# Basque translation for calls. # Copyright (C) 2022 calls's COPYRIGHT HOLDER # This file is distributed under the same license as the calls package. # Asier Sarasua Garmendia <asiersarasua@ni.eus>, 2022. # msgid "" msgstr "Project-Id-Version: calls main\n" "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: https://gitlab.gnome.org/GNOME/calls/-/issues\n" "POT-Creation-Date: 2022-11-24 14:04+0000\n" "PO-Revision-Date: 2022-11-29 14:04+0000\n" "Last-Translator: Asier Sarasua Garmendia <asiersarasua@ni.eus>\n" "Language-Team: Basque <librezale@librezale.eus>\n" "Language: eu\n" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" #: data/org.gnome.Calls.desktop.in:3 data/org.gnome.Calls.metainfo.xml:6 #: src/calls-application.c:457 src/ui/call-window.ui:9 src/ui/main-window.ui:7 msgid "Calls" msgstr "Deiak" #: data/org.gnome.Calls.desktop.in:4 data/org.gnome.Calls-daemon.desktop.in:4 msgid "Phone" msgstr "Telefonoa" #: data/org.gnome.Calls.desktop.in:5 msgid "A phone dialer and call handler" msgstr "Telefono-markatzailea eta dei-kudeatzailea" #. Translators: Search terms to find this application. Do NOT translate or localize the semicolons! The list MUST also end with a semicolon! #: data/org.gnome.Calls.desktop.in:7 data/org.gnome.Calls-daemon.desktop.in:7 msgid "Telephone;Call;Phone;Dial;Dialer;PSTN;" msgstr "Telefonoa;Deia;Mugikorra;Markatu;Markatzailea;PSTN;" #: data/org.gnome.Calls-daemon.desktop.in:3 msgid "Calls (daemon)" msgstr "Deiak (daemona)" #: data/org.gnome.Calls-daemon.desktop.in:5 msgid "A phone dialer and call handler (daemon mode)" msgstr "Telefono-markatzailea eta dei-kudeatzailea (daemon modua)" #: data/org.gnome.Calls.metainfo.xml:7 msgid "Make phone and SIP calls" msgstr "Deitu telefonoz eta SIP bidez" #: data/org.gnome.Calls.metainfo.xml:10 msgid "" "Calls is a simple, elegant phone dialer and call handler for GNOME. It can " "be used with a cellular modem for plain old telephone calls as well as VoIP " "calls using the SIP protocol." msgstr "Deiak aplikazioa GNOME ingurunerako telefono-markatzaile eta dei-kudeatzaile sinplea da. Sare mugikorraren bidez betiko telefono-deiak egiteko erabili daiteke, edo SIP protokoloaren bidez VoIP deiak egiteko." #. Translators: A screenshot description. #: data/org.gnome.Calls.metainfo.xml:26 msgid "Placing a call" msgstr "Deitzen" #. Translators: A screenshot description. #: data/org.gnome.Calls.metainfo.xml:31 msgid "The call history" msgstr "Deien historia" #: data/org.gnome.Calls.gschema.xml:7 data/org.gnome.Calls.gschema.xml:8 msgid "Whether calls should automatically use the default origin" msgstr "Deiek automatikoki jatorri lehenetsia erabiliko duten ala ez" #: data/org.gnome.Calls.gschema.xml:13 msgid "The country code as reported by the modem" msgstr "Herrialde-kodea modemaren arabera" #: data/org.gnome.Calls.gschema.xml:14 msgid "The country code is used for contact name lookup" msgstr "Herrialde-kodea kontaktu-izenak bilatzeko erabiltzen da" #: data/org.gnome.Calls.gschema.xml:19 msgid "The plugins to load automatically" msgstr "Automatikoki kargatuko diren pluginak" #: data/org.gnome.Calls.gschema.xml:20 msgid "These plugins will be automatically loaded on application startup." msgstr "Plugin horiek automatikoki kargatuko dira aplikazioa abiaraztean." #: data/org.gnome.Calls.gschema.xml:25 msgid "Audio codecs to use for VoIP calls in order of preference" msgstr "VoIP deietan erabiliko diren audio-kodekak, lehentasunaren arabera ordenatuta" #: data/org.gnome.Calls.gschema.xml:26 msgid "The preferred audio codecs to use for VoIP calls (if available)" msgstr "VoIP deietan erabiliko diren (erabilgarri badaude) audio-kodek hobetsiak" #: data/org.gnome.Calls.gschema.xml:31 msgid "Whether to allow using SDES for