Fork 0

Implement writing macOS DMG images

This commit is contained in:
Davide Depau 2018-08-17 21:51:13 +02:00
parent c6a5c42a1b
commit 90e994c6ca
7 changed files with 275 additions and 97 deletions

View file

@ -10,7 +10,8 @@ import eu.depau.etchdroid.StateKeeper
import eu.depau.etchdroid.enums.FlashMethod import eu.depau.etchdroid.enums.FlashMethod
import eu.depau.etchdroid.enums.WizardStep import eu.depau.etchdroid.enums.WizardStep
import eu.depau.etchdroid.kotlin_exts.* import eu.depau.etchdroid.kotlin_exts.*
import eu.depau.etchdroid.services.UsbAPIWriteService import eu.depau.etchdroid.services.UsbApiDmgWriteService
import eu.depau.etchdroid.services.UsbApiImgWriteService
import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.fragment_confirminfo.view.* import kotlinx.android.synthetic.main.fragment_confirminfo.view.*
import java.io.IOException import java.io.IOException
@ -29,7 +30,12 @@ class ConfirmInfoFragment : WizardFragment() {
context?.toast("Check notification for progress") context?.toast("Check notification for progress")
val intent = Intent(activity, UsbAPIWriteService::class.java) val intent: Intent = when (StateKeeper.flashMethod) {
FlashMethod.FLASH_API -> Intent(activity, UsbApiImgWriteService::class.java)
FlashMethod.FLASH_DMG_API -> Intent(activity, UsbApiDmgWriteService::class.java)
else -> null!!
intent.setDataAndType(StateKeeper.imageFile, "application/octet-stream") intent.setDataAndType(StateKeeper.imageFile, "application/octet-stream")
intent.putExtra("usbDevice", StateKeeper.usbDevice) intent.putExtra("usbDevice", StateKeeper.usbDevice)
activity?.startService(intent) activity?.startService(intent)

View file

@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
package eu.depau.etchdroid.services
import android.content.Intent
import android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice
import android.net.Uri
import android.util.Log
import com.github.mjdev.libaums.UsbMassStorageDevice
import eu.depau.etchdroid.kotlin_exts.getFileName
import eu.depau.etchdroid.kotlin_exts.getFileSize
import eu.depau.etchdroid.kotlin_exts.name
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
class UsbAPIWriteService : UsbWriteService("UsbAPIWriteService") {
// 512 * 32 bytes = USB max transfer size
val DD_BLOCKSIZE = 512 * 32 * 64 // 1 MB
class Action {
val WRITE_IMAGE = "eu.depau.etchdroid.action.API_WRITE_IMAGE"
val WRITE_CANCEL = "eu.depau.etchdroid.action.API_WRITE_CANCEL"
private fun getUsbMSDevice(usbDevice: UsbDevice): UsbMassStorageDevice? {
val msDevs = UsbMassStorageDevice.getMassStorageDevices(this)
for (dev in msDevs) {
if (dev.usbDevice == usbDevice)
return dev
return null
override fun writeImage(intent: Intent): Long {
val uri: Uri = intent.data!!
val usbDevice: UsbDevice = intent.getParcelableExtra("usbDevice")
val msDev = getUsbMSDevice(usbDevice)!!
val blockDev = msDev.blockDevice
val bsFactor = DD_BLOCKSIZE / blockDev.blockSize
val byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(blockDev.blockSize * bsFactor)
val imageSize = uri.getFileSize(this)
val inputStream = contentResolver.openInputStream(uri)!!
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
var readBytes: Int
var offset = 0L
var writtenBytes: Long = 0
try {
while (true) {
readBytes = inputStream.read(byteBuffer.array()!!)
if (readBytes < 0)
blockDev.write(offset, byteBuffer)
offset += bsFactor
writtenBytes += readBytes
updateNotification(usbDevice.name, uri.getFileName(this), offset * blockDev.blockSize, imageSize)
resultNotification(usbDevice.name, uri.getFileName(this)!!, true, writtenBytes, startTime)
} catch (e: Exception) {
resultNotification(usbDevice.name, uri.getFileName(this)!!, false, writtenBytes, startTime)
Log.e(TAG, "Could't write image to ${usbDevice.name}")
throw e
} finally {
Log.d(TAG, "Written $writtenBytes bytes to ${usbDevice.name} using API")
return writtenBytes

