// // Inject line numbers for sync scroll. Notes: // // - We track only headings and paragraphs on first level. That's enougth. // - Footnotes content causes jumps. Level limit filter it automatically. // md.renderer.rules.blockquote_open = function (tokens, idx /*, options, env */ ) { if (tokens[idx].lines && tokens[idx].level === 0) { var startline = tokens[idx].lines[0] + 1; var endline = tokens[idx].lines[1]; return '<blockquote class="raw part" data-startline="' + startline + '" data-endline="' + endline + '">\n'; } return '<blockquote>\n'; }; md.renderer.rules.table_open = function (tokens, idx /*, options, env */ ) { if (tokens[idx].lines && tokens[idx].level === 0) { var startline = tokens[idx].lines[0] + 1; var endline = tokens[idx].lines[1]; return '<table class="part" data-startline="' + startline + '" data-endline="' + endline + '">\n'; } return '<table>\n'; }; md.renderer.rules.bullet_list_open = function (tokens, idx /*, options, env */ ) { if (tokens[idx].lines && tokens[idx].level === 0) { var startline = tokens[idx].lines[0] + 1; var endline = tokens[idx].lines[1]; return '<ul class="part" data-startline="' + startline + '" data-endline="' + endline + '">\n'; } return '<ul>\n'; }; md.renderer.rules.ordered_list_open = function (tokens, idx /*, options, env */ ) { var token = tokens[idx]; if (tokens[idx].lines && tokens[idx].level === 0) { var startline = tokens[idx].lines[0] + 1; var endline = tokens[idx].lines[1]; return '<ol class="part" data-startline="' + startline + '" data-endline="' + endline + '"' + (token.order > 1 ? ' start="' + token.order + '"' : '') + '>\n'; } return '<ol' + (token.order > 1 ? ' start="' + token.order + '"' : '') + '>\n'; }; md.renderer.rules.link_open = function (tokens, idx /*, options, env */ ) { var title = tokens[idx].title ? (' title="' + Remarkable.utils.escapeHtml(Remarkable.utils.replaceEntities(tokens[idx].title)) + '"') : ''; if (tokens[idx].lines && tokens[idx].level === 0) { var startline = tokens[idx].lines[0] + 1; var endline = tokens[idx].lines[1]; return '<a class="part" data-startline="' + startline + '" data-endline="' + endline + '" href="' + Remarkable.utils.escapeHtml(tokens[idx].href) + '"' + title + '>'; } return '<a href="' + Remarkable.utils.escapeHtml(tokens[idx].href) + '"' + title + '>'; }; md.renderer.rules.paragraph_open = function (tokens, idx) { if (tokens[idx].lines && tokens[idx].level === 0) { var startline = tokens[idx].lines[0] + 1; var endline = tokens[idx].lines[1]; return tokens[idx].tight ? '' : '<p class="part" data-startline="' + startline + '" data-endline="' + endline + '">'; } return tokens[idx].tight ? '' : '<p>'; }; md.renderer.rules.heading_open = function (tokens, idx) { if (tokens[idx].lines && tokens[idx].level === 0) { var startline = tokens[idx].lines[0] + 1; var endline = tokens[idx].lines[1]; return '<h' + tokens[idx].hLevel + ' class="part" data-startline="' + startline + '" data-endline="' + endline + '">'; } return '<h' + tokens[idx].hLevel + '>'; }; md.renderer.rules.image = function (tokens, idx, options /*, env */ ) { var src = ' src="' + Remarkable.utils.escapeHtml(tokens[idx].src) + '"'; var title = tokens[idx].title ? (' title="' + Remarkable.utils.escapeHtml(Remarkable.utils.replaceEntities(tokens[idx].title)) + '"') : ''; var alt = ' alt="' + (tokens[idx].alt ? Remarkable.utils.escapeHtml(Remarkable.utils.replaceEntities(tokens[idx].alt)) : '') + '"'; var suffix = options.xhtmlOut ? ' /' : ''; return '<img class="raw"' + src + alt + title + suffix + '>'; } md.renderer.rules.fence = function (tokens, idx, options, env, self) { var