/* * Copyright (C) 2022 Purism SPC * * This file is part of Calls. * * Calls is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * Calls is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Calls. If not, see . * * Author: Evangelos Ribeiro Tzaras * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-or-later * */ #include "calls-sdp-crypto-context.h" #include "calls-sip-enums.h" #include enum { PROP_0, PROP_STATE, PROP_LAST_PROP }; static GParamSpec *props[PROP_LAST_PROP]; struct _CallsSdpCryptoContext { GObject parent_instance; GList *local_crypto_attributes; GList *remote_crypto_attributes; CallsCryptoContextState state; int negotiated_tag; }; #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 70, 0) G_DEFINE_FINAL_TYPE (CallsSdpCryptoContext, calls_sdp_crypto_context, G_TYPE_OBJECT) #else G_DEFINE_TYPE (CallsSdpCryptoContext, calls_sdp_crypto_context, G_TYPE_OBJECT) #endif static GStrv get_all_crypto_attributes_strv (sdp_media_t *media) { #if GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 68, 0) g_autoptr (GStrvBuilder) builder = NULL; g_assert (media); builder = g_strv_builder_new (); for (sdp_attribute_t *attr = media->m_attributes; attr; attr = attr->a_next) { g_autofree char *crypto_str = NULL; if (g_strcmp0 (attr->a_name, "crypto") != 0) continue; crypto_str = g_strconcat ("a=crypto:", attr->a_value, NULL); g_strv_builder_add (builder, crypto_str); } return g_strv_builder_end (builder); #else /* implement a poor mans GStrv */ g_autofree char *attribute_string = NULL; g_assert (media); for (sdp_attribute_t *attr = media->m_attributes; attr; attr = attr->a_next) { g_autofree char *crypto_str = NULL; if (g_strcmp0 (attr->a_name, "crypto") != 0) continue; crypto_str = g_strconcat ("a=crypto:", attr->a_value, NULL); if (!attribute_string) { attribute_string = g_strdup (crypto_str); } else { g_autofree char *tmp = attribute_string; attribute_string = g_strconcat (attribute_string, "\n", crypto_str, NULL); } } return g_strsplit (attribute_string, "\n", -1); #endif } static gboolean crypto_attribute_is_supported (CallsSdpCryptoContext *self, calls_srtp_crypto_attribute *attr) { g_assert (attr); if (attr->crypto_suite == CALLS_SRTP_SUITE_UNKNOWN) return FALSE; /* TODO setup a policy mechanism, for now this is hardcoded */ if (attr->unencrypted_srtp || attr->unauthenticated_srtp || attr->unencrypted_srtcp) return FALSE; return TRUE; } static calls_srtp_crypto_attribute * get_crypto_attribute_by_tag (GList *attributes, guint tag) { g_assert (attributes); g_assert (tag > 0); for (GList *node = attributes; node; node = node->next) { calls_srtp_crypto_attribute *attr = node->data; if (attr->tag == tag) return attr; } return NULL; } static void set_state (CallsSdpCryptoContext *self, CallsCryptoContextState state) { g_assert (CALLS_IS_SDP_CRYPTO_CONTEXT (self)); if (self->state == state) return; self->state = state; g_object_notify_by_pspec (G_OBJECT (self), props[PROP_STATE]); } /* Returns if %TRUE if the state was updated, %FALSE otherwise */ static gboolean update_state (CallsSdpCryptoContext *self) { GList *tags_local = NULL; GList *tags_remote = NULL; gint negotiated_tag = -1; calls_srtp_crypto_attribute *local_crypto; calls_srtp_crypto_attribute *remote_crypto; g_assert (CALLS_IS_SDP_CRYPTO_CONTEXT (self)); /* Cannot update final states */ if (self->state == CALLS_CRYPTO_CONTEXT_STATE_NEGOTIATION_FAILED || self->state == CALLS_CRYPTO_CONTEXT_STATE_NEGOTIATION_SUCCESS) return FALSE; if (self->state == CALLS_CRYPTO_CONTEXT_STATE_INIT) { if (self->local_crypto_attributes) { set_state (self, CALLS_CRYPTO_CONTEXT_STATE_OFFER_LOCAL); return TRUE; } if (self->remote_crypto_attributes) { set_state (self, CALLS_CRYPTO_CONTEXT_STATE_OFFER_REMOTE); return TRUE; } return FALSE; } for (GList *node = self->local_crypto_attributes; node; node = node->next) { calls_srtp_crypto_attribute *attr = node->data; tags_local = g_list_append (tags_local, GUINT_TO_POINTER (attr->tag)); } for (GList *node = self->remote_crypto_attributes; node; node = node->next) { calls_srtp_crypto_attribute *attr = node->data; tags_remote = g_list_append (tags_remote, GUINT_TO_POINTER (attr->tag)); } if (self->state == CALLS_CRYPTO_CONTEXT_STATE_OFFER_LOCAL) { for (GList *node = tags_local; node; node = node->next) { if (g_list_find (tags_remote, node->data)) { negotiated_tag = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (node->data); break; } } } else if (self->state == CALLS_CRYPTO_CONTEXT_STATE_OFFER_REMOTE) { for (GList *node = tags_remote; node; node = node->next) { if (g_list_find (tags_local, node->data)) { negotiated_tag = GPOINTER_TO_UINT (node->data); break; } } } else { g_assert_not_reached (); } g_list_free (tags_local); g_list_free (tags_remote); if (negotiated_tag == -1) { self->state = CALLS_CRYPTO_CONTEXT_STATE_NEGOTIATION_FAILED; return TRUE; } local_crypto = get_crypto_attribute_by_tag (self->local_crypto_attributes, negotiated_tag); remote_crypto = get_crypto_attribute_by_tag (self->remote_crypto_attributes, negotiated_tag); if (local_crypto->crypto_suite != remote_crypto->crypto_suite) { set_state (self, CALLS_CRYPTO_CONTEXT_STATE_NEGOTIATION_FAILED); return TRUE; } /* TODO check mandatory parameters and policy constrains */ self->negotiated_tag = negotiated_tag; set_state (self, CALLS_CRYPTO_CONTEXT_STATE_NEGOTIATION_SUCCESS); return TRUE; } static void calls_sdp_crypto_context_get_property (GObject *object, guint property_id, GValue *value, GParamSpec *pspec) { CallsSdpCryptoContext *self = CALLS_SDP_CRYPTO_CONTEXT (object); switch (property_id) { case PROP_STATE: g_value_set_enum (value, self->state); break; default: G_OBJECT_WARN_INVALID_PROPERTY_ID (object, property_id, pspec); break; } } static void calls_sdp_crypto_context_dispose (GObject *object) { CallsSdpCryptoContext *self = CALLS_SDP_CRYPTO_CONTEXT (object); g_clear_list (&self->local_crypto_attributes, (GDestroyNotify) calls_srtp_crypto_attribute_free); g_clear_list (&self->remote_crypto_attributes, (GDestroyNotify) calls_srtp_crypto_attribute_free); G_OBJECT_CLASS (calls_sdp_crypto_context_parent_class)->dispose (object); } static void calls_sdp_crypto_context_class_init (CallsSdpCryptoContextClass *klass) { GObjectClass *object_class = G_OBJECT_CLASS (klass); object_class->dispose = calls_sdp_crypto_context_dispose; object_class->get_property = calls_sdp_crypto_context_get_property; props[PROP_STATE] = g_param_spec_enum ("state", "State", "State of the crypto context", CALLS_TYPE_CRYPTO_CONTEXT_STATE, CALLS_CRYPTO_CONTEXT_STATE_INIT, G_PARAM_READABLE | G_PARAM_STATIC_STRINGS); g_object_class_install_properties (object_class, PROP_LAST_PROP, props); } static void calls_sdp_crypto_context_init (CallsSdpCryptoContext *self) { } CallsSdpCryptoContext * calls_sdp_crypto_context_new (void) { return g_object_new (CALLS_TYPE_SDP_CRYPTO_CONTEXT, NULL); } gboolean calls_sdp_crypto_context_set_local_media (CallsSdpCryptoContext *self, sdp_media_t *media) { g_auto (GStrv) crypto_strv = NULL; guint n_crypto_attr; g_return_val_if_fail (CALLS_IS_SDP_CRYPTO_CONTEXT (self), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (media, FALSE); if (self->local_crypto_attributes) { g_warning ("Local crypto attributes already set"); return FALSE; } crypto_strv = get_all_crypto_attributes_strv (media); n_crypto_attr = g_strv_length (crypto_strv); if (n_crypto_attr == 0) { g_warning ("No crypto attributes found in given SDP media"); return FALSE; } for (guint i = 0; i < n_crypto_attr; i++) { g_autoptr (GError) error = NULL; calls_srtp_crypto_attribute *attr; attr = calls_srtp_parse_sdp_crypto_attribute (crypto_strv[i], &error); if (!attr) { g_warning ("Failed parsing crypto attribute '%s': %s", crypto_strv[i], error->message); continue; } self->local_crypto_attributes = g_list_append (self->local_crypto_attributes, attr); } if (!self->local_crypto_attributes) { g_warning ("Could not parse a single crypto attribute, aborting"); return FALSE; } return update_state (self); } gboolean calls_sdp_crypto_context_set_remote_media (CallsSdpCryptoContext *self, sdp_media_t *media) { g_auto (GStrv) crypto_strv = NULL; guint n_crypto_attr; g_return_val_if_fail (CALLS_IS_SDP_CRYPTO_CONTEXT (self), FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (media, FALSE); if (self->remote_crypto_attributes) { g_warning ("Remote crypto attributes already set"); return FALSE; } crypto_strv = get_all_crypto_attributes_strv (media); n_crypto_attr = g_strv_length (crypto_strv); if (n_crypto_attr == 0) { g_warning ("No crypto attributes found in given SDP media"); return FALSE; } for (guint i = 0; i < n_crypto_attr; i++) { g_autoptr (GError) error = NULL; calls_srtp_crypto_attribute *attr; attr = calls_srtp_parse_sdp_crypto_attribute (crypto_strv[i], &error); if (!attr) { g_warning ("Failed parsing crypto attribute '%s': %s", crypto_strv[i], error->message); continue; } self->remote_crypto_attributes = g_list_append (self->remote_crypto_attributes, attr); } if (!self->remote_crypto_attributes) { g_warning ("Could not parse a single crypto attribute, aborting"); return FALSE; } return update_state (self); } calls_srtp_crypto_attribute * calls_sdp_crypto_context_get_local_crypto (CallsSdpCryptoContext *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (CALLS_IS_SDP_CRYPTO_CONTEXT (self), NULL); if (self->state != CALLS_CRYPTO_CONTEXT_STATE_NEGOTIATION_SUCCESS) return NULL; return get_crypto_attribute_by_tag (self->local_crypto_attributes, self->negotiated_tag); } calls_srtp_crypto_attribute * calls_sdp_crypto_context_get_remote_crypto (CallsSdpCryptoContext *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (CALLS_IS_SDP_CRYPTO_CONTEXT (self), NULL); if (self->state != CALLS_CRYPTO_CONTEXT_STATE_NEGOTIATION_SUCCESS) return NULL; return get_crypto_attribute_by_tag (self->remote_crypto_attributes, self->negotiated_tag); } gboolean calls_sdp_crypto_context_generate_offer (CallsSdpCryptoContext *self) { calls_srtp_crypto_attribute *attr; g_return_val_if_fail (CALLS_IS_SDP_CRYPTO_CONTEXT (self), FALSE); if (self->state != CALLS_CRYPTO_CONTEXT_STATE_INIT) { g_warning ("Cannot generate offer. Need INIT state, but found %d", self->state); return FALSE; } g_assert (!self->local_crypto_attributes); attr = calls_srtp_crypto_attribute_new (1); attr->tag = 1; attr->crypto_suite = CALLS_SRTP_SUITE_AES_CM_128_SHA1_80; calls_srtp_crypto_attribute_init_keys (attr); self->local_crypto_attributes = g_list_append (NULL, attr); attr = calls_srtp_crypto_attribute_new (1); attr->tag = 2; attr->crypto_suite = CALLS_SRTP_SUITE_AES_CM_128_SHA1_32; calls_srtp_crypto_attribute_init_keys (attr); self->local_crypto_attributes = g_list_append (self->local_crypto_attributes, attr); return update_state (self); } gboolean calls_sdp_crypto_context_generate_answer (CallsSdpCryptoContext *self) { calls_srtp_crypto_attribute *attr = NULL; g_return_val_if_fail (CALLS_IS_SDP_CRYPTO_CONTEXT (self), FALSE); if (self->state != CALLS_CRYPTO_CONTEXT_STATE_OFFER_REMOTE) { g_warning ("Cannot generate answer. Need OFFER_REMOTE state, but found %d", self->state); return FALSE; } for (GList *node = self->remote_crypto_attributes; node; node = node->next) { calls_srtp_crypto_attribute *attr_offer = node->data; if (crypto_attribute_is_supported (self, attr_offer)) { attr = calls_srtp_crypto_attribute_new (1); attr->crypto_suite = attr_offer->crypto_suite; attr->tag = attr_offer->tag; calls_srtp_crypto_attribute_init_keys (attr); break; } } if (!attr) return FALSE; self->local_crypto_attributes = g_list_append (NULL, attr); return update_state (self); } gboolean calls_sdp_crypto_context_get_is_negotiated (CallsSdpCryptoContext *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (CALLS_IS_SDP_CRYPTO_CONTEXT (self), FALSE); return self->state == CALLS_CRYPTO_CONTEXT_STATE_NEGOTIATION_SUCCESS; } CallsCryptoContextState calls_sdp_crypto_context_get_state (CallsSdpCryptoContext *self) { g_return_val_if_fail (CALLS_IS_SDP_CRYPTO_CONTEXT (self), CALLS_CRYPTO_CONTEXT_STATE_INIT); return self->state; } GList * calls_sdp_crypto_context_get_crypto_candidates (CallsSdpCryptoContext *self, gboolean remote) { g_return_val_if_fail (CALLS_IS_SDP_CRYPTO_CONTEXT (self), NULL); return g_list_copy (remote ? self->remote_crypto_attributes : self->local_crypto_attributes); }