SRTP without TLS as the transport" msgstr "SRTPrako SDES erabiltzea onartzen den, TLS gabe, garraiorako" #: data/org.gnome.Calls.gschema.xml:32 msgid "Set to true if you want to allow with keys exchanged in cleartext." msgstr "Ezarri egia gakoak testu garbian trukatuta onartu nahi baduzu." #: src/calls-account.c:163 msgid "Default (uninitialized) state" msgstr "Egoera lehenetsia (hasieratu gabea)" #: src/calls-account.c:166 msgid "Initializing account…" msgstr "Kontua hasieratzen…" #: src/calls-account.c:169 msgid "Uninitializing account…" msgstr "Kontuaren hasieratzea desegiten…" #: src/calls-account.c:172 msgid "Connecting to server…" msgstr "Zerbitzariarekin konektatzen…" #: src/calls-account.c:175 msgid "Account is online" msgstr "Kontua linean dago" #: src/calls-account.c:178 msgid "Disconnecting from server…" msgstr "Zerbitzaritik deskonektatzen…" #: src/calls-account.c:181 msgid "Account is offline" msgstr "Kontua lineaz kanpo dago" #: src/calls-account.c:184 msgid "Account encountered an error" msgstr "Kontuak errore bat aurkitu du" #: src/calls-account.c:202 msgid "No reason given" msgstr "Ez da arrazoirik eman" #: src/calls-account.c:205 msgid "Initialization started" msgstr "Hasieratzea abiarazi da" #: src/calls-account.c:208 msgid "Initialization complete" msgstr "Hasieratzea osatu da" #: src/calls-account.c:211 msgid "Uninitialization started" msgstr "Hasieratzea desegitea abiarazi da" #: src/calls-account.c:214 msgid "Uninitialization complete" msgstr "Hasieratzea desegitea osatu da" #: src/calls-account.c:217 msgid "No credentials set" msgstr "Ez da kredentzialik ezarri" #: src/calls-account.c:220 msgid "Starting to connect" msgstr "Konexioa abiarazten" #: src/calls-account.c:223 msgid "Connection timed out" msgstr "Konexioak denbora agortu du" #: src/calls-account.c:226 msgid "Domain name could not be resolved" msgstr "Ezin izan da domeinu-izena ebatzi" #: src/calls-account.c:229 msgid "Server did not accept username or password" msgstr "Zerbitzariak ez du onartu erabiltzaile-izena edo pasahitza" #: src/calls-account.c:232 msgid "Connecting complete" msgstr "Konexioa osatu da" #: src/calls-account.c:235 msgid "Starting to disconnect" msgstr "Deskonexioa abiarazten" #: src/calls-account.c:238 msgid "Disconnecting complete" msgstr "Deskonexioa osatu da" #: src/calls-account.c:241 msgid "Internal error occurred" msgstr "Barneko errorea gertatu da" #: src/calls-account-overview.c:177 #, c-format msgid "Edit account: %s" msgstr "Editatu kontua: %s" #: src/calls-account-overview.c:184 msgid "Add new account" msgstr "Gehitu kontu berria" #: src/calls-account-overview.c:376 msgid "Account overview" msgstr "Kontuen ikuspegi orokorra" #: src/calls-application.c:327 #, c-format msgid "Tried dialing invalid tel URI `%s'" msgstr "Baliogabea den `%s' URI telefonoa markatzen saiatu zara" #: src/calls-application.c:660 #, c-format msgid "Don't know how to open `%s'" msgstr "Ez dakit nola ireki `%s'" #: src/calls-application.c:717 msgid "The name of the plugin to use as a call provider" msgstr "Dei-hornitzaile modura erabiliko den pluginaren izena" #: src/calls-application.c:718 msgid "PLUGIN" msgstr "PLUGINA" #: src/calls-application.c:723 msgid "Whether to present the main window on startup" msgstr "Abioan leiho nagusia erakutsiko den ala ez" #: src/calls-application.c:729 msgid "Dial a telephone number" msgstr "Markatu telefono-zenbakia" #: src/calls-application.c:730 msgid "NUMBER" msgstr "ZENBAKIA" #: src/calls-application.c:735 msgid "Enable verbose debug messages" msgstr "Gaitu arazketa-mezu xehatuak" #: src/calls-application.c:741 msgid "Print current version" msgstr "Inprimatu uneko bertsioa" #: src/calls-best-match.c:435 msgid "Anonymous caller" msgstr "Deitzaile anonimoa" #: