#!/usr/bin/env node

// First configure the logger so it does not spam the console
const logger = require("../lib/logger");
logger.transports.forEach((transport) => transport.level = "warning")

const models = require("../lib/models/");
const readline = require("readline-sync");
const minimist = require("minimist");

function showUsage(tips) {

Command-line utility to create users for email-signin.

Usage: bin/manage_users [--pass password] (--add | --del) user-email
		--add 	Add user with the specified user-email
		--del 	Delete user with specified user-email
		--reset Reset user password with specified user-email
		--pass	Use password from cmdline rather than prompting

function getPass(argv, action) {
	// Find whether we use cmdline or prompt password
	if(typeof argv["pass"] !== 'string') {
		return readline.question(`Password for ${argv[action]}:`, {hideEchoBack: true});
	console.log("Using password from commandline...");
	return argv["pass"];

// Using an async function to be able to use await inside
async function createUser(argv) {
	const existing_user = await models.User.findOne({where: {email: argv["add"]}});
	// Cannot create already-existing users
	if(existing_user != undefined) {
		console.log(`User with e-mail ${existing_user.email} already exists! Aborting ...`);

	const pass = getPass(argv, "add");

	// Lets try to create, and check success
	const ref = await models.User.create({email: argv["add"], password: pass});
	if(ref == undefined) {
		console.log(`Could not create user with email ${argv["add"]}`);
	} else
		console.log(`Created user with email ${argv["add"]}`);

// Using an async function to be able to use await inside
async function deleteUser(argv) {
	// Cannot delete non-existing users
	const existing_user = await models.User.findOne({where: {email: argv["del"]}});
	if(existing_user === undefined) {
		console.log(`User with e-mail ${argv["del"]} does not exist, cannot delete`);

	// Sadly .destroy() does not return any success value with all
	// backends. See sequelize #4124
	await existing_user.destroy();
	console.log(`Deleted user ${argv["del"]} ...`);

// Using an async function to be able to use await inside
async function resetUser(argv) {
	const existing_user = await models.User.findOne({where: {email: argv["reset"]}});
	// Cannot reset non-existing users
	if(existing_user == undefined) {
		console.log(`User with e-mail ${argv["reset"]} does not exist, cannot reset`);

	const pass = getPass(argv, "reset");

	// set password and save
	existing_user.password = pass;
	await existing_user.save();
	console.log(`User with email ${argv["reset"]} password has been reset`);

const options = {
	add: createUser,
	del: deleteUser,
	reset: resetUser,

// Perform commandline-parsing
const argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2));

const keys = Object.keys(options);
const opts = keys.filter((key) => argv[key] !== undefined);
const action = opts[0];

// Check for options missing
if (opts.length === 0) {
	showUsage(`You did not specify either ${keys.map((key) => `--${key}`).join(' or ')}!`);

// Check if both are specified
if (opts.length > 1) {
	showUsage(`You cannot ${action.join(' and ')} at the same time!`);
// Check if not string
if (typeof argv[action] !== 'string') {
	showUsage(`You must follow an email after --${action}`);

// Call respective processing functions
options[action](argv).then(function() {