token = tokens[idx]; var langClass = ''; var langPrefix = options.langPrefix; var langName = '', fenceName; var highlighted; if (token.params) { // // ```foo bar // // Try custom renderer "foo" first. That will simplify overwrite // for diagrams, latex, and any other fenced block with custom look // fenceName = token.params.split(/\s+/g)[0]; if (Remarkable.utils.has(self.rules.fence_custom, fenceName)) { return self.rules.fence_custom[fenceName](tokens, idx, options, env, self); } langName = Remarkable.utils.escapeHtml(Remarkable.utils.replaceEntities(Remarkable.utils.unescapeMd(fenceName))); langClass = ' class="' + langPrefix + langName.replace('=', '') + ' hljs"'; } if (options.highlight) { highlighted = options.highlight(token.content, langName) || Remarkable.utils.escapeHtml(token.content); } else { highlighted = Remarkable.utils.escapeHtml(token.content); } if (tokens[idx].lines && tokens[idx].level === 0) { var startline = tokens[idx].lines[0] + 1; var endline = tokens[idx].lines[1]; return '<pre class="part" data-startline="' + startline + '" data-endline="' + endline + '"><code' + langClass + '>' + highlighted + '</code></pre>' + md.renderer.getBreak(tokens, idx); } return '<pre><code' + langClass + '>' + highlighted + '</code></pre>' + md.renderer.getBreak(tokens, idx); }; md.renderer.rules.code = function (tokens, idx /*, options, env */ ) { if (tokens[idx].block) { if (tokens[idx].lines && tokens[idx].level === 0) { var startline = tokens[idx].lines[0] + 1; var endline = tokens[idx].lines[1]; return '<pre class="part" data-startline="' + startline + '" data-endline="' + endline + '"><code>' + Remarkable.utils.escapeHtml(tokens[idx].content) + '</code></pre>' + md.renderer.getBreak(tokens, idx); } return '<pre><code>' + Remarkable.utils.escapeHtml(tokens[idx].content) + '</code></pre>' + md.renderer.getBreak(tokens, idx); } if (tokens[idx].lines && tokens[idx].level === 0) { var startline = tokens[idx].lines[0] + 1; var endline = tokens[idx].lines[1]; return '<code class="part" data-startline="' + startline + '" data-endline="' + endline + '">' + Remarkable.utils.escapeHtml(tokens[idx].content) + '</code>'; } return '<code>' + Remarkable.utils.escapeHtml(tokens[idx].content) + '</code>'; }; //var editorScrollThrottle = 100; var buildMapThrottle = 100; var viewScrolling = false; var viewScrollingDelay = 200; var viewScrollingTimer = null; //editor.on('scroll', _.throttle(syncScrollToView, editorScrollThrottle)); editor.on('scroll', syncScrollToView); ui.area.view.on('scroll', function () { viewScrolling = true; clearTimeout(viewScrollingTimer); viewScrollingTimer = setTimeout(function () { viewScrolling = false; }, viewScrollingDelay); }); //editor.on('scroll', _.debounce(syncScrollToView, syncScrollDelay)); //ui.area.view.on('scroll', _.debounce(syncScrollToEdit, 50)); var scrollMap, lineHeightMap; viewAjaxCallback = clearMap; function clearMap() { scrollMap = null; lineHeightMap = null; } var buildMap = _.throttle(buildMapInner, buildMapThrottle); // Build offsets for each line (lines can be wrapped) // That's a bit dirty to process each line everytime, but ok for demo. // Optimizations are required only for big texts. function buildMapInner(syncBack) { var i, offset, nonEmptyList, pos, a, b, _lineHeightMap, linesCount, acc, sourceLikeDiv, textarea = ui.area.codemirror, wrap = $('.CodeMirror-wrap pre'), _scrollMap; sourceLikeDiv = $('<div />').css({ position: 'absolute', visibility: 'hidden', height: 'auto', width: wrap.width(), 'font-size': textarea.css('font-size'), 'font-family': textarea.css('font-family'), 