View file

@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
package eu.depau.etchdroid.services
import android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice
import android.net.Uri
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.SimpleTimeLimiter
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.TimeLimiter
import com.google.common.util.concurrent.UncheckedTimeoutException
import eu.depau.etchdroid.kotlin_exts.getBinary
import eu.depau.etchdroid.kotlin_exts.getFileName
import eu.depau.etchdroid.kotlin_exts.getFileSize
import eu.depau.etchdroid.kotlin_exts.name
import java.io.BufferedReader
import java.io.InputStream
import java.util.concurrent.Executors
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
val plistRegex = Regex("\\s*partition (\\d+): begin=(\\d+), size=(\\d+), decoded=(\\d+), firstsector=(\\d+), sectorcount=(\\d+), blocksruncount=(\\d+)\\s*")
//val progressRegex = Regex("\\[?(\\d+)]\\s+(\\d+[.,]\\d+)%")
class UsbApiDmgWriteService : UsbApiWriteService("UsbApiDmgWriteService") {
val SECTOR_SIZE = 512
private lateinit var uri: Uri
private lateinit var process: Process
private lateinit var errReader: BufferedReader
private var bytesTotal = 0
private var readTimeLimiter: TimeLimiter = SimpleTimeLimiter.create(Executors.newCachedThreadPool())
override fun getSendProgress(usbDevice: UsbDevice, uri: Uri): (Long) -> Unit {
val imageSize = uri.getFileSize(this)
return { bytes ->
// asyncReadProcessProgress()
try {
val byteArray = ByteArray(128)
}, 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
} catch (e: TimeoutException) {
} catch (e: UncheckedTimeoutException) {
val perc = if (bytesTotal == 0)
(bytes.toDouble() / bytesTotal.toDouble() * 100).toInt()
updateNotification(usbDevice.name, uri.getFileName(this), bytes, perc)
// fun asyncReadProcessProgress() {
// val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
// var c: Int
// val charArray = CharArray(20)
// try {
// while (System.currentTimeMillis() < startTime + 50) {
// // Skip everything until the first backspace
// do
// c = readTimeLimiter.callWithTimeout(errReader::read, 50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
// while (c.toChar() != '\b' && c != -1)
// // Skip all backspaces
// do
// c = readTimeLimiter.callWithTimeout(errReader::read, 50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
// while (c.toChar() == '\b' && c != -1)
// // Read the stream
// readTimeLimiter.callWithTimeout({errReader.read(charArray)}, 50, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)
// val match = progressRegex.find(String(charArray)) ?: continue
// val (blocksruncurStr, percStr) = match.destructured
// val blocksruncur = blocksruncurStr.toInt()
// blocksrun += blocksruncur
// if (blocksruncur >= blocksrunLast)
// blocksrun -= blocksrunLast
// blocksrunLast = blocksruncur
// }
// } catch (e: TimeoutException) {
// } catch (e: UncheckedTimeoutException) {
// }
// }
override fun getInputStream(uri: Uri): InputStream {
this.uri = uri
val pb = ProcessBuilder(getBinary("dmg2img").path, "-v", uri.path, "-")
pb.environment()["LD_LIBRARY_PATH"] = applicationInfo.nativeLibraryDir
process = pb.start()
errReader = process.errorStream.bufferedReader()
// Read blocksruncount
var matched = false
var lastSector = 0
while (true) {
val line = errReader.readLine() ?: break
val match = plistRegex.find(line) ?: if (matched) break else continue
matched = true
val (begin, size, decoded, firstsector, sectorcount, blocksruncount) = match.destructured
val partLastSector = firstsector.toInt() + sectorcount.toInt()
if (partLastSector > lastSector)
lastSector = partLastSector
bytesTotal = lastSector * SECTOR_SIZE
return process.inputStream

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
package eu.depau.etchdroid.services
import android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice
import android.net.Uri
import eu.depau.etchdroid.kotlin_exts.getFileName
import eu.depau.etchdroid.kotlin_exts.getFileSize
import eu.depau.etchdroid.kotlin_exts.name
import java.io.InputStream
class UsbApiImgWriteService : UsbApiWriteService("UsbApiImgWriteService") {
override fun getSendProgress(usbDevice: UsbDevice, uri: Uri): (Long) -> Unit {
val imageSize = uri.getFileSize(this)
return { bytes ->
updateNotification(usbDevice.name, uri.getFileName(this), bytes, (bytes.toFloat() / imageSize * 100).toInt())
override fun getInputStream(uri: Uri): InputStream {
return contentResolver.openInputStream(uri)!!

