package import android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice import import import import import eu.depau.etchdroid.kotlin_exts.getBinary import eu.depau.etchdroid.kotlin_exts.getFileName import eu.depau.etchdroid.kotlin_exts.getFileSize import import import import java.util.concurrent.Executors import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException val plistRegex = Regex("\\s*partition (\\d+): begin=(\\d+), size=(\\d+), decoded=(\\d+), firstsector=(\\d+), sectorcount=(\\d+), blocksruncount=(\\d+)\\s*") //val progressRegex = Regex("\\[?(\\d+)]\\s+(\\d+[.,]\\d+)%") class UsbApiDmgWriteService : UsbApiWriteService("UsbApiDmgWriteService") { val SECTOR_SIZE = 512 private lateinit var uri: Uri private lateinit var process: Process private lateinit var errReader: BufferedReader private var bytesTotal = 0 private var readTimeLimiter: TimeLimiter = SimpleTimeLimiter.create(Executors.newCachedThreadPool()) override fun getSendProgress(usbDevice: UsbDevice, uri: Uri): (Long) -> Unit { val imageSize = uri.getFileSize(this) return { bytes -> // asyncReadProcessProgress() try { readTimeLimiter.callWithTimeout({ val byteArray = ByteArray(128) System.err.write(byteArray) }, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) } catch (e: TimeoutException) { } catch (e: UncheckedTimeoutException) { } val perc = if (bytesTotal == 0) -1 else (bytes.toDouble() / bytesTotal.toDouble() * 100).toInt() updateNotification(, uri.getFileName(this), bytes, perc) } } // // fun asyncReadProcessProgress() { // val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis() // var c: Int // val charArray = CharArray(20) // // try { // while (System.currentTimeMillis() < startTime + 50) { // // Skip everything until the first backspace // do // c = readTimeLimiter.callWithTimeout(errReader::read, 50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) // while (c.toChar() != '\b' && c != -1) // // Skip all backspaces // do // c = readTimeLimiter.callWithTimeout(errReader::read, 50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) // while (c.toChar() == '\b' && c != -1) // // // Read the stream // readTimeLimiter.callWithTimeout({}, 50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS) // val match = progressRegex.find(String(charArray)) ?: continue // val (blocksruncurStr, percStr) = match.destructured // val blocksruncur = blocksruncurStr.toInt() // // blocksrun += blocksruncur // // if (blocksruncur >= blocksrunLast) // blocksrun -= blocksrunLast // // blocksrunLast = blocksruncur // } // } catch (e: TimeoutException) { // } catch (e: UncheckedTimeoutException) { // } // } override fun getInputStream(uri: Uri): InputStream { this.uri = uri val pb = ProcessBuilder(getBinary("dmg2img").path, "-v", uri.path, "-") pb.environment()["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = applicationInfo.nativeLibraryDir process = pb.start() errReader = process.errorStream.bufferedReader() // Read blocksruncount var matched = false var lastSector = 0 while (true) { val line = errReader.readLine() ?: break val match = plistRegex.find(line) ?: if (matched) break else continue matched = true val (begin, size, decoded, firstsector, sectorcount, blocksruncount) = match.destructured val partLastSector = firstsector.toInt() + sectorcount.toInt() if (partLastSector > lastSector) lastSector = partLastSector } bytesTotal = lastSector * SECTOR_SIZE return process.inputStream } }