* Add documentation about integration with AD LDAP
* Add `rel="noopener"` to all links
* Add documentation about integration with Nextcloud for authentication
* Update URL on frontpage to point to codimd.org
* Replace Fontawesome with Forkawesome
* Add OpenID support
* Add print icon to slide view
* Add auto-complete for language names that are highlighted in codeblocks
* Improve translations for Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italien, Korean, Polish, and Russian language
* Add Download action to published document API
* Add reset password feature to `manage_users` script
* Move from own `./tmp` directory to system temp directory
* Add Etherpad migration guide
* Move XSS library to a more native position
* Use full version string to determine changes from the backend
* Update winston (logging library)
* Use slide preview in slide example
* Improve migration handling
* Update reveal.js to version 3.7.0
* Replace scrypt library with its successor
* Replace `to-markdown` with `turndown` (successor library)
* Update socket.io
* Add warning on missing base URL
* Update bootstrap to version 3.4.0
* Update handlebar
* Fix paths in GitLab documentation
* Fix missing `data:` URL in CSP
* Fix oAuth2 name/label field
* Fix GitLab API integration
* Fix auto-completed but not rendered emojis
* Fix menu organization depending on enabled services
* Fix some logging in the OT module
* Fix some unhandled internalOAuthError exception
* Fix unwanted creation of robots.txt document in "freeurl-mode"
* Fix some links on index page to lead to the right sections on feature page
* Fix document breaking, empty headlines
* Fix wrong multiplication for HSTS header seconds
* Fix wrong subdirectories in exported user data
* Fix CSP for speaker notes
* Fix CSP for disqus
* Fix URL API usage
* Fix Gist embedding
* Fix upload provider error message
* Fix unescaped disqus user names
* Fix SAML vulnerability
* Fix link to SAML guide
* Fix deep dependency problem with node 6.x
* Fix broken PDF export by wrong unlink call
* Fix possible XSS attack in MathJax
* Refactor to use `ws` instead of the the no longer supported `uws`
* Refactor frontend build system to use webpack version 4
* Refactor file path configuration (views, uploads, …)
* Refactor `manage_users` script
* Refactor handling of template variables
* Refactor linting to use eslint
* Remove no longer working Octicons
* Remove links to our old Gitter channel
* Remove unused library node-uuid
* Remove unneeded blueimp-md5 dependency
* Remove speakerdeck due to broken implementation
* Adam.emts (translator)
* [Alex Garcia](https://github.com/asg017)
* [Cédric Couralet (micedre)](https://github.com/micedre)
* [Claudius Coenen](https://github.com/ccoenen)
* [Daan Sprenkels](https://github.com/dsprenkels)
* [David Mehren](https://github.com/davidmehren)
* [Erona](https://github.com/Eronana)
* [Felix Yan](https://github.com/felixonmars)
* [Jonathan](https://github.com/phrix32)
* Jong-kai Yang (translator)
* [MartB](https://github.com/MartB)
* [Max Wu (jackycute)](https://github.com/jackycute)
* [mcnesium](https://github.com/mcnesium)
* Nullnine (translator)
* RanoIP (translator)
* [SuNbiT](https://github.com/sunbit)
* Sylke Vicious (translator)
* Timothee (translator)
* [WilliButz](https://github.com/WilliButz)
* [Xaver Maierhofer](https://github.com/xf-)
* [云屿](https://github.com/cloudyu)
Merge tag '1.3.0' into DepauMD
* Run db migrations on `npm start`
* Add documentation about integration with AD LDAP
* Add `rel="noopener"` to all links
* Add documentation about integration with Nextcloud for authentication
* Update URL on frontpage to point to codimd.org
* Replace Fontawesome with Forkawesome
* Add OpenID support
* Add print icon to slide view
* Add auto-complete for language names that are highlighted in codeblocks
* Improve translations for Chinese, Dutch, French, German, Italien, Korean, Polish, and Russian language
* Add Download action to published document API
* Add reset password feature to `manage_users` script
* Move from own `./tmp` directory to system temp directory
* Add Etherpad migration guide
* Move XSS library to a more native position
* Use full version string to determine changes from the backend
* Update winston (logging library)
* Use slide preview in slide example
* Improve migration handling
* Update reveal.js to version 3.7.0
* Replace scrypt library with its successor
* Replace `to-markdown` with `turndown` (successor library)
* Update socket.io
* Add warning on missing base URL
* Update bootstrap to version 3.4.0
* Update handlebar
* Fix paths in GitLab documentation
* Fix missing `data:` URL in CSP
* Fix oAuth2 name/label field
* Fix GitLab API integration
* Fix auto-completed but not rendered emojis
* Fix menu organization depending on enabled services
* Fix some logging in the OT module
* Fix some unhandled internalOAuthError exception
* Fix unwanted creation of robots.txt document in "freeurl-mode"
* Fix some links on index page to lead to the right sections on feature page
* Fix document breaking, empty headlines
