/**! * Google Drive File Picker Example * By Daniel Lo Nigro (http://dan.cx/) */ (function() { /** * Initialise a Google Driver file picker */ var FilePicker = window.FilePicker = function(options) { // Config this.apiKey = options.apiKey; this.clientId = options.clientId; // Elements this.buttonEl = options.buttonEl; // Events this.onSelect = options.onSelect; this.buttonEl.on('click', this.open.bind(this)); // Disable the button until the API loads, as it won't work properly until then. this.buttonEl.prop('disabled', true); // Load the drive API gapi.client.setApiKey(this.apiKey); gapi.client.load('drive', 'v2', this._driveApiLoaded.bind(this)); google.load('picker', '1', { callback: this._pickerApiLoaded.bind(this) }); } FilePicker.prototype = { /** * Open the file picker. */ open: function() { // Check if the user has already authenticated var token = gapi.auth.getToken(); if (token) { this._showPicker(); } else { // The user has not yet authenticated with Google // We need to do the authentication before displaying the Drive picker. this._doAuth(false, function() { this._showPicker(); }.bind(this)); } }, /** * Show the file picker once authentication has been done. * @private */ _showPicker: function() { var accessToken = gapi.auth.getToken().access_token; var view = new google.picker.DocsView(); view.setMimeTypes("text/markdown,text/html"); view.setIncludeFolders(true); this.picker = new google.picker.PickerBuilder(). enableFeature(google.picker.Feature.NAV_HIDDEN). addView(view). setAppId(this.clientId). setOAuthToken(accessToken). setCallback(this._pickerCallback.bind(this)). build(). setVisible(true); }, /** * Called when a file has been selected in the Google Drive file picker. * @private */ _pickerCallback: function(data) { if (data[google.picker.Response.ACTION] == google.picker.Action.PICKED) { var file = data[google.picker.Response.DOCUMENTS][0], id = file[google.picker.Document.ID], request = gapi.client.drive.files.get({ fileId: id }); request.execute(this._fileGetCallback.bind(this)); } }, /** * Called when file details have been retrieved from Google Drive. * @private */ _fileGetCallback: function(file) { if (this.onSelect) { this.onSelect(file); } }, /** * Called when the Google Drive file picker API has finished loading. * @private */ _pickerApiLoaded: function() { this.buttonEl.prop('disabled', false); }, /** * Called when the Google Drive API has finished loading. * @private */ _driveApiLoaded: function() { this._doAuth(true); }, /** * Authenticate with Google Drive via the Google JavaScript API. * @private */ _doAuth: function(immediate, callback) { gapi.auth.authorize({ client_id: this.clientId, scope: 'https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.readonly', immediate: immediate }, callback ? callback : function() {}); } }; }());