#!/bin/bash # run command at repo root CURRENT_PATH=$PWD if [ -d .git ]; then cd $(git rev-parse --show-toplevel) fi if ! type npm > /dev/null then cat << EOF npm is not installed, please install Node.js and npm. Read more on Node.js official website: https://nodejs.org Setup will not be run EOF exit 0 fi echo "copy config files" if [ ! -f config.json ]; then cp config.json.example config.json fi if [ ! -f publis/js/config.js ]; then cp public/js/config.js.example public/js/config.js fi if [ ! -f .sequelizerc ]; then cp .sequelizerc.example .sequelizerc fi echo "install npm packages" BUILD_ASSETS=false npm install cat << EOF Edit the following config file to setup hackmd server and client. Read more info at https://github.com/hackmdio/hackmd#configuration-files * config.json -- server config * public/js/config.js -- client config * .sequelizerc -- db config EOF # change directory back cd $CURRENT_PATH