcol[j]); g_variant_builder_add_value (&nested, g_variant_new_fixed_array (G_VARIANT_TYPE_INT32, col, xyt->nrows, sizeof (col[0]))); for (j = 0; j < xyt->nrows; j++) col[j] = GINT32_TO_LE (xyt->ycol[j]); g_variant_builder_add_value (&nested, g_variant_new_fixed_array (G_VARIANT_TYPE_INT32, col, xyt->nrows, sizeof (col[0]))); for (j = 0; j < xyt->nrows; j++) col[j] = GINT32_TO_LE (xyt->thetacol[j]); g_variant_builder_add_value (&nested, g_variant_new_fixed_array (G_VARIANT_TYPE_INT32, col, xyt->nrows, sizeof (col[0]))); g_variant_builder_close (&nested); } g_variant_builder_close (&nested); g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "v", g_variant_builder_end (&nested)); } else { g_variant_builder_add (&builder, "v", g_variant_new_variant (print->data)); } result = g_variant_builder_end (&builder); if (G_BYTE_ORDER == G_BIG_ENDIAN) { GVariant *tmp; tmp = g_variant_byteswap (result); g_variant_unref (result); result = tmp; } len = g_variant_get_size (result); /* Add 3 bytes of header */ len += 3; *data = g_malloc (len); *length = len; (*data)[0] = (guchar) 'F'; (*data)[1] = (guchar) 'P'; (*data)[2] = (guchar) '3'; g_variant_get_data (result); g_variant_store (result, (*data) + 3); return TRUE; } /** * fp_print_deserialize: * @data: (array length=length): The binary data * @length: Length of the data * @error: Return location for error * * Deserialize a print definition from permanent storage. * * Returns: (transfer full): A newly created #FpPrint on success */ FpPrint * fp_print_deserialize (const guchar *data, gsize length, GError **error) { g_autoptr(FpPrint) result = NULL; g_autoptr(GVariant) raw_value = NULL; g_autoptr(GVariant) value = NULL; guchar *aligned_data = NULL; GDate *date = NULL; guint8 finger_int8; FpFinger finger; g_autofree gchar *username = NULL; g_autofree gchar *description = NULL; gint julian_date; FpPrintType type; const gchar *driver; const gchar *device_id; gboolean device_stored; GVariant *print_data; g_assert (data); g_assert (length > 3); if (memcmp (data, "FP3", 3) != 0) goto invalid_format; /* NOTE: * We make sure that we have no variant left over from the parsing at the end * of this function (meaning we don't need to keep the data around. */ /* To support GLIB < 2.60 we need to make sure that the memory is aligned correctly. * We also need to copy the backing store for the raw data that we may keep for * longer. */ aligned_data = g_malloc (length - 3); memcpy (aligned_data, data + 3, length - 3); raw_value = g_variant_new_from_data (FP_PRINT_VARIANT_TYPE, aligned_data, length - 3, FALSE, g_free, NULL); if (!raw_value) goto invalid_format; if (G_BYTE_ORDER == G_BIG_ENDIAN) value = g_variant_byteswap (raw_value); else value = g_variant_get_normal_form (raw_value); g_variant_get (value, "(issbymsmsi@a{sv}v)", &type, &driver, &device_id, &device_stored, &finger_int8, &username, &description, &julian_date, NULL, &print_data); finger = finger_int8; /* Assume data is valid at this point if the values are somewhat sane. */ if (type == FP_PRINT_NBIS) { g_autoptr(GVariant) prints = g_variant_get_child_value (print_data, 0); gint i; result = g_object_new (FP_TYPE_PRINT, "driver", driver, "device-id", device_id, "device-stored", device_stored, NULL); fpi_print_set_type (result, FP_PRINT_NBIS); for (i = 0; i < g_variant_n_children (prints); i++) { struct xyt_struct *xyt = g_new0 (struct xyt_struct, 1); const gint32 *xcol, *ycol, *thetacol; gsize xlen, ylen, thetalen; g_autoptr(GVariant) xyt_data = NULL; GVariant *child; xyt_data = g_variant_get_child_value (prints, i); child = g_variant_get_child_value (xyt_data, 0); xcol = g_variant_get_fixed_array (child, &xlen, sizeof (gint32)); g_variant_unref (child); child = g_variant_get_child_value (xyt_data, 1); ycol = g_variant_get_fixed_array (child, &ylen, sizeof (gint32)); g_variant_unref (child); child = g_variant_get_child_value (xyt_data, 2); thetacol = g_variant_get_fixed_array (child, &thetalen, sizeof (gint32)); g_variant_unref (child); if (xlen != ylen || xlen != thetalen) goto invalid_format; if (xlen > G_N_ELEMENTS (xyt->xcol)) goto invalid_format; xyt->nrows = xlen; memcpy (xyt->xcol, xcol, sizeof (xcol[0]) * xlen); memcpy (xyt->ycol, ycol, sizeof (xcol[0]) * xlen); memcpy (xyt->thetacol, thetacol, sizeof (xcol[0]) * xlen); g_ptr_array_add (result->prints, xyt); } } else if (type == FP_PRINT_RAW) { g_autoptr(GVariant) fp_data = g_variant_get_child_value (print_data, 0); result = g_object_new (FP_TYPE_PRINT, "fp-type", type, "driver", driver, "device-id", device_id, "device-stored", device_stored, "fp-data", fp_data, NULL); } else { g_warning ("Invalid print type: 0x%X", type); goto invalid_format; } date = g_date_new_julian (julian_date); g_object_set (result, "finger", finger, "username", username, "description", description, "enroll_date", date, NULL); g_date_free (date); return g_steal_pointer (&result); invalid_format: *error = g_error_new_literal (G_IO_ERROR, G_IO_ERROR_INVALID_DATA, "Data could not be parsed"); return FALSE; }