This exports call objects on the session bus: $ gdbus monitor --session -d sm.puri.Calls … /sm/puri/Calls: org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager.InterfacesAdded (objectpath '/sm/puri/Calls/Call/1', {'sm.puri.Calls.Call': {'Inbound': <false>, 'State': <uint32 0>, 'Id': <''>, 'Party': <''>}}) /sm/puri/Calls/Call/1: org.freedesktop.DBus.Properties.PropertiesChanged ('sm.puri.Calls.Call', {'Id': <'0987654321'>, 'Inbound': <true>, 'State': <uint32 5>}, @as []) /sm/puri/Calls: org.freedesktop.DBus.ObjectManager.InterfacesRemoved (objectpath '/sm/puri/Calls/Call/1', ['sm.puri.Calls.Call']) $ gdbus call --session --dest sm.puri.Calls --object-path /sm/puri/Calls/Call/1 --method sm.puri.Calls.Call.Hangup Currenty hangup and accept methods are implemented as well as exposing the current call state.
* Preliminary documentation of CallsCall and CallsMessageSource * Documentation and cleaning up of CallsCallData * Add data files and meson rules to create gtk-doc documentation * Move some macros from util.h to calls-message-source.h