/* * Elan driver for libfprint * * Copyright (C) 2017 Igor Filatov * Copyright (C) 2018 Sébastien Béchet * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ /* * The algorithm which libfprint uses to match fingerprints doesn't like small * images like the ones these drivers produce. There's just not enough minutiae * (recognizable print-specific points) on them for a reliable match. This means * that unless another matching algo is found/implemented, these readers will * not work as good with libfprint as they do with vendor drivers. * * To get bigger images the driver expects you to swipe the finger over the * reader. This works quite well for readers with a rectangular 144x64 sensor. * Worse than real swipe readers but good enough for day-to-day use. It needs * a steady and relatively slow swipe. There are also square 96x96 sensors and * I don't know whether they are in fact usable or not because I don't have one. * I imagine they'd be less reliable because the resulting image is even * smaller. If they can't be made usable with libfprint, I might end up dropping * them because it's better than saying they work when they don't. */ #define FP_COMPONENT "elan" #include "drivers_api.h" #include "elan.h" static unsigned char elan_get_pixel (struct fpi_frame_asmbl_ctx *ctx, struct fpi_frame *frame, unsigned int x, unsigned int y) { return frame->data[x + y * ctx->frame_width]; } static struct fpi_frame_asmbl_ctx assembling_ctx = { .frame_width = 0, .frame_height = 0, .image_width = 0, .get_pixel = elan_get_pixel, }; struct _FpiDeviceElan { FpImageDevice parent; /* device config */ unsigned short dev_type; unsigned short fw_ver; void (*process_frame) (unsigned short *raw_frame, GSList ** frames); /* end device config */ /* commands */ const struct elan_cmd *cmd; int cmd_timeout; /* end commands */ /* state */ gboolean deactivating; FpiImageDeviceState dev_state; FpiImageDeviceState dev_state_next; unsigned char *last_read; unsigned char calib_atts_left; unsigned char calib_status; unsigned short *background; unsigned char frame_width; unsigned char frame_height; unsigned char raw_frame_height; int num_frames; GSList *frames; /* end state */ }; G_DECLARE_FINAL_TYPE (FpiDeviceElan, fpi_device_elan, FPI, DEVICE_ELAN, FpImageDevice); G_DEFINE_TYPE (FpiDeviceElan, fpi_device_elan, FP_TYPE_IMAGE_DEVICE); static int cmp_short (const void *a, const void *b) { return (int) (*(short *) a - *(short *) b); } static void elan_dev_reset_state (FpiDeviceElan *elandev) { G_DEBUG_HERE (); elandev->cmd = NULL; elandev->cmd_timeout = ELAN_CMD_TIMEOUT; elandev->calib_status = 0; g_free (elandev->last_read); elandev->last_read = NULL; g_slist_free_full (elandev->frames, g_free); elandev->frames = NULL; elandev->num_frames = 0; } static void elan_save_frame (FpiDeviceElan *self, unsigned short *frame) { G_DEBUG_HERE (); /* so far 3 types of readers by sensor dimensions and orientation have been * seen in the wild: * 1. 144x64. Raw images are in portrait orientation while readers themselves * are placed (e.g. built into a touchpad) in landscape orientation. These * need to be rotated before assembling. * 2. 96x96 rotated. Like the first type but square. Likewise, need to be * rotated before assembling. * 3. 