/* * Copyright (C) 2018 Purism SPC * * This file is part of Calls. * * Calls is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Calls is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Calls. If not, see . * * Author: Bob Ham * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * */ #define G_LOG_DOMAIN "CallsMMCall" #include "calls-mm-call.h" #include "calls-call.h" #include "calls-message-source.h" #include "util.h" #include #include struct _CallsMMCall { GObject parent_instance; MMCall *mm_call; GString *id; CallsCallState state; gchar *disconnect_reason; }; static void calls_mm_call_message_source_interface_init (CallsMessageSourceInterface *iface); G_DEFINE_TYPE_WITH_CODE (CallsMMCall, calls_mm_call, CALLS_TYPE_CALL, G_IMPLEMENT_INTERFACE (CALLS_TYPE_MESSAGE_SOURCE, calls_mm_call_message_source_interface_init)) enum { PROP_0, PROP_MM_CALL, PROP_LAST_PROP, }; static GParamSpec *props[PROP_LAST_PROP]; static void change_state (CallsMMCall *self, CallsCallState state) { CallsCallState old_state = self->state; if (old_state == state) { return; } self->state = state; g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (self), "state"); g_signal_emit_by_name (CALLS_CALL (self), "state-changed", state, old_state); } static void notify_id_cb (CallsMMCall *self, const gchar *id) { g_string_assign (self->id, id); g_object_notify (G_OBJECT (self), "id"); } struct CallsMMCallStateReasonMap { MMCallStateReason value; const gchar *desc; }; static const struct CallsMMCallStateReasonMap STATE_REASON_MAP[] = { #define row(ENUMVALUE,DESCRIPTION) \ { MM_CALL_STATE_REASON_##ENUMVALUE, DESCRIPTION } row (UNKNOWN, N_("Call disconnected (unknown reason)")), row (OUTGOING_STARTED, N_("Outgoing call started")), row (INCOMING_NEW, N_("New incoming call")), row (ACCEPTED, N_("Call accepted")), row (TERMINATED, N_("Call ended")), row (REFUSED_OR_BUSY, N_("Call disconnected (busy or call refused)")), row (ERROR, N_("Call disconnected (wrong id or network problem)")), row (AUDIO_SETUP_FAILED, N_("Call disconnected (error setting up audio channel)")), row (TRANSFERRED, N_("Call transferred")), row (DEFLECTED, N_("Call deflected")), #undef row { -1, NULL } }; static void set_disconnect_reason (CallsMMCall *self, MMCallStateReason reason) { const struct CallsMMCallStateReasonMap *map_row; if (self->disconnect_reason) { g_free (self->disconnect_reason); } for (map_row = STATE_REASON_MAP; map_row->desc; ++map_row) { if (map_row->value == reason) { self->disconnect_reason = g_strdup (gettext (map_row->desc)); return; } } self->disconnect_reason = g_strdup_printf (_("Call disconnected (unknown reason code %i)"), (int)reason); g_warning ("%s", self->disconnect_reason); } struct CallsMMCallStateMap { MMCallState mm; CallsCallState calls; const gchar *name; }; static const struct CallsMMCallStateMap STATE_MAP[] = { #define row(MMENUM,CALLSENUM) \ { MM_CALL_STATE_##MMENUM, CALLS_CALL_STATE_##CALLSENUM, #MMENUM } \ row (UNKNOWN, DIALING), row (DIALING, DIALING), row (RINGING_OUT, ALERTING), row (RINGING_IN, INCOMING), row (ACTIVE, ACTIVE), row (HELD, HELD), row (WAITING, INCOMING), row (TERMINATED, DISCONNECTED), #undef row { -1, -1 } }; static void state_changed_cb (CallsMMCall *self, MMCallState old, MMCallState mm_new, MMCallStateReason reason) { const struct CallsMMCallStateMap *map_row; if (mm_new == MM_CALL_STATE_TERMINATED) { set_disconnect_reason (self, reason); } for (map_row = STATE_MAP; map_row->mm != -1; ++map_row) { if (map_row->mm == mm_new) { g_debug ("MM call state changed to `%s'", map_row->name); change_state (self, map_row->calls); return; } } } static const char * calls_mm_call_get_id (CallsCall *call) { CallsMMCall *self = CALLS_MM_CALL (call); return self->id->str; } static CallsCallState calls_mm_call_get_state (CallsCall *call) { CallsMMCall *self = CALLS_MM_CALL (call); return self->state; } static const char * calls_mm_call_get_protocol (CallsCall *self) { return "tel"; } struct CallsMMOperationData { const gchar *desc; CallsMMCall *self; gboolean (*finish_func) (MMCall *, GAsyncResult *, GError **); }; static void operation_cb (MMCall *mm_call, GAsyncResult *res, struct CallsMMOperationData *data) { gboolean ok; g_autoptr (GError) error = NULL; ok = data->finish_func (mm_call, res, &error); if (!ok) { g_warning ("Error %s