package import android.content.Intent import android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice import import android.util.Log import com.github.mjdev.libaums.UsbMassStorageDevice import eu.depau.etchdroid.kotlin_exts.getFileName import eu.depau.etchdroid.kotlin_exts.getFileSize import import java.nio.ByteBuffer class UsbAPIWriteService : UsbWriteService("UsbAPIWriteService") { // 512 * 32 bytes = USB max transfer size val DD_BLOCKSIZE = 512 * 32 * 64 // 1 MB class Action { val WRITE_IMAGE = "eu.depau.etchdroid.action.API_WRITE_IMAGE" val WRITE_CANCEL = "eu.depau.etchdroid.action.API_WRITE_CANCEL" } private fun getUsbMSDevice(usbDevice: UsbDevice): UsbMassStorageDevice? { val msDevs = UsbMassStorageDevice.getMassStorageDevices(this) for (dev in msDevs) { if (dev.usbDevice == usbDevice) return dev } return null } override fun writeImage(intent: Intent): Long { val uri: Uri =!! val usbDevice: UsbDevice = intent.getParcelableExtra("usbDevice") val msDev = getUsbMSDevice(usbDevice)!! msDev.init() val blockDev = msDev.blockDevice val bsFactor = DD_BLOCKSIZE / blockDev.blockSize val byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(blockDev.blockSize * bsFactor) val imageSize = uri.getFileSize(this) val inputStream = contentResolver.openInputStream(uri)!! val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() var readBytes: Int var offset = 0L var writtenBytes: Long = 0 try { while (true) { wakeLock(true) readBytes =!!) if (readBytes < 0) break byteBuffer.position(0) blockDev.write(offset, byteBuffer) offset += bsFactor writtenBytes += readBytes updateNotification(, uri.getFileName(this), offset * blockDev.blockSize, imageSize) } resultNotification(, uri.getFileName(this)!!, true, writtenBytes, startTime) } catch (e: Exception) { resultNotification(, uri.getFileName(this)!!, false, writtenBytes, startTime) Log.e(TAG, "Could't write image to ${}") throw e } finally { wakeLock(false) msDev.close() } Log.d(TAG, "Written $writtenBytes bytes to ${} using API") return writtenBytes } }