/* * Functions to assist with asynchronous driver <---> library communications * Copyright (C) 2007-2008 Daniel Drake * Copyright (C) 2019 Benjamin Berg * Copyright (C) 2019 Marco Trevisan * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either * version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #define FP_COMPONENT "SSM" #include "drivers_api.h" #include "fpi-ssm.h" /** * SECTION:fpi-ssm * @title: Sequential state machine * @short_description: State machine helpers * * Asynchronous driver design encourages some kind of state machine behind it. * In most cases, the state machine is entirely linear - you only go to the * next state, you never jump or go backwards. The #FpiSsm functions help you * implement such a machine. * * e.g. `S1` ↦ `S2` ↦ `S3` ↦ `S4` * * `S1` is the start state * There is also an implicit error state and an implicit accepting state * (both with implicit edges from every state). * * You can also jump to any arbitrary state (while marking completion of the * current state) while the machine is running. In other words there are * implicit edges linking one state to every other state. * * To create an #fpi_ssm, you pass a state handler function and the total number of * states (4 in the above example) to fpi_ssm_new (). Note that the state numbers * start at zero, making them match the first value in a C enumeration. * * To start a ssm, you pass in a completion callback function to fpi_ssm_start() * which gets called when the ssm completes (both on error and on failure). * Starting a ssm also takes ownership of it. * * To iterate to the next state, call fpi_ssm_next_state(). It is legal to * attempt to iterate beyond the final state - this is equivalent to marking * the ssm as successfully completed. * * To mark successful completion of a SSM, either iterate beyond the final * state or call fpi_ssm_mark_completed() from any state. * This will also invalidate the machine, freeing it. * * To mark failed completion of a SSM, call fpi_ssm_mark_failed() from any * state. You must pass a non-zero error code. * * Your state handling function looks at the return value of * fpi_ssm_get_cur_state() in order to determine the current state and hence * which operations to perform (a switch statement is appropriate). * * Typically, the state handling function fires off an asynchronous * communication with the device (such as a libsub transfer), and the * callback function iterates the machine to the next state * upon success (or fails). * * Your completion callback should examine the return value of * fpi_ssm_get_error() in order to determine whether the #FpiSsm completed or * failed. An error code of zero indicates successful completion. */ struct _FpiSsm { FpDevice *dev; const char *name; FpiSsm *parentsm; gpointer ssm_data; GDestroyNotify ssm_data_destroy; int nr_states; int cur_state; gboolean completed; GSource *timeout; GCancellable *cancellable; gulong cancellable_id; GError *error; FpiSsmCompletedCallback callback; FpiSsmHandlerCallback handler; }; /** * fpi_ssm_new: * @dev: a #fp_dev fingerprint device * @handler: the callback function * @nr_states: the number of states * * Allocate a new ssm, with @nr_states states. The @handler callback * will be called after each state transition. * This is a macro that calls fpi_ssm_new_full() using the stringified * version of @nr_states, so will work better with named parameters. * * Returns: a new #FpiSsm state machine */ /** * fpi_ssm_new_full: * @dev: a #fp_dev fingerprint device * @handler: the callback function * @nr_states: the number of states * @machine_name: the name of the state machine (for debug purposes) * * Allocate a new ssm, with @nr_states states. The @handler callback * will be called after each state transition. * * Returns: a new #FpiSsm state machine */ FpiSsm * fpi_ssm_new_full (FpDevice *dev, FpiSsmHandlerCallback handler, int nr_states, const char *machine_name) { FpiSsm *machine; BUG_ON (nr_states < 1); BUG_ON (handler == NULL); machine = g_new0 (FpiSsm, 1); machine->handler = handler; machine->nr_states = nr_states; machine->dev = dev; machine->name = g_strdup (machine_name); machine->completed = TRUE; return machine; } /** * fpi_ssm_set_data: * @machine: an #FpiSsm state machine * @ssm_data: (nullable): a pointer to machine data * @ssm_data_destroy: (nullable): #GDestroyNotify for @ssm_data * * Sets @machine's data (freeing the existing data, if any). */ void fpi_ssm_set_data (FpiSsm *machine, gpointer ssm_data, GDestroyNotify ssm_data_destroy) { if (machine->ssm_data_destroy && machine->ssm_data) machine->ssm_data_destroy (machine->ssm_data); machine->ssm_data = ssm_data; machine->ssm_data_destroy = ssm_data_destroy; } /** * fpi_ssm_get_data: * @machine: an #FpiSsm state machine * * Retrieve the pointer to SSM data set with fpi_ssm_set_ssm_data() * * Returns: a pointer */ void * fpi_ssm_get_data (FpiSsm *machine) { return machine->ssm_data; } static void fpi_ssm_clear_delayed_action (FpiSsm *machine) { if (machine->cancellable_id) { g_cancellable_disconnect (machine->cancellable, machine->cancellable_id); machine->cancellable_id = 0; } g_clear_object (&machine->cancellable); g_clear_pointer (&machine->timeout, g_source_destroy); } typedef struct _CancelledActionIdleData { gulong cancellable_id; GCancellable *cancellable; } CancelledActionIdleData; static gboolean on_delayed_action_cancelled_idle (gpointer user_data) { CancelledActionIdleData *data = user_data; g_cancellable_disconnect (data->cancellable, data->cancellable_id); g_object_unref (data->cancellable); g_free (data); return G_SOURCE_REMOVE; } static void on_delayed_action_cancelled (GCancellable *cancellable, FpiSsm *machine) { CancelledActionIdleData *data; fp_dbg ("[%s] %s cancelled delayed state change", fp_device_get_driver (machine->dev), machine->name); g_clear_pointer (&machine->timeout, g_source_destroy); data = g_new0 (CancelledActionIdleData, 1); data->cancellable = g_steal_pointer (&machine->cancellable); data->cancellable_id = machine->cancellable_id; machine->cancellable_id = 0; g_idle_add_full (G_PRIORITY_HIGH_IDLE, on_delayed_action_cancelled_idle, data, NULL); } static void fpi_ssm_set_delayed_action_timeout (FpiSsm *machine, int delay, FpTimeoutFunc callback, GCancellable *cancellable, gpointer user_data, GDestroyNotify destroy_func) { BUG_ON (machine->completed); BUG_ON (machine->timeout != NULL); fpi_ssm_clear_delayed_action (machine); if (cancellable != NULL) { g_set_object (&machine->cancellable, cancellable); machine->cancellable_id = g_cancellable_connect (machine->cancellable, G_CALLBACK (on_delayed_action_cancelled), machine, NULL); } machine->timeout = fpi_device_add_timeout (machine->dev, delay, callback, user_data, destroy_func); } /** * fpi_ssm_free: * @machine: an #FpiSsm state machine * * Frees a state machine. This does not call any error or success * callbacks, so you need to do this yourself. */ void fpi_ssm_free (FpiSsm *machine) { if (!machine) return; BUG_ON (machine->timeout != NULL); if (machine->ssm_data_destroy) g_clear_pointer (&machine->ssm_data, machine->ssm_data_destroy); g_clear_pointer (&machine->error, g_error_free); g_clear_pointer (&machine->name, g_free); fpi_ssm_clear_delayed_action (machine); g_free (machine); } /* Invoke the state handler */ static void __ssm_call_handler (FpiSsm *machine) { fp_dbg ("[%s] %s entering state %d", fp_device_get_driver (machine->dev), machine->name, machine->cur_state); machine->handler (machine, machine->dev); } /** * fpi_ssm_start: * @ssm: (transfer full): an #FpiSsm state machine * @callback: the #FpiSsmCompletedCallback callback to call on completion * * Starts a state machine. You can also use this function to restart * a completed or failed state machine. The @callback will be called * on completion. * * Note that @ssm will be stolen when this function is called. * So that all associated data will be free'ed automatically, after the * @callback is ran. */ void fpi_ssm_start (FpiSsm *ssm, FpiSsmCompletedCallback callback) { BUG_ON (!ssm->completed); ssm->callback = callback; ssm->cur_state = 0; ssm->completed = FALSE; ssm->error = NULL; __ssm_call_handler (ssm); } static void __subsm_complete (FpiSsm *ssm, FpDevice *_dev, GError *error) { FpiSsm *parent = ssm->parentsm; BUG_ON (!parent); if (error) fpi_ssm_mark_failed (parent, error); else fpi_ssm_next_state (parent); } /** * fpi_ssm_start_subsm: * @parent: an #FpiSsm state machine * @child: an #FpiSsm state machine * * Starts a state machine as a child of another. if the child completes * successfully, the parent will be advanced to the next state. if the * child fails, the parent will be marked as failed with the same error code. * * The child will be automatically freed upon completion or failure. */ void fpi_ssm_start_subsm (FpiSsm *parent, FpiSsm *child) { BUG_ON (parent->timeout); child->parentsm = parent; fpi_ssm_clear_delayed_action (parent); fpi_ssm_clear_delayed_action (child); fpi_ssm_start (child, __subsm_complete); } /** * fpi_ssm_mark_completed: * @machine: an #FpiSsm state machine * * Mark a ssm as completed successfully. The callback set when creating * the state machine with fpi_ssm_new () will be called synchronously. */ void fpi_ssm_mark_completed (FpiSsm *machine) { BUG_ON (machine->completed); BUG_ON (machine->timeout != NULL); fpi_ssm_clear_delayed_action (machine); machine->completed = TRUE; if (machine->error) fp_dbg ("[%s] %s completed with error: %s", fp_device_get_driver (machine->dev), machine->name, machine->error->message); else fp_dbg ("[%s] %s completed successfully", fp_device_get_driver (machine->dev), machine->name); if (machine->callback) { GError *error = machine->error ? g_error_copy (machine->error) : NULL; machine->callback (machine, machine->dev, error); } fpi_ssm_free (machine); } static void on_device_timeout_complete (FpDevice *dev, gpointer user_data) { FpiSsm *machine = user_data; machine->timeout = NULL; fpi_ssm_mark_completed (machine); } /** * fpi_ssm_mark_completed_delayed: * @machine: an #FpiSsm state machine * @delay: the milliseconds to wait before switching to the next state * @cancellable: (nullable): a #GCancellable to cancel the delayed operation * * Mark a ssm as completed successfully with a delay of @delay ms. * The callback set when creating the state machine with fpi_ssm_new () will be * called when the timeout is over. * The request can be cancelled passing a #GCancellable as @cancellable. */ void fpi_ssm_mark_completed_delayed (FpiSsm *machine, int delay, GCancellable *cancellable) { g_autofree char *source_name = NULL; g_return_if_fail (machine != NULL); fpi_ssm_set_delayed_action_timeout (machine, delay, on_device_timeout_complete, cancellable, machine, NULL); source_name = g_strdup_printf ("[%s] ssm %s complete %d", fp_device_get_device_id (machine->dev), machine->name, machine->cur_state + 1); g_source_set_name (machine->timeout, source_name); } /** * fpi_ssm_mark_failed: * @machine: an #FpiSsm state machine * @error: (transfer full): a #GError * * Mark a state machine as failed with @error as the error code, completing it. */ void fpi_ssm_mark_failed (FpiSsm *machine, GError *error) { g_assert (error); if (machine->error) { fp_warn ("[%s] SSM %s already has an error set, ignoring new error %s", fp_device_get_driver (machine->dev), machine->name, error->message); g_error_free (error); return; } fp_dbg ("[%s] SSM %s failed in state %d with error: %s", fp_device_get_driver (machine->dev), machine->name, machine->cur_state, error->message); machine->error = g_steal_pointer (&error); fpi_ssm_mark_completed (machine); } /** * fpi_ssm_next_state: * @machine: an #FpiSsm state machine * * Iterate to next state of a state machine. If the current state is the * last state, then the state machine will be marked as completed, as * if calling fpi_ssm_mark_completed(). */ void fpi_ssm_next_state (FpiSsm *machine) { g_return_if_fail (machine != NULL); BUG_ON (machine->completed); BUG_ON (machine->timeout != NULL); fpi_ssm_clear_delayed_action (machine); machine->cur_state++; if (machine->cur_state == machine->nr_states) fpi_ssm_mark_completed (machine); else __ssm_call_handler (machine); } void fpi_ssm_cancel_delayed_state_change (FpiSsm *machine) { g_return_if_fail (machine); BUG_ON (machine->completed); BUG_ON (machine->timeout == NULL); fp_dbg ("[%s] %s cancelled delayed state change", fp_device_get_driver (machine->dev), machine->name); fpi_ssm_clear_delayed_action (machine); } static void on_device_timeout_next_state (FpDevice *dev, gpointer user_data) { FpiSsm *machine = user_data; machine->timeout = NULL; fpi_ssm_next_state (machine); } /** * fpi_ssm_next_state_delayed: * @machine: an #FpiSsm state machine * @delay: the milliseconds to wait before switching to the next state * @cancellable: (nullable): a #GCancellable to cancel the delayed operation * * Iterate to next state of a state machine with a delay of @delay ms. If the * current state is the last state, then the state machine will be marked as * completed, as if calling fpi_ssm_mark_completed(). * Passing a valid #GCancellable will cause the action to be cancelled when * @cancellable is. */ void fpi_ssm_next_state_delayed (FpiSsm *machine, int delay, GCancellable *cancellable) { g_autofree char *source_name = NULL; g_return_if_fail (machine != NULL); fpi_ssm_set_delayed_action_timeout (machine, delay, on_device_timeout_next_state, cancellable, machine, NULL); source_name = g_strdup_printf ("[%s] ssm %s jump to next state %d", fp_device_get_device_id (machine->dev), machine->name, machine->cur_state + 1); g_source_set_name (machine->timeout, source_name); } /** * fpi_ssm_jump_to_state: * @machine: an #FpiSsm state machine * @state: the state to jump to * * Jump to the @state state, bypassing intermediary states. * If @state is the last state, the machine won't be completed unless * fpi_ssm_mark_completed() isn't explicitly called. */ void fpi_ssm_jump_to_state (FpiSsm *machine, int state) { BUG_ON (machine->completed); BUG_ON (state < 0 || state >= machine->nr_states); BUG_ON (machine->timeout != NULL); fpi_ssm_clear_delayed_action (machine); machine->cur_state = state; __ssm_call_handler (machine); } typedef struct { FpiSsm *machine; int next_state; } FpiSsmJumpToStateDelayedData; static void on_device_timeout_jump_to_state (FpDevice *dev, gpointer user_data) { FpiSsmJumpToStateDelayedData *data = user_data; data->machine->timeout = NULL; fpi_ssm_jump_to_state (data->machine, data->next_state); } /** * fpi_ssm_jump_to_state_delayed: * @machine: an #FpiSsm state machine * @state: the state to jump to * @delay: the milliseconds to wait before switching to @state state * @cancellable: (nullable): a #GCancellable to cancel the delayed operation * * Jump to the @state state with a delay of @delay milliseconds, bypassing * intermediary states. * Passing a valid #GCancellable will cause the action to be cancelled when * @cancellable is. */ void fpi_ssm_jump_to_state_delayed (FpiSsm *machine, int state, int delay, GCancellable *cancellable) { FpiSsmJumpToStateDelayedData *data; g_autofree char *source_name = NULL; g_return_if_fail (machine != NULL); BUG_ON (state < 0 || state >= machine->nr_states); data = g_new0 (FpiSsmJumpToStateDelayedData, 1); data->machine = machine; data->next_state = state; fpi_ssm_set_delayed_action_timeout (machine, delay, on_device_timeout_jump_to_state, cancellable, data, g_free); source_name = g_strdup_printf ("[%s] ssm %s jump to state %d", fp_device_get_device_id (machine->dev), machine->name, state); g_source_set_name (machine->timeout, source_name); } /** * fpi_ssm_get_cur_state: * @machine: an #FpiSsm state machine * * Returns the value of the current state. Note that states are * 0-indexed, so a value of 0 means “the first state”. * * Returns: the current state. */ int fpi_ssm_get_cur_state (FpiSsm *machine) { return machine->cur_state; } /** * fpi_ssm_get_error: * @machine: an #FpiSsm state machine * * Returns the error code set by fpi_ssm_mark_failed(). * * Returns: (transfer none): a error code */ GError * fpi_ssm_get_error (FpiSsm *machine) { return machine->error; } /** * fpi_ssm_dup_error: * @machine: an #FpiSsm state machine * * Returns the error code set by fpi_ssm_mark_failed(). * * Returns: (transfer full): a error code */ GError * fpi_ssm_dup_error (FpiSsm *machine) { if (machine->error) return g_error_copy (machine->error); return NULL; } /** * fpi_ssm_usb_transfer_cb: * @transfer: a #FpiUsbTransfer * @device: a #FpDevice * @unused_data: User data (unused) * @error: The #GError or %NULL * * Can be used in as a #FpiUsbTransfer callback handler to automatically * advance or fail a statemachine on transfer completion. * * Make sure to set the #FpiSsm on the transfer. */ void fpi_ssm_usb_transfer_cb (FpiUsbTransfer *transfer, FpDevice *device, gpointer unused_data, GError *error) { g_return_if_fail (transfer->ssm); if (error) fpi_ssm_mark_failed (transfer->ssm, error); else fpi_ssm_next_state (transfer->ssm); } /** * fpi_ssm_usb_transfer_with_weak_pointer_cb: * @transfer: a #FpiUsbTransfer * @device: a #FpDevice * @weak_ptr: A #gpointer pointer to nullify. You can pass a pointer to any * #gpointer to nullify when the callback is completed. I.e a * pointer to the current #FpiUsbTransfer. * @error: The #GError or %NULL * * Can be used in as a #FpiUsbTransfer callback handler to automatically * advance or fail a statemachine on transfer completion. * Passing a #gpointer* as @weak_ptr permits to nullify it once we're done * with the transfer. * * Make sure to set the #FpiSsm on the transfer. */ void fpi_ssm_usb_transfer_with_weak_pointer_cb (FpiUsbTransfer *transfer, FpDevice *device, gpointer weak_ptr, GError *error) { g_return_if_fail (transfer->ssm); if (weak_ptr) g_nullify_pointer ((gpointer *) weak_ptr); fpi_ssm_usb_transfer_cb (transfer, device, weak_ptr, error); }