Slide example
This feature still in beta, may have some issues.

For details please visit:


## First slide


Is the divder of slides


### First branch of fisrt slide


Is the divder of branches


### Second branch of first slide

`<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->`

Is the fragment syntax

- Item 1<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="1" -->
- Item 2<!-- .element: class="fragment" data-fragment-index="2" -->


## Second slide

<!-- .slide: data-background="#1A237E" -->

`<!-- .slide: data-background="#1A237E" -->`

Is the background syntax


<!-- .slide: data-transition="zoom" -->

`<!-- .slide: data-transition="zoom" -->`

Is the transition syntax

you can use:  


<!-- .slide: data-transition="fade-in convex-out" -->

`<!-- .slide: data-transition="fade-in convex-out" -->`

Also can set different in/out transition

you can use:  
postfix with `-in` or `-out`


<!-- .slide: data-transition-speed="fast" -->

`<!-- .slide: data-transition-speed="fast" -->`

Custom the transition speed!

you can use:  


# The End