96x96 normal. Square and need NOT be rotated. So far there's only been * 1 report of a 0c03 of this type. Hopefully this type can be identified * by device id (and manufacturers don't just install the readers as they * please). * we also discard stripes of 'frame_margin' from bottom and top because * assembling works bad for tall frames */ unsigned char frame_width = self->frame_width; unsigned char frame_height = self->frame_height; unsigned char raw_height = self->raw_frame_height; unsigned char frame_margin = (raw_height - self->frame_height) / 2; int frame_idx, raw_idx; for (int y = 0; y < frame_height; y++) for (int x = 0; x < frame_width; x++) { if (self->dev_type & ELAN_NOT_ROTATED) raw_idx = x + (y + frame_margin) * frame_width; else raw_idx = frame_margin + y + x * raw_height; frame_idx = x + y * frame_width; frame[frame_idx] = ((unsigned short *) self->last_read)[raw_idx]; } } static void elan_save_background (FpiDeviceElan *elandev) { G_DEBUG_HERE (); g_free (elandev->background); elandev->background = g_malloc (elandev->frame_width * elandev->frame_height * sizeof (short)); elan_save_frame (elandev, elandev->background); } /* save a frame as part of the fingerprint image * background needs to have been captured for this routine to work * Elantech recommends 2-step non-linear normalization in order to reduce * 2^14 ADC resolution to 2^8 image: * * 1. background is subtracted (done here) * * 2. pixels are grouped in 3 groups by intensity and each group is mapped * separately onto the normalized frame (done in elan_process_frame_*) * ==== 16383 ____> ======== 255 * / * ----- lvl3 __/ * 35% pixels * * ----- lvl2 --------> ======== 156 * * 30% pixels * ----- lvl1 --------> ======== 99 * * 35% pixels * ----- lvl0 __ * \ * ======== 0 \____> ======== 0 * * For some devices we don't do 2. but instead do a simple linear mapping * because it seems to produce better results (or at least as good): * ==== 16383 ___> ======== 255 * / * ------ max __/ * * * ------ min __ * \ * ======== 0 \___> ======== 0 */ static int elan_save_img_frame (FpiDeviceElan *elandev) { G_DEBUG_HERE (); unsigned int frame_size = elandev->frame_width * elandev->frame_height; unsigned short *frame = g_malloc (frame_size * sizeof (short)); elan_save_frame (elandev, frame); unsigned int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < frame_size; i++) { if (elandev->background[i] > frame[i]) frame[i] = 0; else frame[i] -= elandev->background[i]; sum += frame[i]; } if (sum == 0) { fp_dbg ("frame darker than background; finger present during calibration?"); g_free (frame); return -1; } elandev->frames = g_slist_prepend (elandev->frames, frame); elandev->num_frames += 1; return 0; } static void elan_process_frame_linear (unsigned short *raw_frame, GSList ** frames) { unsigned int frame_size = assembling_ctx.frame_width * assembling_ctx.frame_height; struct fpi_frame *frame = g_malloc (frame_size + sizeof (struct fpi_frame)); G_DEBUG_HERE (); unsigned short min = 0xffff, max = 0; for (int i = 0; i < frame_size; i++) { if (raw_frame[i] < min) min = raw_frame[i]; if (raw_frame[i] > max) max = raw_frame[i]; } g_assert (max != min); unsigned short px; for (int i = 0; i < frame_size; i++) { px = raw_frame[i]; px = (px - min) * 0xff / (max - min); frame->data[i] = (unsigned char) px; } *frames = g_slist_prepend (*frames, frame); } static void elan_process_frame_thirds (unsigned short *raw_frame, GSList ** frames) { G_DEBUG_HERE (); unsigned int frame_size = assembling_ctx.frame_width * assembling_ctx.frame_height; struct fpi_frame *frame = g_malloc (frame_size + sizeof (struct fpi_frame)); unsigned short lvl0, lvl1, lvl2, lvl3; unsigned short *sorted = g_malloc (frame_size * sizeof (short)); memcpy (sorted, raw_frame, frame_size * sizeof (short)); qsort (sorted, frame_size, sizeof (short), cmp_short); lvl0 = sorted[0]; lvl1 = sorted[frame_size * 3 / 10]; lvl2 = sorted[frame_size * 65 / 100]; lvl3 = sorted[frame_size - 1]; g_free (sorted); unsigned short px; for (int i = 0; i < frame_size; i++) { px = raw_frame[i]; if (lvl0 <= px && px < lvl1) px = (px - lvl0) * 99 / (lvl1 - lvl0); else if (lvl1 <= px && px < lvl2) px = 99 + ((px - lvl1) * 56 / (lvl2 - lvl1)); else // (lvl2 <= px && px <= lvl3) px = 155 + ((px - lvl2) * 100 / (lvl3 - lvl2)); frame->data[i] = (unsigned char) px; } *frames = g_slist_prepend (*frames, frame); } static void elan_submit_image (FpImageDevice *dev) { FpiDeviceElan *self = FPI_DEVICE_ELAN (dev); GSList *raw_frames; GSList *frames = NULL; FpImage *img; G_DEBUG_HERE (); raw_frames = g_slist_nth (self->frames, ELAN_SKIP_LAST_FRAMES); assembling_ctx.frame_width = self->frame_width; assembling_ctx.frame_height = self->frame_height; assembling_ctx.image_width = self->frame_width * 3 / 2; g_slist_foreach (raw_frames, (GFunc) self->process_frame, &frames); fpi_do_movement_estimation (&assembling_ctx, frames); img = fpi_assemble_frames (&assembling_ctx, frames); g_slist_free_full (frames, g_free); fpi_image_device_image_captured (dev, img); } static void elan_cmd_done (FpiSsm *ssm) { G_DEBUG_HERE (); fpi_ssm_next_state (ssm); } static void elan_cmd_cb (FpiUsbTransfer *transfer, FpDevice *dev, gpointer user_data, GError *error) { FpiSsm *ssm = transfer->ssm; FpiDeviceElan *self = FPI_DEVICE_ELAN (dev); G_DEBUG_HERE (); if (error) { /* XXX: In the cancellation case we used to not * mark the SSM as failed?! */ fpi_ssm_mark_failed (transfer->ssm, error); return; } /* XXX: We used to reset the device in error cases! */ if (transfer->endpoint & FPI_USB_ENDPOINT_IN) { /* just finished receiving */ self->last_read = g_memdup (transfer->buffer, transfer->actual_length); elan_cmd_done (ssm); } else { /* just finished sending */ G_DEBUG_HERE (); elan_cmd_read (ssm, dev); } } static void elan_cmd_read (FpiSsm *ssm, FpDevice *dev) { FpiDeviceElan *self = FPI_DEVICE_ELAN (dev); FpiUsbTransfer *transfer; GCancellable *cancellable = NULL; int response_len = self->cmd->response_len; G_DEBUG_HERE (); if (self->cmd->response_len == ELAN_CMD_SKIP_READ) { fp_dbg ("skipping read, not expecting anything"); elan_cmd_done (ssm); return; } if (self->dev_type == ELAN_0C42) { /* ELAN_0C42 sends an extra byte in one byte responses */ if (self->cmd->response_len == 1) response_len = 2; } if (self->cmd->cmd == get_image_cmd.cmd) /* raw data has 2-byte "pixels" and the frame is vertical */ response_len = self->raw_frame_height * self->frame_width * 2; g_clear_pointer (&self->last_read, g_free); transfer = fpi_usb_transfer_new (dev); transfer->ssm = ssm; transfer->short_is_error = TRUE; fpi_usb_transfer_fill_bulk (transfer, self->cmd->response_in, response_len); if (!self->cmd->never_cancel) cancellable = fpi_device_get_cancellable (dev); fpi_usb_transfer_submit (transfer, self->cmd_timeout, cancellable, elan_cmd_cb, NULL); } static void elan_run_cmd (FpiSsm *ssm, FpDevice *dev, const struct elan_cmd *cmd, int cmd_timeout) { FpiDeviceElan *self = FPI_DEVICE_ELAN (dev); FpiUsbTransfer *transfer; GCancellable *cancellable = NULL; self->cmd = cmd; if (cmd_timeout != -1) self->cmd_timeout = cmd_timeout; if (cmd->devices != ELAN_ALL_DEV && !