include: - '' - '' stages: - build - test - package - test-package build:native: stage: build artifacts: paths: - _build variables: BUILD_OPTS: -Dgtk_doc=true ${COMMON_BUILD_OPTS} WANT_BUILD_DEPS: "true" COMMON_BUILD_OPTS: --werror except: variables: - $PKG_ONLY == "1" image: pureos/byzantium tags: - librem5 before_script: - export DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive - apt-get -y update - apt-get -y build-dep . - ulimit -c unlimited script: - 'echo "Build opts: ${BUILD_OPTS}"' - meson ${BUILD_OPTS} . _build - ninja -C _build test:native: extends: build:native stage: test dependencies: - build:native script: - export LC_ALL=C.UTF-8 - xvfb-run ninja -C _build test build-gtkdoc: extends: build:native stage: test dependencies: - build:native script: - ninja -C _build calls-doc - mv _build/doc/html/ _reference/ artifacts: paths: - _reference check-po: extends: build:native stage: test dependencies: - build:native before_script: - apt-get -y update - apt-get -y install intltool script: # barf on untranslated C files. Seems intltool # can't be told to exit with non-zero exit status # in this case - cd po/ - intltool-update -m 2>&1 | grep -qs '/.*\.c' && { intltool-update -m; exit 1; } || exit 0