(function (root, factory) {
    'use strict';

    if (typeof define === 'function' && define.amd) {
        // AMD. Register as an anonymous module.
        define([], factory);
    } else if (typeof exports === 'object') {
        // Node. Does not work with strict CommonJS, but
        // only CommonJS-like environments that support module.exports,
        // like Node.
        module.exports = factory();
    } else {
        // Browser globals (root is window)
        root.emojify = factory();
}(this, function () {
        'use strict';

        var emojify = (function () {
             * NB!
             * The namedEmojiString variable is updated automatically by the
             * "update" gulp task. Do not remove the comment as this will
             * cause the gulp task to stop working.
            var namedEmojiString =

            var namedEmoji = namedEmojiString.split(/,/);

            /* A hash with the named emoji as keys */
            var namedMatchHash = namedEmoji.reduce(function(memo, v) {
                memo[v] = true;
                return memo;
            }, {});

            var emoticonsProcessed;
            var emojiMegaRe;

            function initEmoticonsProcessed() {
                /* List of emoticons used in the regular expression */
                var emoticons = {
         /* :..: */ named: /:([a-z0-9A-Z_-]+):/,
         /* :-)  */ smile: /:-?\)/g,
         /* :-o  */ scream: /:-o/gi,
         /* :-]  */ smirk: /[:;]-?]/g,
         /* :-D  */ grinning: /[:;]-?d/gi,
         /* X-D  */ stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: /x-d/gi,
         /* ;-p  */ stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: /[:;]-?p/gi,
   /* :-[ / :-@  */ rage: /:-?[\[@]/g,
         /* :-(  */ frowning: /:-?\(/g,
         /* :'-( */ sob: /:['’]-?\(|:'\(/g,
         /* :-*  */ kissing_heart: /:-?\*/g,
         /* ;-)  */ wink: /;-?\)/g,
         /* :-/  */ pensive: /:-?\//g,
         /* :-s  */ confounded: /:-?s/gi,
         /* :-|  */ flushed: /:-?\|/g,
         /* :-$  */ relaxed: /:-?\$/g,
         /* :-x  */ mask: /:-x/gi,
         /* <3   */ heart: /<3|&lt;3/g,
         /* </3  */ broken_heart: /<\/3|&lt;&#x2F;3/g,
         /* :+1: */ thumbsup: /:\+1:/g,
         /* :-1: */ thumbsdown: /:\-1:/g

                if (defaultConfig.ignore_emoticons) {
                    emoticons = {
             /* :..: */ named: /:([a-z0-9A-Z_-]+):/,
             /* :+1: */ thumbsup: /:\+1:/g,
             /* :-1: */ thumbsdown: /:\-1:/g

                return Object.keys(emoticons).map(function(key) {
                    return [emoticons[key], key];

            function initMegaRe() {
                /* The source for our mega-regex */
                var mega = emoticonsProcessed
                        .map(function(v) {
                            var re = v[0];
                            var val = re.source || re;
                            val = val.replace(/(^|[^\[])\^/g, '$1');
                            return "(" + val + ")";

                /* The regex used to find emoji */
                return new RegExp(mega, "gi");

            var defaultConfig = {
                blacklist: {
                    'ids': [],
                    'classes': ['no-emojify'],
                    'elements': ['script', 'textarea', 'a', 'pre', 'code']
                tag_type: null,
                only_crawl_id: null,
                img_dir: 'images/emoji',
                ignore_emoticons: false,
                mode: 'img'

            /* Returns true if the given char is whitespace */
            function isWhitespace(s) {
                return s === ' ' || s === '\t' || s === '\r' || s === '\n' || s === '' || s === String.fromCharCode(160);

            var modeToElementTagType = {
                'img': 'img',
                'sprite': 'span',
                'data-uri': 'span'

            /* Given a match in a node, replace the text with an image */
            function insertEmojicon(args) {
                var emojiElement = null;

                    emojiElement = args.replacer.apply({
                            config: defaultConfig
                        [':' + args.emojiName + ':', args.emojiName]
                else {
                    var elementType = defaultConfig.tag_type || modeToElementTagType[defaultConfig.mode];
                    emojiElement = args.win.document.createElement(elementType);

                    if (elementType !== 'img') {
                        emojiElement.setAttribute('class', 'emoji emoji-' + args.emojiName);
                    } else {
                        emojiElement.setAttribute('align', 'absmiddle');
                        emojiElement.setAttribute('alt', ':' + args.emojiName + ':');
                        emojiElement.setAttribute('class', 'emoji');
                        emojiElement.setAttribute('src', defaultConfig.img_dir + '/' + args.emojiName + '.png');

                    emojiElement.setAttribute('title', ':' + args.emojiName + ':');

                args.node.nextSibling.nodeValue = args.node.nextSibling.nodeValue.substr(
                args.node.parentNode.insertBefore(emojiElement, args.node.nextSibling);