View file

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
package eu.depau.etchdroid.services
import android.content.Intent
import android.hardware.usb.UsbDevice
import android.net.Uri
import android.util.Log
import com.github.mjdev.libaums.UsbMassStorageDevice
import eu.depau.etchdroid.kotlin_exts.getFileName
import eu.depau.etchdroid.kotlin_exts.name
import java.io.BufferedInputStream
import java.io.InputStream
import java.nio.ByteBuffer
abstract class UsbApiWriteService(name: String) : UsbWriteService(name) {
// 512 * 32 bytes = USB max transfer size
val DD_BLOCKSIZE = 512 * 32 * 64 // 1 MB
class Action {
val WRITE_IMAGE = "eu.depau.etchdroid.action.API_WRITE_IMAGE"
val WRITE_CANCEL = "eu.depau.etchdroid.action.API_WRITE_CANCEL"
abstract fun getSendProgress(usbDevice: UsbDevice, uri: Uri): (Long) -> Unit
abstract fun getInputStream(uri: Uri): InputStream
private fun getUsbMSDevice(usbDevice: UsbDevice): UsbMassStorageDevice? {
val msDevs = UsbMassStorageDevice.getMassStorageDevices(this)
for (dev in msDevs) {
if (dev.usbDevice == usbDevice)
return dev
return null
fun writeInputStream(inputStream: InputStream, msDev: UsbMassStorageDevice, sendProgress: (Long) -> Unit): Long {
val blockDev = msDev.blockDevice
val bsFactor = DD_BLOCKSIZE / blockDev.blockSize
val buffIS = BufferedInputStream(inputStream)
val byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.allocate(blockDev.blockSize * bsFactor)
var lastReadBytes: Int
var readBytes = 0
var readBlocksBytes = 0
var offset = 0L
var writtenBytes: Long = 0
var remaining = 0
while (true) {
lastReadBytes = buffIS.read(byteBuffer.array()!!, remaining, byteBuffer.array().size - remaining)
if (lastReadBytes < 0 && readBytes > 0) {
// EOF, pad with some extra bits until next block
if (readBytes % blockDev.blockSize > 0)
readBytes += blockDev.blockSize - (readBytes % blockDev.blockSize)
} else if (lastReadBytes < 0) {
// EOF, we've already written everything
} else {
readBytes += lastReadBytes
// Ensure written content size is a multiple of the block size
remaining = readBytes % blockDev.blockSize
readBlocksBytes = readBytes - remaining
// Write the buffer to the device
blockDev.write(offset, byteBuffer)
offset += (readBlocksBytes) / blockDev.blockSize
writtenBytes += readBlocksBytes
// Copy remaining bytes to the beginning of the buffer
for (i in 0 until remaining)
byteBuffer.array()[i] = byteBuffer.array()[readBlocksBytes + i]
readBytes = remaining
return writtenBytes
override fun writeImage(intent: Intent): Long {
val uri: Uri = intent.data!!
val inputStream = getInputStream(uri)
val usbDevice: UsbDevice = intent.getParcelableExtra("usbDevice")
val msDev = getUsbMSDevice(usbDevice)!!
val sendProgress = getSendProgress(usbDevice, uri)
val startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
var writtenBytes: Long = 0
try {
writtenBytes = writeInputStream(inputStream, msDev, sendProgress)
resultNotification(usbDevice.name, uri.getFileName(this)!!, true, writtenBytes, startTime)
} catch (e: Exception) {
resultNotification(usbDevice.name, uri.getFileName(this)!!, false, writtenBytes, startTime)
Log.e(TAG, "Could't write image to ${usbDevice.name}")
throw e
} finally {
Log.d(TAG, "Written $writtenBytes bytes to ${usbDevice.name} using API")
return writtenBytes