src/calls-call-record-row.c:97 #, c-format msgid "" "%s\n" "yesterday" msgstr "%s\n" "atzo" #: src/calls-main-window.c:123 msgid "translator-credits" msgstr "translator-credits" #: src/calls-main-window.c:316 msgid "Can't place calls: No modem or VoIP account available" msgstr "Ezin da deirik egin: Ez dago modemik edo VoIP konturik erabilgarri" #: src/calls-main-window.c:318 msgid "Can't place calls: No plugin loaded" msgstr "Ezin da deirik egin: Ez dago pluginik kargatuta" #: src/calls-main-window.c:353 msgid "Contacts" msgstr "Kontaktuak" #: src/calls-main-window.c:363 msgid "Dial Pad" msgstr "Markatze-teklatua" #. Recent as in "Recent calls" (the call history) #: src/calls-main-window.c:372 msgid "Recent" msgstr "Azken aldikoa" #: src/calls-notifier.c:52 msgid "Missed call" msgstr "Galdutako deia" #. %s is a name here #: src/calls-notifier.c:76 #, c-format msgid "Missed call from <b>%s</b>" msgstr "Galdutako deia: <b>%s</b>" #. %s is a id here #: src/calls-notifier.c:79 #, c-format msgid "Missed call from %s" msgstr "Galdutako deia: %s" #: src/calls-notifier.c:81 msgid "Missed call from unknown caller" msgstr "Galdutako deia: deitzaile ezezaguna" #: src/calls-notifier.c:87 msgid "Call back" msgstr "Itzuli deia" #: src/ui/account-overview.ui:16 msgid "VoIP Accounts" msgstr "VoIP kontuak" #: src/ui/account-overview.ui:49 msgid "Add VoIP Accounts" msgstr "Gehitu VoIP kontuak" #: src/ui/account-overview.ui:51 msgid "" "You can add VoIP account here. It will allow you to place and receive VoIP " "calls using the SIP protocol. This feature is still relatively new and not " "yet feature complete (i.e. no encrypted media)." msgstr "VoIP kontua hemen gehitu daiteke. SIP protokoloaren bidezko VoIP deiak egitea eta jasotzea ahalbidetzen du. Egingide hau berria da eta oraindik ez dago erabat osatuta (adibidez, multimedia ez da zifratuko)." #: src/ui/account-overview.ui:58 src/ui/account-overview.ui:106 msgid "_Add Account" msgstr "_Gehitu kontua" #. Translators: This is a verb, not a noun. Call the number of the currently selected row. #: src/ui/call-record-row.ui:62 msgid "Call" msgstr "Deia" #: src/ui/call-record-row.ui:102 msgid "_Delete Call" msgstr "E_zabatu deia" #. Translators: This is a phone number #: src/ui/call-record-row.ui:107 msgid "_Copy number" msgstr "_Kopiatu zenbakia" #: src/ui/call-record-row.ui:112 msgid "_Add contact" msgstr "_Gehitu kontaktua" #: src/ui/call-record-row.ui:117 msgid "_Send SMS" msgstr "_Bidali SMSa" #: src/ui/call-selector-item.ui:38 msgid "On hold" msgstr "Zain" #: src/ui/contacts-box.ui:60 msgid "No Contacts Found" msgstr "Ez da kontakturik aurkitu" #: src/ui/history-box.ui:10 msgid "No Recent Calls" msgstr "Ez da deirik egon azken aldian" #: src/ui/main-window.ui:105 msgid "USSD" msgstr "USSD" #: src/ui/main-window.ui:114 msgid "_Cancel" msgstr "_Utzi" #: src/ui/main-window.ui:131 msgid "_Close" msgstr "_Itxi" #: src/ui/main-window.ui:141 msgid "_Send" msgstr "_Bidali" #: src/ui/main-window.ui:214 msgid "_VoIP Accounts" msgstr "_VoIP kontuak" #: src/ui/main-window.ui:227 msgid "_Keyboard shortcuts" msgstr "La_sterbideak" #: src/ui/main-window.ui:233 msgid "_Help" msgstr "_Laguntza" #. "Calls" is the application name, do not translate #: src/ui/main-window.ui:239 msgid "_About Calls" msgstr "Deiak aplikazioari b_uruz" #: src/ui/new-call-box.ui:38 msgid "Enter a VoIP address" msgstr "Sartu VoIP helbidea" #: src/ui/new-call-box.ui:62 msgid "SIP Account" msgstr "SIP kontuak" #: src/ui/new-call-header-bar.ui:6 msgid "New Call" msgstr "Dei berria" #: src/ui/new-call-header-bar.ui:19 msgid "Back" msgstr "Atzera" #: plugins/provider/mm/calls-mm-call.c:73 msgid "Unknown reason" msgstr "Arrazoi ezezaguna" #: plugins/provider/mm/calls-mm-call.c:74 msgid "Outgoing call started" msgstr "Irteerako deia abiarazi da" #: plugins/provider/mm/calls-mm-call.c:75 msgid "New incoming call" msgstr "Sarrerako dei berria" #: plugins/provider/mm/calls-mm-call.c:76 msgid "Call accepted" msgstr "Deia onartu da" #: plugins/provider/mm/calls-mm-call.c:77 msgid "Call ended" msgstr "Deia amaitu da" #: plugins/provider/mm/calls-mm-call.c:78 msgid "Call disconnected (busy or call refused)" msgstr "Deia deskonektatu da (lanpetuta edo baztertu da)" #: plugins/provider/mm/calls-mm-call.c:79 msgid "Call disconnected (wrong id or network problem)" msgstr "Deia deskonektatu da (ID okerra edo sareko arazoa)" #: plugins/provider/mm/calls-mm-call.c:80 msgid "Call disconnected (error setting up audio channel)" msgstr "Deia deskonektatu da (errorea audio-kanala konfiguratzean)" #. Translators: Transfer is for active or held calls #: plugins/provider/mm/calls-mm-call.c:82 msgid "Call transferred" msgstr "Deia transferitu da" #. Translators: Deflecting is for incoming or waiting calls #: plugins/provider/mm/calls-mm-call.c:84 msgid "Call deflected" msgstr "Deia desbideratu da" #: plugins/provider/mm/calls-mm-call.c:109 #, c-format msgid "Call disconnected (unknown reason code %i)" msgstr "Deia deskonektatu da (arrazoi ezezaguna, %i kodea)" #: plugins/provider/mm/calls-mm-provider.c:84 msgid "ModemManager unavailable" msgstr "ModemManager ez dago erabilgarri" #: plugins/provider/mm/calls-mm-provider.c:86 #: plugins/provider/ofono/calls-ofono-provider.c:96 msgid "No voice-capable modem available" msgstr "Ez da aurkitu ahotsa maneiatzeko gai den modemik" #: plugins/provider/mm/calls-mm-provider.c:88 #: plugins/provider/ofono/calls-ofono-provider.c:98 msgid "Normal" msgstr "Normala" #: plugins/provider/mm/calls-mm-provider.c:456 #: plugins/provider/ofono/calls-ofono-provider.c:546 msgid "Initialized" msgstr "Hasieratua" #: plugins/provider/ofono/calls-ofono-provider.c:94 msgid "DBus unavailable" msgstr "DBus ez dago erabilgarri" #: plugins/provider/sip/calls-sip-account-widget.c:668 msgid "No encryption" msgstr "Zifratzerik gabe" #. TODO Optional encryption #: plugins/provider/sip/calls-sip-account-widget.c:675 msgid "Force encryption" msgstr "Behartu zifratzea" #: plugins/provider/sip/calls-sip-call.c:123 msgid "Cryptographic key exchange unsuccessful" msgstr "Gako kriptografikoen trukea ez da ongi gauzatu" #: plugins/provider/sip/sip-account-widget.ui:11 msgid "Add Account" msgstr "Gehitu kontua" #: plugins/provider/sip/sip-account-widget.ui:17 msgid "_Log In" msgstr "_Hasi saioa" #: plugins/provider/sip/sip-account-widget.ui:42 msgid "Manage Account" msgstr "Kudeatu kontua" #: plugins/provider/sip/sip-account-widget.ui:47 msgid "_Apply" msgstr "_Aplikatu" #: plugins/provider/sip/sip-account-widget.ui:61 msgid "_Delete" msgstr "E_zabatu" #: plugins/provider/sip/sip-account-widget.ui:91 msgid "Server" msgstr "Zerbitzaria" #: plugins/provider/sip/sip-account-widget.ui:109 msgid "Display Name" msgstr "Bistaratze-izena" #: plugins/provider/sip/sip-account-widget.ui:110 msgid "Optional" msgstr "Aukerakoa" #: plugins/provider/sip/sip-account-widget.ui:128 msgid "User ID" msgstr "Erabiltzailearen IDa" #: plugins/provider/sip/sip-account-widget.ui:141 msgid "Password" msgstr "Pasahitza" #: plugins/provider/sip/sip-account-widget.ui:166 msgid "Port" msgstr "Ataka" #: plugins/provider/sip/sip-account-widget.ui:182 msgid "Transport" msgstr "Garraioa" #: plugins/provider/sip/sip-account-widget.ui:189 msgid "Media Encryption" msgstr "Multimedia-zifratzea" #: plugins/provider/sip/sip-account-widget.ui:201 msgid "Use for Phone Calls" msgstr "Erabili telefono-deietarako" #: plugins/provider/sip/sip-account-widget.ui:214 msgid "Automatically Connect" msgstr "Konektatu automatikoki"