'use strict' // external modules var Sequelize = require('sequelize') var scrypt = require('scrypt-kdf') // core var logger = require('../logger') var { generateAvatarURL } = require('../letter-avatars') module.exports = function (sequelize, DataTypes) { var User = sequelize.define('User', { id: { type: DataTypes.UUID, primaryKey: true, defaultValue: Sequelize.UUIDV4 }, profileid: { type: DataTypes.STRING, unique: true }, profile: { type: DataTypes.TEXT }, history: { type: DataTypes.TEXT }, accessToken: { type: DataTypes.TEXT }, refreshToken: { type: DataTypes.TEXT }, deleteToken: { type: DataTypes.UUID, defaultValue: Sequelize.UUIDV4 }, email: { type: Sequelize.TEXT, validate: { isEmail: true } }, password: { type: Sequelize.TEXT } }, { instanceMethods: { verifyPassword: function (attempt) { return scrypt.verify(Buffer.from(this.password, 'hex'), attempt) } }, classMethods: { associate: function (models) { User.hasMany(models.Note, { foreignKey: 'ownerId', constraints: false }) User.hasMany(models.Note, { foreignKey: 'lastchangeuserId', constraints: false }) }, getProfile: function (user) { if (!user) { return null } return user.profile ? User.parseProfile(user.profile) : (user.email ? User.parseProfileByEmail(user.email) : null) }, parseProfile: function (profile) { try { profile = JSON.parse(profile) } catch (err) { logger.error(err) profile = null } if (profile) { profile = { name: profile.displayName || profile.username, photo: User.parsePhotoByProfile(profile), biggerphoto: User.parsePhotoByProfile(profile, true) } } return profile }, parsePhotoByProfile: function (profile, bigger) { var photo = null switch (profile.provider) { case 'facebook': photo = 'https://graph.facebook.com/' + profile.id + '/picture' if (bigger) photo += '?width=400' else photo += '?width=96' break case 'twitter': photo = 'https://twitter.com/' + profile.username + '/profile_image' if (bigger) photo += '?size=original' else photo += '?size=bigger' break case 'github': photo = 'https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/' + profile.id if (bigger) photo += '?s=400' else photo += '?s=96' break case 'gitlab': photo = profile.avatarUrl if (photo) { if (bigger) photo = photo.replace(/(\?s=)\d*$/i, '$1400') else photo = photo.replace(/(\?s=)\d*$/i, '$196') } else { photo = generateAvatarURL(profile.username) } break case 'mattermost': photo = profile.avatarUrl if (photo) { if (bigger) photo = photo.replace(/(\?s=)\d*$/i, '$1400') else photo = photo.replace(/(\?s=)\d*$/i, '$196') } else { photo = generateAvatarURL(profile.username) } break case 'dropbox': photo = generateAvatarURL('', profile.emails[0].value, bigger) break case 'google': photo = profile.photos[0].value if (bigger) photo = photo.replace(/(\?sz=)\d*$/i, '$1400') else photo = photo.replace(/(\?sz=)\d*$/i, '$196') break case 'ldap': photo = generateAvatarURL(profile.username, profile.emails[0], bigger) break case 'saml': photo = generateAvatarURL(profile.username, profile.emails[0], bigger) break } return photo }, parseProfileByEmail: function (email) { return { name: email.substring(0, email.lastIndexOf('@')), photo: generateAvatarURL('', email, false), biggerphoto: generateAvatarURL('', email, true) } } } }) function updatePasswordHashHook (user, options, done) { // suggested way to hash passwords to be able to do this asynchronously: // @see https://github.com/sequelize/sequelize/issues/1821#issuecomment-44265819 if (!user.changed('password')) { return done() } scrypt.kdf(user.getDataValue('password'), { logN: 15 }).then(keyBuf => { user.setDataValue('password', keyBuf.toString('hex')) done() }) } User.beforeCreate(updatePasswordHashHook) User.beforeUpdate(updatePasswordHashHook) return User }