(cmd->devices & self->dev_type)) { fp_dbg ("skipping command 0x%x 0x%x for this device (for devices 0x%x but device is 0x%x)", cmd->cmd[0], cmd->cmd[1], cmd->devices, self->dev_type); elan_cmd_done (ssm); return; } transfer = fpi_usb_transfer_new (dev); transfer->ssm = ssm; transfer->short_is_error = TRUE; fpi_usb_transfer_fill_bulk_full (transfer, ELAN_EP_CMD_OUT, (guint8 *) cmd->cmd, ELAN_CMD_LEN, NULL); if (!self->cmd->never_cancel) cancellable = fpi_device_get_cancellable (dev); fpi_usb_transfer_submit (transfer, self->cmd_timeout, cancellable, elan_cmd_cb, NULL); } enum stop_capture_states { STOP_CAPTURE, STOP_CAPTURE_NUM_STATES, }; static void stop_capture_run_state (FpiSsm *ssm, FpDevice *dev) { G_DEBUG_HERE (); switch (fpi_ssm_get_cur_state (ssm)) { case STOP_CAPTURE: elan_run_cmd (ssm, dev, &stop_cmd, ELAN_CMD_TIMEOUT); break; } } static void stop_capture_complete (FpiSsm *ssm, FpDevice *_dev, GError *error) { FpImageDevice *dev = FP_IMAGE_DEVICE (_dev); FpiDeviceElan *self = FPI_DEVICE_ELAN (dev); G_DEBUG_HERE (); /* The device is inactive at this point. */ self->dev_state = FPI_IMAGE_DEVICE_STATE_INACTIVE; if (self->deactivating) { /* Simply complete the pending deactivation. */ self->deactivating = FALSE; fpi_image_device_deactivate_complete (dev, error); return; } if (!error) fpi_image_device_report_finger_status (dev, FALSE); else /* NOTE: We cannot get a cancellation error here. */ fpi_image_device_session_error (dev, error); } static void elan_stop_capture (FpDevice *dev) { FpiDeviceElan *self = FPI_DEVICE_ELAN (dev); G_DEBUG_HERE (); elan_dev_reset_state (self); FpiSsm *ssm = fpi_ssm_new (dev, stop_capture_run_state, STOP_CAPTURE_NUM_STATES); fpi_ssm_start (ssm, stop_capture_complete); } enum capture_states { CAPTURE_LED_ON, CAPTURE_WAIT_FINGER, CAPTURE_READ_DATA, CAPTURE_CHECK_ENOUGH_FRAMES, CAPTURE_NUM_STATES, }; static void capture_run_state (FpiSsm *ssm, FpDevice *dev) { FpImageDevice *idev = FP_IMAGE_DEVICE (dev); FpiDeviceElan *self = FPI_DEVICE_ELAN (dev); int r; switch (fpi_ssm_get_cur_state (ssm)) { case CAPTURE_LED_ON: elan_run_cmd (ssm, dev, &led_on_cmd, ELAN_CMD_TIMEOUT); break; case CAPTURE_WAIT_FINGER: elan_run_cmd (ssm, dev, &pre_scan_cmd, -1); break; case CAPTURE_READ_DATA: self->dev_state = FPI_IMAGE_DEVICE_STATE_CAPTURE; /* 0x55 - finger present * 0xff - device not calibrated (probably) */ if (self->last_read && self->last_read[0] == 0x55) { fpi_image_device_report_finger_status (idev, TRUE); elan_run_cmd (ssm, dev, &get_image_cmd, ELAN_CMD_TIMEOUT); } else { /* XXX: The timeout is emulated incorrectly, resulting in a zero byte read. */ if (g_strcmp0 (g_getenv ("FP_DEVICE_EMULATION"), "1") == 0) fpi_ssm_mark_completed (ssm); else fpi_ssm_mark_failed (ssm, fpi_device_error_new (FP_DEVICE_ERROR_PROTO)); } break; case CAPTURE_CHECK_ENOUGH_FRAMES: r = elan_save_img_frame (self); if (r < 0) { fpi_ssm_mark_failed (ssm, fpi_device_error_new (FP_DEVICE_ERROR_GENERAL)); } else if (self->num_frames < ELAN_MAX_FRAMES) { /* quickly stop if finger is removed */ self->cmd_timeout = ELAN_FINGER_TIMEOUT; fpi_ssm_jump_to_state (ssm, CAPTURE_WAIT_FINGER); } else { fpi_ssm_next_state (ssm); } break; } } static void capture_complete (FpiSsm *ssm, FpDevice *_dev, GError *error) { FpImageDevice *dev = FP_IMAGE_DEVICE (_dev); FpiDeviceElan *self = FPI_DEVICE_ELAN (_dev); G_DEBUG_HERE (); /* either max frames captured or timed out waiting for the next frame */ if (!error || (g_error_matches (error, G_USB_DEVICE_ERROR, G_USB_DEVICE_ERROR_TIMED_OUT) && fpi_ssm_get_cur_state (ssm) == CAPTURE_WAIT_FINGER)) { if (self->num_frames >= ELAN_MIN_FRAMES) { elan_submit_image (dev); } else { fp_dbg ("swipe too short: want >= %d frames, got %d", ELAN_MIN_FRAMES, self->num_frames); fpi_image_device_retry_scan (dev, FP_DEVICE_RETRY_TOO_SHORT); } g_clear_error (&error); } else { fpi_image_device_session_error (dev, error); } } static void elan_capture (FpDevice *dev) { FpiDeviceElan *self = FPI_DEVICE_ELAN (dev); G_DEBUG_HERE (); elan_dev_reset_state (self); FpiSsm *ssm = fpi_ssm_new (dev, capture_run_state, CAPTURE_NUM_STATES); fpi_ssm_start (ssm, capture_complete); } /* this function needs to have elandev->background and elandev->last_read to be * the calibration mean */ static int elan_need_calibration (FpiDeviceElan *elandev) { G_DEBUG_HERE (); unsigned short calib_mean = elandev->last_read[0] * 0xff + elandev->last_read[1]; unsigned int bg_mean = 0, delta; unsigned int frame_size = elandev->frame_width * elandev->frame_height; g_assert (frame_size != 0); if (elandev->dev_type == ELAN_0C42) { if (calib_mean > 5500 || calib_mean < 2500) { fp_dbg ("Forcing needed recalibration"); return 1; } } for (int i = 0; i < frame_size; i++) bg_mean += elandev->background[i]; bg_mean /= frame_size; delta = bg_mean > calib_mean ? bg_mean - calib_mean : calib_mean - bg_mean; fp_dbg ("calibration mean: %d, bg mean: %d, delta: %d", calib_mean, bg_mean, delta); return delta > ELAN_CALIBRATION_MAX_DELTA ? 1 : 0; } enum calibrate_states { CALIBRATE_GET_BACKGROUND, CALIBRATE_SAVE_BACKGROUND, CALIBRATE_GET_MEAN, CALIBRATE_CHECK_NEEDED, CALIBRATE_GET_STATUS, CALIBRATE_CHECK_STATUS, CALIBRATE_REPEAT_STATUS, CALIBRATE_NUM_STATES, }; static gboolean elan_supports_calibration (FpiDeviceElan *elandev) { if (elandev->dev_type == ELAN_0C42) return TRUE; return elandev->fw_ver >= ELAN_MIN_CALIBRATION_FW; } static void calibrate_run_state (FpiSsm *ssm, FpDevice *dev) { FpiDeviceElan *self = FPI_DEVICE_ELAN (dev); G_DEBUG_HERE (); switch (fpi_ssm_get_cur_state (ssm)) { case CALIBRATE_GET_BACKGROUND: elan_run_cmd (ssm, dev, &get_image_cmd, ELAN_CMD_TIMEOUT); break; case CALIBRATE_SAVE_BACKGROUND: elan_save_background (self); if (!elan_supports_calibration (self)) { fp_dbg ("FW does not support calibration"); fpi_ssm_mark_completed (ssm); } else { fpi_ssm_next_state (ssm); } break; case CALIBRATE_GET_MEAN: elan_run_cmd (ssm, dev, &get_calib_mean_cmd, ELAN_CMD_TIMEOUT); break; case CALIBRATE_CHECK_NEEDED: if (elan_need_calibration (self)) { self->calib_status = 0; fpi_ssm_next_state (ssm); } else { fpi_ssm_mark_completed (ssm); } break; case CALIBRATE_GET_STATUS: self->calib_atts_left -= 1; if (self->calib_atts_left) { elan_run_cmd (ssm, dev, &get_calib_status_cmd, ELAN_CMD_TIMEOUT); } else { fp_dbg ("calibration failed"); fpi_ssm_mark_failed (ssm, fpi_device_error_new_msg (FP_DEVICE_ERROR_GENERAL, "Calibration failed!")); } break; case CALIBRATE_CHECK_STATUS: /* 0x01 - retry, 0x03 - ok * It appears that when reading the response soon after 0x4023 the device * can return 0x03, and only after some time (up to 100 ms) the response * changes to 0x01. It stays that way for some time and then changes back * to 0x03. Because of this we don't just expect 0x03, we want to see 0x01 * first. This is to make sure that a full calibration loop has completed */ fp_dbg ("calibration status: 0x%02x", self->last_read[0]); if (self->calib_status == 0x01 && self->last_read[0] == 0x03) { self->calib_status = 0x03; fpi_ssm_jump_to_state (ssm, CALIBRATE_GET_BACKGROUND); } else { if (self->calib_status == 0x00 && self->last_read[0] == 0x01) self->calib_status = 0x01; fpi_ssm_next_state_delayed (ssm, 50, NULL); } break; case