var common = require('./common'); var checkIfAuth = common.checkIfAuth; var urlpath = common.urlpath; var resetCheckAuth = common.resetCheckAuth; var getLoginState = common.getLoginState; var clearLoginState = common.clearLoginState; var historyModule = require('./history'); var parseStorageToHistory = historyModule.parseStorageToHistory; var parseHistory = historyModule.parseHistory; var getStorageHistory = historyModule.getStorageHistory; var getHistory = historyModule.getHistory; var saveHistory = historyModule.saveHistory; var removeHistory = historyModule.removeHistory; var postHistoryToServer = historyModule.postHistoryToServer; var deleteServerHistory = historyModule.deleteServerHistory; var parseServerToHistory = historyModule.parseServerToHistory; var saveStorageHistoryToServer = historyModule.saveStorageHistoryToServer; var clearDuplicatedHistory = historyModule.clearDuplicatedHistory; var saveAs = require('file-saver').saveAs; var List = require('list.js'); var options = { valueNames: ['id', 'text', 'timestamp', 'fromNow', 'time', 'tags', 'pinned'], item: '<li class="col-xs-12 col-sm-6 col-md-6 col-lg-4">\ <span class="id" style="display:none;"></span>\ <a href="#">\ <div class="item">\ <div class="ui-history-pin fa fa-thumb-tack fa-fw"></div>\ <div class="ui-history-close fa fa-close fa-fw" data-toggle="modal" data-target=".delete-modal"></div>\ <div class="content">\ <h4 class="text"></h4>\ <p>\ <i><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> visited </i><i class="fromNow"></i>\ <br>\ <i class="timestamp" style="display:none;"></i>\ <i class="time"></i>\ </p>\ <p class="tags"></p>\ </div>\ </div>\ </a>\ </li>', page: 18, plugins: [ ListPagination({ outerWindow: 1 }) ] }; var historyList = new List('history', options); migrateHistoryFromTempCallback = pageInit; loginStateChangeEvent = pageInit; pageInit(); function pageInit() { checkIfAuth( function (data) { $('.ui-signin').hide(); $('.ui-or').hide(); $('.ui-welcome').show(); if ( $('.ui-avatar').prop('src',; else $('.ui-avatar').prop('src', '').hide(); $('.ui-name').html(; $('.ui-signout').show(); $(".ui-history").click(); parseServerToHistory(historyList, parseHistoryCallback); }, function () { $('.ui-signin').show(); $('.ui-or').show(); $('.ui-welcome').hide(); $('.ui-avatar').prop('src', '').hide(); $('.ui-name').html(''); $('.ui-signout').hide(); parseStorageToHistory(historyList, parseHistoryCallback); } ); } $(".masthead-nav li").click(function () { $(this).siblings().removeClass("active"); $(this).addClass("active"); }); $(".ui-home").click(function () { if (!$("#home").is(':visible')) { $(".section:visible").hide(); $("#home").fadeIn(); } }); $(".ui-history").click(function () { if (!$("#history").is(':visible')) { $(".section:visible").hide(); $("#history").fadeIn(); } }); function checkHistoryList() { if ($("#history-list").children().length > 0) { $(".ui-nohistory").hide(); $(".ui-import-from-browser").hide(); } else if ($("#history-list").children().length == 0) { $(".ui-nohistory").slideDown(); getStorageHistory(function (data) { if (data && data.length > 0 && getLoginState() && historyList.items.length == 0) { $(".ui-import-from-browser").slideDown(); } }); } } function parseHistoryCallback(list, notehistory) { checkHistoryList(); //sort by pinned then timestamp list.sort('', { sortFunction: function (a, b) { var notea = a.values(); var noteb = b.values(); if (notea.pinned && !noteb.pinned) { return -1; } else if (!notea.pinned && noteb.pinned) { return 1; } else { if (notea.timestamp > noteb.timestamp) { return -1; } else if (notea.timestamp < noteb.timestamp) { return 1; } else { return 0; } } } }); // parse filter tags var filtertags = []; for (var i = 0, l = list.items.length; i < l; i++) { var tags = list.items[i]._values.tags; if (tags && tags.length > 0) { for (var j = 0; j < tags.length; j++) { //push info filtertags if not found var found = false; if (filtertags.indexOf(tags[j]) != -1) found = true; if (!found) filtertags.push(tags[j]); } } } buildTagsFilter(filtertags); } // update items whenever list updated historyList.on('updated', function (e) { for (var i = 0, l = e.items.length; i < l; i++) { var item = e.items[i]; if (item.visible()) { var itemEl = $(item.elm); var values = item._values; var a = itemEl.find("a"); var pin = itemEl.find(".ui-history-pin"); var tagsEl = itemEl.find(".tags"); //parse link to element a a.attr('href', serverurl + '/' +; //parse pinned if (values.pinned) { pin.addClass('active'); } else { pin.removeClass('active'); } //parse tags var tags = values.tags; if (tags && tags.length > 0 && tagsEl.children().length <= 0) { var labels = []; for (var j = 0; j < tags.length; j++) { //push into the item label labels.push("<span class='label label-default'>" + tags[j] + "</span>"); } tagsEl.html(labels.join(' ')); } } } $(".ui-history-close").off('click'); $(".ui-history-close").on('click', historyCloseClick); $(".ui-history-pin").off('click'); $(".ui-history-pin").on('click', historyPinClick); }); function historyCloseClick(e) { e.preventDefault(); var id = $(this).closest("a").siblings("span").html(); var value = historyList.get('id', id)[0]._values; $('.ui-delete-modal-msg').text('Do you really want to delete below history?'); $('.ui-delete-modal-item').html('<i class="fa fa-file-text"></i> ' + value.text + '<br><i class="fa fa-clock-o"></i> ' + value.time); clearHistory = false; deleteId = id; } function historyPinClick(e) { e.preventDefault(); var $this = $(this); var id = $this.closest("a").siblings("span").html(); var item = historyList.get('id', id)[0]; var values = item._values; var pinned = values.pinned; if (!values.pinned) { pinned = true; item._values.pinned = true; } else { pinned = false; item._values.pinned = false; } checkIfAuth(function () { postHistoryToServer(id, { pinned: pinned }, function (err, result) { if (!err) { if (pinned) $this.addClass('active'); else $this.removeClass('active'); } }); }, function () { getHistory(function (notehistory) { for(var i = 0; i < notehistory.length; i++) { if (notehistory[i].id == id) { notehistory[i].pinned = pinned; break; } } saveHistory(notehistory); if (pinned) $this.addClass('active'); else $this.removeClass('active'); }); }); } //auto update item fromNow every minutes setInterval(updateItemFromNow, 60000); function updateItemFromNow() { var items = $('.item').toArray(); for (var i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { var item = $(items[i]); var timestamp = parseInt(item.find('.timestamp').text()); item.find('.fromNow').text(moment(timestamp).fromNow()); } } var clearHistory = false; var deleteId = null; function deleteHistory() { checkIfAuth(function () { deleteServerHistory(deleteId, function (err, result) { if (!err) { if (clearHistory) { historyList.clear(); checkHistoryList(); } else { historyList.remove('id', deleteId); checkHistoryList(); } } $('.delete-modal').modal('hide'); deleteId = null; clearHistory = false; }); }, function () { if (clearHistory) { saveHistory([]); historyList.clear(); checkHistoryList(); deleteId = null; } else { if (!deleteId) return; getHistory(function (notehistory) { var newnotehistory = removeHistory(deleteId, notehistory); saveHistory(newnotehistory); historyList.remove('id', deleteId); checkHistoryList(); deleteId = null; }); } $('.delete-modal').modal('hide'); clearHistory = false; }); } $(".ui-delete-modal-confirm").click(function () { deleteHistory(); }); $(".ui-import-from-browser").click(function () { saveStorageHistoryToServer(function () { parseStorageToHistory(historyList, parseHistoryCallback); }); }); $(".ui-save-history").click(function () { getHistory(function (data) { var history = JSON.stringify(data); var blob = new Blob([history], { type: "application/json;charset=utf-8" }); saveAs(blob, 'hackmd_history_' + moment().format('YYYYMMDDHHmmss')); }); }); $(".ui-open-history").bind("change", function (e) { var files = || e.dataTransfer.files; var file = files[0]; var reader = new FileReader(); reader.onload = function () { var notehistory = JSON.parse(reader.result); //console.log(notehistory); if (!reader.result) return; getHistory(function (data) { var mergedata = data.concat(notehistory); mergedata = clearDuplicatedHistory(mergedata); saveHistory(mergedata); parseHistory(historyList, parseHistoryCallback); }); $(".ui-open-history").replaceWith($(".ui-open-history").val('').clone(true)); }; reader.readAsText(file); }); $(".ui-clear-history").click(function () { $('.ui-delete-modal-msg').text('Do you really want to clear all history?'); $('.ui-delete-modal-item').html('There is no turning back.'); clearHistory = true; deleteId = null; }); $(".ui-refresh-history").click(function () { var lastTags = $(".ui-use-tags").select2('val'); $(".ui-use-tags").select2('val', ''); historyList.filter(); var lastKeyword = $('.search').val(); $('.search').val('');; $('#history-list').slideUp('fast'); $('.pagination').slideUp('fast'); resetCheckAuth(); historyList.clear(); parseHistory(historyList, function (list, notehistory) { parseHistoryCallback(list, notehistory); $(".ui-use-tags").select2('val', lastTags); $(".ui-use-tags").trigger('change');; $('.search').val(lastKeyword); checkHistoryList(); $('#history-list').slideDown('fast'); $('.pagination').slideDown('fast'); }); }); $(".ui-logout").click(function () { clearLoginState(); location.href = serverurl + '/logout'; }); var filtertags = []; $(".ui-use-tags").select2({ placeholder: $(".ui-use-tags").attr('placeholder'), multiple: true, data: function () { return { results: filtertags }; } }); $('.select2-input').css('width', 'inherit'); buildTagsFilter([]); function buildTagsFilter(tags) { for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) tags[i] = { id: i, text: tags[i] }; filtertags = tags; } $(".ui-use-tags").on('change', function () { var tags = []; var data = $(this).select2('data'); for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) tags.push(data[i].text); if (tags.length > 0) { historyList.filter(function (item) { var values = item.values(); if (!values.tags) return false; var found = false; for (var i = 0; i < tags.length; i++) { if (values.tags.indexOf(tags[i]) != -1) { found = true; break; } } return found; }); } else { historyList.filter(); } checkHistoryList(); }); $('.search').keyup(function () { checkHistoryList(); });