            /* Given an regex match, return the name of the matching emoji */
            function getEmojiNameForMatch(match) {
                /* Special case for named emoji */
                if(match[1] && match[2]) {
                    var named = match[2];
                    if(namedMatchHash[named]) { return named; }
                for(var i = 3; i < match.length - 1; i++) {
                    if(match[i]) {
                        return emoticonsProcessed[i - 2][1];

            function defaultReplacer(emoji, name) {
                /*jshint validthis: true */
                var elementType = this.config.tag_type || modeToElementTagType[this.config.mode];
                if (elementType !== 'img') {
                    return "<" +  elementType +" class='emoji emoji-" + name + "' title=':" + name + ":'></" + elementType+ ">";
                } else {
                    return "<img align='absmiddle' alt=':" + name + ":' class='emoji' src='" + this.config.img_dir + '/' + name + ".png' title=':" + name + ":' />";

            function Validator() {
                this.lastEmojiTerminatedAt = -1;

            Validator.prototype = {
                validate: function(match, index, input) {
                    var self = this;

                    /* Validator */
                    var emojiName = getEmojiNameForMatch(match);
                    if(!emojiName) { return; }

                    var m = match[0];
                    var length = m.length;
                    // var index = match.index;
                    // var input = match.input;

                    function success() {
                        self.lastEmojiTerminatedAt = length + index;
                        return emojiName;

                    /* At the beginning? */
                    if(index === 0) { return success(); }

                    /* At the end? */
                    if(input.length === m.length + index) { return success(); }

                    var hasEmojiBefore = this.lastEmojiTerminatedAt === index;
                    if (hasEmojiBefore) { return success();}

                    /* Has a whitespace before? */
                    if(isWhitespace(input.charAt(index - 1))) { return success(); }

                    var hasWhitespaceAfter = isWhitespace(input.charAt(m.length + index));
                    /* Has a whitespace after? */
                    if(hasWhitespaceAfter && hasEmojiBefore) { return success(); }


            function emojifyString (htmlString, replacer) {
                if(!htmlString) { return htmlString; }
                if(!replacer) { replacer = defaultReplacer; }

                emoticonsProcessed = initEmoticonsProcessed();
                emojiMegaRe = initMegaRe();

                var validator = new Validator();

                return htmlString.replace(emojiMegaRe, function() {
                    var matches = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 0, -2);
                    var index = arguments[arguments.length - 2];
                    var input = arguments[arguments.length - 1];
                    var emojiName = validator.validate(matches, index, input);
                    if(emojiName) {
                        return replacer.apply({
                                config: defaultConfig
                            [arguments[0], emojiName]
                    /* Did not validate, return the original value */
                    return arguments[0];

            function run(el, replacer) {

                // Check if an element was not passed.
                // This will only work in the browser
                if(typeof el === 'undefined'){
                    // Check if an element was configured. If not, default to the body.
                    if (defaultConfig.only_crawl_id) {
                        el = document.getElementById(defaultConfig.only_crawl_id);
                    } else {
                        el = document.body;

                // Get the window object from the passed element.
                var doc = el.ownerDocument,
                    win = doc.defaultView || doc.parentWindow;

                var treeTraverse = function (parent, cb){
                    var child;

                    if (parent.hasChildNodes()) {
                        child = parent.firstChild;
                            if(cb(child)) {
                                treeTraverse(child, cb);
                            child = child.nextSibling;

                var matchAndInsertEmoji = function(node) {
                    var match;
                    var matches = [];
                    var validator = new Validator();

                    while ((match = emojiMegaRe.exec(node.data)) !== null) {
                        if(validator.validate(match, match.index, match.input)) {

                    for (var i = matches.length; i-- > 0;) {
                        /* Replace the text with the emoji */
                        var emojiName = getEmojiNameForMatch(matches[i]);
                            node: node,
                            match: matches[i],
                            emojiName: emojiName,
                            replacer: replacer,
                            win: win

                emoticonsProcessed = initEmoticonsProcessed();
                emojiMegaRe = initMegaRe();

                var nodes = [];

                var elementsBlacklist = new RegExp(defaultConfig.blacklist.elements.join('|'), 'i'),
                    classesBlacklist = new RegExp(defaultConfig.blacklist.classes.join('|'), 'i');

                if(typeof win.document.createTreeWalker !== 'undefined') {
                    var nodeIterator = win.document.createTreeWalker(
                        win.NodeFilter.SHOW_TEXT | win.NodeFilter.SHOW_ELEMENT,
                        function(node) {
                            if(node.nodeType !== 1) {
                                /* Text Node? Good! */
                                return win.NodeFilter.FILTER_ACCEPT;
                            try {
                                if(node.tagName.match(elementsBlacklist) || node.className.match(classesBlacklist)) {
                                    return win.NodeFilter.FILTER_REJECT;
                            } catch(err) {
                                return win.NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;
                            return win.NodeFilter.FILTER_SKIP;

                    var node;

                    while((node = nodeIterator.nextNode()) !== null) {
                else {
                    treeTraverse(el, function(node){
                            (typeof node.tagName !== 'undefined' && node.tagName.match(elementsBlacklist)) ||
                            (typeof node.className !== 'undefined' && node.className.match(classesBlacklist))
                            return false;
                        if (node.nodeType === 1) {
                            return true;

                        return true;


            return {
                // Sane defaults
                defaultConfig: defaultConfig,
                emojiNames: namedEmoji,
                setConfig: function (newConfig) {
                    Object.keys(defaultConfig).forEach(function(f) {
                        if(f in newConfig) {
                            defaultConfig[f] = newConfig[f];

                replace: emojifyString,

                // Main method
                run: run

        return emojify;