$(".masthead-nav li").click(function () { $(this).siblings().removeClass("active"); $(this).addClass("active"); }); $(".ui-home").click(function () { $(".section").hide(); $("#home").fadeIn(); }); $(".ui-history").click(function () { $(".section").hide(); $("#history").fadeIn(); }); $(".ui-releasenotes").click(function () { $(".section").hide(); $("#releasenotes").fadeIn(); }); function checkHistoryList() { if ($("#history-list").children().length > 0) $(".ui-nohistory").hide(); else if ($("#history-list").children().length == 0) { $(".ui-nohistory").slideDown(); var cookienotehistory = JSON.parse($.cookie('notehistory')); if (login && cookienotehistory && cookienotehistory.length > 0) { $(".ui-import-from-cookie").slideDown(); } } } function parseHistoryCallback() { checkHistoryList(); $(".ui-history-close").click(function (e) { e.preventDefault(); var id = $(this).closest("a").attr("href").split('/')[1]; getHistory(function (notehistory) { var newnotehistory = removeHistory(id, notehistory); saveHistory(newnotehistory); }); $(this).closest("li").remove(); checkHistoryList(); }); } var login = false; checkIfAuth( function (data) { $('.ui-signin').hide(); $('.ui-or').hide(); $('.ui-welcome').show(); $('.ui-name').html(data.name); $('.ui-signout').show(); $(".ui-history").click(); login = true; }, function () { $('.ui-signin').slideDown(); $('.ui-or').slideDown(); login = false; } ); parseHistory(parseHistoryCallback); $(".ui-import-from-cookie").click(function () { saveCookieHistoryToServer(function() { parseCookieToHistory(parseHistoryCallback); $(".ui-import-from-cookie").hide(); }); }); var source = $("#template").html(); var template = Handlebars.compile(source); var context = { release: [ { version: "0.2.7", tag: "fuel", date: moment("201505031200", 'YYYYMMDDhhmm').fromNow(), detail: [ { title: "Features", item: [ "+ Support facebook, twitter, github, dropbox login", "+ Support own history" ] }, { title: "Enhancements", item: [ "* Adjust history ui", "* Upgrade realtime package", "* Upgrade editor package, now support composition input better" ] }, { title: "Fixes", item: [ "* Partial update might not render properly", "* Cursor focus might not at correct position" ] } ] }, { version: "0.2.6", tag: "zippo", date: moment("201504241600", 'YYYYMMDDhhmm').fromNow(), detail: [ { title: "Features", item: [ "+ Support sync scroll", "+ Support partial update" ] }, { title: "Enhancements", item: [ "* Added feedback ui", "* Adjust animations and delays", "* Adjust editor viewportMargin for performance", "* Adjust emit refresh event occasion", "* Added editor fallback fonts", "* Index page auto focus at history if valid" ] }, { title: "Fixes", item: [ "* Server might not disconnect client properly", "* Resume connection might restore wrong info" ] } ] }, { version: "0.2.5", tag: "lightning", date: moment("201504142110", 'YYYYMMDDhhmm').fromNow(), detail: [ { title: "Features", item: [ "+ Support import from dropbox and clipboard", "+ Support more code highlighting", "+ Support mathjax, sequence diagram and flow chart" ] }, { title: "Enhancements", item: [ "* Adjust toolbar and layout style", "* Adjust mobile layout style", "* Adjust history layout style", "* Server using heartbeat to gain accuracy of online users" ] }, { title: "Fixes", item: [ "* Virtual keyboard might broken the navbar", "* Adjust editor viewportMargin for preloading content" ] } ] }, { version: "0.2.4", tag: "flint", date: moment("201504101240", 'YYYYMMDDhhmm').fromNow(), detail: [ { title: "Features", item: [ "+ Support save to dropbox", "+ Show other users' cursor with light color" ] }, { title: "Enhancements", item: [ "* Adjust toolbar layout style for future" ] }, { title: "Fixes", item: [ "* Title might not render properly", "* Code border style might not show properly", "* Server might not connect concurrent client properly" ] } ] }, { version: "0.2.3", tag: "light", date: moment("201504062030", 'YYYYMMDDhhmm').fromNow(), detail: [ { title: "Features", item: [ "+ Support youtube, vimeo", "+ Support gist", "+ Added quick link in pretty", "+ Added font-smoothing style" ] }, { title: "Enhancements", item: [ "* Change the rendering engine to remarkable", "* Adjust view, todo list layout style for UX", "+ Added responsive layout check", "+ Auto reload if client version mismatch", "+ Keep history stack after reconnect if nothing changed", "+ Added features page" ] }, { title: "Fixes", item: [ "* Closetags auto input might not have proper origin", "* Autofocus on editor only if it's on desktop", "+ Prevent using real script and iframe tags", "* Sorting in history by time not percise" ] } ] }, { version: "0.2.2", tag: "fire", date: moment("201503272110", 'YYYYMMDDhhmm').fromNow(), detail: [ { title: "Features", item: [ "+ Support smartLists, smartypants", "+ Support line number on code block", "+ Support tags and search or sort history" ] }, { title: "Enhancements", item: [ "+ Added delay on socket change", "+ Updated markdown-body width to match github style", "+ Socket changes now won't add to editor's history", "* Reduce redundant server events" ] }, { title: "Fixes", item: [ "* Toolbar links might get wrong", "* Wrong action redirections" ] } ] }, { version: "0.2.1", tag: "spark", date: moment("201503171340", 'YYYYMMDDhhmm').fromNow(), detail: [ { title: "Features", item: [ "+ Support github-like todo-list", "+ Support emoji" ] }, { title: "Enhancements", item: [ "+ Added more effects on transition", "+ Reduced rendering delay", "+ Auto close and match brackets", "+ Auto close and match tags", "+ Added code fold and fold gutters", "+ Added continue listing of markdown" ] } ] }, { version: "0.2.0", tag: "launch-day", date: moment("201503142020", 'YYYYMMDDhhmm').fromNow(), detail: [ { title: "Features", item: [ "+ Markdown editor", "+ Preview html", "+ Realtime collaborate", "+ Cross-platformed", "+ Recently used history" ] } ] } ] }; var html = template(context); $("#releasenotes").html(html);