Minio Guide for HackMD

1. First of all you need to setup Minio itself.

   Please refer to the [official Minio docs]( for an
   production setup.

   For checking it out and development purposes a non-persistent setup is enough:
   docker run --name test-minio --rm -d -p 9000:9000 minio/minio server /data

   *Please notice this is not for productive use as all your data gets lost
   when you stop this container*

2. Next step is to get the credentials form the container:

   docker logs test-minio

   ![docker logs](images/minio-image-upload/docker-logs.png)

3. Open http://localhost:9000 and login with the shown credentials.

   ![minio default view](images/minio-image-upload/default-view.png)

4. Create a bucket for HackMD

   ![minio create bucket](images/minio-image-upload/create-bucket.png)

5. Add a policy for the prefix `uploads` and make it read-only.

   ![minio edit policy](images/minio-image-upload/open-edit-policy.png)
   *Open policy editor*

   ![minio policy adding](images/minio-image-upload/create-policy.png)
   *Add policy for uploads*

6. Set credentials and configs for Minio in HackMD's `config.json`

   "minio": {
     "accessKey": "888MXJ7EP4XXXXXXXXX",
     "secretKey": "yQS2EbM1Y6IJrp/1BUKWq2/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
     "endPoint": "localhost",
     "port": 9000,
     "secure": false
   *You have to use different values for `endpoint` and `port` for a production
   setup. Keep in mind the `endpoint`-address has to be public accessible from
   your browser.*

7. Set bucket name

   "s3bucket": "hackmd"

8. Set upload type.

   "imageuploadtype": "minio"

9. Review your config.

     // all your other config…
     "minio": {
       "accessKey": "888MXJ7EP4XXXXXXXXX",
       "secretKey": "yQS2EbM1Y6IJrp/1BUKWq2/XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX",
       "endPoint": "localhost",
       "port": 9000,
       "secure": false
     "s3bucket": "hackmd",
     "imageuploadtype": "minio"