View file

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import android.support.v4.app.NotificationCompat
import eu.depau.etchdroid.R import eu.depau.etchdroid.R
import eu.depau.etchdroid.kotlin_exts.toHRSize import eu.depau.etchdroid.kotlin_exts.toHRSize
import eu.depau.etchdroid.kotlin_exts.toHRTime import eu.depau.etchdroid.kotlin_exts.toHRTime
import kotlin.math.max
abstract class UsbWriteService(name: String) : IntentService(name) { abstract class UsbWriteService(name: String) : IntentService(name) {
@ -30,7 +31,7 @@ abstract class UsbWriteService(name: String) : IntentService(name) {
private val WL_TIMEOUT = 10 * 60 * 1000L private val WL_TIMEOUT = 10 * 60 * 1000L
override fun onHandleIntent(intent: Intent?) { override fun onHandleIntent(intent: Intent?) {
startForeground(FOREGROUND_ID, buildForegroundNotification(null, null, -1, -1)) startForeground(FOREGROUND_ID, buildForegroundNotification(null, null, -1))
try { try {
writeImage(intent!!) writeImage(intent!!)
@ -73,20 +74,18 @@ abstract class UsbWriteService(name: String) : IntentService(name) {
NotificationCompat.Builder(this) NotificationCompat.Builder(this)
} }
fun updateNotification(usbDevice: String, filename: String?, bytes: Long, total: Long) { fun updateNotification(usbDevice: String, filename: String?, bytes: Long, progr: Int) {
// Notification rate limiting // Notification rate limiting
val time = System.currentTimeMillis() val time = System.currentTimeMillis()
if (time <= prevTime + 1000) if (time <= prevTime + 1000)
return return
val speed = ((bytes - prevBytes).toDouble() / (time - prevTime).toDouble() * 1000).toHRSize() val speed = max((bytes - prevBytes).toDouble() / (time - prevTime).toDouble() * 1000, 0.0).toHRSize()
prevTime = time prevTime = time
prevBytes = bytes prevBytes = bytes
val perc: Int = (bytes.toDouble() / total * 100.0).toInt()
val notificationManager = getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager val notificationManager = getSystemService(NOTIFICATION_SERVICE) as NotificationManager
notificationManager.notify(FOREGROUND_ID, buildForegroundNotification(usbDevice, filename, bytes, total, "$perc% • $speed/s")) notificationManager.notify(FOREGROUND_ID, buildForegroundNotification(usbDevice, filename, progr, "$progr% • $speed/s"))
} }
fun resultNotification(usbDevice: String, filename: String, success: Boolean, bytes: Long = 0, startTime: Long = 0) { fun resultNotification(usbDevice: String, filename: String, success: Boolean, bytes: Long = 0, startTime: Long = 0) {
@ -102,7 +101,7 @@ abstract class UsbWriteService(name: String) : IntentService(name) {
.setContentText("$usbDevice may have been unplugged while writing.") .setContentText("$usbDevice may have been unplugged while writing.")
.setSubText(dt.toHRTime()) .setSubText(dt.toHRTime())
else { else {
val speed = (bytes.toDouble() / dt.toDouble() * 1000).toHRSize() + "/s" val speed = max(bytes.toDouble() / dt.toDouble() * 1000, 0.0).toHRSize() + "/s"
b.setContentTitle("Write finished") b.setContentTitle("Write finished")
.setContentText("$filename successfully written to $usbDevice") .setContentText("$filename successfully written to $usbDevice")
.setSubText("${dt.toHRTime()}${bytes.toHRSize()}$speed") .setSubText("${dt.toHRTime()}${bytes.toHRSize()}$speed")
@ -114,23 +113,23 @@ abstract class UsbWriteService(name: String) : IntentService(name) {
notificationManager.notify(RESULT_NOTIFICATION_ID, b.build()) notificationManager.notify(RESULT_NOTIFICATION_ID, b.build())
} }
fun buildForegroundNotification(usbDevice: String?, filename: String?, bytes: Long, total: Long, subText: String? = null): Notification { fun buildForegroundNotification(usbDevice: String?, filename: String?, progr: Int, subText: String? = null, title: String = getString(R.string.notif_writing_img)): Notification {
val progr: Int
val indet: Boolean val indet: Boolean
val prog: Int
if (total < 0) { if (progr < 0) {
progr = 0 prog = 0
indet = true indet = true
} else { } else {
progr = (bytes.toFloat() / total * 100).toInt() prog = progr
indet = false indet = false
} }
val b = getNotificationBuilder() val b = getNotificationBuilder()
b.setContentTitle(getString(R.string.notif_writing_img)) b.setContentTitle(title)
.setOngoing(true) .setOngoing(true)
.setProgress(100, progr, indet) .setProgress(100, prog, indet)
if (usbDevice != null && filename != null) if (usbDevice != null && filename != null)
b.setContentText("${filename} to $usbDevice") b.setContentText("${filename} to $usbDevice")

@ -1 +1 @@
Subproject commit 1d7529285a7bdeb4f1eb158d9305494d682e323d Subproject commit fd3763bb07aa06c9b56b3f6d632d475d59f41433