'line-height': textarea.css('line-height'), 'word-wrap': wrap.css('word-wrap'), 'white-space': wrap.css('white-space'), 'word-break': wrap.css('word-break'), 'tab-size': '38px' }).appendTo('body'); offset = ui.area.view.scrollTop() - ui.area.view.offset().top; _scrollMap = []; nonEmptyList = []; _lineHeightMap = []; acc = 0; var lines = editor.getValue().split('\n'); var lineHeight = parseFloat(sourceLikeDiv.css('line-height')); var div = sourceLikeDiv[0]; for (i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { var str = lines[i]; var h, lh; _lineHeightMap.push(acc); if (str.length === 0) { acc++; continue; } sourceLikeDiv.text(str); h = parseFloat(div.clientHeight); acc += Math.round(h / lineHeight); } sourceLikeDiv.remove(); _lineHeightMap.push(acc); linesCount = acc; for (i = 0; i < linesCount; i++) { _scrollMap.push(-1); } nonEmptyList.push(0); _scrollMap[0] = 0; var parts = ui.area.markdown.find('.part').toArray(); for (i = 0; i < parts.length; i++) { var $el = $(parts[i]), t = $el.attr('data-startline') - 1; if (t === '') { return; } t = _lineHeightMap[t]; if (t !== 0) { nonEmptyList.push(t); } _scrollMap[t] = Math.round($el.offset().top + offset); } nonEmptyList.push(linesCount); _scrollMap[linesCount] = ui.area.view[0].scrollHeight; pos = 0; for (i = 1; i < linesCount; i++) { if (_scrollMap[i] !== -1) { pos++; continue; } a = nonEmptyList[pos]; b = nonEmptyList[pos + 1]; _scrollMap[i] = Math.round((_scrollMap[b] * (i - a) + _scrollMap[a] * (b - i)) / (b - a)); } _scrollMap[0] = 0; scrollMap = _scrollMap; lineHeightMap = _lineHeightMap; if (loaded && syncBack) syncScrollToView(); } function getPartByEditorLineNo(lineNo) { var part = null; ui.area.markdown.find('.part').each(function (n, el) { if (part) return; var $el = $(el), t = $el.data('startline') - 1, f = $el.data('endline') - 1; if (t === '' || f === '') { return; } if (lineNo >= t && lineNo <= f) { part = $el; } }); if (part) return { startline: part.data('startline') - 1, endline: part.data('endline') - 1, linediff: Math.abs(part.data('endline') - part.data('startline')) + 1, element: part }; else return null; } function getEditorLineNoByTop(top) { for (var i = 0; i < lineHeightMap.length; i++) if (lineHeightMap[i] * editor.defaultTextHeight() > top) return i; return null; } function syncScrollToView(event, _lineNo) { if (currentMode != modeType.both) return; var lineNo, posTo; var scrollInfo = editor.getScrollInfo(); if (!scrollMap || !lineHeightMap) { buildMap(true); return; } if (!_lineNo) { var topDiffPercent, posToNextDiff; var textHeight = editor.defaultTextHeight(); lineNo = Math.floor(scrollInfo.top / textHeight); //if reach bottom, then scroll to end if (scrollInfo.height > scrollInfo.clientHeight && scrollInfo.top + scrollInfo.clientHeight >= scrollInfo.height - defaultTextHeight) { posTo = ui.area.view[0].scrollHeight - ui.area.view.height(); } else { topDiffPercent = (scrollInfo.top % textHeight) / textHeight; posTo = scrollMap[lineNo]; posToNextDiff = (scrollMap[lineNo + 1] - posTo) * topDiffPercent; posTo += Math.floor(posToNextDiff); } } else { if (viewScrolling) return; posTo = scrollMap[lineHeightMap[_lineNo]]; } var posDiff = Math.abs(ui.area.view.scrollTop() - posTo); var duration = posDiff / 50; ui.area.view.stop(true, true).animate({ scrollTop: posTo }, duration >= 100 ? duration : 100, "linear"); /* if (posDiff > scrollInfo.clientHeight / 5) { var duration = posDiff / 50; ui.area.view.stop(true, true).animate({ scrollTop: posTo }, duration >= 100 ? duration : 100, "linear"); } else { ui.area.view.stop(true, true).scrollTop(posTo); } */ }