Sheogorath 59b3885dda
Use OS based tmp dir
We should use the official OS temp directory instead of an own one, to
not run into conflicts. Also various dependencies already use the OS
temp directory, which makes it pointless to use a different for our
internal purposes then. This commit provides the changes needed to use
the OS tmp directory by default.

Signed-off-by: Sheogorath <sheogorath@shivering-isles.com>
2018-10-31 00:37:11 +01:00

153 lines
3.2 KiB

'use strict'
const os = require('os')
module.exports = {
domain: '',
urlPath: '',
host: '',
port: 3000,
urlAddPort: false,
allowOrigin: ['localhost'],
useSSL: false,
hsts: {
enable: true,
maxAgeSeconds: 31536000,
includeSubdomains: true,
preload: true
csp: {
enable: true,
directives: {
addDefaults: true,
addDisqus: true,
addGoogleAnalytics: true,
upgradeInsecureRequests: 'auto',
reportURI: undefined
protocolUseSSL: false,
useCDN: true,
allowAnonymous: true,
allowAnonymousEdits: false,
allowFreeURL: false,
defaultPermission: 'editable',
dbURL: '',
db: {},
// ssl path
sslKeyPath: '',
sslCertPath: '',
sslCAPath: '',
dhParamPath: '',
// other path
viewPath: './public/views',
tmpPath: os.tmpdir(),
defaultNotePath: './public/default.md',
docsPath: './public/docs',
uploadsPath: './public/uploads',
// session
sessionName: 'connect.sid',
sessionSecret: 'secret',
sessionSecretLen: 128,
sessionLife: 14 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // 14 days
staticCacheTime: 1 * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000, // 1 day
// socket.io
heartbeatInterval: 5000,
heartbeatTimeout: 10000,
// document
documentMaxLength: 100000,
// image upload setting, available options are imgur/s3/filesystem/azure
imageUploadType: 'filesystem',
imgur: {
clientID: undefined
s3: {
accessKeyId: undefined,
secretAccessKey: undefined,
region: undefined
minio: {
accessKey: undefined,
secretKey: undefined,
endPoint: undefined,
secure: true,
port: 9000
s3bucket: undefined,
azure: {
connectionString: undefined,
container: undefined
// authentication
oauth2: {
providerName: undefined,
authorizationURL: undefined,
tokenURL: undefined,
clientID: undefined,
clientSecret: undefined
facebook: {
clientID: undefined,
clientSecret: undefined
twitter: {
consumerKey: undefined,
consumerSecret: undefined
github: {
clientID: undefined,
clientSecret: undefined
gitlab: {
baseURL: undefined,
clientID: undefined,
clientSecret: undefined,
scope: undefined,
version: 'v4'
mattermost: {
baseURL: undefined,
clientID: undefined,
clientSecret: undefined
dropbox: {
clientID: undefined,
clientSecret: undefined,
appKey: undefined
google: {
clientID: undefined,
clientSecret: undefined
ldap: {
providerName: undefined,
url: undefined,
bindDn: undefined,
bindCredentials: undefined,
searchBase: undefined,
searchFilter: undefined,
searchAttributes: undefined,
usernameField: undefined,
useridField: undefined,
tlsca: undefined
saml: {
idpSsoUrl: undefined,
idpCert: undefined,
issuer: undefined,
identifierFormat: 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress',
groupAttribute: undefined,
externalGroups: [],
requiredGroups: [],
attribute: {
id: undefined,
username: undefined,
email: undefined
email: true,
allowEmailRegister: true,
allowGravatar: true,
allowPDFExport: true,
openID: true