* Add documentation about integration with AD LDAP
* Add `rel="noopener"` to all links
* Add documentation about integration with Nextcloud for authentication
* Update URL on frontpage to point to codimd.org
* Replace Fontawesome with Forkawesome
* Add OpenID support
* Add print icon to slide view
* Add auto-complete for language names that are highlighted in codeblocks
* Improve translations for Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italien, Korean, Polish, and Russian language
* Add Download action to published document API
* Add reset password feature to `manage_users` script
* Move from own `./tmp` directory to system temp directory
* Add Etherpad migration guide
* Move XSS library to a more native position
* Use full version string to determine changes from the backend
* Update winston (logging library)
* Use slide preview in slide example
* Improve migration handling
* Update reveal.js to version 3.7.0
* Replace scrypt library with its successor
* Replace `to-markdown` with `turndown` (successor library)
* Update socket.io
* Add warning on missing base URL
* Update bootstrap to version 3.4.0
* Update handlebar
* Fix paths in GitLab documentation
* Fix missing `data:` URL in CSP
* Fix oAuth2 name/label field
* Fix GitLab API integration
* Fix auto-completed but not rendered emojis
* Fix menu organization depending on enabled services
* Fix some logging in the OT module
* Fix some unhandled internalOAuthError exception
* Fix unwanted creation of robots.txt document in "freeurl-mode"
* Fix some links on index page to lead to the right sections on feature page
* Fix document breaking, empty headlines
* Fix wrong multiplication for HSTS header seconds
* Fix wrong subdirectories in exported user data
* Fix CSP for speaker notes
* Fix CSP for disqus
* Fix URL API usage
* Fix Gist embedding
* Fix upload provider error message
* Fix unescaped disqus user names
* Fix SAML vulnerability
* Fix link to SAML guide
* Fix deep dependency problem with node 6.x
* Fix broken PDF export by wrong unlink call
* Fix possible XSS attack in MathJax
* Refactor to use `ws` instead of the the no longer supported `uws`
* Refactor frontend build system to use webpack version 4
* Refactor file path configuration (views, uploads, …)
* Refactor `manage_users` script
* Refactor handling of template variables
* Refactor linting to use eslint
* Remove no longer working Octicons
* Remove links to our old Gitter channel
* Remove unused library node-uuid
* Remove unneeded blueimp-md5 dependency
* Remove speakerdeck due to broken implementation
* Adam.emts (translator)
* [Alex Garcia](https://github.com/asg017)
* [Cédric Couralet (micedre)](https://github.com/micedre)
* [Claudius Coenen](https://github.com/ccoenen)
* [Daan Sprenkels](https://github.com/dsprenkels)
* [David Mehren](https://github.com/davidmehren)
* [Erona](https://github.com/Eronana)
* [Felix Yan](https://github.com/felixonmars)
* [Jonathan](https://github.com/phrix32)
* Jong-kai Yang (translator)
* [MartB](https://github.com/MartB)
* [Max Wu (jackycute)](https://github.com/jackycute)
* [mcnesium](https://github.com/mcnesium)
* Nullnine (translator)
* RanoIP (translator)
* [SuNbiT](https://github.com/sunbit)
* Sylke Vicious (translator)
* Timothee (translator)
* [WilliButz](https://github.com/WilliButz)
* [Xaver Maierhofer](https://github.com/xf-)
* [云屿](https://github.com/cloudyu)
Merge tag '1.3.0' into DepauMD
* Run db migrations on `npm start`
* Add documentation about integration with AD LDAP
* Add `rel="noopener"` to all links
* Add documentation about integration with Nextcloud for authentication
* Update URL on frontpage to point to codimd.org
* Replace Fontawesome with Forkawesome
* Add OpenID support
* Add print icon to slide view
* Add auto-complete for language names that are highlighted in codeblocks
* Improve translations for Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italien, Korean, Polish, and Russian language
* Add Download action to published document API
* Add reset password feature to `manage_users` script
* Move from own `./tmp` directory to system temp directory
* Add Etherpad migration guide
* Move XSS library to a more native position
* Use full version string to determine changes from the backend
* Update winston (logging library)
* Use slide preview in slide example
* Improve migration handling
* Update reveal.js to version 3.7.0
* Replace scrypt library with its successor
* Replace `to-markdown` with `turndown` (successor library)
* Update socket.io
* Add warning on missing base URL
* Update bootstrap to version 3.4.0
* Update handlebar
* Fix paths in GitLab documentation
* Fix missing `data:` URL in CSP
* Fix oAuth2 name/label field
* Fix GitLab API integration
* Fix auto-completed but not rendered emojis
* Fix menu organization depending on enabled services
* Fix some logging in the OT module
* Fix some unhandled internalOAuthError exception
* Fix unwanted creation of robots.txt document in "freeurl-mode"
* Fix some links on index page to lead to the right sections on feature page
* Fix document breaking, empty headlines
* Fix wrong multiplication for HSTS header seconds
* Fix wrong subdirectories in exported user data
* Fix CSP for speaker notes
* Fix CSP for disqus
* Fix URL API usage
* Fix Gist embedding
* Fix upload provider error message
* Fix unescaped disqus user names
* Fix SAML vulnerability
* Fix link to SAML guide
* Fix deep dependency problem with node 6.x
* Fix broken PDF export by wrong unlink call
* Fix possible XSS attack in MathJax
* Refactor to use `ws` instead of the the no longer supported `uws`
* Refactor frontend build system to use webpack version 4
* Refactor file path configuration (views, uploads, …)
* Refactor `manage_users` script
* Refactor handling of template variables
* Refactor linting to use eslint
* Remove no longer working Octicons
* Remove links to our old Gitter channel
* Remove unused library node-uuid
* Remove unneeded blueimp-md5 dependency
* Remove speakerdeck due to broken implementation
* Adam.emts (translator)
* [Alex Garcia](https://github.com/asg017)
* [Cédric Couralet (micedre)](https://github.com/micedre)
* [Claudius Coenen](https://github.com/ccoenen)
* [Daan Sprenkels](https://github.com/dsprenkels)
* [David Mehren](https://github.com/davidmehren)
* [Erona](https://github.com/Eronana)
* [Felix Yan](https://github.com/felixonmars)
* [Jonathan](https://github.com/phrix32)
* Jong-kai Yang (translator)
* [MartB](https://github.com/MartB)
* [Max Wu (jackycute)](https://github.com/jackycute)
* [mcnesium](https://github.com/mcnesium)
* Nullnine (translator)
* RanoIP (translator)
* [SuNbiT](https://github.com/sunbit)
* Sylke Vicious (translator)
* Timothee (translator)
* [WilliButz](https://github.com/WilliButz)
* [Xaver Maierhofer](https://github.com/xf-)
* [云屿](https://github.com/cloudyu)