`umockdev` Tests ================ `umockdev` tests use fingerprint devices mocked by [`umockdev` toolchain][umockdev]. This document describes how to create a 'capture' test: a test that captures a picture of a fingerprint from the device (mocked by `umockdev`) and compares it with the standard one. Other kinds of `umockdev` tests can be created in a similar manner. For match-on-chip devices you would instead create a test specific `custom.py` script, capture it and store the capture to `custom.pcapng`. 'Capture' Test Creation ----------------------- A new 'capture' test is created by means of `capture.py` script: 1. Make sure that libfprint is built with support for the device driver that you want to capture a test case for. 2. From the build directory, run tests/create-driver-test.py as root. Note that if you're capturing data for a driver which already has a test case but the hardware is slightly different, you might want to pass a variant name as a command-line options, for example: ```sh $ sudo tests/create-driver-test.py version2 ``` 3. If the capture is not successful, run the tool again to start another capture. 4. Add driver test name to `drivers_tests` in the `meson.build`, as instructed, and change the ownership of the just-created test directory in the source. 5. Check whether `meson test` passes with this new test. **Note.** To avoid submitting a real fingerprint, the side of finger, arm, or anything else producing an image with the device can be used. Possible Issues --------------- Other changes may be needed to get everything working. For example the `elan` driver relies on a timeout that is not reported correctly. In this case the driver works around it by interpreting the protocol error differently in the virtual environment (by means of `FP_DEVICE_EMULATION` environment variable). [umockdev]: https://github.com/martinpitt/umockdev