ModemManager call to `%s': %s", data->desc, data->self->id->str, error->message); CALLS_ERROR (data->self, error); } g_free (data); } #define DEFINE_OPERATION(op,name,desc_str) \ static void \ name (CallsCall *call) \ { \ CallsMMCall *self = CALLS_MM_CALL (call); \ struct CallsMMOperationData *data; \ \ data = g_new0 (struct CallsMMOperationData, 1); \ data->desc = desc_str; \ data->self = self; \ data->finish_func = mm_call_##op##_finish; \ \ mm_call_##op \ (self->mm_call, \ NULL, \ (GAsyncReadyCallback) operation_cb, \ data); \ } DEFINE_OPERATION(accept, calls_mm_call_answer, "accepting"); DEFINE_OPERATION(hangup, calls_mm_call_hang_up, "hanging up"); DEFINE_OPERATION(start, calls_mm_call_start_call, "starting outgoing call"); static void calls_mm_call_send_dtmf_tone (CallsCall *call, gchar key) { CallsMMCall *self = CALLS_MM_CALL (call); struct CallsMMOperationData *data; char key_str[2] = { key, '\0' }; data = g_new0 (struct CallsMMOperationData, 1); data->desc = "sending DTMF"; data->self = self; data->finish_func = mm_call_send_dtmf_finish; mm_call_send_dtmf (self->mm_call, key_str, NULL, (GAsyncReadyCallback) operation_cb, data); } static void set_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, const GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { CallsMMCall *self = CALLS_MM_CALL (object); switch (property_id) { case PROP_MM_CALL: g_set_object (&self->mm_call, MM_CALL (g_value_get_object (value))); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); break; } } static void constructed (GObject *object) { CallsMMCall *self = CALLS_MM_CALL (object); MmGdbusCall *gdbus_call = MM_GDBUS_CALL (self->mm_call); MMCallState state; g_signal_connect_swapped (gdbus_call, "notify::number", G_CALLBACK (notify_id_cb), self); g_signal_connect_swapped (gdbus_call, "state-changed", G_CALLBACK (state_changed_cb), self); notify_id_cb (self, mm_call_get_number (self->mm_call)); state = mm_call_get_state (self->mm_call); state_changed_cb (self, MM_MODEM_STATE_UNKNOWN, state, mm_call_get_state_reason (self->mm_call)); /* Start outgoing call */ if (state == MM_CALL_STATE_UNKNOWN && mm_call_get_direction (self->mm_call) == MM_CALL_DIRECTION_OUTGOING) calls_mm_call_start_call (CALLS_CALL (self)); G_OBJECT_CLASS (calls_mm_call_parent_class)->constructed (object); } static void dispose (GObject *object) { CallsMMCall *self = CALLS_MM_CALL (object); g_clear_object (&self->mm_call); G_OBJECT_CLASS (calls_mm_call_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void finalize (GObject *object) { CallsMMCall *self = CALLS_MM_CALL (object); g_free (self->disconnect_reason); g_string_free (self->id, TRUE); G_OBJECT_CLASS (calls_mm_call_parent_class)->finalize (object); } static void calls_mm_call_class_init (CallsMMCallClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); CallsCallClass *call_class = CALLS_CALL_CLASS (klass); object_class->set_property = set_property; object_class->constructed = constructed; object_class->dispose = dispose; object_class->finalize = finalize; call_class->get_id = calls_mm_call_get_id; call_class->get_state = calls_mm_call_get_state; call_class->get_protocol = calls_mm_call_get_protocol; call_class->answer = calls_mm_call_answer; call_class->hang_up = calls_mm_call_hang_up; call_class->send_dtmf_tone = calls_mm_call_send_dtmf_tone; props[PROP_MM_CALL] = g_param_spec_object ("mm-call", "MM call", "A libmm-glib proxy object for the underlying call object", MM_TYPE_CALL, G_PARAM_WRITABLE | G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY); g_object_class_install_property (object_class, PROP_MM_CALL, props[PROP_MM_CALL]); } static void calls_mm_call_message_source_interface_init (CallsMessageSourceInterface *iface) { } static void calls_mm_call_init (CallsMMCall *self) { self->id = g_string_new (NULL); } CallsMMCall * calls_mm_call_new (MMCall *mm_call) { gboolean inbound; g_return_val_if_fail (MM_IS_CALL (mm_call), NULL); inbound = mm_call_get_direction (mm_call) == MM_CALL_DIRECTION_INCOMING; return g_object_new (CALLS_TYPE_MM_CALL, "mm-call", mm_call, "inbound", inbound, NULL); } const gchar * calls_mm_call_get_object_path (CallsMMCall *call) { return mm_call_get_path (call->mm_call); } const gchar * calls_mm_call_get_disconnect_reason (CallsMMCall *call) { return call->disconnect_reason; }