* Fix wrong multiplication for HSTS header seconds
* Fix wrong subdirectories in exported user data
* Fix CSP for speaker notes
* Fix CSP for disqus
* Fix URL API usage
* Fix Gist embedding
* Fix upload provider error message
* Fix unescaped disqus user names
* Fix SAML vulnerability
* Fix link to SAML guide
* Fix deep dependency problem with node 6.x
* Fix broken PDF export by wrong unlink call
* Fix possible XSS attack in MathJax
* Refactor to use `ws` instead of the the no longer supported `uws`
* Refactor frontend build system to use webpack version 4
* Refactor file path configuration (views, uploads, …)
* Refactor `manage_users` script
* Refactor handling of template variables
* Refactor linting to use eslint
* Remove no longer working Octicons
* Remove links to our old Gitter channel
* Remove unused library node-uuid
* Remove unneeded blueimp-md5 dependency
* Remove speakerdeck due to broken implementation
* Adam.emts (translator)
* [Alex Garcia](https://github.com/asg017)
* [Cédric Couralet (micedre)](https://github.com/micedre)
* [Claudius Coenen](https://github.com/ccoenen)
* [Daan Sprenkels](https://github.com/dsprenkels)
* [David Mehren](https://github.com/davidmehren)
* [Erona](https://github.com/Eronana)
* [Felix Yan](https://github.com/felixonmars)
* [Jonathan](https://github.com/phrix32)
* Jong-kai Yang (translator)
* [MartB](https://github.com/MartB)
* [Max Wu (jackycute)](https://github.com/jackycute)
* [mcnesium](https://github.com/mcnesium)
* Nullnine (translator)
* RanoIP (translator)
* [SuNbiT](https://github.com/sunbit)
* Sylke Vicious (translator)
* Timothee (translator)
* [WilliButz](https://github.com/WilliButz)
* [Xaver Maierhofer](https://github.com/xf-)
* [云屿](https://github.com/cloudyu)
Seems like ids in Firefox are case sensitive. So linking in the current
way fails.
This patch fixes the links by using the exact matching version of the
titles on the features page.
Signed-off-by: Sheogorath <sheogorath@shivering-isles.com>
Currently we only provide the version from `package.json`. This means
that during updates of instances, e.g. the demo instance, which runs
latest master instead of a stable release, changes are not reflected to
the webclient.
This patch adds a fullversion string that contains the current commit
and this way makes that clients are notified about changes.
Signed-off-by: Sheogorath <sheogorath@shivering-isles.com>
This patch replaces font-awesome with its fork called fork-awesome.
Besides the fact that the newer versions of font-awesome can't be
shipped with distros like debian due to license issues, fork-awesome
also provides more FOSS related icons and builds on top of version 4.7.x
of font-awesome, which we used until this patch.
Signed-off-by: Sheogorath <sheogorath@shivering-isles.com>
The noopener construct protects from some nasty clickjacking attacks. We
can apply them savely to all our links since we don't rely on the
previously used page.
Some more details: https://mathiasbynens.github.io/rel-noopener/
Signed-off-by: Sheogorath <sheogorath@shivering-isles.com>
Removing copyrigt sign since we are not copyrighting things.
Changing hackmd.io to codimd.org since HackMD is more and more dividing
from CodiMD and may brings up wrong expectations.
Signed-off-by: Sheogorath <sheogorath@shivering-isles.com>
We broke the follow us before by removing Facebook and Twitter. Adding
POEditor should fix it and help to attract new translators.
Signed-off-by: Sheogorath <sheogorath@shivering-isles.com>
We don't support it on CDN false instances, but it doesn't hurt to keep
it in for CDN-enabled instances
Signed-off-by: Sheogorath <sheogorath@shivering-isles.com>
This translation was contributed via POEditor by the user Basix.
Thanks a lot for your work!
Signed-off-by: Sheogorath <sheogorath@shivering-isles.com>
This adds the UI for the export feature introduced in
It allows to download all notes from the main page in the default user
Signed-off-by: Sheogorath <sheogorath@shivering-isles.com>
In the current setup users could be tricked into deleting their data by
providing a malicious link like `[click me](/me/delete)`. This commit
prevents such an easy attack and need the user's deleteToken to get his
data deleted. In case someone requests his deletion by email you can
also ask him for this token.
We can add a GUI that shows it later on.
Signed-off-by: Sheogorath <sheogorath@shivering-isles.com>
This provides the UI for the delete user feature introduced in
Placing of the user delete button is not perfect, but can be moved to an
own user tab later on.
Signed-off-by: Sheogorath <sheogorath@shivering-isles.com>
To be GDPR compliant we need to provide privacy statement. These should
be linked on the index page. So as soon as a document exist under
`public/docs/privacy.md` the link will show up.
Since we already add legal links, we also add Terms of Use, which will
show up as soon as `public/docs/terms-of-use.md` exists.
This should allow everyone to provide the legal documents they need for
GDPR and other privacy and business laws.
Signed-off-by: Sheogorath <sheogorath@shivering-isles.com>