# EtchDroid ![EtchDroid](pictures/playstore_banner.png) EtchDroid is an open-source application that helps you write images to USB drives, no root required. You can use it to make a bootable GNU/Linux USB drive when your laptop is dead and you're in the middle of nowhere. [Download from Google Play](https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.depau.etchdroid) (soon on F-Droid) ## Features - Supports raw disk images and most GNU/Linux distributions ISOs - Supports most DMG disk images (beta) - No root - everything is done within the bounds of the Android API - Free as in freedom ## Planned features: - Write common GNU/Linux distro in streaming from the Internet without storing it on the device - Support for Windows installation ISO (will likely require root) - Support for Unetbootin-style image flashing