CALIBRATE_REPEAT_STATUS: fpi_ssm_jump_to_state (ssm, CALIBRATE_GET_STATUS); break; } } static void calibrate_complete (FpiSsm *ssm, FpDevice *dev, GError *error) { FpiDeviceElan *self = FPI_DEVICE_ELAN (dev); G_DEBUG_HERE (); if (error) { self->dev_state = FPI_IMAGE_DEVICE_STATE_INACTIVE; fpi_image_device_session_error (FP_IMAGE_DEVICE (dev), error); } else { elan_capture (dev); } } static void elan_calibrate (FpDevice *dev) { FpiDeviceElan *self = FPI_DEVICE_ELAN (dev); G_DEBUG_HERE (); elan_dev_reset_state (self); self->calib_atts_left = ELAN_CALIBRATION_ATTEMPTS; FpiSsm *ssm = fpi_ssm_new (FP_DEVICE (dev), calibrate_run_state, CALIBRATE_NUM_STATES); fpi_ssm_start (ssm, calibrate_complete); } enum activate_states { ACTIVATE_GET_FW_VER, ACTIVATE_SET_FW_VER, ACTIVATE_GET_SENSOR_DIM, ACTIVATE_SET_SENSOR_DIM, ACTIVATE_CMD_1, ACTIVATE_NUM_STATES, }; static void activate_run_state (FpiSsm *ssm, FpDevice *dev) { FpiDeviceElan *self = FPI_DEVICE_ELAN (dev); G_DEBUG_HERE (); switch (fpi_ssm_get_cur_state (ssm)) { case ACTIVATE_GET_FW_VER: elan_run_cmd (ssm, dev, &get_fw_ver_cmd, ELAN_CMD_TIMEOUT); break; case ACTIVATE_SET_FW_VER: self->fw_ver = (self->last_read[0] << 8 | self->last_read[1]); fp_dbg ("FW ver 0x%04hx", self->fw_ver); fpi_ssm_next_state (ssm); break; case ACTIVATE_GET_SENSOR_DIM: elan_run_cmd (ssm, dev, &get_sensor_dim_cmd, ELAN_CMD_TIMEOUT); break; case ACTIVATE_SET_SENSOR_DIM: /* see elan_save_frame for details */ if (self->dev_type & ELAN_NOT_ROTATED) { self->frame_width = self->last_read[0]; self->frame_height = self->raw_frame_height = self->last_read[2]; } else { self->frame_width = self->last_read[2]; self->frame_height = self->raw_frame_height = self->last_read[0]; } /* Work-around sensors returning the sizes as zero-based index * rather than the number of pixels. */ if ((self->frame_width % 2 == 1) && (self->frame_height % 2 == 1)) { self->frame_width++; self->frame_height++; self->raw_frame_height = self->frame_height; } if (self->frame_height > ELAN_MAX_FRAME_HEIGHT) self->frame_height = ELAN_MAX_FRAME_HEIGHT; fp_dbg ("sensor dimensions, WxH: %dx%d", self->frame_width, self->raw_frame_height); fpi_ssm_next_state (ssm); break; case ACTIVATE_CMD_1: /* TODO: find out what this does, if we need it */ elan_run_cmd (ssm, dev, &activate_cmd_1, ELAN_CMD_TIMEOUT); break; } } static void activate_complete (FpiSsm *ssm, FpDevice *dev, GError *error) { FpImageDevice *idev = FP_IMAGE_DEVICE (dev); G_DEBUG_HERE (); fpi_image_device_activate_complete (idev, error); } static void elan_activate (FpImageDevice *dev) { FpiDeviceElan *self = FPI_DEVICE_ELAN (dev); G_DEBUG_HERE (); elan_dev_reset_state (self); FpiSsm *ssm = fpi_ssm_new (FP_DEVICE (dev), activate_run_state, ACTIVATE_NUM_STATES); fpi_ssm_start (ssm, activate_complete); } static void dev_init (FpImageDevice *dev) { GError *error = NULL; FpiDeviceElan *self; G_DEBUG_HERE (); if (!g_usb_device_claim_interface (fpi_device_get_usb_device (FP_DEVICE (dev)), 0, 0, &error)) { fpi_image_device_open_complete (dev, error); return; } self = FPI_DEVICE_ELAN (dev); /* common params */ self->dev_type = fpi_device_get_driver_data (FP_DEVICE (dev)); self->background = NULL; self->process_frame = elan_process_frame_thirds; switch (self->dev_type) { case ELAN_0907: self->process_frame = elan_process_frame_linear; break; } fpi_image_device_open_complete (dev, NULL); } static void dev_deinit (FpImageDevice *dev) { GError *error = NULL; FpiDeviceElan *self = FPI_DEVICE_ELAN (dev); G_DEBUG_HERE (); elan_dev_reset_state (self); g_free (self->background); g_usb_device_release_interface (fpi_device_get_usb_device (FP_DEVICE (dev)), 0, 0, &error); fpi_image_device_close_complete (dev, error); } static void dev_activate (FpImageDevice *dev) { G_DEBUG_HERE (); elan_activate (dev); } static void elan_change_state (FpImageDevice *idev) { FpDevice *dev = FP_DEVICE (idev); FpiDeviceElan *self = FPI_DEVICE_ELAN (dev); FpiImageDeviceState next_state = self->dev_state_next; if (self->dev_state == next_state) { fp_dbg ("already in %d", next_state); return; } else { fp_dbg ("changing to %d", next_state); } switch (next_state) { case FPI_IMAGE_DEVICE_STATE_AWAIT_FINGER_ON: /* activation completed or another enroll stage started */ self->dev_state = FPI_IMAGE_DEVICE_STATE_AWAIT_FINGER_ON; elan_calibrate (dev); break; case FPI_IMAGE_DEVICE_STATE_CAPTURE: /* not used */ break; case FPI_IMAGE_DEVICE_STATE_INACTIVE: case FPI_IMAGE_DEVICE_STATE_AWAIT_FINGER_OFF: elan_stop_capture (dev); break; } } static void elan_change_state_async (FpDevice *dev, void *data) { g_message ("state change dev: %p", dev); elan_change_state (FP_IMAGE_DEVICE (dev)); } static void dev_change_state (FpImageDevice *dev, FpiImageDeviceState state) { FpiDeviceElan *self = FPI_DEVICE_ELAN (dev); GSource *timeout; G_DEBUG_HERE (); /* Inactive and await finger off are equivalent for the elan driver. */ if (state == FPI_IMAGE_DEVICE_STATE_AWAIT_FINGER_OFF) state = FPI_IMAGE_DEVICE_STATE_INACTIVE; if (self->dev_state_next == state) fp_dbg ("change to state %d already queued", state); switch (state) { case FPI_IMAGE_DEVICE_STATE_INACTIVE: case FPI_IMAGE_DEVICE_STATE_AWAIT_FINGER_ON: case FPI_IMAGE_DEVICE_STATE_AWAIT_FINGER_OFF: { char *name; /* schedule state change instead of calling it directly to allow all actions * related to the previous state to complete */ self->dev_state_next = state; timeout = fpi_device_add_timeout (FP_DEVICE (dev), 10, elan_change_state_async, NULL, NULL); name = g_strdup_printf ("dev_change_state to %d", state); g_source_set_name (timeout, name); g_free (name); break; } case FPI_IMAGE_DEVICE_STATE_CAPTURE: /* TODO MAYBE: split capture ssm into smaller ssms and use this state */ self->dev_state = state; self->dev_state_next = state; break; default: g_assert_not_reached (); } } static void dev_deactivate (FpImageDevice *dev) { FpiDeviceElan *self = FPI_DEVICE_ELAN (dev); G_DEBUG_HERE (); if (self->dev_state == FPI_IMAGE_DEVICE_STATE_INACTIVE) { /* The device is inactive already, complete the operation immediately. */ fpi_image_device_deactivate_complete (dev, NULL); } else { /* The device is not yet inactive, flag that we are deactivating (and * need to signal back deactivation) and then ensure we will change * to the inactive state eventually. */ self->deactivating = TRUE; dev_change_state (dev, FPI_IMAGE_DEVICE_STATE_INACTIVE); } } static void fpi_device_elan_init (FpiDeviceElan *self) { } static void fpi_device_elan_class_init (FpiDeviceElanClass *klass) { FpDeviceClass *dev_class = FP_DEVICE_CLASS (klass); FpImageDeviceClass *img_class = FP_IMAGE_DEVICE_CLASS (klass); dev_class->id = "elan"; dev_class->full_name = "ElanTech Fingerprint Sensor"; dev_class->type = FP_DEVICE_TYPE_USB; dev_class->id_table = elan_id_table; dev_class->scan_type = FP_SCAN_TYPE_SWIPE; img_class->img_open = dev_init; img_class->img_close = dev_deinit; img_class->activate = dev_activate; img_class->deactivate = dev_deactivate; img_class->change_state = dev_change_state; img_class->bz3_threshold = 24; }