Cédric Couralet 66d374b128 Add possibility to choose between version v3 or v4 for the gitlab api.
Apart from the uri versioning, one big change is the snippet visibility post data (visibility_level -> visibility)

Default gitlab api version to v4

Signed-off-by: Cédric Couralet <cedric.couralet@gmail.com>
2018-07-31 08:36:56 +00:00

195 lines
7 KiB

'use strict'
const crypto = require('crypto')
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const {merge} = require('lodash')
const deepFreeze = require('deep-freeze')
const {Environment, Permission} = require('./enum')
const logger = require('../logger')
const appRootPath = path.join(__dirname, '../../')
const env = process.env.NODE_ENV || Environment.development
const debugConfig = {
debug: (env === Environment.development)
// Get version string from package.json
const {version} = require(path.join(appRootPath, 'package.json'))
const packageConfig = {
version: version,
minimumCompatibleVersion: '0.5.0'
const configFilePath = path.join(appRootPath, 'config.json')
const fileConfig = fs.existsSync(configFilePath) ? require(configFilePath)[env] : undefined
let config = require('./default')
merge(config, require('./defaultSSL'))
merge(config, require('./oldDefault'))
merge(config, debugConfig)
merge(config, packageConfig)
merge(config, fileConfig)
merge(config, require('./oldEnvironment'))
merge(config, require('./hackmdEnvironment'))
merge(config, require('./environment'))
merge(config, require('./dockerSecret'))
// load LDAP CA
if (config.ldap.tlsca) {
let ca = config.ldap.tlsca.split(',')
let caContent = []
for (let i of ca) {
if (fs.existsSync(i)) {
caContent.push(fs.readFileSync(i, 'utf8'))
let tlsOptions = {
ca: caContent
config.ldap.tlsOptions = config.ldap.tlsOptions ? Object.assign(config.ldap.tlsOptions, tlsOptions) : tlsOptions
// Permission
config.permission = Permission
if (!config.allowAnonymous && !config.allowAnonymousEdits) {
delete config.permission.freely
if (!(config.defaultPermission in config.permission)) {
config.defaultPermission = config.permission.editable
// cache result, cannot change config in runtime!!!
config.isStandardHTTPsPort = (function isStandardHTTPsPort () {
return config.useSSL && config.port === 443
config.isStandardHTTPPort = (function isStandardHTTPPort () {
return !config.useSSL && config.port === 80
// cache serverURL
config.serverURL = (function getserverurl () {
var url = ''
if (config.domain) {
var protocol = config.protocolUseSSL ? 'https://' : 'http://'
url = protocol + config.domain
if (config.urlAddPort) {
if (!config.isStandardHTTPPort || !config.isStandardHTTPsPort) {
url += ':' + config.port
if (config.urlPath) {
url += '/' + config.urlPath
return url
config.Environment = Environment
// auth method
config.isFacebookEnable = config.facebook.clientID && config.facebook.clientSecret
config.isGoogleEnable = config.google.clientID && config.google.clientSecret
config.isDropboxEnable = config.dropbox.clientID && config.dropbox.clientSecret
config.isTwitterEnable = config.twitter.consumerKey && config.twitter.consumerSecret
config.isEmailEnable = config.email
config.isGitHubEnable = config.github.clientID && config.github.clientSecret
config.isGitLabEnable = config.gitlab.clientID && config.gitlab.clientSecret
config.isMattermostEnable = config.mattermost.clientID && config.mattermost.clientSecret
config.isLDAPEnable = config.ldap.url
config.isSAMLEnable = config.saml.idpSsoUrl
config.isOAuth2Enable = config.oauth2.clientID && config.oauth2.clientSecret
config.isPDFExportEnable = config.allowPDFExport
// Check gitlab api version
if (config.gitlab.version !== 'v4' || config.gitlab.version !== 'v3') {
logger.warn('config.js contains wrong version (' + config.gitlab.version + ') for gitlab api; it should be \'v3\' or \'v4\'. Defaulting to v3')
config.gitlab.version = 'v4'
// Only update i18n files in development setups
config.updateI18nFiles = (env === Environment.development)
// merge legacy values
let keys = Object.keys(config)
const uppercase = /[A-Z]/
for (let i = keys.length; i--;) {
let lowercaseKey = keys[i].toLowerCase()
// if the config contains uppercase letters
// and a lowercase version of this setting exists
// and the config with uppercase is not set
// we set the new config using the old key.
if (uppercase.test(keys[i]) &&
config[lowercaseKey] !== undefined &&
fileConfig[keys[i]] === undefined) {
logger.warn('config.js contains deprecated lowercase setting for ' + keys[i] + '. Please change your config.js file to replace ' + lowercaseKey + ' with ' + keys[i])
config[keys[i]] = config[lowercaseKey]
// Notify users about the prefix change and inform them they use legacy prefix for environment variables
if (Object.keys(process.env).toString().indexOf('HMD_') !== -1) {
logger.warn('Using legacy HMD prefix for environment variables. Please change your variables in future. For details see: https://github.com/hackmdio/codimd#environment-variables-will-overwrite-other-server-configs')
// Generate session secret if it stays on default values
if (config.sessionSecret === 'secret') {
logger.warn('Session secret not set. Using random generated one. Please set `sessionSecret` in your config.js file. All users will be logged out.')
config.sessionSecret = crypto.randomBytes(Math.ceil(config.sessionSecretLen / 2)) // generate crypto graphic random number
.toString('hex') // convert to hexadecimal format
.slice(0, config.sessionSecretLen) // return required number of characters
// Validate upload upload providers
if (['filesystem', 's3', 'minio', 'imgur', 'azure'].indexOf(config.imageUploadType) === -1) {
logger.error('"imageuploadtype" is not correctly set. Please use "filesystem", "s3", "minio", "azure" or "imgur". Defaulting to "imgur"')
config.imageUploadType = 'filesystem'
// figure out mime types for image uploads
switch (config.imageUploadType) {
case 'imgur':
config.allowedUploadMimeTypes = [
config.allowedUploadMimeTypes = [
// generate correct path
config.sslCAPath.forEach(function (capath, i, array) {
array[i] = path.resolve(appRootPath, capath)
config.sslCertPath = path.join(appRootPath, config.sslCertPath)
config.sslKeyPath = path.join(appRootPath, config.sslKeyPath)
config.dhParamPath = path.join(appRootPath, config.dhParamPath)
config.tmpPath = path.join(appRootPath, config.tmpPath)
config.defaultNotePath = path.join(appRootPath, config.defaultNotePath)
config.docsPath = path.join(appRootPath, config.docsPath)
config.indexPath = path.join(appRootPath, config.indexPath)
config.codimdPath = path.join(appRootPath, config.codimdPath)
config.errorPath = path.join(appRootPath, config.errorPath)
config.prettyPath = path.join(appRootPath, config.prettyPath)
config.slidePath = path.join(appRootPath, config.slidePath)
config.constantsPath = path.join(appRootPath, config.constantsPath)
config.uploadsPath = path.join(appRootPath, config.uploadsPath)
// make config readonly
config = deepFreeze(config)
module.exports = config