# oFono There is also an oFono backend, "ofono". This was the first backend developed but has been superceded by the ModemManager backend so it may suffer from a lack of attention. The ofono backend depends on oFono Modem objects being present on D-Bus. To run oFono with useful output: sudo OFONO_AT_DEBUG=1 ofonod -n -d The test programs within the [oFono source tree](https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/network/ofono/ofono.git) are useful to bring up a modem to a suitable state. For example: cd $OFONO_SOURCE/test ./list-modems ./enable-modem /sim7100 ./online-modem /sim7100 Then run Calls: /usr/bin/gnome-calls -p ofono ## Phonesim One can also make use of the oFono modem simulator, phonesim (in the ofono-phonesim package in Debian): ofono-phonesim -p 12345 -gui /usr/local/share/phonesim/default.xml then, ensuring /etc/ofono/phonesim.conf has appropriate contents like: [phonesim] Address= Port=12345 run oFono as above, then: cd $OFONO_SOURCE/test ./enable-modem /phonesim ./online-modem /phonesim And again run Calls.